10 research outputs found

    Cognitive Skills within the Inner Development Goals (IDG) Framework: Empowering Sustainable Careers and Sustainable Development

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    Our theoretical manuscript aims to explore the role that dimension two, ‘Thinking-Cognitive Skills’ of the Inner Development Goals (IDG) framework, can play in empowering sustainable careers and sustainable development. We begin by setting the scene before introducing the theoretical framework, which combines the IDG framework and Sustainable Career Ecosystems Theory (SCET). Our attention then turns to systematically considering each of the components of dimension two of the IDG framework. These include (a) critical thinking, (b) complexity awareness, (c) perspective skills, (d) sense-making, and (e) long-term orientation and visioning.  The theoretical contribution comes from integrating the IDG framework and SCET. Practical implications come from offering eight pragmatic recommendations to empower students in the context of higher education to prepare for sustainable careers and sustainable development: (i) curriculum design, (ii) interdisciplinary approach, (iii) experiential learning, (iv) faculty development, (v) assessment and evaluation, (vi) campus culture, (vii) collaboration and external partners, and (viii) research and innovation. Limitations and a future research agenda are also provided

    Improving Global Knowledge Exchange for Mental Health Systems Improvement

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    Policymakers globally are paying increasing attention to the challenges of providing more accessible and integrated mental health care. For transformative change to take place, thought needs to be given to the structure and form of evidence-informed change strategies at all levels: individual, organizational, community and complex, large systems. Yet few frameworks specifically consider the transfer of evidence-based programs across jurisdictions at regional and national levels; most are focused on local service implementation. This paper examines how a specific analytical model developed to assess and develop Knowledge Exchange (KE) can be applied to regional and national KE initiatives.  It specifically examines the efforts of the International Knowledge Exchange Network for Mental Health (IKEN-MH), and the associated community of interest on change and improvement, to support mental health systems change at these levels. Using a theoretical model, the Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services framework (Kitson, Harvey, & McCormack, 1998, Rycroft-Malone, et al., 2002), we explore systems change efforts according to the constructs of evidence, context and facilitation. By matching some exemplars in the use of KE for mental health best practice against this model, the potential strategies of the IKEN-MH to assist transformational change emerge

    Improving Global Knowledge Exchange for Mental Health Systems Improvement

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    Policymakers globally are paying increasing attention to the challenges of providing more accessible and integrated mental health care. For transformative change to take place, thought needs to be given to the structure and form of evidence-informed change strategies at all levels: individual, organizational, community and complex, large systems. Yet few frameworks specifically consider the transfer of evidence-based programs across jurisdictions at regional and national levels; most are focused on local service implementation. This paper examines how a specific analytical model developed to assess and develop Knowledge Exchange (KE) can be applied to regional and national KE initiatives.  It specifically examines the efforts of the International Knowledge Exchange Network for Mental Health (IKEN-MH), and the associated community of interest on change and improvement, to support mental health systems change at these levels. Using a theoretical model, the Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services framework (Kitson, Harvey, & McCormack, 1998, Rycroft-Malone, et al., 2002), we explore systems change efforts according to the constructs of evidence, context and facilitation. By matching some exemplars in the use of KE for mental health best practice against this model, the potential strategies of the IKEN-MH to assist transformational change emerge

    Strategies for a health promoting introduction for newly-arrived refugees and other immigrants

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    From 1980 to 2005 about 340,000 persons have been granted permanent residency in Sweden for refugee or similar reasons. Many countries, including Sweden, have implemented introduction programmes aimed at reducing inequality in critical living conditions between refugees and the host population. From a structural perspective on health promotion, the intended outcomes and the role as everyday environment make such programmes interesting settings for health. This thesis aims to identify the preconditions for and to develop strategies for strengthening the health promoting potential of the Introduction for newly-arrived refugees and other immigrants, and its environment in Sweden. The four papers in the thesis are designed to identify important risk and protective factors for mental health within the Introduction and to consider how structures, processes and practices of the Introduction may promote such protective factors and prevent risk factors both during programme delivery and as a result of it. In Paper I, 28 professionals with different roles in the Introduction are interviewed about health among the refugees in the programme. The study shows that the most immediate conceptualization of health among staff is that it concerns absence of illness and that the role of the Introduction is to refer those with such problems to treatment in healthcare. However, in narrated everyday episodes about the Introduction, health is something far richer. It includes two levels: personal capacities and qualities in the Introduction and the environment, and threats to each of these levels. Paper II presents path analyses for core post-traumatic stress symptoms (CPTS) and symptoms of common mental disorder (GHQ-s), including socio-demographic variables, preresettlement trauma, personal capacity to handle stress, exposures as asylum-seekers and a new instrument to measure resettlement stressors, obtained from 115 persons, mainly from Iraq. The final path models of CPTS and GHQ-s are similar in some respects, such as the importance of personal capacity to handle stress, while in other respects they differ: resettlement stressors are more important than pre-resettlement trauma for explaining GHQ-s, whereas the reverse applies to CPTS. Paper III and Paper IV use information about the structure, process and practice of the Introduction, reported by 83 Introduction unit managers in the same number of local authorities in Sweden. Both studies focus on which building blocks, in the inter-organizational network that provides the Introduction that can explain differences in critical setting qualities. Various combinations of the following five main building blocks affect setting qualities: active management on all levels, systematic evaluation, active network involvement by many organizations, group modes of interaction between managers and staff as well as between staff and participants from all organizations, and conditions in the local authority. The results are integrated in the Health Promoting Introduction Model, which includes: network building blocks, setting qualities, the health promoting spiral of personal capacities, outcomes and environmental facilitators and long-term health, social and economic outcomes at the individual, group and societal levels. The model should guide policy and the development of practice in this area. It can also provide opportunities for focused research on complex health promoting service delivery systems in general and settings for refugee resettlement support in particular

