151 research outputs found

    On the Economics of Carbon Sequestration in Forest Sites of Different Productivity

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    Pro gradu -työssäni tutkitaan hiilitukien vaikutuksia metsänhoitoon tuottavissa ja heikosti tuottavissa metsissä. Metsikkötason tarkastelu osoittaa hiilitukijärjestelmän aiheuttaman muutoksen optimaalisessa metsänhoidossa. Markkinatason analyysiosiossa arvioidaan yhteisen ja yksipuolisen hiilitukijärjestelmän markkinavaikutuksia tukialueen sisällä ja sen ulkopuolella. Työn ensimmäisessä osassa tarkastellaan hiilitukien vaikutuksia metsikkötasolla. Tulokset osoittavat, että hiilituet pidentävät optimaalista kiertoaikaa, kasvattavat vuotuista hakkuumäärää sekä lisäävät sidotun hiilidioksidin määrää metsikössä. Kun hiiliyksikön hinta on tarpeeksi korkea, on taloudellisesti kannattavinta jättää metsikkö kokonaan kaatamatta. Hiilituet vaikuttavat voimakkaammin optimaaliseen metsänhoitoon heikosti tuottavalla kasvupaikalla verrattuna tuottavaan kasvupaikkaan. Seuraavassa osassa hiilitukien vaikutusten tarkastelua laajennetaan markkinatasolle. Markkinatason malli muodostuu endogeenisesta kantohinnasta, useasta metsämaa-alueesta ja vaihtoehtoisesta maankäyttömuodosta. Tulokset osoittavat, että metsikkötasolla osoitettujen vaikutusten lisäksi hiilituet kannustavat metsittämiseen ja voivat laskea kantohintaa, koska puun tarjonta lisääntyy. Yksipuolisissa tukijärjestelmissä laskenut kantohinta voi aiheuttaa metsäkatoa tukijärjestelmän ulkopuolella. Korkea hiiliyksikön hinta johtaa metsänsuojeluun ja vähentynyt tarjonta kannustaa metsittämiseen myös tukijärjestelmän ulkopuolella. Tulokset ovat ristiriidassa yleisen oletuksen kanssa, jonka mukaan hiilensidontaohjelmat johtavat väistämättä hiilipäästöjen kasvuun ohjelman ulkopuolella.This study analyses the effects of carbon subsidy schemes on the optimal forest management in forest sites of different productivity. Forest stand level analysis shows the changes in the optimal stand management due to carbon subsidies. Market level analysis evaluates the market level implications of mutual and unilateral carbon subsidy policies and their effects outside the policy area. In the first chapter, we study the effects of carbon subsidies on a forest stand level. The results show that carbon subsidies lengthen the optimal rotation period, increase the annual timber output and increase the amount of CO2 sequestered in the forest stand. A sufficiently high carbon price leads to forest conservation. All the effects are stronger in the forest of poor productivity. The market level analysis presents an age-class structured model with an endogenous timber price and alternative land use. The numerical examples show that, in addition to the effects shown in the stand-level analysis, carbon subsidies encourage afforestation. An increase in the annual timber output may lead to a lower stumpage price. Unilateral policies may lead to an increase in timber output inside the policy, which decreases the timber price and result in deforestation outside the policy. As a sufficiently high carbon price leads to forest conservation, timber price increases and results in afforestation and decrease carbon emissions outside the policy. The results are in contradiction with the common hypothesis that increasing carbon sequestration in forests by unilateral policy would inevitably lead to an increase in carbon emissions outside the policy area

    Crystal plasticity modeling of transformation plasticity and adiabatic heating effects of metastable austenitic stainless steels

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    Strain induced phase transformation in metastable 301LN stainless steel generates a heterogeneous multiphase microstructure with a capability to achieve excellent strain hardening. The microstructural deformation mechanisms, prior deformation history and their dependency on strain rate and temperature determine much of the desired dynamically evolving strength of the material. To analyze microscale deformation of the material and obtain suitable computational tools to aid material development, this work formulates a crystal plasticity model involving a phase transformation mechanism together with dislocation slip in parent austenite and child martensite. The model is used to investigate microstructural deformation with computational polycrystalline aggregates. In this context, material's strain hardening and phase transformation characteristics are analyzed in a range of quasi-static and dynamic strain rates. Adiabatic heating effects are accounted for in the model framework to elucidate the role of grain level heating under the assumption of fully adiabatic conditions. The model's temperature dependency is analyzed. The modeling results show good agreement with experimental findings.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Quantity of storm runoff water in urban areas

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    Time-of-Flight -syvyyskameroiden suorituskyvyn arviointi

