99 research outputs found

    Caracterização do sistema radicular e dos componentes da produtividade em quatro genótipos de milho cultivados sob déficit hídrico.

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    Nesse trabalho foram combinadas avaliações de parâmetros agronômicos com morfometria de raízes usando o programa WinRhizo, a fim de detectar características no sistema radicular que permitam a manutenção da produtividade em quatro materiais genéticos de milho (BRS1010, 2B710, DKB390 e BRS1055), cultivados em dois níveis de água no solo (CC- capacidade de campo, e DH- déficit hídrico). Plantas oriundas dos genótipos DKB390 e BRS1055 sob DH mantiveram valores de produção de grão similares aos de seus respectivos controles, sob CC. Por sua vez, plantas oriundas dos genótipos 2B710 e BRS1010 apresentaram perdas substanciais na produção de grãos com a imposição do DH. Cabe ressaltar que plantas oriundas do genótipo BRS 1055 apresentaram estratégia abaixo do solo de evitação à seca, por aumentarem a área superficial de raízes finas e muito finas, sendo esse um ponto de divergência em relação ao também tolerante genótipo DKB 390.bitstream/item/122152/1/bol-111.pd

    Relationship of coregulator and oestrogen receptor isoform expression to de novo tamoxifen resistance in human breast cancer

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    This study addresses the hypothesis that altered expression of oestrogen receptor-beta and/or altered relative expression of coactivators and corepressors of oestrogen receptors are associated with and may be mechanisms of de novo tamoxifen resistance in oestrogen receptor positive breast cancer. All cases were oestrogen receptor +, node negative, primary breast tumours from patients who later had no disease progression (tamoxifen sensitive) or whose disease progressed while on tamoxifen (tamoxifen resistant). Using an antibody to oestrogen receptor-beta that detects multiple forms of this protein (total) but not an antibody that detects only full-length oestrogen receptor-beta 1, it was found that high total oestrogen receptor beta protein expressors were more frequently observed in tamoxifen sensitive tumours than resistant tumours (Fisher's exact test, P=0.046). However, no significant differences in the relative expression of oestrogen receptor β2, oestrogen receptor β5 and full-length oestrogen receptor β1 RNA in the tamoxifen sensitive and resistant groups were found. Also, when the relative expression of two known coactivators, steroid receptor RNA activator and amplified in breast cancer 1 RNA to the known corepressor, repressor of oestrogen receptor activity RNA, was examined, no significant differences between the tamoxifen sensitive and resistant groups were found. Altogether, there is little evidence for altered coregulators expression in breast tumours that are de novo tamoxifen resistant. However, our data provide preliminary evidence that the expression of oestrogen receptor β protein isoforms may differ in primary tumours of breast cancer patients who prove to have differential sensitivity to tamoxifen therapy

    Genomics of Signaling Crosstalk of Estrogen Receptor α in Breast Cancer Cells

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    BACKGROUND: The estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) is a ligand-regulated transcription factor. However, a wide variety of other extracellular signals can activate ERalpha in the absence of estrogen. The impact of these alternate modes of activation on gene expression profiles has not been characterized. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We show that estrogen, growth factors and cAMP elicit surprisingly distinct ERalpha-dependent transcriptional responses in human MCF7 breast cancer cells. In response to growth factors and cAMP, ERalpha primarily activates and represses genes, respectively. The combined treatments with the anti-estrogen tamoxifen and cAMP or growth factors regulate yet other sets of genes. In many cases, tamoxifen is perverted to an agonist, potentially mimicking what is happening in certain tamoxifen-resistant breast tumors and emphasizing the importance of the cellular signaling environment. Using a computational analysis, we predicted that a Hox protein might be involved in mediating such combinatorial effects, and then confirmed it experimentally. Although both tamoxifen and cAMP block the proliferation of MCF7 cells, their combined application stimulates it, and this can be blocked with a dominant-negative Hox mutant. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The activating signal dictates both target gene selection and regulation by ERalpha, and this has consequences on global gene expression patterns that may be relevant to understanding the progression of ERalpha-dependent carcinomas

    ATHENA detector proposal - a totally hermetic electron nucleus apparatus proposed for IP6 at the Electron-Ion Collider

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    ATHENA has been designed as a general purpose detector capable of delivering the full scientific scope of the Electron-Ion Collider. Careful technology choices provide fine tracking and momentum resolution, high performance electromagnetic and hadronic calorimetry, hadron identification over a wide kinematic range, and near-complete hermeticity.This article describes the detector design and its expected performance in the most relevant physics channels. It includes an evaluation of detector technology choices, the technical challenges to realizing the detector and the R&D required to meet those challenges

