213 research outputs found

    Influencia de un programa de expresión corporal en la imagen corporal en niños y niñas de Educación Primaria

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    Este estudio pretendió observar el efecto de un programa de expresión corporal en la imagen corporal de alumnos de 12 años. El programa incluyó siete sesiones de 45 minutos de dramatización y baile. Se obtuvieron mediciones pre y post con 33 alumnos (n = 13 grupo control -GC-; n = 20 grupo experimental -GE-). Para conocer su imagen corporal se utilizó una escala de figuras corporales (Children’s Ten Bodies Scale). Los resultados revelaron mayor satisfacción corporal en el GE en comparación con el GC, aunque no hubo diferencias significativas tras la intervención y tampoco se encontraron diferencias por género. Sin embargo, las chicas del GE mostraron menos insatisfacción corporal en el post-test (M = -0,57) que en el pre-test (M = - 2,37). Los resultados sugieren que las actividades expresivas podrían ayudar a mejorar la imagen corporal, especialmente en chicas

    Influencia de un programa de expresión corporal en la imagen corporal en niños y niñas de Educación Primaria: [Influence of a corporal expression program on primary school children's body image]

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    This study aimed to know the effect of a corporal expression programme on 12-years-old children’s body image. The programme was composed of 45-min seven sessions of drama and dance. Pre and post-measures were obtained with 33 students (n = 13 control group -CG-; n = 20 experimental group -EG-). To know the students’ body image, CTBS was used. Also, an ad hoc questionnaire was administered to the EG to know their perceptions about the influence of the programme on their body image. Results revealed that participants from GE were more accurate in the perception of their body size and were more satisfied with their bodies, although the differences were not remarkable. Girls from EG showed less body dissatisfaction in the post-test (M = -0,57) in comparison with the pre-test (M = -2,37). Results suggest that expressive activities could help to improve body image, especially in girls.Este estudio pretendió observar el efecto de un programa de expresión corporal en la imagen corporal de alumnos de 12 años. El programa incluyó siete sesiones de 45 minutos de dramatización y baile. Se obtuvieron mediciones pre y post con 33 alumnos (n = 13 grupo control -GC-; n = 20 grupo experimental -GE-). Para conocer su imagen corporal se utilizó una escala de figuras corporales (Children’s Ten Bodies Scale). Los resultados revelaron mayor satisfacción corporal en el GE en comparación con el GC, aunque no hubo diferencias significativas tras la intervención y tampoco se encontraron diferencias por género. Sin embargo, las chicas del GE mostraron menos insatisfacción corporal en el post-test (M = -0,57) que en el pre-test (M = -2,37). Los resultados sugieren que las actividades expresivas podrían ayudar a mejorar la imagen corporal, especialmente en chicas. Palabras clave: baile; dramatización; Educación Física; satisfacción corporal; percepción corporal; niños.   Abstract: This study aimed to know the effect of a corporal expression programme on 12-years-old children’s body image. The programme was composed of 45-min seven sessions of drama and dance. Pre and post-measures were obtained with 33 students (n = 13 control group -CG-; n = 20 experimental group -EG-). A figure-rating scale was used (Children’s Ten Bodies Scale) to know the students' body image. Results revealed higher body satisfaction in EG in comparison with the CG, although there were no significant differences after the intervention and no differences were found by gender. However, girls from EG showed less body dissatisfaction in the post-test (M = -0,57) in comparison with the pre-test (M = -2,37). Results suggest that expressive activities may help to improve body image, especially in girls. Keywords: dance; drama; Physical Education; body satisfaction, body size perception, children

    On ℓ∞- Grothendieck subspaces

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    A closed subspace S of l - is said to be a l -Grothendieck subspace if co c S (hence l - c S**) and every [sigma] (S*, S)-convergent sequence in S* is [sigma](S*, l)-convergent. Here we give examples of closed subspaces of l- containing co which are or fail to be l -Grothendiec.The authors were supported by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spain), grants PGC2018-101514-B-I00, PID2019-103961GB-C22, and by Vicerrectorado de Investigación de la Universidad de Cádiz. This work was also co-financed by the 2014-2020 ERDF Operational Programme, and by the Department of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Regional Government of Andalusia, project reference: FEDER-UCA18-108415

    Hypercyclicity of operators that λ-commute with the differentiation operator on the space of entire functions

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    An operator T acting on a separable F-space X is called hypercyclic if there exists f∈X such that the orbit {Tnf} is dense in X. Here we determine when an operator that λ-commutes with the operator of differentiation on the space of entire functions is hypercyclic, extending results by G. Godefroy and J. H. Shapiro [16] and R. M. Aron and D. Markose [1]. © 2022 The AuthorsThe first author is supported by Aula Universitaria del Estrecho, Plan Propio UCA-Internacional . The remaining authors are supported by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spain), grants MTM2016-76958 , PGC2018-101514-B-I00 , PID2019-103961GB-C22 , and Vicerrectorado de Investigación de la Universidad de Cádiz . This work has been co-financed by the 2014-2020 ERDF Operational Programme and by the Department of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Regional Government of Andalusia. Project reference: FEDER-UCA18-10841

