21 research outputs found

    Representation and symbolic politics in Indonesia : an analysis of billboard advertising in the legislative assembly elections of 2009

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    The overarching characteristic of the 2009 legislative elections lay in the legislative candidates’ politics of image. It stemmed from the amendment to the election Law no. 10/2008 article 214 that ostensibly cut off the parties’ power in determining their candidates without the public’s “direct” consent. The public was then given a direct opportunity to choose and vote for their preferred candidates in the 2009 elections. This marked the emergence and proliferation of the candidates’ image construction, especially in the “outdoor” political arena. Billboards were chosen as the most effective outdoor advertising medium to introduce the candidates and propagate their slogans and platforms. However, at the same time, this mode of introducing and propagating reveals itself as an ideological map that demonstrates the contestation and synthesis of the two major ideological camps in the Indonesian political arena, i.e. the nationalist and Islamic. The candidates were coopted into and by this framework. They themselves could not escape as their political dispositions were unconsciously defined by this framework. Their billboards speak loudly the ideological contestation and synthesis. The investigation of the contestation and synthesis needs Bourdieuan analytical tools, such as capital, dispositions (habitus) and field. These are used not merely to show how the mechanism of the contestation and synthesis operated and was defined by the rules of political “game”, but also to show how this mechanism involves the intricate inter-relationships of various capitals, such as the political, social, economic, cultural and symbolic, that reflect the candidates’ (read also: the parties’) dispositions within the field of Pancasila discourse. Pancasila becomes not only an ideological basis for the state but also the bastion of the contestation and synthesis. The twin roles arguably derive from the dominant cultural root (Javanese) that highly values the concepts of harmony, tolerance and appropriateness as the essences that allow the ideological contestation and synthesis of the nationalist and Islamic strands as the dominant ideological markers in the Indonesian political arena. This thesis aims to demonstrate how the candidates’ billboards represent ideological contestation and synthesis as the billboards can also be perceived as the candidates’ visual “responses” which reflect their political dispositions and the process of taking stances amidst the contestation and synthesis. Therefore, this study was conducted in the form of a layered case study. Using a Bourdieuan lens, the first layer explores the historical background of the contestation and synthesis, their proliferation in the political arena and the mechanism of deploying these strands in the political parties’ branding. Using a social semiotic lens, the second layer investigates how the billboards as the products of the candidates’ political articulation represent not only these contestations and syntheses but also their dispositions. I found that the system of representation (on the candidates’ billboards) operates within the Javanese ideals of “equilibrium” in Pancasila discourse. These ideals frame the power relations between the nationalist and Islamic factions in an ostensible “consensus” in order to maintain the harmony and dilute ideological friction


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     ABSTRACT Recently, there has been a huge increase of sexuality construction studies in literature field including in Young Adult genre. Ash novel is one of young adult genre retelling the classic fairy tale story of Cinderella with the gendering plot twist of the main female character. Instead of construct the main characters to heterosexual, Malinda Lo deconstructs her gender and sexual identity. The aim of this research will focuses on investigating the relationship between the elements of psychosexual development and sexuality construction in the narratives that change the main character’s gender and sexual identity. This research are using 5 stages of development theory by Sigmund Freud and performativity theory by Judith Butler. To analyze the narratives, this research is using deconstruction theory by Jaques Derrida as methodology approach. The gendering process and sexuality construction to lesbian appears in several events that bring the main character questioning the masculine role and construct her identity by the dominant stepmother. Keywords: Sexuality Construction; Cinderella; Young - Adult Literature; Lesbian; Psychosexual Development; Performativity, Deconstruction

    Representation and symbolic politics in Indonesia: billboard advertising in the 2009 Legislative Assembly Elections

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    One of the most visible political phenomena during Indonesia’s 2009 Legislative Assembly Election was the promulgation of the candidates’ ideology through billboards as a new cultural artefact. During the campaign, streets all over Indonesia were dotted with the candidates’ billboards as the result of the amended law of Legislative Election. The law stipulates that the candidates are now obliged to present themselves directly to the public for the first time. The billboard represents the convoluted web of representation which shows the complexity of polarisations between Nationalist and Islamist strands in the political discursive practices of the major parties. The paper deciphers how the Nationalist and Islamist strands’ images were constructed, constested and obscured on the billboards. Nine billboards that represent the nine winning parties (five nationalist and four Islamist) are examined to disentangle the complexity of the politics of image in Indonesia

    Pelaksanaan Gerakan Literasi Sekolah di Sekolah Menengah Pertama

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    This study aims to evaluate the implementation of the GLS program at SMP Negeri 107 Jakarta. The method used is descriptive with a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative). The results showed that: (1) Context evaluation, students, teachers and parents viewed the GLS program as needed by students; (2) input evaluation, the majority of teachers do not have adequate literacy capacity, the School Committee and parents support the GLS program, there is a Literacy Working Group Team and there is no public involvement; (3) Process evaluation, principals, teachers and education staff were involved in the 15 minute reading activity, the majority of teachers had taught the correct reading and summarizing strategies; (4) Product evaluation, the majority of students, teachers and parents feel the benefits of the GLS program, the GLS program affects learning activities, behavior, insights and skills of students. In conclusion, habituation of literacy activities in schools in the form of a 15-minute reading program, plus a literacy-rich physical environment and the use of literacy strategies in learning are proven to be able to form students' new skills.   Keywords: CIPP Evaluation, School Literacy Movement, Literacy Progra


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    Pelaksanaan Gerakan Literasi Sekolah (GLS) telah bergulir selama lima tahun sehingga program ini perlu dievaluasi keberhasilannya di ranah satuan pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kegiatan literasi terhadap prestasi belajar siswa di SMP Negeri 107 Jakarta. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII dan kelas IX berjumlah 216 orang. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah penyebaran kuesioner, wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada pengaruh kegiatan literasi terhadap prestasi belajar siswa SMP Negeri 107 Jakarta. Kegiatan literasi yang telah berjalan juga kurang efektif karena 1) siswa terlalu berfokus pada kegiatan merangkum daripada memahami bacaan, 2) tidak semua guru melakukan kegiatan tindak lanjut berupa tanggapan secara lisan dan tulisan, 3) tidak semua siswa memiliki kemampuan menggunakan strategi membaca, 4) tidak semua siswa menggunakan strategi membaca untuk memahami teks, dan 5) jumlah siswa yang menggunakan sumber nonpelajaran untuk memperkaya pengetahuan dalam mata pelajaran belum terlalu banyak


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    Abstrak: Hasil PISA 2015 dan PIRLS 2011 menunjukkan rendahnya tingkat literasi siswa SMP Indonesia. Gerakan literasi nasional sekolah yang digerakkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan hanya dilakukan perminggu sebagai basis kegiatan sekolah yang membiasakan siswa membaca. Lokakarya ini (dirancang dalam pembelajaran partisipatif) yang bertujuan untuk melatih guru Bahasa Inggris SMPN untuk meningkatkan kompetensi literasi kritis mereka dengan meneliti fungsi sosial, struktur skema, dan fitur leksiko-gramatikal dari berbagai teks naratif. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan menyeleksi 200 calon peserta yang tergabung dalam Asosiasi Profesi Guru (Penggerak Pendidik Indonesia Jaya) menjadi 50 peserta yang memenuhi syarat berdasarkan desk evaluasi. Pra-tes dan lembar kerja diberikan kepada peserta terpilih sehari sebelum lokakarya. Lokakarya dilakukan dalam 2,5 jam melalui zoom. Post-test diberikan setelah pelatihan selesai. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pengalaman mengajar dan pelatihan guru tidak menunjukkan korelasi positif yang nyata dengan keterampilan tata bahasa dasar mereka. Para peserta juga membutuhkan pelatihan literasi kritis lebih lanjut dalam menarik kesimpulan dan memprediksi kemungkinan yang diperlukan secara berurutan dalam teks naratif. Persentase yang meningkat pada dimensi pengetahuan konseptual peserta direkomendasikan sebagai faktor yang dapat dikembangkan lebih lanjut untuk pengembangan profesional berkelanjutan para guru tersebut. Abstract:  The 2015 PISA’s result ad the 2011 PIRLS’ result showed the low level of Indonesian SMP students’ literacy. The national as well as school-based literacy movement propagated by the Ministry of Education and Culture merely demonstrated the weekly school-based celebration on student’s reading habits. This workshop (designed in participatory learning) aims to train SMPN English teachers to enhance their critical literacy competence by scrutinizing the social function, schematic structure and lexico-grammatical features of various narrative texts. This was conducted by selecting 200 prospective participants who joined the teacher’s professional association (Penggerak Pendidik Indonesia Jaya) into 50 eligible ones based on their desk evaluation. Pre-test and worksheet were assigned to the selected participants one day prior to the workshop. The workshop was conducted in 2.5 hours via zoom. Post-test was given after the workshop completed. The results show that the teachers’ teaching as well as training experiences do not show overt positive correlation with their basic grammatical skills. The participants also need further critical literacy training on drawing conclusion and predicting possibilities entailing sequential events in the narrative texts. The escalated percentage on the participants’ conceptual knowledge dimension is recommended as the factor that they can further develop for their continuous professional development

    Islamic Female Clerics’ Preaching on the Discourse of Woman’s Body, Sexuality and Domestication: A Study through Transitivity and Appraisal Analysis

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    This text-oriented discourse analysis aims to evaluate and compare the language voiced by the two Islamic female clerics’ (Ustazah Aisah Dahlan and Mamah Dedeh) in their preaching as well as their stances towards the Discourse of Muslim Woman’s Body, Sexuality and Domestication posted on their affiliated Youtube accounts during this Covid-19 pandemic. The data (two video transcripts with the duration 09 minutes 04 seconds and 42 minutes and 54 seconds, respectively) were taken based on stratified purposeful sampling. Using transitivity system (ideational metafunction of language) postulated by M.A.K. Halliday(2014) and language evaluation theory (interpersonal metafunction of language) developed by Martin and White (2005), it was found that Aisah Dahlan’s preaching was dominated by attributive relational process and positive judgment in heteroglossic expressions to justify Muslim men’s attitudes and behaviors, whereas negative judgment in force expressions were deployed in discussing the Muslim woman’s body, sexuality, and domestication discourse. On the contrary, Mamah Dedeh’s preaching was dominated by the material process and positive judgement of sanction which indicates that husband and wife share equal responsibility in the household.Keywords: Ustazah, Text-Oriented Discourse Analysis, Muslim Woman’s Body, Islamic views on Sexuality, Domestication of  woman, Transitivity analysis, appraisal analysi

    The Praxis of Literacy Movement in Indonesian Context

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    Indonesia faces challenges in improving its literacy rank. In 2011, the literacy level of Indonesian fourth graders were in the 45th rank (with score 428 under 500) from 48 countries in PIRLS. In 2015 PISA’s report the fifteen-year-old Indonesian Junior High School students, occupied the 64th rank of 72 countries with score 396 under 496. To overcome this problem, the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture issued its Ministerial Regulation no. 23/2015 pertaining the students’ character building. This constitutes the basis of school-based literacy movement (Gerakan Literasi Sekolah). This study explores the praxis of literacy movement at one school (has implemented GLS since 2016) located in the condensed slum area of North Jakarta. Stratified purposeful sampling was deployed to select the research participants, i.e. 290 students and 20 teachers. The data were obtained from questionnaires and interviews. The result showed that not all teachers read the literacy guidelines determined by the government and their reading habit had not met the ideal number. Both teachers and students have different perception regarding to the time and frequency of schoolbased literacy activity. The fifteen minutes reading activity and reading strategies taught by the teachers were not varied. The teachers merely supervised the students while conducting the literacy activity. The students read the books they brought from home. The school-based literacy program gained the students’ literacy competence in understanding level (understand the content of the book they read) and built students’ character such as tolerance, teamwork skills, perseverance, responsibility, confidence, independence, politeness, and composure. Keywords: literacy movement, reading literacy, literacy competence, 15-minutereading activit

    The Relevance of Warahan Teaching Material in Developing Character Education Value for the Language Class

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    This study aims to analyze the relevance and feasibility of Warahan's teaching materials in developing character education values for language classes. This study used a qualitative approach with content analysis methods. The data was taken from the warahan literature, still developing in the Jabung Lampung community, with as many as seven warahan stories. Data were collected through observation and interviews with seven community leaders, traditional leaders, and ten language teachers at secondary schools in Jabung regarding their understanding of warahan oral literature. Data analysis techniques included (1) problem formulation, (2) selection or categorization of data sources, (3) elaboration of data categories based on operational definitions, (4) reliability checking, (5) data analysis, research, reports, and evaluation of research results. From the results of data analysis, it is concluded that written and oral literature is appropriate for use as teaching material in language classes and is relevant to current conditions in developing character education values that the government has set. Of the seven warahan stories analyzed, three main values were found in character education: religious, social, and humanist values (humanity). Of the three main character education values, 17 were found, including religious, sacrifice, polytheistic, mutual respect, trust, patience, lack of sympathy, courage, unyielding, and careless values. Value of Pride, Value of Caring, Value of Not Caring, Value of Cooperation, Value of Honesty, Value of Responsibility, and Value of Innovation and Creativity

    Persepsi Siswa dan Guru terhadap Pengembangan Multimedia Berbasis Aplikasi Android

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    This study aims to determine students 'and teachers' perceptions of the results of developing android-based multimedia applications on poetry material for high school students in class X. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods. The results of this study indicate that students' perceptions of the development of application-based learning multimedia on poetry material obtained an average score of 3.82 with a decent category. The results of the assessment of Indonesian language teacher scores 4.23 in the very feasible category. Conclusion, the use of andriod-based multimedia applications is appropriate for use in poetry learning activities in high school. Keywords: Perception, Multimedia, Android-base