71 research outputs found


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     The present study aimed to assess the influence of different behavioral scores in milking parlors on possible variations in the production characteristics of primiparous and multiparous Murrah buffaloes. Observations of behavioral response in the milking parlor environment were made with an ethogram for subsequent evaluation of behavioral scores. Milk production and somatic cell count (SSC) were measured, in addition to physicochemical analysis of milk. Results for different behavioral scores were assessed by analysis of variance and comparison of means. The Spearman correlation was used to analyze production characteristics. Primiparous buffaloes exhibited higher mean behavioral scores and lower mean milk production when compared with multiparous buffalo cows. Despite greater reactivity, primiparous cows showed no significant differences in milking time, milk let-down time and milk let-down rate in relation to multiparous buffalo cows. In general, more reactive cows display greater mean milk production. Higher behavioral means were recorded in the first week of observation. Behavior did not influence milk composition or SSC. Mean surface skin temperature was positively correlated to total fat and solids only within primiparous buffalo cowsThe present study aimed to assess the influence of different behavioral scores in milking parlors on possible variations in the production characteristics of primiparous and multiparous Murrah buffaloes. Observations of behavioral response in the milking parlor environment were made with an ethogram for subsequent evaluation of behavioral scores. Milk production and somatic cell count (SSC) were measured, in addition to physicochemical analysis of milk. Results for different behavioral scores were assessed by analysis of variance and comparison of means. The Spearman correlation was used to analyze production characteristics. Primiparous buffaloes exhibited higher mean behavioral scores and lower mean milk production when compared with multiparous buffalo cows. Despite greater reactivity, primiparous cows showed no significant differences in milking time, milk let-down time and milk let-down rate in relation to multiparous buffalo cows. In general, more reactive cows display greater mean milk production. Higher behavioral means were recorded in the first week of observation. Behavior did not influence milk composition or SSC. Mean surface skin temperature was positively correlated to total fat and solids only within primiparous buffalo cows

    Factors affecting buffalo Mozzarella cheese yield: a study using regression analysis

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    Abstract Cheese production such as mozzarella is affected by several factors including the processing technology (e.g., cuts, fermentation, curd stretching), as well as quantity and quality of raw materials and other ingredients. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between mozzarella cheese yield and buffalo milk composition, processing factors, and losses of whey constituents using polynomial regression and adjusted R2. All regression coefficients associated with each explanatory variable were significantly different from zero. The models explained an average of 99% of the variation in the dataset. The regression models showed that the concentration of milk components (e.g., fat, protein, casein, lactose, total solids), somatic cell score, age and acidity of the starter culture, time between curd cuts, and percentage of lost whey constituents highly influenced the mozzarella cheese yield. The buffalo dairy industry should focus on rigorous control of milk quality and processing factors to standardize and optimize mozzarella cheese yield efficiency


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    Objetivou-se avaliar a contagem de células somáticas (CCS) quanto aos requisitos determinados pela Instrução Normativa n°51, em leite de tanques de expansão de rebanhos leiteiros comerciais na região Agreste do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Para tanto, foram coletadas mensalmente, no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2010, amostras de leite bovino de tanques de expansão, e, analisadas quanto à contagem eletrônica de células somáticas por espectroscopia de Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier (IVTF), utilizando-se o equipamento MilkoScanTM FT+. Para análise dos dados foi usada a estatística descritiva, na avaliação das médias, considerou-se os limites da legislação brasileira, Instrução Normativa nº51. De acordo com os resultados obtidos pode-se observar que de um modo geral, as amostras das propriedades analisadas, quanto à CCS, se apresentaram dentro dos padrões preconizados pela Instrução Normativa nº51. O monitoramento da CCS em tanques é uma importante ferramenta para tomada de decisão pelo produtor na melhoria da qualidade do leite

    Metabolic response of endangered goats fed spineless cactus associated with Tifton-85 hay or Maniçoba hay

