158 research outputs found

    How to measure Innovative Supply Chain Strategies (ISCS) in the context of SCM? -Construct development and measurement validation

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    CAHIER DE RECHERCHE n°2014-01 E5Nowadays, organizations have to innovate either in product or in management (Damanpour and Aravind, 2012). Ifinnovations in product are largely studied (Garcia and Calantone, 2002), managerial innovations are seldom studied(Soosay et al., 2008; Arlbjørn et al., 2011). Simultaneously, organizations develop Supply Chain Management(SCM) to manage their inter-organizational relationships with their partners (Chen and Paulraj, 2004). SCM“constitutes an interesting potential area for creating competitive advantages through innovations” (Prahalad andKrishnan, 2008, p.14) e.g. VMI, CPFR and supply Kanban systems.Our interest is to underline and discuss the key dimensions explaining the performance of inter-organizationalmanagerial innovations in the context of SCM. From a large literature review, three dimensions emerge to measurethese innovations: (1) the conditions and context for their deployment, (2) the involved organization’s capacity for innovation and (3) the performance of these innovations. Nevertheless, no pertinent measurement scale exists to evaluate these three dimensions. In this perspective, the aim of this research is to develop and validate a scale measurement for each of them. The supporting methodology is quantitative. A structural equation modeling is applied to the data from a questionnaire to 170 inter-organizational anagerial innovations in the context of SCM in France. The three measurement scales resulting from this research represent major methodological and theoretical contributions to the field. Consequently, supply chain managers are able to identify the main issues and factors to perform interorganizational managerial innovations in the context of SCM

    Synthèse de sondes moléculaires pour l'imagerie multimodale et multi-échelle appliquée en science du vivant

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    Les travaux décrits dans ce mémoire ont pour objectif d'imager des cellules par des techniques d'imagerie complémentaires à la spectroscopie de fluorescence : la micro-spectroscopie Raman et l'imagerie NanoSIMS. Le présent manuscrit se divise en quatre chapitres et présente les différents aspects menant à la mise en place de ce projet. Le premier chapitre du manuscrit a pour but de positionner le projet d'un point de vue biologique. Ce chapitre présente l'organite que nous souhaitions marquer, le nucléole, et la façon dont nous avons procédé à sa localisation par l'intermédiaire de sondes moléculaires. Le marquage que nous avons choisi est un immuno-marquage indirect faisant intervenir deux anticorps : un anticorps primaire spécifique à la nucléophosmine, protéine majoritairement présente dans le nucléole et un anticorps secondaire, reconnaissant l'anticorps primaire, marqué par une sonde moléculaire d'intérêt. Ce chapitre a également permis de montrer par une analyse en immunofluorescence l'absence d'interférence des sondes moléculaires dans le cadre de ce marquage. Le second chapitre se focalise sur la synthèse des sondes moléculaires permettant le marquage des anticorps secondaires. Les sondes envisagées pour ce marquage possèdent un groupement ester de succinimide réactif capable de "s'accrocher" de manière covalente aux fonctions amines de l'anticorps secondaire et un ou plusieurs groupements fonctionnels visible par la technique d'imagerie voulue. Trois catégories de sondes ont été préparées et dépendent de la technique d'imagerie employée. Les sondes Raman comportant une triple liaison carbone-carbone visible par cette technique, les sondes NanoSIMS dont l'acquisition d'image sera possible par les halogènes présents dans la structure et les sondes bimodales comportant les deux éléments dans la même structure. Les sondes bimodales sont obtenues par le couplage pallado-catalysé de Sonogashira. Dans la dernière partie du chapitre, une nouvelle série de sonde a été envisagée dans le cadre d'une application future : le marquage de l'ATP- -SH grâce à une fonction mésylate. Les deux derniers chapitres ont pour but de mettre en application tout ce qui a été présenté dans les chapitres précédents. Les deux techniques employées permettent d'accéder à des types d'informations différentes : la spectroscopie Raman donne accès aux modes de vibrations d'une molécule tandis que l'imagerie NanoSIMS permet d'obtenir des informations élémentaires et isotopiques. Nous présenterons le cheminement suivi pour imager des cellules via leurs constituants par micro-spectroscopie Raman et imagerie NanoSIMS via les sondes moléculaires introduites.Life sciences imaging are widely used for different applications, they are interested in medical diagnosis as well as basic research. In cells biology, fluorescence microscopy is mainly used for organelles observation at sub-cellular scale. However, techniques based on fluorescence phenomena are limited by some drawbacks like technical resolution, fluorescent dye degradation and the number of channels, which can be visualized. In this context, the exploration and the development of new way for image acquisition are considered as an experimental and technical scientific challenge. Furthermore, it can lead to complementary technique to fluorescence microscopy.This PhD thesis is a life science imaging project development and application allowing image acquisition base on molecular vibrations phenomena and elementary analysis in cells. Two techniques have been chosen in relation to both specificity: micro Raman spectroscopy and NanoSIMS imaging. Micro Raman spectroscopy allows the observation of molecular vibration mode at micron scale and NanoSIMS leads to elementary and isotopic sample information at sub-micronic scale. Combination of both techniques will lead to multi-scale and multi-modal imaging of biological samples. Molecular probes designing and synthesis for both techniques were used to visualize an organelle inside the nucleus: the nucleolus. Nucleolus has a key role in ribosomal RNA transcription and researchers shows some interest in the study of this organelle for his multifunctional role like ribosome biogenesis and nuclear organization. An immuno-labelling method combine with the introduction of molecular probes will allow nucleolus imaging by micro-Raman spectroscopy and NanoSIMS spectrometry. This immuno-labelling is specific to a phosphoprotein mainly localized inside the nucleolus: the nucleophosmin (NPM). In this project, the introduction of molecular probes in an immuno-labelling will act as a Raman Tag or a NanoSIMS tag for NPM's nucleolus observation and studies.This work at the interface between different fields: chemistry, biology and physics shows all the aspect of this project starting from molecular probes synthesis, immuno-labelling methods uses to direct application of both Raman and NanoSIMS techniques.RENNES1-Bibl. électronique (352382106) / SudocSudocFranceF

