7,866 research outputs found

    Garlic nieve INTA : plant density and nitrogen fertigation

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    Se estudió el efecto de tres densidades de plantación (20 (D20), 30 (D30) y 40 (D40) plantas m-2) y cinco dosis de fertilización nitrogenada (0 (N0), 75 (N75), 150 (N150), 225 (N225) y 300 (N300) kg de N ha-1), sobre el rendimiento y la calidad de ajo (Allium sativum L.) de la cultivar Nieve INTA (tipo blanco), bajo riego por goteo. Se realizó un ensayo en el INTA La Consulta, Mendoza, Argentina, en un suelo Torrifluvente típico franco arenoso profundo (Soil Taxonomy). Se utilizaron cintas de riego por goteo T-Tape 508-30, colocadas en el medio de la cama de plantación con un caudal de 2.7 L m-1 h-1. El máximo rendimiento (13 t ha-1) de ajo seco y limpio se logró con una densidad de plantación de 40 plantas m-2 y con dosis de 225 kg N ha-1. Las relaciones halladas entre los rendimientos de bulbos y las dosis de nitrógeno de 0, 75, 150, 225 y 300 kg N ha-1 fueron de tipo cuadrático (P < 0.001), con r2= 0.89; 0.91 y 0.84 para D 20, D30 y D40, respectivamente. Se encontró diferencias significativas (P < 0.05), con respecto a rendimiento, entre líneas externas e internas de la cama de plantación en la densidad de 40 000 plantas ha-1. La línea externa rindió más que la interna. Los porcentajes en peso de bulbos comerciales (C5+C6+C7) sobre el total de bulbos cosechados para las densidades D20, D30 y D40 fueron de 80.1 %; 66.7 % y 56.1 %, respectivamente.The yield and the quality of garlic (Allium sativum L.) cv. Nieve INTA under different densities (20 (D20), 30 (D30) and 40 (D40) plants m-2) and doses of nitrogen fertilization (0 (N0), 75 (N75), 150 (N150), 225 (N225) and 300 (N300) kg of N ha-1) was evaluated under drip irrigation. The experiment was conducted at La Consulta Experimental Station on a Torrifluvent typic deep sandy loam soil (Soil Taxonomy). The trial was conducted using drip irrigation with a T-Tape 508-30, in the middle of the sowing bed with a volume of 2.7 L m-1 h-1. The highest yield (13 t ha-1) was obtained with a density of plantation of 40 plants m-2 and with rate of 225 kg N ha-1. The total yields were adjusted to nitrogen rates by a quadratic model highly significant (P < 0.001) with r2= 0.89; 0.91 and 0.84 for D20, D30 and D40, respectively. There were significant differences between yields of internal and external lines on D40. The percentages of commercial bulbs (C5+C6+C7) with respect to total yield, were 80.1%, 66.7% and 56.1% for D20, D30 y D40 respectively.Fil: Lipinski, Víctor M..Fil: Gaviola, Silvia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Ingeniería Agrícol

    Drift routes of Cape hake eggs and larvae in the southern Benguela Current system

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    The aim of this study was to combine observed circulation pattern with data on distribution of hake eggs and larvae in the southern Benguela from a survey in September/October 2005 to investigate drift routes of hake eggs and larvae. Genetic information enabled species-specific information about drift routes of the two hake species (Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus) to be established. The results showed that both species were transported from spawning areas to nursery areas in the jet current, but differential cross-shelf distribution would most likely lead to species-specific drift routes which could explain why the two species seem to have different nursery areas

    Thermodynamic Analyses of Fuel Production Via Solar-Driven Ceria-Based Nonstoichiometric Redox Cycling: A Case Study of the Isothermal Membrane Reactor System

