60 research outputs found

    The Influence of Oral Hygiene Education on The Oral Health Status of Patients Suffering from HIV/AIDS

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    Introduction: Poor oral hygiene and dental care can affect oral intake which results in decreased endurance and increases the risk of opportunistic or systemic infections. Method: The research was carried out the RSUD dr. M. Haulussy Ambon, Maluku, Indonesia, using a quasi-experimental method, involving 30 nurses and 20 patients. The level of knowledge and skills is evaluated before and after oral hygiene education for nurses. Patients were measured with a Beck Oral Assessment Scale (BOAS) score, and C. albicans yeast culture before and after the intervention was given in the form of oral hygiene using a soft toothbrush and dental floss for one week. Result: The influence of oral hygiene education on nurses knowledge with median value of pre-education 36.00 and post-education 91.00 and nurse skills have median value of pre-education 67.00 and post-education 100.00 with a significant value of p = 0.001 <0.05. There is an increase in knowledge and skills after educational activities. Before oral hygiene treatment was applied with a review of the BOAS score it had a median value of 11.00 after the intervention became 6.00 a significant value of p= 0.001<0.05, which showed a decrease in scores after oral hygiene treatment. Examination of C. albicans fungus with a median value of 79.00 pre-intervention and 31.00 at post-intervention, a significant value of p= 0.001, showed a decrease in the number of post-intervention fungi. Conclusion: Nurses should conducted Oral hygiene regularly to improve oral health status of AIDs patiens

    Health Promotion Behaviors among Elderly in Nursing Home at Baghdad City

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    Abstract Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the elderly health promotion behavior through use five domains of physical activities, nutrition patterns, drugs use, psychological well being, seeking of health care. And also to determine the relationship between health promotion behaviors and demographic characteristics(age, gender, and level of education.Methodology: non- experimental (descriptive study) conducted in nursing home at Baghdad city among elderlys' on A non-probability (purposive sample) of (N=80) person were matched with them from general population. The data were collected through the use of semi-structured interview by questionnaire, which consists of two parts (1) divide, section A. cover letter and B. Sociodemographic data which consists of 3-items, (2) health promotion behaviors questionnaire consists of 60-items distributed to four dimensions include, domains, physical activities, nutrition patterns , drugs use, psychological well being, and seeking of health care.Results: The findings of the  present  study  indicate that most the elderlys' unable on practicing physical activity in nursing home residents The drug use domain is perfect for health promotion behaviors domains among elderlys' in nursing home residents, and demographic data no impact upon heath promotion behaviors. Recommendations: The study recommends that Implementation of health education programs by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs to improve the elderlys' health promotion behaviors. The elderly of nursing home residents can be considered the target for programs to applying and reinforcing health      promotion issues.   Keywords : health promotion behaviors, elderlys', nursing hom

    Engineering Modeling of Human Cardiovascular System

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    Cardiovascular system is primarily considered as the human body's transport system. Oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients and other vital substances to the various tissues of human body are carried by the blood which circulates in a closed circulation. The cardiovascular system has been comprised of a combination of several basic compartments, which are structurally connected to and functionally interact with each other. Engineering modeling of such important system has become a useful tool to diagnose the cardiovascular diseases and recommend the appropriate way of their medical treatment. This paper presents a quantified model describing the relationship between the input and output variables of the hemodynamic regulation of the system through implementing a set of first order differential equations that governing this performance and describing its parameters such as pressures, volumes and flows in a closed-loop lumped system. Construction of this model was based on the interaction between the pulsating heart and the vascular circulations of the system through mapping the physiological parameters to the electrical analog elements (resistor, capacitor and inductor and diode) depending upon the close correspondence between the electrical circuits and the cardiovascular system in order to obtain a reasonable investigation for the behavior of the system in normal and pathophysiological conditio

    Study the Efficiency of Two Concentrations from Algae Cladophora glomerata Extract on the Giardia lamblia parasite