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    In this thesis, accuracy of Time-of-Flight (ToF) depth cameras was studied. ToF camera is relatively new technology, which is a potential challenger for traditional 3D imaging methods. However, the accuracy of ToF measurements is limited by several factors, such as the properties of the target or the intensity of background illumination. In the experimental part of this thesis, three ToF cameras are compared. The cameras are Mesa SR4000, Panasonic D-IMager EKL3106 and Microsoft Kinect v2. For the evaluation, five different test scenarios were carried out in indoor and outdoor environments. The goal of the measurements was to study how the temperature of the camera, background illumination and distance and reflectivity of the imaged objects affect the depth accuracy. The results showed that although all tested cameras had difficulties in some conditions, ToF camera technology has developed rapidly. Current cameras perform more robustly in challenging conditions, which enables a whole new range of applications.Tässä työssä tutkittiin Time-of-Flight (ToF) -syvyyskameroiden tarkkuutta. ToF-kamera on suhteellisen uusi teknologia ja se tarjoaa varteenotettavan vaihtoehdon perinteisemmille 3D-kuvantamistekniikoille. Mittausten tarkkuutta kuitenkin rajoittavat jotkin ympäristötekijät, kuten taustavalaistuksen voimakkuus tai kuvattavan kohteen ominaisuudet. Työn kokeellisessa osiossa vertailtiin kolmea kameraa, jotka olivat Mesa SR4000, Panasonic D-IMager EKL3106 ja Microsoft Kinect v2. Vertailua varten tehtiin viisi erilaista mittausta sisä- ja ulkotiloissa. Mittauksissa tutkittiin kameran sisäisen lämpötilan, kuvattavan kohteen etäisyyden ja heijastavuuden sekä taustavalaistuksen vaikutusta mittaustarkkuuteen. Tulokset osoittivat, että vaikka kaikilla kameroilla oli tietyissä olosuhteissa ongelmia, on ToF-kamerateknologia kehittynyt nopeasti. Nykyiset kamerat suoriutuvat hyvin yhä useammissa olosuhteissa, mikä mahdollistaa kasvavan joukon uusia sovelluksia

    Kyberturvallisuus Suomessa

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    Tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia kyberturvallisuutta Suomessa valtion ja kansalaisen näkökulmista. Kyberturvallisuus on olennainen osa kansalaisten jokapäiväistä elämää ja digitalisaation myötä turvallisuus korostuu etenkin verkossa. Ihmiset käyttävät paljon internetiä ja jakavat siellä henkilökohtaisia tietoja, jotka voivat vaarantaa henkilön turval-lisuutta joutuessaan vääränlaiseen käsittelyyn. Turvallisuus kyberympäristössä korostuu tulevaisuudessa vielä enemmän maailman verkostoitumisen myötä. Tutkimusongelmana on selvittää mitä on kyberturvallisuus, mitä siihen kuuluu ja miten kyberturvallisuuteen panostetaan Suomessa. Tutkielman tarkoitus on tutkia kyberturval-lisuutta yleisesti Suomessa ja lähestyä aihetta valtion sekä kansalaisen näkökulmista. Aihe on rajattu näihin kahteen näkökulmaan sekä maantieteellisesti Suomeen. Työn ul-kopuolelle jätettiin yritysten kyberturvallisuus ja pidemmälle viety tekninen tarkastelu. Tutkielma toteutettiin narratiivisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena ja osaltaan myös tapaustut-kimuksena. Tutkimusmenetelmä mahdollisti monipuolisen lähdeaineiston käyttämisen, joten aineistona on käytetty kyberturvallisuusalan kirjallisuutta, tieteellisiä artikkeleita ja aihetta käsitteleviä internetsivuja. Tutkimusongelma ratkaistaan selvittämällä kybertur-vallisuuteen liittyvät yleiset asiat, miten ne liittyvät yleisesti turvallisuuteen ja käsittele-mällä kyberturvallisuutta Suomessa valtion sekä kansalaisen näkökulmista. Aineiston perusteella kyberturvallisuuteen panostetaan Suomessa sekä valtion, että kan-salaisten toimesta. Suomen valtio on laatinut selkeän kyberturvallisuusstrategian, jonka mukaan tavoitteena on olla maailman osaavin valtio kyberturvallisuudessa. Suomessa järjestetään kansalaisille erilaisia koulutuksia kyberturvallisuuteen liittyen ja muun muas-sa Puolustusvoimien koulutusohjelmaan kuuluu perustason kyberturvallisuusasiat. Kan-salaisille aiheen tärkeys kasvaa digitalisoitumisen myötä. Älylaitteet ja sosiaalisen medi-an yleistyminen ovat lisänneet huomattavasti kyberturvallisuusuhkia, joihin kaikkien on varauduttava. Kyberturvallisuusuhkista on tullut tavallisten turvallisuusuhkien kaltaisia ja internetin yleistymisen vuoksi verkostoituminen näkyy selkeästi kansalaisten elämässä.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Social media and international business : views and conceptual framing