    Estrogen receptor transcription and transactivation: Estrogen receptor alpha and estrogen receptor beta - regulation by selective estrogen receptor modulators and importance in breast cancer

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    Estrogens display intriguing tissue-selective action that is of great biomedical importance in the development of optimal therapeutics for the prevention and treatment of breast cancer, for menopausal hormone replacement, and for fertility regulation. Certain compounds that act through the estrogen receptor (ER), now referred to as selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), can demonstrate remarkable differences in activity in the various estrogen target tissues, functioning as agonists in some tissues but as antagonists in others. Recent advances elucidating the tripartite nature of the biochemical and molecular actions of estrogens provide a good basis for understanding these tissue-selective actions. As discussed in this thematic review, the development of optimal SERMs should now be viewed in the context of two estrogen receptor subtypes, ERα and ERβ, that have differing affinities and responsiveness to various SERMs, and differing tissue distribution and effectiveness at various gene regulatory sites. Cellular, biochemical, and structural approaches have also shown that the nature of the ligand affects the conformation assumed by the ER-ligand complex, thereby regulating its state of phosphorylation and the recruitment of different coregulator proteins. Growth factors and protein kinases that control the phosphorylation state of the complex also regulate the bioactivity of the ER. These interactions and changes determine the magnitude of the transcriptional response and the potency of different SERMs. As these critical components are becoming increasingly well defined, they provide a sound basis for the development of novel SERMs with optimal profiles of tissue selectivity as medical therapeutic agents

    Physiological response of the retinal pigmented epithelium to 3-ns pulse laser application, in vitro and in vivo

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    BACKGROUND: To treat healthy retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) with the 3-ns retinal rejuvenation therapy (2RT) laser and to investigate the subsequent wound-healing response of these cells. METHODS: Primary rat RPE cells were treated with the 2RT laser at a range of energy settings. Treated cells were fixed up to 7 days post-irradiation and assessed for expression of proteins associated with wound-healing. For in vivo treatments, eyes of Dark Agouti rats were exposed to laser and tissues collected up to 7 days post-irradiation. Isolated wholemount RPE preparations were examined for structural and protein expression changes. RESULTS: Cultured RPE cells were ablated by 2RT laser in an energy-dependent manner. In all cases, the RPE cell layer repopulated completely within 7 days. Replenishment of RPE cells was associated with expression of the heat shock protein, Hsp27, the intermediate filament proteins, vimentin and nestin, and the cell cycle-associated protein, cyclin D1. Cellular tight junctions were lost in lased regions but re-expressed when cell replenishment was complete. In vivo, 2RT treatment gave rise to both an energy-dependent localised denudation of the RPE and the subsequent repopulation of lesion sites. Cell replenishment was associated with the increased expression of cyclin D1, vimentin and the heat shock proteins Hsp27 and αB-crystallin. CONCLUSIONS: The 2RT laser was able to target the RPE both in vitro and in vivo, causing debridement of the cells and the consequent stimulation of a wound-healing response leading to layer reformation.John P. M. Wood, Marzieh Tahmasebi, Robert J. Casson, Malcolm Plunkett, Glyn Chidlo

    Advances in estrogen receptor biology: prospects for improvements in targeted breast cancer therapy

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    Estrogen receptor (ER) has a crucial role in normal breast development and is expressed in the most common breast cancer subtypes. Importantly, its expression is very highly predictive for response to endocrine therapy. Current endocrine therapies for ER-positive breast cancers target ER function at multiple levels. These include targeting the level of estrogen, blocking estrogen action at the ER, and decreasing ER levels. However, the ultimate effectiveness of therapy is limited by either intrinsic or acquired resistance. Identifying the factors and pathways responsible for sensitivity and resistance remains a challenge in improving the treatment of breast cancer. With a better understanding of coordinated action of ER, its coregulatory factors, and the influence of other intracellular signaling cascades, improvements in breast cancer therapy are emerging

    ATHENA detector proposal — a totally hermetic electron nucleus apparatus proposed for IP6 at the Electron-Ion Collider

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    ATHENA has been designed as a general purpose detector capable of delivering the full scientific scope of the Electron-Ion Collider. Careful technology choices provide fine tracking and momentum resolution, high performance electromagnetic and hadronic calorimetry, hadron identification over a wide kinematic range, and near-complete hermeticity. This article describes the detector design and its expected performance in the most relevant physics channels. It includes an evaluation of detector technology choices, the technical challenges to realizing the detector and the R&D required to meet those challenges