    HÀlsofrÀmjande introduktion - en teoretisk genomgÄng med praktiska implikationer

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    Flyktingars livssituation och dess pÄverkan pÄ hÀlsa, ohÀlsa och sjukdom bör ses i ett helhetsperspektiv, som inkluderar person, hÀndelse och det sammanhang som flyktingen befinner sig i ..

    Sociala investeringar - frÄn dröm till verklighet

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    MĂ„nga kommuner (och nĂ„gra landsting) har avsatt medel för sociala investeringar för att finansiera tidiga och verksamhetsöverskridande insatser som ska leda till bĂ€ttre resultat och minskade offentliga kostnader. Psynk – psykisk hĂ€lsa barn och unga har drivit ett utvecklingsarbete kring dessa frĂ„gor de senaste tre Ă„ren och ser en rad utmaningar för att detta viktiga omrĂ„de ska bli en framgĂ„ng. Lokalt behöver metoder för behovsanalys, val av insatser och uppföljning och utvĂ€rdering kraftigt förbĂ€ttras. Det krĂ€ver stort engagemang frĂ„n alla nivĂ„er i organisationerna. Den nationella nivĂ„n mĂ„ste stödja det lokala arbetet, bl.a. genom att förmedla evidens, ge stöd för implementering samt koordinera finansiering och goda arbetssĂ€tt

    A System of Systems of Mental Health in Cities : Digging Deep into the Origins of Complexity

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    Mental health in urban environments is often treated from a healthcare provision perspective. Research in recent decades showed that mental illness in cities is a result of dysfunctional coordination between different city systems and structures. Given the nature of the city as a system of systems, this work builds participatorily a general system dynamic model of factors that affect mental health in urban and regional environments. Through this method, we investigated the challenges of the application of such methodology to identify important factors, feedback loops, and dependencies between systems to move forward in planning for mental health in cities. The outcome is a general model that showed the importance of factors that vary from individuals, families to communities and feedback loops that span multiple systems such as the city physical infrastructures, social environments, schools, labor market, and healthcare provision.QC 20190208. QC 20210923</p

    A System of Systems of Mental Health in Cities : Digging Deep into the Origins of Complexity

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    Mental health in urban environments is often treated from a healthcare provision perspective. Research in recent decades showed that mental illness in cities is a result of dysfunctional coordination between different city systems and structures. Given the nature of the city as a system of systems, this work builds participatorily a general system dynamic model of factors that affect mental health in urban and regional environments. Through this method, we investigated the challenges of the application of such methodology to identify important factors, feedback loops, and dependencies between systems to move forward in planning for mental health in cities. The outcome is a general model that showed the importance of factors that vary from individuals, families to communities and feedback loops that span multiple systems such as the city physical infrastructures, social environments, schools, labor market, and healthcare provision.QC 20190208</p

    Cognitive Skills Within the Inner Development Goals (IDG) Framework : Empowering Sustainable Careers and Sustainable Development

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    Our theoretical manuscript aims to explore the role that dimension two, ‘Thinking-Cognitive Skills’ of the Inner Development Goals (IDG) framework, can play in empowering sustainable careers and sustainable development. We begin by setting the scene before introducing the theoretical framework, which combines the IDG framework and Sustainable Career Ecosystems Theory (SCET). Our attention then turns to systematically considering each of the components of dimension two of the IDG framework. These include (a) critical thinking, (b) complexity awareness, (c) perspective skills, (d) sense-making, and (e) long-term orientation and visioning. The theoretical contribution comes from integrating the IDG framework and SCET. Practical implications come from offering eight pragmatic recommendations to empower students in the context of higher education to prepare for sustainable careers and sustainable development: (i) curriculum design, (ii) interdisciplinary approach, (iii) experiential learning, (iv) faculty development, (v) assessment and evaluation, (vi) campus culture, (vii) collaboration and external partners, and (viii) research and innovation. Limitations and a future research agenda are also provided