    Associations Between Media Representations of Physical, Personality, and Social Attributes by Gender: A Content Analysis of Children’s Animated Film Characters

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    This study conducted a content analysis of 130 characters from 24 recent popular animated children’s films and examined the associations between physical appearance, personality, and social attributes by gender. We found that physical attractiveness was associated with having more friends and receiving more affection among male characters, and negatively associated with weight status among females. Also, wearing close-fitting clothes was associated with attractiveness among females and with popularity, musculature, and strength among males. However, being muscular, stronger, and taller was associated with less intelligence among males. Regarding gender-stereotyped body ideals, female characters were portrayed as slimmer and attractive more frequently than males, who tended to be larger, muscular, and stronger. Results suggest that mainstream media’s narrow and stereotypically gendered appearance standards are prevalent in content aimed at children and highlight the need for continuing research examining their impact on children’s body image and gender development

    Zooplankton and Micronekton Active Flux Across the Tropical and Subtropical Atlantic Ocean

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    Quantification of the actual amount of carbon export to the mesopelagic layer by both zooplankton and micronekton is at present a gap in the knowledge of the biological pump. These organisms perform diel vertical migrations exporting carbon through respiration, excretion, mortality, and egestion during their residence at depth. The role of zooplankton in active flux is nowadays partially assessed. However, micronekton active flux is scarcely known and only a few studies addressed this downward transport. Even less is known about the capacity of both communities to export carbon in the ocean. Here, we show the results of zooplankton and micronekton active flux across a productivity gradient in the tropical and subtropical Atlantic Ocean. Biomass vertical distribution from the surface up to 800 m depth by day and night was studied during April 2015 in a transect from 9 degrees S to 25 degrees N, covering from the quite oligotrophic zone off Brazil to the meso- and eutrophic areas of the equator, Guinea Dome, and the oceanic upwelling off Northwest Africa. Zooplankton and micronekton migrant biomass was estimated from day and night catches at different layers of the water column using MOCNESS-1 (1 m(2) mouth area) and Mesopelagos (35 m(2)) nets, respectively. Respiratory flux was assessed by measuring the enzymatic activity of the electron transfer system (ETS) of organisms at depth. Results showed a close relationship between migrant biomass and respiratory flux in zooplankton and micronekton as expected. Using a rather conservative 50% of efficiency for the net used to capture micronekton, respiratory flux resulted in similar values for both communities. Gravitational (passive) flux measured using sediment traps increased from the oligotrophic toward the meso- and eutrophic zones. Total active flux (including respiration and estimated mortality, excretion, and gut flux) by zooplankton and micronekton accounted for about 25% of total flux (passive plus active) in oligotrophic zones. Total active flux also increased toward meso- and eutrophic zones, reaching about 80% of total flux and being at least twofold higher than passive flux. These results alert about an important underestimation of the ocean biological pump using only passive flux measurements

    El aprendizaje de la teoría jurídica del delito a través del sistema de casos

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    El documento recoge la memoria del Proyecto de Innovación "El aprendizaje de la teoría jurídica del delito a través del sistema de casos" (PI nº 151). El método del caso es una de las técnicas que favorece el aprendizaje por descubrimiento. Este tipo de aprendizaje anima al alumno a hacer preguntas en el aula y formular sus propias respuestas, así como a deducir principios de ejemplos prácticos o experiencias

    Quality of life as assessed by adults with cerebral palsy

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    We explored the quality of life of adults with cerebral palsy without an intellectual disability and the predictors of quality of life.Because cerebral palsy is a disease that manifests in childhood, much of the research into quality of life for those dealing with it focuses on children; there are few studies that evaluate the quality of life of adults with cerebral palsy. Therefore, it is important to consider their perceptions in order to improve their general wellbeing and self-determination.This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study.Quality of life was measured using the GENCAT Quality of Life Scale. Demographic and personal variables were also collected and examined. Participants comprised 75 adults (58.7 percent men, mean age = 40.84 years) with cerebral palsy who were members of the National Cerebral Palsy Association of Spain between 2014 and 2015. A linear multivariate model was examined as well.The overall mean score indicator of participants' quality of life was 103.29, which corresponds to the 56.6th percentile on the GENCAT scale. Examining the level of qualification, we found significant differences in the factors "personal development" and "self-determination," and those with a university education obtained higher scores than their less-educated counterparts. Having a partner was related to higher quality of life standard scores. After constructing a linear model, it was observed that maintaining sexual relationships was another factor that increased participants' quality of life.This study highlights the importance of social and romantic relationships to achieve a better quality of life in adults with cerebral palsy who do not have an intellectual disability. Social integration and sexuality education programs should be developed to improve their quality of life