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    Purpose The objective of this paper is to increase understanding of social media in international business context. To this end, the authors make an attempt to integrate the existing, still somewhat limited views in a framework that advances the knowledge of scholars and decision-makers on this topic. Design/methodology/approach The authors conduct a conceptual study supported by use of a systematic literature review method. Findings This study shows marketing as a dominant area of discussion and reveals that many firm functions where social media plays a role have received relatively little attention. Furthermore, the study shows that the positive features of social media in international activity tend to be more widely acknowledged and better understood than the potentially problematic aspects. Research limitations/implications The number of articles analyzed in this study was relatively small, resonating with the nature of an emerging research area. Research on social media has only taken off over the last years, and it is understandable that there is limited research that connects it specifically to phenomena of international business. Practical implications This study reminds managers to be cautious when using social media in international markets. The relationship between social media and international business exhibits dynamism and is dependent on a variety of factors. Social media does not come without costs, nor is easily transferred from one market to another. Efficient use of this media in the international context may increase the need of specific and qualified human resources, and it may necessitate having the whole process from R&D to delivery, and beyond, ready for adaptation. Originality/value It can be argued that we know too little about the relevant factors and relationships between social media and international business. The authors hope that this study revealing the scarcely studied aspects and suggesting a tentative framework for capturing the dynamics of social media and international business can guide subsequent research and accelerate its emergence.© Matti Saari, Lauri Haapanen and Pia Hurmelinna-Laukkanen. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcodefi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Does Family Structure Play a Role in Depression in Adolescents Admitted to Psychiatric Inpatient Care?

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    We examined whether adolescents' family structure associate with depression in a clinical sample of 508 adolescents (age 13-17 years) treated in psychiatric hospital between April 2001 and March 2006. Psychiatric disorders of adolescents were based on the K-SADS-PL-interview. Adolescents with depression were characterized by a single parent family background (58 %), but less commonly by a child welfare placement (37 %). Depression in adolescents was significantly related to female gender and a single parent family background, but less significantly related to comorbid psychotic or conducts disorders. The association between family structure and depression presents a challenge to mental health services. Early screening for depression in adolescents admitted for psychiatric treatment from "at risk" family types is important to enhance their future wellbeing and coping strategies.Peer reviewe

    Crystal Plasticity Modeling of Grey Cast Irons under Tension, Compression and Fatigue Loadings

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    The study of the micromechanical performance of materials is important in explaining their macrostructural behavior, such as fracture and fatigue. This paper is aimed, among other things, at reducing the deficiency of microstructural models of grey cast irons in the literature. For this purpose, a numerical modeling approach based on the crystal plasticity (CP) theory is used. Both synthetic models and models based on scanning electron microscope (SEM) electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) imaging finite element are utilized. For the metal phase, a CP model for body-centered cubic (BCC) crystals is adopted. A cleavage damage model is introduced as a strain-like variable; it accounts for crack closure in a smeared manner as the load reverses, which is especially important for fatigue modeling. A temperature dependence is included in some material parameters. The graphite phase is modeled using the CP model for hexagonal close-packed (HCP) crystal and has a significant difference in tensile and compressive behavior, which determines a similar macro-level behavior for cast iron. The numerical simulation results are compared with experimental tensile and compression tests at different temperatures, as well as with fatigue experiments. The comparison revealed a good performance of the modeling approach

    Crystal plasticity with micromorphic regularization in assessing scale dependent deformation of polycrystalline doped copper alloys

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    It is planned that doped copper overpacks will be utilized in the spent nuclear fuel repositories in Finland and in Sweden. The assessment of long-term integrity of the material is a matter of importance. Grain structure variations, segregation and any possible manufacturing defects in microstructure are relevant in terms of susceptibility to creep and damage from the loading evolution imposed by its operating environment. This work focuses on studying the microstructure level length-scale dependent deformation behavior of the material, of particular significance with respect to accumulation of plasticity over the extensive operational period of the overpacks. The reduced micromorphic crystal plasticity model, which is similar to strain gradient models, is used in this investigation. Firstly, the model’s size dependent plasticity effects are evaluated. Secondly, different microstructural aggregates presenting overpack sections are analyzed. Grain size dependent hardening responses, i.e., Hall-Petch like behavior, can be achieved with the enhanced hardening associated with the micromorphic model at polycrystalline level. It was found that the nominally large grain size in the base material of the overpack shows lower strain hardening potential than the fine grained region of the welded microstructure with stronger strain gradient related hardening effects. Size dependent regularization of strain localization networks is indicated as a desired characteristic of the model. The findings can be utilized to provide an improved basis for modeling the viscoplastic deformation behavior of the studied copper alloy and to assess the microstructural origins of any integrity concerns explicitly by way of full field modeling