561 research outputs found

    An experimental study on effect of paraffin as liquid medium in methanol synthesis

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    The objective of the project is to study the effect of product selectivity on the reaction of hydrogen and carbon oxides using CuO/ZnO/A1203 catalyst with paraffinic (n-hexane and n-octane) liquid medium in a three phase slurry reactor

    An experimental study on effect of paraffin as liquid medium in methanol synthesis

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    The objective of the project is to study the effect of product selectivity on the reaction of hydrogen and carbon oxides using CuO/ZnO/A1203 catalyst with paraffinic (n-hexane and n-octane) liquid medium in a three phase slurry reactor

    Madala sissetuleku mõju konservatismile: Ida- ja Lääne-Euroopa riikide võrdluses 21. sajandil

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    Käesoleva töö eesmärgiks on tõestada või ümber lükata, kas madal sissetulek mõjutab parempoolsete ja konservatiivsete erakondade valimise eelistamist riikide parlamendivalimistel. Töös analüüsitakse võimalikku seost madala sissetuleku ja parempoolsuse vahel Ida- ja Lääne-Euroopa valimi riikide näitel. Töö esimeses osas defineeritakse konservatismi kontseptsioon antud töös, kirjeldatakse, kuidas töös konservatismi mõõdetakse ning võrreldakse teiste võimalike variantidega. Samuti kirjeldatakse madala sissetuleku mõõtmise meetodit antud töös ning seletatakse, milline võib madala sissetuleku mõju valimiskäitumisele olla. Töö teises osas kirjeldatakse uurimustöö meetodit ning kirjeldatakse valimit, tuues välja põhjused, miks antud valim sai uurimustöö hüpoteesi jaoks valitud. Töö kolmas osa on kvalitatiivne analüüs. Analüüs koosneb valimi riikide ning eelnevalt mainitud muutujate vahelisest suhtest. Analüüsiosas on avatud iga valimi riiki eraldi ning kirjeldatud muutujate muutust 21. sajandi lõikes. Töö tulemusena selgub, et madal sissetulek üksiku muutujana ei mõjuta antud valimi põhjal parempoolsete erakondade eelistamist. Tihti on madal sissetulek seotud veel teiste muutujatega, mis võivad parempoolsete erakondade eelistamist põhjustada.https://www.ester.ee/record=b5451260*es

    Ajateenijate hoiakud kaitseväe vajalikkuse kohta aastatel 2016-2019

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    On the pathology of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis

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    Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a heterogeneous renal histopathological entity that affects the glomerulus. It is characterized by podocyte injury, proteinuria and scarring of the glomerular tuft. In this thesis we investigated various mechanisms that are implicated in the development of FSGS. Firstly, we studied biopsy samples of patients with minimal change disease, a related glomerulopathy with minimal glomerular injury and better prognosis. We showed that loss of nephrin could serve as a biomarker for renal function loss and the progression to FSGS in this patient group. We also investigated renal biopsy material of patients with FSGS to determine the role of complement activation and endothelial-podocyte interaction in the pathogenesis of FSGS. We show that complement activation via the classical pathway and endothelial injury, especially via endothelin-1 signaling, are associated with the development of FSGS in humans. This thesis also describes the study of the genomic architecture of the Munich Wistar Frömter rat model for FSGS, which led to the prioritization of TMEM63c and PTGR2 in the development of podocyte injury and proteinuria in this model. The identification of these mechanisms in the development of FSGS, increases our understanding of the pathophysiology of FSGS and can guide future studies into new, highly needed therapeutic strategies.Nierstichting Nederland; Janivo StichtingLUMC / Geneeskund

    UJI TOKSISITAS LARVASIDA EKSTRAK DAUN Nicotiana rustica DAN Nicotiana tahacum TERHADAP LARVA Culex fatigans

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    Culex jaligans lebih dikenal sebagai nyamuk rumah, merupakan salah satu jenis nyamuk yang sangat dekat dengan kehidupan manusia. Selain mengganggu kenyamanan, nyamuk ini juga merupakan vektor dari beberapa penyakit yang berbahaya, misaInya Filariasis dan Encephalitis. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan usaha untuk mengendalikan popuiasinya. Jenis insektisida hayati, diharapkan dapat mengurangi populasi nyamuk, sekaligus menghindari pencemaran lingkungan dan resistensi serangga, karena sifatnya yang mudah terurai di alam Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memecahkan masalah-masalah yaitu : (1) berapakah toksisitas larvasida (LC50 dan LCw) ekstrak daun Nicoliana ruslica dan Nicoliana tabacum terhadap larva instar III Culex jaligans ?~ (2) berapakah masa letal (L T so) larva instar III nyamuk Culex jaligans oleh pengaruh ekstrak daun Nicoliana ruslica dan Nicoliana labacum ? Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap, dengan lima perlakuan, satu kontrol, dan lima replikasi. Perlakuan dilakukan dengan memberikan ekstrak daun Nicoliana ruslica dan Nicotiana labacum pada konsentrasi tertentu terhadap larva instar m Culex jatigans selama 24 jam. Hasil penelitian ini mendapatkan nilai LCso dari ekstrak daun Nicoliana ruslica sebesar 539,54 ppm dan LCw sebesar 1928,09 ppm dengan LTso selama 12,93 jam , sedangkan LCso ekstrak daun Nicoliana labacum sebesar 1033,42 ppm dan LCw sebesar 3310,14 ppm, dengan LT 50 selama 11,24 jam