    Visby Innerstad : En anvÀndningsplan

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    Sedan lĂ„ng tid föreligger i stort sett enighet om att bevara innerstadens bebyggelse och att anpassa eventuella nytillskott till det redan bestĂ„ende. Med den instĂ€llningen har förĂ€ndringsprocessen bĂ„de dĂ€mpats och mildrats men Ă€ndĂ„ inte bragts att avstanna. FörĂ€ndringar sker stĂ€ndigt om det ocksĂ„ huvudsakligen i smĂ„tt: de mĂ„nga synbart sĂ„ ansprĂ„kslösa byggnadsĂ„tgĂ€rderna adderar efterhand ihop sig till nĂ„got större och mer genomgripande. LĂ„ngsamt, nĂ€stan omĂ€rkligt, Ă€ndrar innerstaden sitt ansikte.ÄndĂ„ Ă€r det inte sjĂ€lva husen som förĂ€ndrats mest utan anvĂ€ndningen av dem. Ur funktionell synpunkt har 1950 - och 60-talen har varit nĂ„got av en omstörtning i innerstadens historia: den har förlorat nĂ€stan hĂ€lften av de boende, en stor del av detaljhandeln och praktiskt taget helt sin gamla roll som skolcentrum. I gengĂ€ld har ytterstaden vuxit ut till ett sammanhĂ€ngande kilometerbrett bĂ€lte. Till stor del av denna funktionella förĂ€ndring en följd av beslutet att bevara innerstadens bebyggelse. Vad som inte fĂ„tt plats inom den gamla ramen har etablerats utandör den.Föreliggande arbete vill ge en översiktlig bild av förĂ€ndringsförloppen, sedda i ett lĂ„ngt tidsperspektiv men med tonvikt pĂ„ dagslĂ€get. Bebyggelsen tas upp till utförlig granskning men ocksĂ„ anvĂ€ndningen av den. Det Ă€r just samspelet mellan husen och de funtkioner, de fyller, som kan sĂ€gas utgöra bokens huvudtema. I de flesta fall Ă€r detta sammanhang hus-anvĂ€ndning alldeles konfliktfritt och föranleder dĂ€rför inte heller nĂ„gon diskussion. Vad som behandlas Ă€r de relativt fĂ„ problematiska fallen, hus som borde rustas upp för att fylla sin uppgift, hus som Ă€r olĂ€mpligt nyttjade eller inte anvĂ€nda alls. En serie sĂ„dana fall tas upp till systematisk genomgĂ„ng; samtidigt berörs ocksĂ„ de trafik - och miljömĂ€ssiga konsekvenserna. Bokens syfte Ă€r alltsĂ„ klart: den ger ett underlag av fakta för arbetet med att jĂ€mka samman byggnader och anvĂ€ndningsformer. I den meningen kan skriften kallas en anvĂ€dningsplan för Visby innanför murarna.Arkitekturskolanas arbete har bedrivitis parallellt med den kommunala InnerstadskommittĂ©ns verksamhet. NĂ„got organiserat samarbete har inte förekommit med de informella kontakterna har varit bĂ„de tĂ€ta och goda. Att likheterna mellan InnerstadskommittĂ©n och Arkitekturskolans slutsatser blivit sĂ„ pass stora, kan tillskrivas en gemensam helhetssyn.En av Arkitekturskolans elever, arkitekt Lars-Ingvar Larsson, har tidigare sjĂ€lvstĂ€ndigt genomfört en undersökning av förĂ€ndringar i innerstaden 1945-70- Denna studie publicerats separat och bör uppfattas som ett komplement till den hör föreliggande.Förutom de i innehĂ„llsförteckningen nĂ€mnda har ytterligare nĂ„gra aktivt medverkat i arbetet. Studiet av trafikfrĂ„gorna i innerstaden, i hamnen och öster om ringmuren leddes av Åke Claesson, I fĂ€ltstudier och diskussioner medverkande Göran MĂ„nsson.Arkitekturskolan har fĂ„tt god hjĂ€lp av ett antal initierade personer i Visby. SĂ€rskild tacksamhet Ă€r vi skyldiga byggnadsnĂ€mnden ordförande Henning Jacobson, kommunalrĂ„det C B Stenström, stadsarkitekten MĂ„ns Hagbergm f. lĂ€nsbostadsdorektören Åke Malmberg och landsantikvarien Gunnar Svahnström. I boken publiceringskostnaderna har ekonomiskt bidrag lĂ€mnats av Gotlands kommun och RiksantikvarieĂ€mbetet.Boken har redigerats av Sture BalgĂ„rd och Ann Mari Westerlind med hjĂ€lp av Henrik O Andersson, Bo Ek, Göran Lindahl, Fredrik von Platen, John Sjöström Gunnar Westerlind och Hans Wetterfors.Skeppsholmen, Stockholm, sommaren 1973.Arkitekturskolans lĂ€rare och elever.Konsthögskolans arkitekturskola i Stockholm har under lĂ€sĂ„ret 1972/73 studerat bevarande - och förnyelseproblem i Visby. Staden innanför murarna har naturligt nog utgjort tyngdpunkten i arbetet - den hĂ€r inte bara historiskt och estetiskt fĂ€ngslande utan erbjuder ocksĂ„ ovanliga möjligheter att trĂ€nga in i frĂ„gor, som annars sĂ€llan har en sĂ„ klar och renodlad karaktĂ€r. </p