160 research outputs found

    Convergência entre dispositivos móveis e redes de sensores sem fios

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de ComunicaçõesAs redes de sensores sem fios, apesar de terem um papel muito importante em áreas tão distintas como a saúde, o ambiente, a domótica, etc., possuem várias restrições que as impedem de serem mais eficientes e mais abrangentes. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar a forma como algumas destas limitações podem ser ultrapassadas através do uso de dispositivos móveis, implementando módulos exemplificativos da integração destas duas tecnologias. O primeiro módulo é um programa que permite aumentar o alcance de uma rede de sensores sem fios, aproveitando a variedade de interfaces de comunicação que um dispositivo apresenta. Este software foi implementado num smartphone HTC utilizando o sistema operativo Windows Mobile. O segundo módulo é uma aplicação que exemplifica a complementaridade entre as redes de sensores sem fios e os dispositivos móvel. A aplicação é um sistema de deteção de quedas, em que o dispositivo móvel lê os dados provenientes da rede de sensores e aciona um alarme em caso de queda do utilizador. O dispositivo sensor utilizado é baseado num acelerómetro de três eixos. O algoritmo de deteção de quedas e respetiva interface com o utilizador foram implementados em Matlab. Os resultados obtidos nos testes efetuados sugerem que o sistema pode funcionar com poucas falhas na monitorização de pessoas em que as movimentações são limitadas, por exemplo, no caso de pessoas idosas. Já para pessoas mais jovens, o algoritmo implementado pode não ser suficiente. O terceiro módulo é uma placa de circuito impresso que visa proporcionar uma interface de comunicação entre dispositivos de redes de sensores baseados na norma IEEE 802.15.4 e dispositivos móveis, uma vez que estes últimos não integram esta interface de raiz. Este módulo é baseado no circuito integrado CC2430, que integra o microcontrolador e o transceiver no mesmo chip. O desenvolvimento deste módulo não chegou ao fim no tempo planeado. De qualquer forma, outros módulos baseados num circuito integrado mais recente (CC2530) surgiram para colmatar a lacuna identificada no início do desenvolvimento deste módulo.Wireless sensor networks, despite having a very important role in areas such as health, environment, home automation, etc., have several restrictions that prevent them from being more e cient and widespread. This dissertation aims to examine how some of these limitations can be overcome through the use of mobile devices and the implementation of modules that exemplify the integration of these technologies. The first module is a program that allows to extend the range of a wireless sensor network, taking advantage of the variety of communication interfaces that a mobile device possesses. This software has been implemented using a HTC smartphone with the Windows Mobile operating system. The second module is an application that illustrates the complementarity between wireless sensor networks and mobile devices. This application is a fall detection system where the mobile device reads the data received from the sensor network and triggers an alarm when the user falls. The sensor device used is based on a three-axis accelerometer. The algorithm for detection of falls and respective user interface were both implemented in Matlab. The results from the tests suggest that the system can operate with few failures in the monitoring of individuals whose movements are limited, for example, in the case of elderly people. For younger people, though, the implemented algorithm may not be enough. The third module is a printed circuit board which aims to provide a communication interface between devices of sensor networks based on IEEE 802.15.4 and mobile devices, since the latter do not support 802.15.4 communication natively. This module is based on CC2430 integrated circuit, which integrates the microcontroller and the transceiver on the same chip. The development of this module have not nished in the scheduled time. Anyway, other modules based on an newer integrated circuit (CC2530) have emerged to fill the gap identi ed in the early development of this module

    Effects of high intensity interval exercise versus steady state exercise with similar energy expenditures on Epoc

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    The purpose of the study was to determine whether steady state exercise (SSE) or high intensity interval exercise (HIIE) would better improve energy expenditure (EE) during 90 minutes of excess post exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) while attempting to match EE between both exercise protocols. We also wanted to examine physiological changes during post exercise measurements, which included VO2, RER, VE and HR. Twelve males aged between 19 and 24 were assigned to the SSE and HIIE conditions. A VO2max and a 30s-all-out sprint set at 150% of maximum workload was performed on a cycling ergometer interspersed by 5 minutes to ensure sufficient recovery time. Participants randomly completed SSE or HIIE followed by 90 minutes of EPOC. A gross efficiency (GE) of 18% was used in order to best quantify the anaerobic attributable EE during the HIIE in order to estimate total EE. Our results indicate that the HIIE expended less EE than SSE and from our pre-test EE estimations (p<0.05). With that being said, HIIE was able to generate a greater EE during EPOC in comparison to SSE, while utilizing more grams of fat during post exercise measurements (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between both protocols when adding exercise and EPOC EE. Physiological markers such as VO2 (L.min-1), VE (L.min-1) and HR were significantly greater in HIIE during EPOC. To conclude, our findings indicate that HIIE is a time efficient workout able to expend more EE, utilize more fat and have greater physiological responses during EPOC when compared to SSE.Master of Human Kinetic