    The use HPTLC and Direct Analysis in Real Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry DART-TOF-MS for rapid analysis of degradation by oxidation and sonication of an azo dye

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    International audienceAdvanced oxidation processes are efficient for the removal of recalcitrant compounds, like azo-dyes. However, the intermediates produced during their degradation can be more toxic than the parent compounds. Improving the knowledge concerning the degradation pathways may be therefore helpful to optimize the process. In this aim, HPTLC and Direct Analysis in Real Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry DART-TOF-MS were considered and applied to analyze the sono-oxidation of an azo dye, methyl red sodium salt (MRSS) as a model compound. Initial and final UV-Vis spectra showed a clear disappearance of the maximum absorption peak, but shows limit since it cannot allow by-products identification. MRSS degradation was confirmed by HPTLC, which also confirmed that MRSS degradation was mainly due to oxidation, while in the considered experimental conditions the sonication effect appeared negligible. Three major peaks were observed by DART-TOF-MS after MRSS oxidation, m/z=139.002, m/z=223.073 and m/z=279.137, Relative abundance of m/z=139.002, which was much higher after oxidation, tends to prove that a large proportion of initial oxydized MRSS was fragmented. The MRSS m/z = 270.078. The coupling of HPTLC and DART-TOF-MS may be subsequently considered to identify the oxidation reaction products

    Rate enhancement of the catechol oxidase activity of a series of biomimetic monocopper(II) complexes by introduction of non-coordinating groups in N-tripodal ligands

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    International audienceAsymmetrical N-tripodal ligands have been synthesized in three steps. Diversity has been introduced at the first step of the synthesis by adding pyrazine, pyridine, benzyl and thiophene rings. The corresponding CuII complexes have been prepared by reaction with CuCl2 and characterized by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR), UV-Vis spectroscopies and cyclic voltammetry. The data show that the ligand coordinates to CuII in a mononuclear fashion in solution and that the complexes display a square pyramidal geometry. All complexes are characterized by a quasi-reversible one-electron redox behavior in acetonitrile. The ability of the complexes to oxidize 3,5-di-tert-butylcatechol to 3,5-di-tert-butylquinone has been studied and the results show that the rate of the reaction depends on the basicity and the steric hindrance of the heterocyclic donor. Best results have been obtained with CuII complexes coordinated to bidentate ligands, since they facilitate the approach and the coordination of catechol to the metal. Particularly, the introduction of a thiophenyl group to mimic the sulfur atom at proximity to the catalytic center in the catechol oxidase protein structure improves the catalytic activity of the complex

    AML Modeling of Trust in Supply Chain Management

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    Agent Modeling Language (AML) is a semiformal visual modeling language for specifying, modeling and documenting systems in terms of concepts drawn from Multi Agent Modeling (MAS) theory. Supply chain management (SCM) is the management of network of interconnected business which spans all movements of services and goods from the point of origin to the point of consumption. In SCM, Trust modeling is an important and crucial aspect from the perspective of sustainability of the supply chain and efficient performance in business. In the supply chain, the more we trust, the more we exchange information on demand and on forecast of the last customer so as with the level of stock and on the forecast of the suppliers. In this work, we attempted to model the Trust in SCM using AML and proposed a MAS SCM model of trust in supply chain management. The proposed model is implemented using JADE and the simulation results demonstrated the impact of trust in supply chain along with the evolution of trust

    Caractérisation des pratiques inter-organisationnelles innovantes : Vers la construction d'un modèle conceptuel

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    CAHIER DES RECHERCHE n°2012-06 E5Poussées par la crise économique, et motivées par des contraintes toujours renouvelfées, les entreprises doivent sans cesse cherche à faire mieux et à innover, tant sur les produits que les les processus et les pratiques.....

    Sampled voltammetry on an electrode array for the renewal of the electrode surface and the analytical solution during the analysis

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    International audiencePolarography with dropping mercury electrode has been widely used in electroanalysis. However, the method is less and less employed due to the toxicity of mercury. In this work, we have shown that it is possible to replace the dropping electrode by a working electrode array, allowing the renewal of the electrode surface and of the analytical solution during the analysis. This new concept has been demonstrated on copper analysis. Sampled current voltammetry has been carried out on an electrode array, giving rise to I vs. E curves with a limiting diffusion plateau. The principle can be extended to other electroanalytical methods as exemplified here with differential pulse voltammetry. Linear calibration curves have been obtained with both methods and a limit of detection of 2 × 10−5 mol L−1 has been reached for copper detection by differential pulse voltammetry

    Derives du tantalocene: hydrures, metallophosphines et composes bimetalliques

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    INIST T 73584 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueSIGLEFRFranc