273 research outputs found

    Der Einfluss von Natrium-Selenit auf die Apoptose in isolierten humanen Schilddrüsenfollikeln

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    Selen wird in Form von Selenocystein in das katalytische Zentrum der Glutathionperoxidase gebunden. Das Enzym kann in besonders hoher Konzentration in der Schilddrüse nachgewiesen werden, wo es redoxabhängige Vorgänge reguliert und das Redoxpotenzial der Zelle aufrechterhält. Es wurde der Einfluss von Natrium-Selenit auf die Apoptoserate in humanen Schilddrüsenfollikeln untersucht. Es konnte eine konzentrationsabhängige Reduktion der Apoptoserate beobachtet werden

    Sprachkompetenz als Prädiktor mathematischer Kompetenzentwicklung von Kindern deutscher und nicht-deutscher Familiensprache

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    Das Ziel des vorliegenden Beitrages bestand darin, anhand der längsschnittlich angelegten Studie Erhebungen zum Lese- und Mathematikverständnis-Entwicklungen in den Jahrgangsstufen 4 bis 6 in Berlin (ELEMENT) den Einfluss von Lesekompetenz auf die Kompetenzentwicklung in Mathematik bei Schülerinnen und Schülern von der 4. bis zur 6. Jahrgangsstufe (N = 3 169) zu analysieren. Darüber hinaus wurde untersucht, ob Kinder nicht-deutscher Familiensprache unter Kontrolle des sozioökonomischen Status (SES) und der allgemeinen kognitiven Grundfähigkeiten geringere Lernzuwächse in Mathematik erzielen als Kinder deutscher Familiensprache. Der Entwicklungsverlauf der Mathematikkompetenz wurde dabei anhand eines Wachstumskurvenmodells analysiert. Erwartungskonform zeigte sich, dass die Lesekompetenz, auch unter Kontrolle des SES und der allgemeinen kognitiven Grundfähigkeiten, nicht nur signifikant mit der mathematischen Ausgangskompetenz zusammenhing, sondern darüber hinaus auch einen signifikanten Beitrag zur Vorhersage der mathematischen Lernzuwachsraten aller Schülerinnen und Schüler leistete. Obwohl die bestehenden Kompetenzunterschiede in Mathematik zwischen Kindern nicht-deutscher Familiensprache und deutscher Familiensprache größtenteils auf die Lesekompetenz zurückführbar waren, vergrößerten sich die Disparitäten zwischen Kindern deutscher und Kindern nicht-deutscher Familiensprache nicht. (DIPF/Orig.)The aim of the present study was to investigate whether reading comprehension predicts learning gains in mathematics from the fourth to the sixth grade. The study also examined whether second-language learners show smaller learning gains in mathematics than students whose first language is German when socioeconomic status and basic cognitive abilities are controlled for. Learning gains in mathematics (N = 3,169) were modeled using a latent growth model. The findings indicate that the reading comprehension of children predicts not only their mathematical competence in Grade 4, but also their learning gains in mathematics from Grades 4 to 6. Further analyses revealed that differences in mathematical competence between second-language learners and students whose first language is German disappear when controlling for reading comprehension. However, no differences were found in mathematical learning gains between second-language learners and students whose first language is German. (DIPF/Orig.

    The relationship between theory of mind and mental rotation ability in preschool aged children

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    This study investigates the relationship between two tasks of perspective taking, the social perspective taking ability, namely theory of mind, and the spatial one, namely mental rotation, in preschool aged children. Both abilities develop during preschool age (Frick et al., 2013; Wellmann et al., 2001). We investigated 83 children aged between three and four years regarding their theory of mind and mental rotation ability. A significant correlation between both tasks was found for those children, who were able to solve the mental rotation task. This relation was no longer significant when analyzing the two age groups separately. Due to the small sample size as well as the performance in the mental rotation test more research is needed to investigate this relationship and its role in development

    Investigating Cognitive Performance Deficits in Male and Female Soccer Players after a 4-week Heading- Training Programme: A Controlled Study

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    This experimental study with a controlled pre-test and post-test group design investigated the possible effects of four sessions of heading training on cognitive performance. A total of 118 participants (mean age of 22.25 years) were assigned to one of the three following groups: a heading-training group, a passing-training group and a waiting control group. The participants completed a cognitive test battery of attention (D2-test), working memory (Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task, PASAT-2) and visual spatial intelligence (Mental Rotation Test) tests before, immediately after the second training session and one week after the fourth training session. There were no between-group differences in cognitive performance after the second or the fourth heading training sessions. However, within the heading-training group, women complained more of headaches than men after the fourth training session. These results build on the results from the study of Rieder and Jansen (2011) that showed no neuropsychological consequences after one heading session, showing no cumulative effects of repeat heading