    Ficheiro Nacional de Autoridades Arquivísticas: interoperabilidade e operação colaborativa

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    O Ficheiro Nacional de Autoridades Arquivísticas1 (FNAA), promovido pela Direção-Geral de Arquivos (DGARQ), tem como principais objetivos recolher e disponibilizar de forma normalizada descritivos de pessoas (coletivas, singulares ou famílias) no contexto da sua relação com a documentação de um arquivo, i.e. produtor, colecionador, autor, detentor, etc. O FNAA contempla o registo de aspetos variados como a história destas entidades, as funções que exerceram e/ou exercem (de cujo exercício decorre toda a sua produção documental), ou ainda o registo de interações entre estas. Para além de disponibilizar interfaces para o utilizador (humano), o FNAA disponibiliza interfaces programáticas, i.e. que possibilitam a interação a partir de outras aplicações de software. Estas interfaces permitem que outras aplicações executem qualquer uma das operações oferecidas aos utilizadores, como a pesquisar, criar ou atualizar de registos de autoridade, entre outras. Este artigo irá abordar os aspetos técnicos subjacentes ao sistema FNAA, dando um especial ênfase à integração de sistemas que o FNAA favorece. O FNAA terá tanto mais sucesso, quantos mais criadores de software integrarem as suas aplicações com o FNAA. O artigo irá explicar em detalhe as interfaces programáticas (APIs – Application Programming Interfaces) disponibilizadas pelo FNAA, dando exemplos de utilização e servindo de guia de implementação para todos os fabricantes e investigadores que desejarem desenvolver ferramentas de valor acrescentado em torno do Ficheiro Nacional de Autoridades Arquivísticas.The Ficheiro Nacional de Autoridades Arquivísticas (FNAA), promoted by the Direção-Geral de Arquivos (DGARQ), aims to collect and provide in a normalized way descriptions of persons (corporate bodies, individuals or families) within the context of his relations with archive documentation, i.e. producer, collector, author, holder, etc. FNAA covers the recording of various aspects as the history of these entities, the roles they exercised and/or exercise (roles that yields to all his documental production), or the record of the interactions between them. In addition to providing interfaces for the (human) user, FNAA provides programmatic interfaces, i.e. interfaces that enable interaction from other software applications. These interfaces allow applications to execute any operations offered to the regular users, like search, create and modify authority records, etc. This paper will discuss the technical aspects underlying the FNAA system, giving a special emphasis on systems integration that FNAA facilitates. FNAA will have as much success as the number of software developers that integrate their applications with it. The paper will explain in detail the programmatic interfaces (APIs – Application Programming Interfaces) made available by FNAA, giving examples of use and serving as an implementation guide for all manufacturers and researchers wishing to develop value added tools around the Ficheiro Nacional de Autoridades Arquivísticas

    Minimalist Self-Organization in Wireless Networks

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    Many fields of human endeavour, such as biology and the theory of complex systems, are now embracing the concept of self-organization based on local actions leading to a desirable global emergent behavior. While many examples, both natural and artificial, can be found of such self-organized systems, the relationship between the local rules and the global behavior remains elusive and no systematic procedure is known to engineer a specific global result. Given the increasing pervasiveness of wireless networks of all sorts, including ad hoc networks competing within narrow unlicensed bands and wireless sensor networks, self-organization could constitute the next defining paradigm in wireless communications. It can be shown that a set of heuristic principles can be leveraged to engineer a self-organized connection-oriented wireless network with minimal complexity. Such a system requires no centralization of information, yet achieves a nearly optimal global state with only a modest amount of local signaling. It will naturally and jointly balance the many parameters related to radio resource management, exhibiting great adaptability, fault tolerance and scalability

