1,271 research outputs found

    AESOP: An interactive computer program for the design of linear quadratic regulators and Kalman filters

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    AESOP is a computer program for use in designing feedback controls and state estimators for linear multivariable systems. AESOP is meant to be used in an interactive manner. Each design task that the program performs is assigned a "function" number. The user accesses these functions either (1) by inputting a list of desired function numbers or (2) by inputting a single function number. In the latter case the choice of the function will in general depend on the results obtained by the previously executed function. The most important of the AESOP functions are those that design,linear quadratic regulators and Kalman filters. The user interacts with the program when using these design functions by inputting design weighting parameters and by viewing graphic displays of designed system responses. Supporting functions are provided that obtain system transient and frequency responses, transfer functions, and covariance matrices. The program can also compute open-loop system information such as stability (eigenvalues), eigenvectors, controllability, and observability. The program is written in ANSI-66 FORTRAN for use on an IBM 3033 using TSS 370. Descriptions of all subroutines and results of two test cases are included in the appendixes

    Digital program for solving the linear stochastic optimal control and estimation problem

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    A computer program is described which solves the linear stochastic optimal control and estimation (LSOCE) problem by using a time-domain formulation. The LSOCE problem is defined as that of designing controls for a linear time-invariant system which is disturbed by white noise in such a way as to minimize a performance index which is quadratic in state and control variables. The LSOCE problem and solution are outlined; brief descriptions are given of the solution algorithms, and complete descriptions of each subroutine, including usage information and digital listings, are provided. A test case is included, as well as information on the IBM 7090-7094 DCS time and storage requirements

    F100 multivariable control synthesis program: A review of full scale engine altitude tests

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    The benefits of linear quadratic regulator synthesis methods in designing a multivariable engine control capable of operating an engine throughout its flight envelope were demonstrated. The entire multivariable control synthesis program is reviewed with particular emphasis on engine tests conducted in the NASA Lewis propulsion systems laboratory altitude facility. The multivariable control has basically a proportional plus integral, model following structure with gains scheduled as functions of flight condition. The multivariable control logic design is described, along with control computer implementation aspects. Altitude tests demonstrated that the multivariable control logic could control an engine over a wide range of test conditions. Representative transient responses are presented to demonstrate engine behavior and the functioning of the control logic

    Control system design using frequency domain models and parameter optimization, with application to supersonic inlet controls

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    A technique is described for designing feedback control systems using frequency domain models, a quadratic cost function, and a parameter optimization computer program. FORTRAN listings for the computer program are included. The approach is applied to the design of shock position controllers for a supersonic inlet. Deterministic or random system disturbances, and the presence of random measurement noise are considered. The cost function minimization is formulated in the time domain, but the problem solution is obtained using a frequency domain system description. A scaled and constrained conjugate gradient algorithm is used for the minimization. The approach to a supersonic inlet included the calculations of the optimal proportional-plus integral (PI) and proportional-plus-integral-plus-derivative controllers. A single-loop PI controller was the most desirable of the designs considered

    Space shuttle active-pogo-suppressor control design using linear quadratic regulator techniques

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    Two methods of active pogo suppression (stabilization) for the space shuttle vehicle were studied analytically. The basis for both approaches was the linear quadratic regulator, state space technique. The first approach minimized root-mean-square pump inlet pressure by using either fullstate feedback, partial-state feedback, or output feedback with a Kalman filter. The second approach increased the modal damping associated with the critical structural modes by using either full-state feedback or reconstructed state feedback. A number of implementable controls were found by both approaches. The designs were analyzed with respect to sensitivity, complexity, and controller energy requirements, as well as controller performance. Practical controllers resulting from the two design approaches tended to use pressure and flow as feedback variables for the minimum-rms method and structural accelerations or velocities for the modal control method. Both approaches are suitable for the design of active pogo-suppression controllers

    The Role of Modern Control Theory in the Design of Controls for Aircraft Turbine Engines

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    Accomplishments in applying Modern Control Theory to the design of controls for advanced aircraft turbine engines were reviewed. The results of successful research programs are discussed. Ongoing programs as well as planned or recommended future thrusts are also discussed

    Application of advanced control techniques to aircraft propulsion systems

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    Two programs are described which involve the application of advanced control techniques to the design of engine control algorithms. Multivariable control theory is used in the F100 MVCS (multivariable control synthesis) program to design controls which coordinate the control inputs for improved engine performance. A systematic method for handling a complex control design task is given. Methods of analytical redundancy are aimed at increasing the control system reliability. The F100 DIA (detection, isolation, and accommodation) program, which investigates the uses of software to replace or augment hardware redundancy for certain critical engine sensor, is described

    A digital computer propulsion control facility: Description of capabilities and summary of experimental program results

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    Flight weight digital computers are being used today to carry out many of the propulsion system control functions previously delegated exclusively to hydromechanical controllers. An operational digital computer facility for propulsion control mode studies has been used successfully in several experimental programs. This paper describes the system and some of the results concerned with engine control, inlet control, and inlet engine integrated control. Analytical designs for the digital propulsion control modes include both classical and modern/optimal techniques

    Space shuttle pogo active controller design using frequency domain optimization

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    A frequency domain parameter optimization technique was used to design active pogo suppression controls for the space shuttle. The technique uses a conjugate gradient search procedure and is well suited for designing low-order controllers for higher order systems. The shuttle model was a two-pump and six-structural-mode linear model representing a worst-case condition. A promising feedback controller structure was found to be a lead-lag design

    Analog-digital, digital-analog converter for a digital control system simulator

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    Analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters for digital control system simulatio