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of replacement of Tifton-85 hay by maniçoba hay, in spineless cactus-based diets, on markers of energy, protein, mineral metabolism and serum enzyme activity of Moxotó goats. Sixteen uncastrated male Moxotó breed goats, with 20 months old and initial body weight of 21.7 ± 3.92 kg were used in a randomized blocks design, using the initial weight as the criterion for the formation of blocks, with two treatments and eight replicates per treatment. The experimental treatments consisted of two diets: diets containing Miúda spineless cactus associated with Tifton-85 hay (1) or maniçoba hay (2), with roughage:concentrate ratio of 70:30. Blood samples were collected fortnightly (baseline, 15 days, 30 days and 45 days) during the feedlot period. There was a higher serum concentration of total protein and fructosamine (P < 0.05) in goats that received maniçoba hay. However, there was higher serum gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) enzyme activity in goats that ingested Tifton-85 hay (P < 0.05). Concerning to the profile of blood metabolites in the different fortnightly collections, it was possible to verify a significant effect for urea, fructosamine, GGT enzyme activity, K and Cl levels (P < 0.05). In conclusion, Tifton-85 hay and maniçoba hay combined with spineless cactus does not cause metabolic disorders in feedlot native goats

    Análise espermática e testicular de touros Nelore suplementados com glicerina bruta

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    Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da inclusão de glicerina bruta sobre a morfologia testicular de touros Nelore. Para isso, foram utilizados 35 bovinos com peso corporal inicial de 428,0 ± 32,11 kg e aproximadamente 22 meses, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos e sete repetições, suplementados durante 88 dias, com 14 dias de adaptação. Os tratamentos consistiram na inclusão de glicerina de baixa pureza nos níveis de 0, 3, 6, 9 e 12% da matéria seca total dos suplementos. Foi realizado uma coleta de sêmen no 88º dia experimental, posteriormente os animais foram pesados, abatidos e tiveram os testículos coletados, pesados e amostrados. A inclusão da glicerina bruta influenciou a motilidade e o vigor espermático (P<0,05). O peso corporal ao abate e perímetro escrotal não foram influenciados (P>0,05) pelos níveis de glicerina. Observou-se comportamento quadrático (P<0,05) para o índice Leydigossomático, com ponto de mínima de 6,66% e para a proporção volumétrica das células de Leydig (CL), com ponto de mínima de 5,41%. Não foram observadas alterações histopatológicas testiculares nos bovinos. A glicerina de baixa pureza promove modificações na motilidade e vigor espermático, no índice leydigossomático e no volume das células de Leydig. Portanto, não se recomenda a adição de glicerina bruta no suplemento de touros em atividade reprodutiva

    Physicochemical composition, yield and sensory acceptance of Coalho cheese obtained from Zebu’s cow milk

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    Los objetivos fueron evaluar el efecto de la raza sobre el polimorfismo genético de la kappa-caseína, la composición fisicoquímica de la leche y del queso Coalho, y el rendimiento del queso, así como evaluar el efecto de diferentes periodos de almacenamiento sobre la aceptación sensorial del queso Coalho obtenido a partir de leche de vacas Guzerat, Gyr y Sindi. Se seleccionaron veinte (20) vacas de razas cebú y se obtuvieron sus valores de frecuencia del polimorfismo genético de la kappa-caseína. La leche se sometió a un análisis de grasa, proteína, lactosa, sólidos no grasos y sólidos totales, conductividad eléctrica y cuenta de células somáticas. Los quesos se sometieron a análisis de grasa, proteína, sólidos totales, pH, humedad y rendimiento (g ST/L). Se evaluaron los atributos apariencia, aroma, textura y sabor en los días 1, 25 y 46 de almacenamiento. La frecuencia total fue de 0.70 para el genotipo AA y 0.30 para el genotipo AB. No hubo diferencias significativas en la composición de la leche entre las razas estudiadas. Sin embargo, hubo diferencias en la composición fisicoquímica (exceptuando la proteína) y el rendimiento de los quesos; pero todas las razas mostraron un rendimiento real similar. El periodo de almacenamiento tuvo efectos observables sobre los atributos sensoriales de los quesos en las diferentes razas, con la excepción de su apariencia. La leche de las razas Guzerat, Gyr y Sindi constituye una excelente materia prima para la producción de cuajada y garantiza una aceptación sensorial satisfactoria del producto a los días 1, 25 y 46 de almacenamiento.The aims were to evaluate the effect of breed on the genetic polymorphism kappa-casein, physicochemical composition of milk and Coalho cheese, and on cheese yield; and to evaluate the effect of different periods of storage on sensorial acceptance of the Coalho cheese obtained from milk of Guzerat, Gyr and Sindi cows. Twenty (20) cows of Zebu breeds were selected, from which it was obtained the frequency values of the genetic polymorphism kappa-casein. Milk were submitted to fat, protein, lactose, non-fat solids and total solids, electrical conductivity analysis and somatic cell count. Cheeses were submitted to fat, protein, total solids, pH, moisture and yield (g TS/L) analysis. Attributes appearance, aroma, texture and flavor were judged at the 1st, 25th and 46th day of storage. There was a total frequency of 0.70 for genotype AA, 0.30 for genotype AB. There was no significant difference in milk composition among the studied breeds. However, there were differences in the physicochemical composition (with the exception of the protein) and the yield of the cheeses, but all the breeds showed a similar real yield. It was found effect of the storage period on the cheeses sensory attributes in the different breeds, with the exception of the appearance. The milk of the Guzerat, Gyr and Sindi breeds constitute an excellent raw material for the production of curd cheese and ensures a satisfactory sensorial acceptance of the product at the 1st, 25th and 46th days of storage