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    A thermodynamic model of an isothermal ceria-based membrane reactor system is developed for fuel production via solar-driven simultaneous reduction and oxidation reactions. Inert sweep gas is applied on the reduction side of the membrane. The model is based on conservation of mass, species, and energy along with the Gibbs criterion. The maximum thermodynamic solar-to-fuel efficiencies are determined by simultaneous multivariable optimization of operational parameters. The effects of gas heat recovery and reactor flow configurations are investigated. The results show that maximum efficiencies of 1.3% (3.2%) and 0.73% (2.0%) are attainable for water splitting (carbon dioxide splitting) under counter- and parallel-flow configurations, respectively, at an operating temperature of 1900 K and 95% gas heat recovery effectiveness. In addition, insights on potential efficiency improvement for the membrane reactor system are further suggested. The efficiencies reported are found to be much lower than those reported in literature. We demonstrate that the thermodynamic models reported elsewhere can violate the Gibbs criterion and, as a result, lead to unrealistically high efficiencies. The present work offers enhanced understanding of the counter-flow membrane reactor and provides more accurate upper efficiency limits for membrane reactor systems. © 2019 by ASME.Australian Research Council (Wojciech Lipiński, Future Fellowship, Award No. FT140101213, Funder ID. 10.13039/501100000923). China Scholarship Council (Sha Li, Grant No. [2015] 3022, 201506020092, Funder ID. 10.13039/501100004543)

    Reaching the Hard to Reach: Empowering Community Members to Think Differently and Embrace Teens with Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health Challenges During the Time of COVID

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    Being a teenager is hard, and COVID-19 has made these difficult years even harder. Over the past decade, U.S. teens report feeling increased pressure and stress and those working with this population see the result -- young people with mental health conditions, lack of resiliency skills and many with substance use disorder. The healthy coping mechanisms that used to contribute to mental wellness, like community connection, physical activity and the pursuit of creative outlets has been declining. These trends were happening even before COVID! Teens with mental health issues often develop substance use disorder. It has been said that the opposite of addiction is not sobriety, it is connection. As the COVID19 pandemic continues, so does the nation’s opioid epidemic. The AMA has expressed concern over the increasing number of reports from national, state and local media suggesting increases in opioid-related overdose deaths. Young people, many of whom were already challenged with mental health conditions are seeking connection and are not finding it because of the social distancing and school closures necessary because of this contagious virus. Those who specialize in behavioral health are warning that a tsunami is about to hit our country in the form of mental health needs. This surge in mental health conditions is predicted to last for years. Join us for a webinar that will shed some light on teen mental health and substance use disorders. Presenters Stephanie Briody, CEO of Behavioral Health Innovators and Michelle Muffet - Lipinski, Principal of Northshore Recovery High School will share their innovative initiatives and programs that are filling in the gaps in services for teens with mental health and substance use disorders. Learn how you can prepare for this surge in mental health challenges with examples of practices and programs that can be replicated in your community, and that provide the needed connection with teens who are hard to reach. Learning Objectives: Learn about the PASS program and RecoveryBuild Alternative Peer Groups (APG’s) and how these positive discipline interventions are working to address and treat substance use disorder and other mental health conditions. Learn about recent legislative initiatives that address mental health and substance use disorder. Learn about some virtual connection tools and games you can use to provide expressive therapy using the arts

    Statistical properties of eigenstate amplitudes in complex quantum systems

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    We study the eigenstates of quantum systems with large Hilbert spaces, via their distribution of wavefunction amplitudes in a real-space basis. For single-particle 'quantum billiards', these real-space amplitudes are known to have Gaussian distribution for chaotic systems. In this work, we formulate and address the corresponding question for many-body lattice quantum systems. For integrable many-body systems, we examine the deviation from Gaussianity and provide evidence that the distribution generically tends toward power-law behavior in the limit of large sizes. We relate the deviation from Gaussianity to the entanglement content of many-body eigenstates. For integrable billiards, we find several cases where the distribution has power-law tails.Comment: revised version, with appendices; 15 pages, 10 figure