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    خلال الدراسة الحالية تم عزل طفيلي Giardia lamblia من عينات البراز لمرضى مصابين باسهال Giardiasis  حيث تم عزل الطفيلي و تنميته باستخدام وسط HSP . استعان الباحثون بفئران تجريبيه بواقع اربع مجاميع من الفئران وذلك لتقييم فعالية تركيزين (128,256)ملغم /مل من مستخلص كلوروفورم للطحالب الخضراء Cladophora glomerata ضد الطفيلي المعزول ومقارنة بالعلاج التجاري للطفيلي) (Flagyl وذلك بقياس بعض المؤشرات مثل انزيمات الكبد GPTand GOT)) , مستوى تراكيز الصوديوم والبوتاسيوم والحديد بالدم اضافة الى تعداد اكياس الطفيلي لبراز كل مجموعة من مجاميع الفئران المستخدمة خلال التجربة , اظهرت النتائج انحدار في مستويات انزيمات الكبد بعد معالجة الفئران المصابة بالطفيلي بمستخلص الطحالب. بينما اشرت قياسات مستوى الصوديوم والبوتاسيوم و الحديد زيادة بعد العلاج بمستخلص الطحلب .وبالنسبة لتعداد اكياس الطفيلي فقد قل تعدادها في براز الفئران المصابة بعد تجريعها فمويا بمستخلص الطحلب مقارنة بالعلاج التجاري .واخيرا تم الكشف عن المركبات الفعالة في مستخلص الطحالب المدروسة باجراء فحص  GC-Mass حيث اظهرت نتائج الفحص وجود العديد من المركبات ذات فعالية بايولوجية متنوعة . تعتبر هذه الدراسة الاولى على مستوى العالم لبيان امكانية استخدام المركبات الفعالة بايولوجيا الموجوده في طحلب Cladophora glomerata كعلاج مناسب وبديل عن العلاج المصنع للقضاء على اصابات الطفيلي Giardia.Giardia lamblia parasite was isolated from the diarrhea samples of patients with Giardiasis dysentery and was developed in HSP media, four mice groups have been used to find in vivo efficacy of two concentrations (128,256) mg/ml of chlorophorm extracts from Cladophora glomerata algae against Giardia lamblia parasite  as compared with (Flagyl) by measuring several biochemical markers as ( GPT and GOT) enzymes ,sodium ,potassium and iron concentration as well as counting the number of parasitic cysts in each mice groups. The results demonstrate that levels of GPTA GOT enzymes have been decreased in mice treated with algal extract. As for the concentration of the Sodium, Potassium and Iron increased in mice treated with algal extract. The number of the Giardia cyst is also reduced in orally inoculated mice with both concentrations of algal extract as compared with positive control and the Flagyl treated group. In terms of bioactive compounds, GC-Mass results indicate the presence of many phytochemicals with different biologically active properties This study represents the first attempt to use Cladophora glomerata derived from phytochemicals to treat giardiasis in vivo


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    This paper discussed the effect of welding variables on the heat-affected zone (HAZ) by using a tensile test of welded 10 mm thick low carbon steel AISI1010 commercial plate, which is welded using the Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) method. Different welding electrodes E6013 and E7018 were considered as welding parameters investigated. After that, the welded specimens were cut and machined to standard configurations for tensile test. The results showed that selecting different welding electrodes had a remarkable effect on the mechanical properties such as the ultimate tensile strength, elongation percentage, and yield strength of the welded specimens. The increment in the electrical current for each electrode in the welding processes led to decrease in yield strength and tensile strength. The initial decrease in tensile strength and yield strengths were observed. This behavior was attributed to the fact that different welding electrodes and increased the required electrical current to melting for the welding electrode, increased the electrical current led to increased heat input on heat affected zone (HAZ), then the observed change mechanical properties [which could create area for defect. The welding processes and tensile test at a room temperature was performed

    Smooth-Muscle BMAL1 Participates in Blood Pressure Circadian Rhythm Regulation

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    As the central pacemaker, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) has long been considered the primary regulator of blood pressure circadian rhythm; however, this dogma has been challenged by the discovery that each of the clock genes present in the SCN is also expressed and functions in peripheral tissues. The involvement and contribution of these peripheral clock genes in the circadian rhythm of blood pressure remains uncertain. Here, we demonstrate that selective deletion of the circadian clock transcriptional activator aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like (Bmal1) from smooth muscle, but not from cardiomyocytes, compromised blood pressure circadian rhythm and decreased blood pressure without affecting SCN-controlled locomotor activity in murine models. In mesenteric arteries, BMAL1 bound to the promoter of and activated the transcription of Rho-kinase 2 (Rock2), and Bmal1 deletion abolished the time-of-day variations in response to agonist-induced vasoconstriction, myosin phosphorylation, and ROCK2 activation. Together, these data indicate that peripheral inputs contribute to the daily control of vasoconstriction and blood pressure and suggest that clock gene expression outside of the SCN should be further evaluated to elucidate pathogenic mechanisms of diseases involving blood pressure circadian rhythm disruption

