240 research outputs found

    Bias in the use of evidence for policy: ‘technical bias’ and ‘issue bias’

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    Advocates of evidence-based policymaking (EBP) often argue that policy decisions are improved when they are informed by rigorous and accurate scientific evidence. However, some critical authors argue that public policies cannot be decided on technical evidence alone. They stress that calls to simply ‘base’ policy on evidence risks ignoring the fundamental importance of politics as a mechanism to debate and choose between multiple competing social concerns, and further risks imposing de facto policy priority on those concerns which have been measured, or those which are conducive to measuring in particular ways. At times, debates between these groups appear to paint an intractable difference of opinion on the role that evidence can or should play in policymaking. However, here we argue that both sides have valid concerns to consider, yet their concerns are very different in nature. For champions of evidence, there is a problem with the politicisation of science – the ways that political interests appear to drive the misuse, manipulation, or cherry picking of evidence to promote political goals. This can otherwise be defined as a concern over technical bias in the use of evidence – evidence utilisation that does not follow principles of scientific best practice (which can include invalid uses of individual pieces of evidence, as well as failing to systematically include all the relevant evidence that best answers a particular question) and which therefore leads to poorer policy outcomes than would otherwise be possible. The critical policy perspective, on the other hand, points to the problems caused by the depoliticisation of politics – in particular the ways in which social values can be obscured or marginalised through the promotion of certain forms or bodies of evidence. This is also a form of bias, but can be alternatively termed issue biasto capture how evidence utilisation can shift the political debate to particular questions or concerns in a non-transparent way. The first form of bias broadly reflects the value of scientific fidelity, while the second broadly reflects the value of democratic representation. This brief defines these concepts and explores the political origins of these different forms of bias in order to help move beyond the debates between evidence champions and critical perspectives, as well as to help guide efforts to avoid bias or mitigate its impact

    Evidence-based policymaking - an important first step and the need to move to the next

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    In recent years, there has been a marked increase in interest in the use of evidence for public policymaking. Yet the vast majority of work in this area has failed to engage with the political nature of decision making and how this influences the ways in which evidence is used (or misused) within political arenas. This series of briefs provides new insights into the nature of political bias with regards to evidence, and critically considers what an ‘improved’ use of evidence would look like from a policymaking perspective. Collectively, it summarises ideas presented in the book: The Politics of Evidence: from Evidence Based Policy to the Good Governance of Evidence – published in 2017 by Routledge, and available from late 2016 electronically for free (open access) (http://bit.ly/2eQ3By2)

    A cognitive political model of evidentiary bias

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    What is the ‘good use' of evidence for policy

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    Conceptualising the good governance of evidence

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    What is good evidence for policy?

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    Mucin glycosylation and sulphation in airway epithelial cells is not influenced by cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator expression

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    Abnormalities in mucus properties and clearance make a major contribution to the pathology of cystic fibrosis (CF). Our aim was to test the hypothesis that the defects in CF mucus are a direct result of mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein. We evaluated a single mucin molecule MUC1F/5ACTR that carries tandem repeat sequence from MUC5AC, a major secreted airway mucin, in a MUC1 mucin vector. To establish whether the presence of mutant or normal CFTR directly influences the O-glycosylation and sulphation of mucins in airway epithelial cells, we used the CFT1-LC3 (DeltaF508 CFTR mutant) and CFT1-LCFSN (wild-type CFTR corrected) human airway epithelial cell lines. MUC1F/5ACTR mucin was immunoprecipitated, centricon purified, and O-glycosylation was evaluated by Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization and electrospray tandem mass spectrometry to determine the composition of different carbohydrate structures. Mass spectrometry data showed the same O-glycans in both CFTR mutant and wild-type CFTR corrected cells. Metabolic labeling assays were performed to evaluate gross glycosylation and sulphation of the mucins and showed no significant difference in mucin synthesized in six independent clones of these cell lines. Our results show that the absence of functional CFTR protein causes neither an abnormality in mucin O-glycosylation nor an increase in mucin sulphation

    Mating rituals of the Slender Hognosed Pitviper

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    Análise da percepção de microempresários e empresários de pequeno porte de João Pessoa sobre a importância da contabilidade

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    Given the scenario of economic recession faced by the country since 2014, there is a significant increase in the number of microentrepreneurs who see a company opening the possibility of creating income. The challenges for the entrepreneur surpass the need for commercial competitiveness of their products or services in relation to their competitors, it requires specific knowledge of management, since the entrepreneur must present the ability to understand the liquidity and profitability of his company.The accounting information becomes the main management tool capable of enabling the user to make decisions in order to maximize the expected objectives. In view of the above, a study is necessary to analyze the perception of microentrepreneurs in João Pessoa on the contribution of accounting information to decision making. To present the perception of microentrepreneurs of João Pessoa in relation to the contribution of the accounting information to the decision making is the general objective of this research. The present research has a descriptive character. The research approach is qualitative. The data required for analysis were collected through a structured interview. The interview was applied with four (4) micro and small entrepreneurs, who demand the contracting of credit lines (Working Capital), being clients of a Private Banking Institution located in the District of Manaíra, in the municipality of João Pessoa.Diante do cenário de recessão econômica enfrentado pelo país desde 2014, percebe-se um aumento significativo no número de empreendedores que vêem na abertura de uma empresa a possibilidade de criação de renda. Os desafios para o empreendedor ultrapassam a necessidade de competitividade comercial de seus produtos ou serviços em relação aos seus concorrentes, exige conhecimento especifico de gestão, pois o empresário deverá apresentar a capacidade de entender a liquidez e a rentabilidade da sua empresa. A informação contábil passa a ser o principal instrumento de gestão capaz de possibilitar ao seu usuário a tomada de decisão, de forma a maximizar os objetivos esperados. Diante do exposto faz-se necessário um estudo que permita analisar a percepção de microempresários e empresários de pequeno porte de João Pessoa sobre a importância da contabilidade. A presente pesquisa tem caráter descritivo. A abordagem da pesquisa apresenta caráter qualitativo. Os dados necessários para análise foram coletados por meio de entrevista estruturada. A entrevista foi aplicada com 04 (quatro) micros e pequenos empresários, que demandam a contratação de linhas de crédito (Capital de Giro), sendo clientes de uma Instituição Bancária privada localizada no Bairro de Manaíra, no município de João Pessoa. O resultado obtido com o estudo demonstrou que os micros e pequenos empresários consideram a contabilidade importante na gestão da sua empresa, entretanto não há uma utilização eficaz dos recursos disponibilizados pela Ciência Contábil

    Blue Poison Arrow Frogs in the Wild

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