1,304 research outputs found

    Professional Education as catalyzer of local development within the context of cooperation networks in clusters

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    Professional training, with knowledge spreading, promotes the fruitful actions for local development within the context of networks among organizations or clusters that constitute an organizational form able to be identified in several productive and innovative sectors. In the training for human resources, diverse educational and training actors seek to connect knowledge offer to local economical need. This article aims to describe the professional education in Brazil, in the scope of networks present in clusters which cooperate for local development, based on the main Brazilian economical activities, with a focus on the Federal District. For the development of this research, concerning the methodological aspects, the research was descriptive and for data collection documentary and bibliographic resources were used, on the basis of an analysis on the Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílio, from IBGE, with the aid of SPSS program. The results highlight the main activities that need labor force in the Federal District and compare with what is really being offered in Brazil, whose service sector shows higher relevance

    Nuno Álvares Pereira : uma vida ao serviço

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    A figura de Nuno Álvares Pereira reveste-se de um encanto especial, já que, no meio das linhas tortas da humanidade, conseguiu escrever uma história de santidade, redigida a quatro mãos, por si e por Deus. Seguindo as suas pegadas, procurámos perceber como as “letras da divindade” se entrelaçaram na sua vida, para, a partir dela, emergirem na Corte Portuguesa. Assim sendo, o presente estudo pretende refletir sobre os traços da sua espiritualidade, a fim de percebermos como uma história tão humana pode, ao mesmo tempo, ser tão divina, levando o Condestável do rei aos altares das nossas igrejas. Percorrendo o seu caminho espiritual, procurámos perceber como Nuno Álvares Pereira, um homem que frequentou as cortes e que fez uso de armas, foi capaz de abandonar as realidades mundanas em prol de um bem maior, em prol do serviço. É nosso objetivo mostrarmos, ao longo do presente estudo, que todas as suas ações, que facilmente poderiam ser confundidas com voluntarismo, na realidade são fruto da sua espiritualidade, uma espiritualidade de serviço.The character of Nuno Álvares Pereira is shrouded by a special fascination, since, in-between the middle of the crooked lines of humanity, he was able to write a story of sanctity, written in four hands, by himself and by God. Following his footsteps, we tried to understand how the “letters of divinity” are intertwined in his life, so that, out of it, they emerged in the Portuguese Crown. Therefore, the present study intends to reflect on the signs of his spirituality, so that we can understand how such a human history can, at the same time, be so divine, leading the Constable of the king to the altars of our churches. By traveling through his spiritual way, we tried to understand how Nuno Álvares Pereira, a man who attended the royal courts and who fought in battles, was capable of abandoning the mundane realities in favor of a greater good, in favor of service. It is our objective to show, throughout the present study, that all his actions that could easily be mistaken with voluntarism, are, in reality, the fruit of his spirituality, a spirituality of service