    Evaluation des risques sanitaires liés à l'injection de biogaz épure dans un réseau de gaz naturel

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    National audienceCe document reprend l'avis de l'Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire de l'Environnement et du Travail (Afsset) émis à la suite de l'expertise collective menée pour l'évaluation de risques sanitaires liés à l'injection de biogaz dans le réseau de gaz naturel. L'intégralité de cette expertise est publiée et disponible sur le site internet de l'Agence, seuls les grands axes sont présentés dans ce document. Suite aux recommandations émises par l'Afsset, des travaux ont été initiés afin de recueillir et analyser des données de composition sur le biogaz issus de boues de STEP. L'INERIS est en charge de ce projet. Par la suite, les données seront utilisées afin d'évaluer les risques accidentels (consécutifs à la valorisation du biogaz, au transport par canalisation et à la valorisation énergétique, industrielle et domestique) ; ainsi que les risques sanitaires pour les utilisateurs (consécutifs à l'injection dans le réseau de gaz naturel)

    Mobiliser la série The Wire en géographes : retour sur une expérience pédagogique

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    Ce retour d’expérience pédagogique présente une méthode pour faire travailler des étudiants en sciences sociales sur la série The Wire. Les objectifs pédagogiques étaient de leur faire comprendre que tout objet culturel est digne d’analyse à l’université et qu’ils sont capables non pas seulement d’assimiler des connais­sances mais aussi de les produire. La méthode était de leur faire rédiger un rapport collectif de recherche d’environ 150 pages en 3 mois. The Wire était d’abord un prétexte à une méthode pédagogique exploratoire de co-production des savoirs par les étudiants. Il s’agissait de transmettre des compétences à partir d’un côté, un calendrier très serré et cadré, et de l’autre une grande liberté en terme de démarche de recherche. On observe ensuite trois éléments qui font de The Wire un outil pédagogique pertinent. C’est d’abord une série télévisée, donc un objet populaire, ce qui permet un enrôlement efficace des étudiants. C’est ensuite un bon outil pour l’apprentissage de la démarche de découverte scientifique dans la mesure où il existe une littérature qui cadre l’analyse sans l’épuiser, ce qui autorise une démarche de découverte. Enfin, la série est un objet géographique fécond, dans la mesure où Baltimore y est un quasi-personnage. On y voit clairement comment les rapports sociaux structurent la ville et comment elle opère sur eux en retour. Le rapport résultant de cet atelier est disponible en ligne. Nous vous invitons à lire les travaux des étudiants.This paper is a feedback on an undergraduate workshop experimentation based on studying the TV show The Wire. The educational goal was to make the students aware that any cultural object is academy relevant and that they are able to produce knowledge. The method consisted of writing together a 150-pages scientific report in a 3 months delay. The Wire was used as an excuse to implement an exploratory educational method. It consists of coupling a strongly structured working schedule with a high freedom for the students in the scientific contents production. The Wire was then considered for three reasons as a fertile ground to learn social science, and particularly human geography. First, as a TV show, and therefore with a popular connota­tion, it has a strong capacity to enrol undergraduate students in academic language and procedures. Second, the scientific and journalistic literature available has the specificity to be developed enough to frame the research field without exhausting it. It therefore opens a space for the logic of discovery. Finally, The Wire is a heuristic object for human geography. Constituting Baltimore as a quasi-character, it describes and reveals clearly how social relationships produce space and in return how space performs them. The report written by the students is available on-line in French and we invite the reader to explore it

