21 research outputs found

    Inclusive education in progress: policy evolution in four European countries

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    This paper seeks to compare the evolution of inclusive education policy in the four countries of an EU-funded research project (QualiTYDES) operating under the shared policy environment of the UN, EU and European Commission. A shared policy cannot of course be assumed to result in common legislative or provisional outcomes at national level. The different sociocultural, political, historical and economic contexts in each country shape its journey towards ‘compliance’ with an international convention (both pre- and post-ratification), and neither the route nor the destination can be assumed to be shared, given the scope for different interpretations of the same texts. This paper places the implementation trajectories of four European countries side by side as they attempt to move towards ‘inclusive’ education systems. Following a brief overview of the international education policy environment relating to the education of people with disabilities, we describe the national education policy responses in Ireland, Austria, Spain and Czech Republic in recent decades, including both legislation pertaining to special educational need and implementation of policies in practice. The comparison highlights the different manifestations of inclusive education current in each country, and also explores the challenges which have arisen as individual countries attempt to align international policy with provision in existing education systems, each with their own legacy interests, pressures and priorities. Examples of ‘gaps’ in this alignment are where learners with disabilities/SEN are likely to be failed, and represent the critical points at which barriers to fully inclusive education arise and negatively impact opportunity over the life course.The QualiTYDES research project was supported by the European Science Foundation [grant number 09-ECRP-032]; Austrian Science Fund (FWF) [grant number I343]; Irish Research Council (IRC, formerly IRCHSS) [grant number IRCHSS 09-ECRP-032]; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) [grant number EUI-2010-04,213]; and Czech Science Foundation [grant number P407/11/2009].Peer reviewe

    Costo-Efficacia di cabozantinib nel trattamento di seconda linea del tumore a cellule renali metastatico (mRCC) in Italia:

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    Introduction: Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the most common form of kidney cancer with >30% already metastatic at diagnosis. For patients who fail tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) therapy, the Italian Medical Oncology Association recommends (level IA) nivolumab and cabozantinib. The aim of this study was to compare the cost-effectiveness of cabozantinib with nivolumab for treatment of adult patients with mRCC following prior TKI therapy in Italy. Methods: A partitioned survival (area under the curve) model was developed for the Italian medical environment. Cost-effectiveness was assessed from the Italian National Healthcare Service (SSN) perspective over a 30-year time horizon (annual discount: 3% rate). In the absence of head-to-head studies, clinical evidence was based on results of network meta-analysis. Health-state-related utilities were informed by EQ-5D data from the METEOR study. Resource use and costs were obtained from published sources. Results: Treatment with cabozantinib dominates nivolumab across a 30-years time horizon. In the reference case, treatment with cabozantinib results in an incremental 0.268 quality-adjusted life years (QALY) and an incremental 0.349 life years (LY) gained with a total saving, for the Italian SSN, of €5,605 compared to nivolumab over 30 years. Cabozantinib is associated with gains in quality adjusted life years versus nivolumab, in all analyses. Results were shown to be sensitive to drug prices variation and robust when altering other parameters. Discussion: Cabozantinib represents an efficient option in the management of mRCC after initial TKI-therapy in Italy. Drug prices impact final results, and this must be carefully considered, especially considering the confidential discounts and outcome/financial-based agreements currently in place in Italy

    Entre mobilisation et modération : les forestiers face aux ambiguïtés de la bioéconomie

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    National audienceCette communication questionne l'effet des dispositifs de soutien à une mobilisation accrue de la biomasse sur les pratiques sylvicoles des propriétaires privés. Confrontés à des problèmes structurels, nous nous demandons si ces derniers se montrent sensibles à la convergence attendue des objectifs économiques et environnementaux portée par la bioéconomie. Pour éprouver ce questionnement, nous croisons la théorie des pratiques et celle des innovations sociotechniques. Se plaçant à un niveau « méso » du social, ces corpus abordent la problématique du changement de manière complémentaire. Tandis que la théorie des pratiques questionne la manière dont des acteurs réceptionnent de nouvelles pratiques, les approches sociotechniques se focalisent sur le travail d'enrôlement effectué par les prescripteurs. Cette discussion analytique s'appuie sur deux cas d'études. Le premier s'intéresse aux comportements des propriétaires de la forêt des Landes de Gascogne face à l'essor des marchés du bois-énergie et la demande de mobilisation des souches du pin maritime. Le deuxième cas questionne la manière dont un programme d'action visant à mobiliser de la biomasse en améliorant des peuplements dépérissant affecte les pratiques sylvicoles dans une zone forestière « sous-exploitée ». La méthodologie conjugue enquête qualitative auprès d'acteurs de la filière et enquête quantitative auprès d'un échantillon de propriétaires. Nos recherches montrent que si certains propriétaires adaptent leurs pratiques, ils ne le font pas nécessairement au nom de la transition énergétique et écologique. De plus, alors que l'offre sylvicole converge vers des scénarios d'intensification, les propriétaires privilégient des options moins radicales. Longtemps perçue comme une preuve de frilosité, cette résistance au changement pourrait finalement contribuer à inscrire la bio-économie dans une trajectoire soutenabl