    Проблеми оцінки якості індустріального розвитку соціально-економічної системи України

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    Розглянуті особливості процесу системної трансформації індустріального базису соціально-економічної системи України в умовах соціальної поляризації світового суспільства. Доведено існування дихотомії типу базису економіки України: індустріального в межах національної підсистеми та доіндустріального в межах світової соціально-економічної системи. Ключові слова: трансформація, система, промисловість, якість.Рассмотрены особенности процесса системной трансформации индустриального базиса социально-экономической системы Украины в условиях социальной поляризации мирового сообщества. Доказано существование дихотомии базиса экономики Украины: индустриального в рамках национальной подсистемы и доиндустриальной в рамках мировой социально-экономической системы. Ключевые слова: трансформация, система, промышленность, качество.Features of process of system transformation of industrial basis of social and economic system of Ukraine in the conditions of social polarisation of the world community are considered. Existence of a dichotomy of basis of economy of Ukraine is proved: industrial within the limits of a national subsystem and befor industrial in frames of world social and economic system. Key words: transformation, system, industry, quality

    Fatty acid 16:4(n-3) stimulates a GPR120-induced signaling cascade in splenic macrophages to promote chemotherapy resistance

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    Although chemotherapy is designed to eradicate tumor cells, it also has significant effects on normal tissues. The platinum-induced fatty acid 16:4(n-3) (hexadeca-4,7,10,13-tetraenoic acid) induces systemic resistance to a broad range of DNA-damaging chemotherapeutics. We show that 16:4(n-3) exerts its effect by activating splenic F4/80+/CD11blow macrophages, which results in production of chemoprotective lysophosphatidylcholines (LPCs). Pharmacologic studies, together with analysis of expression patterns, identified GPR120 on F4/80+/CD11blow macrophages as the relevant receptor for 16:4(n-3). Studies that used splenocytes from GPR120-deficient mice have confirmed this conclusion. Activation of the 16:4(n-3)-GPR120 axis led to enhanced cPLA2 activity in these splenic macrophages and secretion of the resistance-inducing lipid mediator, lysophosphatidylcholine(24:1). These studies identify a novel and unexpected function for GPR120 and suggest that antagonists of this receptor might be effective agents to limit development of chemotherapy resistance.—Houthuijzen, J. M., Oosterom, I., Hudson, B. D., Hirasawa, A., Daenen, L. G. M., McLean, C. M., Hansen, S. V. F., van Jaarsveld, M. T. M., Peeper, D. S., Jafari Sadatmand, S., Roodhart, J. M. L., van de Lest, C. H. A., Ulven, T., Ishihara, K., Milligan, G., Voest, E. E. Fatty acid 16:4(n-3) stimulates a GPR120-induced signaling cascade in splenic macrophages to promote chemotherapy resistance

    LION/web:a web-based ontology enrichment tool for lipidomic data analysis

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    Background: A major challenge for lipidomic analyses is the handling of the large amounts of data and the translation of results to interpret the involvement of lipids in biological systems. Results: We built a new lipid ontology (LION) that associates &gt; 50,000 lipid species to biophysical, chemical, and cell biological features. By making use of enrichment algorithms, we used LION to develop a web-based interface (LION/web, www.lipidontology.com) that allows identification of lipid-associated terms in lipidomes. LION/web was validated by analyzing a lipidomic dataset derived from well-characterized sub-cellular fractions of RAW 264.7 macrophages. Comparison of isolated plasma membranes with the microsomal fraction showed a significant enrichment of relevant LION-terms including "plasma membrane", "headgroup with negative charge", "glycerophosphoserines", "above average bilayer thickness", and "below average lateral diffusion". A second validation was performed by analyzing the membrane fluidity of Chinese hamster ovary cells incubated with arachidonic acid. An increase in membrane fluidity was observed both experimentally by using pyrene decanoic acid and by using LION/web, showing significant enrichment of terms associated with high membrane fluidity ("above average", "very high", and "high lateral diffusion" and "below average transition temperature"). Conclusions: The results demonstrate the functionality of LION/web, which is freely accessible in a platform-independent way.</p