    RODA: repositório de objetos digitais autênticos : passado, presente e futuro…

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    O RODA é um repositório digital que implementa as funcionalidades dos componentes principais do modelo de referência OAIS. É capaz de ingerir, gerir e fornecer acesso controlado aos vários tipos de objetos digitais produzidos por grandes corporações ou organismos públicos. É baseado em tecnologias de software aberto e foi construído em cima de normas internacionais como o OAIS, METS, EAD e o PREMIS. Este sistema resultou de um esforço inicial financiado pela então designada Direção Geral de Arquivos que recorrendo à Universidade do Minho como parceira técnica, reuniu uma equipa multidisciplinar de técnicos que durante 2 anos colaboraram para o seu desenvolvimento. Deste esforço conjunto, resultou um sistema com capacidade para suportar o ciclo de vida da preservação digital que foi disponibilizado em regime de código aberto. Nesta apresentação, pretendemos expor algumas das decisões críticas tomadas ao longo do processo de desenvolvimento e que tornaram possível que hoje o RODA seja encarado como uma solução para a Preservação Digital: política de preservação, autenticidade, normalização, ingestão, estrutura dos SIP, AIP e DIP, famílias de objetos digitais e suas propriedades significativas. Pretendemos também apresentar as novas iniciativas que entretanto surgiram em torno do RODA: criou-se uma comunidade internacional para o desenvolvimento continuado do sistema; há componentes do RODA que se autonomizaram e que estão ser lançados como ferramentas de preservação em determinados domínios específicos; há projetos europeus em curso que visam a integração do RODA com outros sistemas de modo a potenciar soluções para outros cenários: integração com o PLATO (ferramenta emergente do projeto europeu PLANETS) que permite criar planos de preservação digital; integração com o SCOUT (sistema de monitorização) que está a ser desenvolvido no âmbito do projeto europeu SCAPE e no âmbito de uma tese de doutoramento na área; integração com o ALFRESCO (sistema de código aberto para tramitação e arquivo corrente) que tem vindo a ser usado em organismos da administração pública de vários países. O RODA está a deixar de ser um sistema isolado para passar a ser uma peça num sistema mais complexo mas com uma aplicação a um conjunto de cenários muito mais abrangente. Em resumo, nesta apresentação faremos uma visita guiada ao novo RODA e traçaremos o seu percurso no futuro próximo

    The last glacial maximum Balearic Abyssal Plain megabed revisited

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    Megabeds are thick sedimentary layers extending over thousands square kilometres in deep sea basins and are thought to result from large slope failures triggered by major external events. Such deposits have been found in at least three areas of the Mediterranean Sea. Although their discovery dates back to the early 1980s, many questions remain, concerning their initiation, source area, extent, and the nature of their emplacement. One of the largest previously documented megabeds was emplaced during the Last Glacial Maximum across the Balearic Abyssal Plain with a thickness of 8-10 m in water depths of up to 2800 m. New 3.5 kHz sub-bottom profiles and sediment cores provide greater constraint on the lateral variability of the megabed and allow to map it beyond previous estimates, with a revised areal extent up to 90,000-100,000 km2. Megabed terminations show gradual pinch-out to the West and an abrupt eastward termination against the Sardinia steep margin. The megabed presents both in seismic profiles and in sediment cores a tripartite subdivision likely corresponding to changes in flow regimes across the basin with a central area of sandy facies and erosional base oriented NNE-SSW allowing renewed discussions about sources and trigger of the megabed

    Genome Evolution of Two Genetically Homogeneous Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Strains During Passages in vitro and ex vivo in the Presence of a Mutagenic Nucleoside Analog

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    The avibirnavirus infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) is responsible for a highly contagious and sometimes lethal disease of chickens (Gallus gallus). IBDV genetic variation is well-described for both field and live-attenuated vaccine strains, however, the dynamics and selection pressures behind this genetic evolution remain poorly documented. Here, genetically homogeneous virus stocks were generated using reverse genetics for a very virulent strain, rvv, and a vaccine-related strain, rCu-1. These viruses were serially passaged at controlled multiplicities of infection in several biological systems, including primary chickens B cells, the main cell type targeted by IBDV in vivo. Passages were also performed in the absence or presence of a strong selective pressure using the antiviral nucleoside analog 7-deaza-2′-C-methyladenosine (7DMA). Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) of viral genomes after the last passage in each biological system revealed that (i) a higher viral diversity was generated in segment A than in segment B, regardless 7DMA treatment and viral strain, (ii) diversity in segment B was increased by 7DMA treatment in both viruses, (iii) passaging of IBDV in primary chicken B cells, regardless of 7DMA treatment, did not select cell-culture adapted variants of rvv, preserving its capsid protein (VP2) properties, (iv) mutations in coding and non-coding regions of rCu-1 segment A could potentially associate to higher viral fitness, and (v) a specific selection, upon 7DMA addition, of a Thr329Ala substitution occurred in the viral polymerase VP1. The latter change, together with Ala270Thr change in VP2, proved to be associated with viral attenuation in vivo. These results identify genome sequences that are important for IBDV evolution in response to selection pressures. Such information will help tailor better strategies for controlling IBDV infection in chickens