    The Choice of Sports Affects Mental Rotation Performance in Adolescents

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    This study investigates mental rotation performance of adolescent female dancers and soccer players in object-based and egocentric mental rotation tasks using human body stimuli. 60 young females, 30 soccer players, and 30 dancers (not twosome), completed a chronometric mental rotation task with object-based and egocentric transformation of male and female figures, which were displayed either in front or back view. During their sport-specific activity soccer-players and dancers very often have to adapt their movements to the movement of a partner or opponent, soccer-players especially in front view positions. While for soccer-players reaction time (RT) often is crucial for sporting success, dancers mainly focus on the accuracy of their movements. Therefore, we expect significantly faster RTs for soccer players for front view stimuli but no differences between soccer players and dancers for back view stimuli. The main result was that soccer-players showed a significantly shorter RT than dancers for stimuli presented in front view in object based and egocentric transformation. There was no such difference, when the stimuli were presented in the back view. Contrary to literature we didn't find significantly higher RTs and error rates for stimuli presented in front view compared to back view in general but only for egocentric transformations. The results of this study show that specific sports affect individual aspects of mental rotation performance

    Praxisversuch zum Einfluss unterschiedlicher Bodenbearbeitung auf physikalische Bodeneigenschaften

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    Der Praxisversuch wurde 2012/2013 am Standort Dummerstorf (Mecklenburg - Vorpommern) mit dem Ziel durchgeführt, die tiefendifferenzierten Auswirkungen (0 – 15 cm, 15 – 30 cm, 30 – 45 cm) verschiedener Bodenbearbeitungsverfahren mit variierender Eingriffsintensität auf ausgewählte physikalische Bodeneigenschaften zu prüfen. Einbezogen wurden die Verfahren der konventionellen (Pflug) und der konservierenden Bodenbearbeitung (Grubber und Streifenbodenbearbeitung). Anhand der Prüfparameter Trockenrohdichte und Luftvolumen sowie Eindringwiderstand wurden Differenzierungen nachgewiesen, insbesondere im Tiefenbereich 15 – 30 cm. Ertragsbeeinflussungen in Abhängigkeit vom gewählten Bodenbearbeitungsverfahren ergaben sich bislang nicht

    Launching a Strategic Social Media Presence for the NSU Write from the Start Writing and Communication Center

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    This presentation will offer a case study of one writing center’s implementation and use of social media, and provide participants with strategies and suggestions for enhancing social media use in their writing centers. The NSU Write from the Start Writing and Communication Center (WCC) celebrated its grand opening at Nova Southeastern University in September 2018. This panel presentation will first provide an overview of the social media campaign and specific objectives that M.A. in Composition, Rhetoric, and Digital Media students at NSU completed as part of their WRIT 5900: Social Media Writing and Strategy course during the Summer 2018 to support the WCC’s launch. The second portion of the panel will feature NSU’s WCC social media team and will discuss the WCC’s social presence implementation during Fall 2018, and provide and discuss lessons learned and strategies participants can use at their home institutions

    Symmetrical Dimethylarginine as a Diagnostic Parameter in Hermann's Tortoises (Testudo hermanni)

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    BackgroundDespite improvements in habitational conditions, kidney disease is relatively common in tortoises. ObjectivesPurpose of this study was the establishment of Symmetrical dimethylarginine (SDMA) reference values for clinically healthy Hermann's Tortoises. AnimalsClinically healthy Hermann's Tortoises (n = 131) were included in the period from October 2017 to September 2019. MethodsCreatinine and other biomarkers were tested at IDEXX Laboratories, Germany using residual blood samples from Hermann's tortoises. SDMA was measured with the IDEXX test and verified by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry at IDEXX Laboratories, USA. ResultsSDMA values ranged from 1 to 21 mu g/dl (n = 131) for the IDEXX SDMA Test and SDMA values ranged from 1 to 17 mu g/dl (n = 82) for LC-MS. For the comparison of the two measuring systems, the following results were obtained R-2 = 0.75 (p < 0.001). Conclusion and Clinical ImportanceSDMA can be measured in Hermann's Tortoises and the reference values range in clinically healthy animals is comparable to that of dogs and cats

    Enzyme self-label-bound ATTO700 in single-molecule and super-resolution microscopy

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    Herein, we evaluate near-infrared ATTO700 as an acceptor in SNAP- and Halo-tag protein labelling for Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) by ensemble and single molecule measurements. Microscopy of cell surface proteins in live cells is perfomed including super-resolution stimulated emission by depletion (STED) nanoscopy
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