    Subproduto do urucum na alimentação de ovinos de corte

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o consumo, digestibilidade, desempenho, características de carcaça, qualidade de carne e componentes não constituintes da carcaça de ovinos alimentados com níveis crescentes (0, 100, 200 e 300 g/kg da MS da dieta) do subproduto de urucum. Foram utilizados 32 ovinos machos, não castrados, com peso inicial de 23,17 ± 1,45 kg. Os animais forma alojados em baias individuais e a ração ofertada duas vezes ao dia. O consumo de nutrientes foi quantificado por diferença entre as frações presentes no ofertado e nas sobras. A digestibilidade aparente foi determinada com auxílio do marcador externo LIPE®. O ganho em peso foi obtido pela diferença entre o peso final e peso inicial dos animais. Decorrido 58 dias de confinamento, os animais foram abatidos e tiveram os pesos dos constituintes corporais registrados. As medidas morfométricas foram realizadas na carcaça fria, que, posteriormente, foi seccionada em seis regiões anatômicas. A perna foi dissecada e os tecidos quantificados. No lombo esquerdo foram ealizadas as medidas de cor, capacidade de retenção de água, perdas por cocção e força de cisalhamento. Os órgãos, vísceras e subprodutos do abate foram quantificados e tiveram seus pesos registrados. O consumo de matéria seca (g/dia; %PV; g/kg0,75), matéria orgânica (g/dia) e proteína bruta (g/dia) não foi influenciado (P>0,05) pela inclusão do subproduto do urucum. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, matéria orgânica, proteína bruta e extrato etéreo não foram influenciados (P>0,05) pela inclusão do subproduto do urucum. A taxa de ganho em peso não foi influenciado pela inclusão do subproduto de urucum, todavia, a conversão alimentar e eficiência alimentar foram influenciadas. Houve efeito linear (P0,05) os rendimentos dos cortes comerciais. A inclusão do subproduto do urucum diminuiu o índice de compacidade das carcaças (kg/cm) e a quantidade de músculo na perna (P0,05) sobre a composição tecidual da perna (%), relação músculo:osso, relação músculo gordura ou índice de musculosidade da perna. Os parâmetros físico-químicos da carne (cor, força de cisalhamento, capacidade de retenção de água e perdas por cocção) não foram influenciados pela inclusão do SU na dieta. A inclusão do subproduto do urucum aumentou linearmente (P0,05) da inclusão do subproduto do urucum sobre o peso das vísceras, todavia, o peso da pele apresentou comportamento linear negativo (P 0.05) by the inclusion of annatto byproduct. The total digestible nutrients showed an average of 0.794 g/day and was not affected (P>0.05) by the inclusion of byproduct of annatto. The apparent digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein and ether extract were not affected (P>0.05) by the inclusion of byproduct of annatto. The weight gain was not affected by the inclusion of annatto byproduct, but feed conversion and feed efficiency were affected. There was a linear effect (P0.05) yields of retail cuts. Adding the product of annatto decreased carcass compactness index (kg/cm) and the quantity of leg muscle (P0.05) on the leg tissue composition (%), muscle: bone ratio, relative fat or muscle muscularity leg. The physico-chemical parameters of meat (color, shear force, water holding capacity and cooking losses) were not affected by the inclusion of the U.S. in the diet. Adding the product of annatto increased linearly (P0.05) for inclusion annatto byproduct on the weight of the viscera, but the weight of the skin showed a linear negative (P<0.05). Income from “buchada” and “panelada” linearly positive (P<0.05) with the inclusion of annatto byproduct. The annatto byproduct can be included in the diet at levels up to 200 g/kg of total dry matter without affecting the intake, digestibility, weight gain, carcass characteristics of sheep

