415 research outputs found

    Trace Metals Bioaccumulation Potentials of Three Indigenous Grasses Grown on Polluted Soils Collected Around Mining Areas in Pretoria, South Africa

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    The rapid increase in the number of industries may have increased the levels of trace metals in the soil. Phytoremediation of these polluted soils using indigenous grasses is now considered an alternative method in remediating these polluted soils. The present study investigated and compared the ability of three indigenous grasses as bioaccumulators of trace metals from polluted soils. Seeds of these grasses were introduced into pots containing polluted soil samples after the addition of organic manure. The seeds of the grasses were allowed to germinate and grow to maturity before harvesting. The harvested grasses were later separated into shoots and roots and the trace metal contents were determined using ICP –MS. From all the grasses, the concentrations of trace metals in the roots were more than those recorded in the shoot with a significant difference (P < 0.05). The transfer factor (TF) showed that Zn was the most bioaccumulated trace metals by all the grasses followed by Pb, Mn, and Cu respectively. Chromium concentration from the shoot of the grasses was in the order Urochlora moasambicensis > Themeda trianda > Cynodon dactylon. The study concluded that the three grasses used were all able to bioaccumulate trace metals in a similar proportion from the polluted soils. However, since livestock feed on these grasses, they should not be allowed to feed on the grasses used in this study especially when harvested from a polluted soil due to their bioaccumulative potentials

    Redox Proteomics and Platelet Activation: Understanding the Redox Proteome to Improve Platelet Quality for Transfusion.

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    Blood banks use pathogen inactivation (PI) technologies to increase the safety of platelet concentrates (PCs). The characteristics of PI-treated PCs slightly differ from those of untreated PCs, but the underlying reasons are not well understood. One possible cause is the generation of oxidative stress during the PI process. This is of great interest since reactive oxygen species (ROS) act as second messengers in platelet functions. Furthermore, there are links between protein oxidation and phosphorylation, another mechanism that is critical for cell regulation. Current research efforts focus on understanding the underlying mechanisms and identifying new target proteins. Proteomics technologies represent powerful tools for investigating signaling pathways involving ROS and post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation, while quantitative techniques enable the comparison of the platelet resting state versus the stimulated state. In particular, redox cysteine is a key player in platelet activation upon stimulation by different agonists. This review highlights the experiments that have provided insights into the roles of ROS in platelet function and the implications for platelet transfusion, and potentially in diseases such as inflammation and platelet hyperactivity. The review also describes the implication of redox mechanism in platelet storage considerations

    Non-classical Photon Statistics For Two-mode Optical Fields

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    The non-classical property of subpoissonian photon statistics is extended from one to two-mode electromagnetic fields, incorporating the physically motivated property of invariance under passive unitary transformations. Applications to squeezed coherent states, squeezed thermal states, and superposition of coherent states are given. Dependences of extent of non-classical behaviour on the independent squeezing parameters are graphically displayed.Comment: 15 pages, RevTex, 5 figures, available by sending email to [email protected]

    The clinical and biological impact of new pathogen inactivation technologies on platelet concentrates.

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    Since 1990, several techniques have been developed to photochemically inactivate pathogens in platelet concentrates, potentially leading to safer transfusion therapy. The three most common methods are amotosalen/UVA (INTERCEPT Blood System), riboflavin/UVA-UVB (MIRASOL PRT), and UVC (Theraflex-UV). We review the biology of pathogen inactivation methods, present their efficacy in reducing pathogens, discuss their impact on the functional aspects of treated platelets, and review clinical studies showing the clinical efficiency of the pathogen inactivation methods and their possible toxicity

    Symplectic quantization, inequivalent quantum theories, and Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty

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    We analyze the quantum dynamics of the non-relativistic two-dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator in Heisenberg's picture. Such a system is taken as toy model to analyze some of the various quantum theories that can be built from the application of Dirac's quantization rule to the various symplectic structures recently reported for this classical system. It is pointed out that that these quantum theories are inequivalent in the sense that the mean values for the operators (observables) associated with the same physical classical observable do not agree with each other. The inequivalence does not arise from ambiguities in the ordering of operators but from the fact of having several symplectic structures defined with respect to the same set of coordinates. It is also shown that the uncertainty relations between the fundamental observables depend on the particular quantum theory chosen. It is important to emphasize that these (somehow paradoxical) results emerge from the combination of two paradigms: Dirac's quantization rule and the usual Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics.Comment: 8 pages, LaTex file, no figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The Real Symplectic Groups in Quantum Mechanics and Optics

