525 research outputs found

    La red de conocimiento en una universidad con sistema de prácticas profesionales y servicio social tecnológico-administrativo

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es interpretar los discursos de docentes respecto a la evolución de su red de conocimiento. A partir de tres catego-rías; planificación estratégica, gestión de alianzas y práctica profesional, se construyeron preguntas abiertas y el análisis de las respuestas. Los resultados muestran dos prospectivas de conocimiento: especialización y simulación. La primera alude a la confianza, identidad, conflicto, creatividad e innovación. La segunda supone desconfianza, desarraigo y conformi-dad. Ambos, al ser interpretados a la luz de la Teoría de las Redes de Conocimiento (TRC), evidencian a la discrecionalidad docente como una evaluación sesgada del sistema de prácticas profesionales. Tales hallazgos, contribuyen al análisis de las redes de conocimiento como el resultado de procesos psicosociales de categorización, comparación, identidad, representación y actitud relativas al endogrupo docente y al exogrupo administrativo-estudiantil: principales actores de las redes de conocimiento

    Emociones de inseguridad determinantes de la desconfianza hacia la autoridad pública

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    En virtud de que los estudios de las emociones relativas a la inseguridad han asentado asociaciones directas, positivas y significativas con la evaluación de políticas de prevención del delito o combate a la delincuencia, el objetivo de este análisis fue establecer las relaciones entre factores emocionales y evaluaciones de la procuración de justicia. Para tal propósito, se utilizó una muestra no probabilística de 170 habitantes de una comunidad. Se estimó la confia-bilidad y la validez de cinco inventarios que midieron ansiedad, preocupación, enojo y miedo a eventos cotidianos de inseguridad, así como desconfianza hacia las autoridades. A partir de un modelo estructural y parámetros de dependencia, ajuste y residuales (X2 = 1.0808, 3 gl, p = .613, gfi = .984, agfi = .921, nfi = .867, rmr = .058, rmsea = .090), se aceptaron nueve de once hipótesis, de las cuales sólo la relación entre ansiedad y enojo, así como miedo y desconfianza se consideraron espurias, aunque la preocupación determinó la desconfianza (β = .26). Los resultados fueron discutidos con los hallazgos reportados por la literatura

    Validez de constructo de una escala para medir la satisfacción laboral de profesores de una universidad pública en México durante la COVID-19

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    Until May 2021, six and a half million deaths had been directly and indirectly associated with COVID-19. This pandemic has impacted the traditional classroom by transferring it to online environments. The objective of this study was to establish the construct validity of an instrument that measures professors’ job satisfaction. A cross-sectional psychometric study was carried out with a selection of 100 professors from public universities in central Mexico. Three main factors were found to explain 56% of the total variance: information need, perceived usefulness, and technology adoption. Although the research design limited the results to the study setting, suggesting the extension of the work towards validity and convergent of the construct.Hasta mayo de 2021 se reportaron seis millones y medio de muertes relacionadas directa e indirectamente con la COVID-19. Esta pandemia ha impactado el salón de clase tradicional, transfiriéndolo a ambientes virtuales. El objetivo de este trabajo es establecer la validez de constructo de un instrumento que mide la satisfacción laboral. Se realizó un estudio transversal psicométrico con un grupo seleccionado de 100 profesores de una universidad pública en México. Se encontró que tres factores principales explican 56% de la varianza total: necesidad de información, utilidad percibida y adopción de tecnológica. Aunque el diseño de esta investigación puede haber limitado los resultados a este escenario específico, estudios futuros podrían mejorar la validez y convergencia de los constructos

    Specification a Model of Agenda of Knowledge

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    Background Studies of educational institutionalism warn 1 the administration of a traditional culture and leadership as the guiding axis of academic programs 2 the establishment of an agenda focused on knowledge management entrepreneurship and innovation 3 strategic alliances between universities and companies as the central axis of vocational training 4 multidisciplinary collaborative networks Objective Specify a model for digital entrepreneurship research Method A non-experimental cross-sectional and exploratory study was carried out with a nonprobabilistic selection of indexed sources in repositories of UNAM and UAEMEX Results The model specification includes five explanatory hypotheses of the dependency relationship trajectories between eight variables-beliefs values perceptions knowledge motives attitudes intentions and behavio

    Path Diagram of entrepreneurship in the COVID-19 era

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    - The process that goes from prospective decisions (oriented to risks of maximum profits with respect to minimum insurance benefits) to deliberate actions (oriented by avoidance of failures, based on the systematization of errors and successes) is addressed in the present work, aiming to specify a model for the study of Internet entrepreneurship. A non-experimental study was carried out with a non-probabilistic selection of 100 entrepreneurs. From a structural model, the reflective factor of the construct was found to be deliberate actions, but such findings are only applicable to the sample since the type of study, sampling, and statistical analysis suggest the contrast of the model in other scenarios would increase the percentage of the explained variance of its factors, that added to 57% in this case

    Specifying a Model for the Study of Social Entrepreneurship

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    The purpose of the work was to specify a model for the study of social understanding. A documentary, cross-sectional and exploratory study was carried out with a non-probabilistic selection of sources indexed to international repositories, considering the indexation, year of publication and impact factor. Discussion axes were established to address the problem, although the research design limited the findings to the sample analyzed, suggesting the extension of other repositories, years and quality indicators

    Exploratory factorial model of collaboration in the COVID-19 era

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    The pandemic impacted the educational systems through anti-COVID-19 policies that are based on the distancing and confinement of people. In this sense, academic collaboration has been reported by the literature from 2019 to 2022 as an asynchronous Internet user strategy. It is a dual factorial structure that explains entrepreneurship and innovation, but does not anticipate scenarios of high risk and intensive use of Internet technologies, devices and networks in synchronous or asynchronous mode. Therefore, the objective of the study was to establish an explanatory model of the impact of the pandemic on academic collaboration. A cross-sectional, psychometric and exploratory study was carried out with a sample of 177 women from a municipality in central Mexico, considering their participation in social services and professional practices. A structure of four factors was found: Internet user, face-to-face, synchronous and asynchronous, which explained the total variance. In reference to the state of the art that exalts a two-factor model, its extension is recommended to anticipate scenarios of increasing risk

    Modelling of job satisfaction in literature from 2019 to 2021

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    The organizational process that goes from the knowledge networks to the strategic alliances supposes a management, production and transfer of information that the literature differentiates according to the degree of empathy, commitment, entrepreneurship, innovation and satisfaction of leaders and followers. In this sense, the objective of this study was to study the phenomenon in coffee growers in central Mexico. From a structural model, after establishing the reliability and validity of an instrument, it was found that innovation determines satisfaction, although the type of study, sample selection and analysis limit the findings to the specific context of the investigation. Lines concerning the extension of work to different contexts and samples are noticed