    A non-canonical E-box within the MyoD core enhancer is necessary for circadian expression in skeletal muscle

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    The myogenic differentiation 1 (MyoD) gene is a master regulator of myogenesis. We previously reported that the expression of MyoD mRNA oscillates over 24 h in skeletal muscle and that the circadian clock transcription factors, BMAL1 (brain and muscle ARNT-like 1) and CLOCK (circadian locomotor output cycles kaput), were bound to the core enhancer (CE) of the MyoD gene in vivo. In this study, we provide in vivo and in vitro evidence that the CE is necessary for circadian expression of MyoD in adult muscle. Gel shift assays identified a conserved non-canonical E-box within the CE that is bound by CLOCK and BMAL1. Functional analysis revealed that this E-box was required for full activation by BMAL1/CLOCK and for in vitro circadian oscillation. Expression profiling of muscle of CEloxP/loxP mice found approximately 1300 genes mis-expressed relative to wild-type. Based on the informatics results, we analyzed the respiratory function of mitochondria isolated from wild-type and CEloxP/loxP mice. These assays determined that State 5 respiration was significantly reduced in CEloxP/loxP muscle. The results of this work identify a novel element in the MyoD enhancer that confers circadian regulation to MyoD in skeletal muscle and suggest that loss of circadian regulation leads to changes in myogenic expression and downstream mitochondrial function

    Thermophilic Enzyme Stability: Investigating the Stability of Alcohol Dehydrogenase in Bacillus Stearothermophilus

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    Alcohol dehydrogenases (ADH) are a group of enzymes occurring in many organisms that facilitate the conversion between alcohols and aldehydes or ketones. In humans, they serve to detoxify alcohols. Understanding the mechanisms of enzyme action continues to be an active field of research. Enzymes from thermophiles (organisms thriving at high temperatures) are stable under conditions destroying enzymes from mesophiles (organisms such as ourselves living at more normal temperatures). While several studies have been done in order to determine the nature of thermophilic enzyme stability, I have extended our understanding of this molecule. I have followed the activity of thermophilic ADH as a function of temperature changes and levels of denaturants, showing its stability relative to homologous enzymes from mesophiles. This work will help us to understand and control inherent instability in enzymes for therapeutic and industrial work


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    Plasmids are genetic elements of extra chromosomal double stranded, the replication of plasmids is independently of the genomic DNA. Plasmids are integrate with chromosome to form episomes, also they vary from chromosomes when they tiny and code for gene that is not basic to existence of bacteria. Loss of plasmid not slay bacteria, while the existence of plasmids give interest for bacteria. The Plasmid of bacteria differ if the lesser it involved 846bp so long as include single gene. Other plasmids has up 500 genes, while the greater carry 1,674 genes

    Uroplakin Ib Gene Transcription in Urothelial Tumor Cells Is Regulated by CpG Methylation

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    Uroplakin Ib is a structural protein on the surface of urothelial cells. Levels of uroplakin Ib mRNA are dramatically reduced or absent in many transitional cell carcinomas, but the molecular mechanisms responsible remain undetermined. Previously, we showed that loss of uroplakin Ib expression correlated with CpG methylation of Sp1/NFκB-binding motifs within the proximal promoter. In this study, we show that reporter activity was completely blocked by the methylation of three CpG pairs in this promoter region. Gel shift analysis using purified proteins or nuclear extracts showed that Sp1 and NFκB bound to motifs encompassing two of the three CpG pairs. Interestingly, the methylation of these two CpG sites did not prevent the binding of proteins to the promoter in gel shift analyses. Additionally, mutation of these two CpGs did not affect reporter activity, but mutation of 6-bp fragment spanning each CpG partially inhibited reporter activity, suggesting that these sites were functional. A requirement for both Sp1 and NFκB in regulating reporter activity was confirmed in transfection experiments using plasmids expressing individual proteins. Our data suggest that the methylation of specific CpG sites can silence the uroplakin Ib promoter, at least in part, by blocking the binding of Sp1 and NFκB, although other factors may be involved