    Substituição do feno de Tifton 85 pelo feno Maniçoba (Manihot pseudoglaziovii) sobre os componentes do peso vivo de ovinos Morada Nova e caprinos Moxotó

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    Objetivou-se avaliar os pesos e rendimentos de carcaça e cortes comerciais de ovinos e caprinos nativos, alimentados com feno de Tifton 85 (Cynodon dactylon) ou feno de Maniçoba (Manihot pseudoglaziovii) associados à palma forrageira (Nopalea cochenillifera). Foram utilizados 32 animais (16 ovinos Morada Nova e 16 caprinos Moxotó) em delineamento em blocos casualizados e esquema fatorial 2x2 (espécies x feno). Os animais alimentados com feno de Tifton 85 apresentaram maiores pesos de carcaça quente (11,58 kg) e maiores perdas por resfriamento (6,35%). Não houve diferenças, entre os fenos, para peso ao abate, rendimentos de carcaça quente, peso de carcaça fria, rendimentos de carcaça fria, peso do corpo vazio e rendimento biológico. Os rendimentos dos cortes cárneos (%) não foram afetados pela substituição do feno de Tifton 85 pelo feno de Maniçoba; exceto pelo comprimento interno e perímetro de tórax, as medidas de carcaça também não foram afetadas. Os ovinos Morada Nova apresentaram maiores pesos e rendimentos de carcaça e cortes cárneos que os caprinos Moxotó alimentados com a mesma dieta.This study aimed to evaluate the weights and carcass and commercial cuts of native goats and sheep fed with hay or Tifton 85 (Cynodon dactylon) orManiçoba hay (Manihot pseudoglaziovii) associated with the spineless cactus (Nopalea cochenillifera). We used 32 animals (16 Morada Nova lambs and 16 Moxotó breed goat) in a randomized block design and a 2x2 factorial design (species x hay). The animals fed Tifton 85 hay had higher hot carcass weight (11.58 kg) and higher cooling loss (6.35%). There were no differences among the hay, to slaughter weight, hot carcass, cold carcass weight, cold carcass, empty body weight and biological yield. The yields of cuts (%) were not affected by the substitution of Tifton 85 hay by Maniçoba hay, except for the internal length and girth of the chest, the measures of carcass werenot affected. Morada Nova lambs were heavier and carcass and meat cuts that Moxotó breed goats fed the same diet.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPE

    Phytase in diets with crude protein levels for commercial layers

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     The aim of this study was to evaluate the action of the phytase enzyme in diets formulated with variations in the crude protein content on performance and egg quality of commercial layers. A total of 336 commercial layers were housed at eight birds per cage in a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement with seven replicates. Treatments consisted of four crude-protein levels (17, 15, and 13%) and two enzyme levels (0 and 500 FTU kg-1 diet), distributed in a completely randomized design. Feed intake, egg production, feed conversion per dozen eggs and per kilogram, egg weight and mass, specific gravity, eggshell thickness, and Haugh unit were measured over five 28-day periods. The performance of commercial layers fed the diet containing 13% crude protein worsened, irrespective of phytase addition. However, at 15% crude protein, phytase inclusion did not affect feed conversion or egg weight. Inclusion of phytase leads to equal egg-quality and performance results at the dietary crude protein levels of 17 and 15%. The crude protein content of 13%, with or without phytase, is not recommended for the diet of brown-egg layers.