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    text of abstract (We present a utilitarian review of the family of matrix groups Sp(2n,)Sp(2n,\Re), in a form suited to various applications both in optics and quantum mechanics. We contrast these groups and their geometry with the much more familiar Euclidean and unitary geometries. Both the properties of finite group elements and of the Lie algebra are studied, and special attention is paid to the so-called unitary metaplectic representation of Sp(2n,)Sp(2n,\Re). Global decomposition theorems, interesting subgroups and their generators are described. Turning to nn-mode quantum systems, we define and study their variance matrices in general states, the implications of the Heisenberg uncertainty principles, and develop a U(n)-invariant squeezing criterion. The particular properties of Wigner distributions and Gaussian pure state wavefunctions under Sp(2n,)Sp(2n,\Re) action are delineated.)Comment: Review article 43 pages, revtex, no figures, replaced because somefonts were giving problem in autometic ps generatio

    Creatine and guanidinoacetate reference values in a French population

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    Creatine and guanidinoacetate are biomarkers of creatine metabolism. Their assays in body fluids may be used for detecting patients with primary creatine deficiency disorders (PCDD), a class of inherited diseases. Their laboratory values in blood and urine may vary with age, requiring that reference normal values are given within the age range. Despite the long known role of creatine for muscle physiology, muscle signs are not necessarily the major complaint expressed by PCDD patients. These disorders drastically affect brain function inducing, in patients, intellectual disability, autistic behavior and other neurological signs (delays in speech and language, epilepsy, ataxia, dystonia and choreoathetosis), being a common feature the drop in brain creatine content. For this reason, screening of PCDD patients has been repeatedly carried out in populations with neurological signs. This report is aimed at providing reference laboratory values and related age ranges found for a large scale population of patients with neurological signs (more than 6 thousand patients) previously serving as a background population for screening French patients with PCDD. These reference laboratory values and age ranges compare rather favorably with literature values for healthy populations. Some differences are also observed, and female participants are discriminated from male participants as regards to urine but not blood values including creatine on creatinine ratio and guanidinoacetate on creatinine ratio values. Such gender differences were previously observed in healthy populations; they might be explained by literature differential effects of testosterone and estrogen in adolescents and adults, and by estrogen effects in prepubertal age on SLC6A8 function. Finally, though they were acquired on a population with neurological signs, the present data might reasonably serve as reference laboratory values in any future medical study exploring abnormalities of creatine metabolism and transport

    Limited role of spatial selfstructuring in emergent trade-offs during pathogen evolution

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    Pathogen transmission and virulence are main evolutionary variables broadly assumed to be linked through trade-offs. In well-mixed populations, these trade-offs are often ascribed to physiological restrictions, while populations with spatial self-structuring might evolve emergent trade-offs. Here, we reexamine a spatially-explicit, SIR model of the latter kind proposed by Ballegooijen and Boerlijst with the aim of characterising the mechanisms causing the emergence of the trade-off and its structural robustness. Using invadability criteria, we establish the conditions under which an evolutionary feedback between transmission and virulence mediated by pattern formation can poise the system to a critical boundary separating a disordered state (without emergent trade-off) from a self-structured phase (where the trade-off emerges), and analytically calculate the functional shape of the boundary in a certain approximation. Beyond evolutionary parameters, the success of an invasion depends on the size and spatial structure of the invading and invaded populations. Spatial self-structuring is often destroyed when hosts are mobile, changing the evolutionary dynamics to those of a well-mixed population. In a metapopulation scenario, the systematic extinction of the pathogen in the disordered phase may counteract the disruptive effect of host mobility, favour pattern formation and therefore recover the emergent trade-off.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad and FEDER funds of the EU through grants ViralESS (FIS2014-57686-P and FIS2017-84256-P). The internship of VB was financed by the Severo Ochoa Centers of Excellence Program (SEV-2013-0347)

    Systemic properties of metabolic networks lead to an epistasis-based model for heterosis

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    The genetic and molecular approaches to heterosis usually do not rely on any model of the genotype–phenotype relationship. From the generalization of Kacser and Burns’ biochemical model for dominance and epistasis to networks with several variable enzymes, we hypothesized that metabolic heterosis could be observed because the response of the flux towards enzyme activities and/or concentrations follows a multi-dimensional hyperbolic-like relationship. To corroborate this, we used the values of systemic parameters accounting for the kinetic behaviour of four enzymes of the upstream part of glycolysis, and simulated genetic variability by varying in silico enzyme concentrations. Then we “crossed” virtual parents to get 1,000 hybrids, and showed that best-parent heterosis was frequently observed. The decomposition of the flux value into genetic effects, with the help of a novel multilocus epistasis index, revealed that antagonistic additive-by-additive epistasis effects play the major role in this framework of the genotype–phenotype relationship. This result is consistent with various observations in quantitative and evolutionary genetics, and provides a model unifying the genetic effects underlying heterosis