251 research outputs found

    Cooperación; altruismo en las relaciones entre aerolíneas

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    El presente estudio se centra en analizar unas determinadas relaciones cooperativas entre compañías aéreas, con la intención de investigar si sacan provecho o no de dichas relaciones. La cooperación entre esas compañías aéreas puede presentar comportamientos más altruistas o más oportunistas. Para centrar el tema del estudio, se van a analizar los acuerdos de códigos compartidos que llevan a cabo entre ellas. Los datos de cooperación a través de código compartido permitirán conocer qué porcentaje de destinos ceden las aerolíneas y qué porcentaje de destinos les ceden a estas mismas. El fin de la investigación es estudiar si dichas empresas tienen un comportamiento que se acerca más al oportunismo, al altruismo o una posición prácticamente intermedia entre estos extremos (relación simbiótica). Gracias al indicador “índice total de altruismo (%) y (+/-) ” se estudiarán las características de las aerolíneas que estén cercanas en su comportamiento, analizando las similitudes entre ellas para averiguar cuáles son los factores comunes entre ellas para que actúen de un modo u otro.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Turism

    Reflections on a “Velasques”. On foreign names' transcripts into Spanish

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    El artículo discurre sobre las numerosas incongruencias con las que, en todas las lenguas y particularmente en español, se transcriben los nombres propios extranjeros, y justifica esta arbitrariedad en razón de la distancia relativa de la lengua –y la escritura– de origen con respecto a la lengua castellana y el sistema alfabético romano.The paper focuses on the many mismatches in all languages but particularly in Spanish regarding foreign proper names transcription. The article holds that this can be accounted for by how distant other languages are from Spanish writing system and the Roman alphabet behind it

    Gaia TGAS search for Large Magellanic Cloud runaway supergiant stars:Candidate hypervelocity star discovery, and the nature of R71

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    We search for runaway stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) by computing the space velocities of the visually brightest stars in the LMC that are included in the Gaia TGAS proper motion catalog. We compare with predictions from stellar dynamical models to obtain (peculiar) velocities relative to their local stellar environment. Two of the 31 stars have unusually high proper motions. Of the remaining 29 stars we find that most objects in this sample have velocities in very good agreement with model predictions of a circularly rotating disk model. Indeed the excellent fit to the model implies that the TGAS uncertainty estimates are likely overestimated. The fastest outliers in this subsample contain the LBV R71 and a few other well known emission line objects though in no case do we derive velocities consistent with fast (~100 km/s) runaways. Our results imply that R 71 in particular has a moderate deviation from the local stellar velocity field (40 km/s) lending support to the proposition that this object cannot have evolved as a normal single star since it lies too far from massive star forming complexes to have arrived at its current position during its lifetime. Our findings therefore strengthen the case for this LBV being the result of binary evolution. Of the two stars with unusually high proper motions we find that one, the isolated B1.5 Ia+ supergiant Sk-67 2 (HIP 22237), is a candidate hypervelocity star, the TGAS proper motion implying a very large peculiar transverse velocity (~360 km/s) directed radially away from the LMC centre. If confirmed, for example by Gaia Data Release 2, it would imply that this massive supergiant, on the periphery of the LMC, is leaving the galaxy where it will explode as a supernova.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, revised versio

    The Water Vapor Abundance in Orion KL Outflows

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    We present the detection and modeling of more than 70 far-IR pure rotational lines of water vapor, including the 18O and 17O isotopologues, towards Orion KL. Observations were performed with the Long Wavelength Spectrometer Fabry-Perot (LWS/FP; R~6800-9700) on board the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) between ~43 and ~197 um. The water line profiles evolve from P-Cygni type profiles (even for the H2O18 lines) to pure emission at wavelengths above ~100 um. We find that most of the water emission/absorption arises from an extended flow of gas expanding at 25+-5 kms^-1. Non-local radiative transfer models show that much of the water excitation and line profile formation is driven by the dust continuum emission. The derived beam averaged water abundance is 2-3x10^-5. The inferred gas temperature Tk=80-100 K suggests that: (i) water could have been formed in the "plateau" by gas phase neutral-neutral reactions with activation barriers if the gas was previously heated (e.g. by shocks) to >500 K and/or (ii) H2O formation in the outflow is dominated by in-situ evaporation of grain water-ice mantles and/or (iii) H2O was formed in the innermost and warmer regions (e.g. the hot core) and was swept up in ~1000 yr, the dynamical timescale of the outflow.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ letters [2006 August 7] (5 pages 2, figures, not edited

    The Sirens of Titan : el universo post-modernista de Kurt Vonnegut

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    A close reading of The Sirens of Titan reveals that this early novel by Kurt Vonnegut, far from being a mere science fiction tale ¿as it has often been labelled¿ is a first-rate literary work in which the author displays a great variety of metafictional devices. The metaphysical quest for meaning in life is paralleled by a tortous, roundabout physical journey where the ordered, controlled and harmonius universe¿ textually made coherent by its galactical structure and mythical allusions¿ is challenged dialogically by a world of chaos which is sown with the absurd, with unexpected lexical yuxtaposition, indeterminations and de-mythoiogizing parodies. This paper aims to explore this post-modernist natura of the novel

    Desvelando un misterio poético. (El de la escritora María José Fernández Sánchez)

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    Comentario sobre la escritora extremeña María José Fernández SánchezCommentary on the Extremaduran writer María José Fernández Sánche

    The Sirens of Titan : el universo post-modernista de Kurt Vonnegut

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    A close reading of The Sirens of Titan reveals that this early novel by Kurt Vonnegut, far from being a mere science fiction tale —as it has often been labelled— is a first-rate literary work in which the author displays a great variety of metafictional devices. The metaphysical quest for meaning in life is paralleled by a tortous, roundabout physical journey where the ordered, controlled and harmonius universe— textually made coherent by its galactical slructure and mythical allusions— is challenged dialogically by a world of chaos which is sown with the absurd, with unexpected lexical yuxtaposition, indeterminations and de-mythologizing parodies. This paper aims to explore this post-modernist natura of the novel

    Modelo de manual de soluciones constructivas sostenibles. Aplicación a las aulas de la Universidad de Sevilla

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    El presente Trabajo Fin de Máster tiene por objeto establecer una metodología que permita disponer de un modelo de trabajo capaz de mejorar la sostenibilidad de los espacios y equipamiento de la Universidad de Sevilla. En una primera experimentación se aplica a las aulas, por ser los espacios con más incidencia cuantitativa de la actividad docente. En futuros trabajos, se procedería a la aplicación a otros espacios, así como a una revisión del modelo. El objetivo final es que el presente trabajo sirva de base para la elaboración de una normativa interna encaminada al fin propuesto.this thesis intends to set a methodology to create a work model thatensures and improves the sustainability of the University of Seville work areas and facilities. At first instance,this methodology is apllied to clasrooms as they have the highest impact in theaching practice. Further on, more wotk areas will be subject to the study as well as to the subsequent versions of the model. Serving as the base to elaborate an internal regulation of said areas is the ultimate purpose of this thesis.Universidad de Sevilla. Máster en Ingeniería Industria

    The far-IR view of Sgr B2 and Orion KL

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    We summarize the main highlights from ISO observations towards Sgr B2 and Orion KL in the far-IR domain (~43 to 197 um). Both Star-Forming Regions are among the best sources to construct a template for more distant and unresolved regions (e.g., extragalactic). We stress some peculiarities in the interpretation (excitation and radiative transfer) of far-IR spectral lines and dust continuum emission.Comment: ''Far-Infrared and Submillimeter Emission of the Interstellar Medium: Models meet extragalactic and Galactic Observations''. Proceedings of the FIR Workshop 2007. Eds. C. Kramer, R. Simon et a