    Seasonal and latitudinal variability of the CO2 system in the western English Channel based on Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) measurements

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    International audienceWe investigated the dynamics of the CO2 system across the Western English Channel (WEC) between Roscoff (France) and Plymouth (UK) using a Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS). From December 2010 to December 2011, 20 return crossings were carried out to collect a comprehensive dataset of CO2 system parameters and ancillary data. The hydrographical structure of the water column across the latitudinal transect was investigated at 3 fixed stations: ASTAN (southern WEC, offshore Roscoff), El and L4 (northern WEC, offshore Plymouth). Based on these profiles, we defined two provinces, the stratified northern WEC (>49.5 degrees N) and the well-mixed southern WEC (<49.5 degrees N), which were periodically separated by a thermal front. These contrasted hydrographical properties strongly influenced the ecosystem dynamics. Biological production/respiration processes were the main driver of pCO(2) variability during the year except for winter cooling in the northern WEC. The seasonally stratified northern WEC showed enhanced biological activities characterized by an extensive autotrophic phase, which maintained the pCO(2) below the atmospheric equilibrium until early fall and acted as a sink for atmospheric CO2 at a rate of 1.1 mol C m(-2) y(-1). The permanently well mixed southern WEC was characterized by a shorter autotrophic phase due to a delayed spring phytoplankton growth and an early start of the fall heterotrophic phase, resulting in an annual air-sea CO2 flux close to equilibrium at a rate of -0.4 mol C m(-2) y(-1). On annual scale, calculation of Net Ecosystem Production (NEP) revealed that surface waters at El and ASTAN were both autotrophic at rates of 1.5 mol C m(-2) y(-1) and 1.0 mol C m(-2) y(-1), respectively. Our latitudinal approach resolved the discrepancy between the directions of the fluxes in the WEC observed in previous studies by differentiating between the hydrological regions. The combined approach of using data from VOS tracks and fixed coastal observatories stations provided new insights into the control of air-sea CO2 fluxes in the different provinces of the WEC. This combined approach could be applied in other continental shelf systems where data on the CO2 system are sparse. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Paving the way through mainstream education: the interplay of families, schools and disabled students

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    [EN] There has been much debate around the role of parents in supporting their disabled children in mainstream schools. Several authors have pointed to parents’ advocacy and their engagement with professionals. Parents often perceived mainstream settings as fostering better social and academic learning for their offspring. However, while parents’ perspectives on ‘inclusive education’ have been subject to considerable research, relatively little is known about perceptions of parental support in mainstream schooling from the viewpoint of the disabled persons involved. Recently, a few studies have pointed to the benefits of biographical approaches for analysing this topic of concern. This paper aims to contribute to this emergent strand of research, and investigates the interplay of students, their parents and mainstream schools in relation to disability over time. In so doing, we draw on the life stories of three disabled young persons. In reading the stories, we refer to life course concepts and capital theory. Our analyses show that, across cases, despite different national education systems, participants’ perceived learning environments in mainstream schools as frequently characterised by the disabling practices of professionals. Parental support is highlighted in the narratives as highly influential for academic achievement and in facilitating progress through mainstream school settings in face of attitudinal barriers. Parents’ interventions and their social and cultural capital played a significant role in shaping participants’ subjectivities and responses to hostile learning environments. Strategies developed in these settings appeared to be ‘learned’ and even internalised by our participants, and can be identified as key also in tackling challenges in post-school life. While the importance of parental support to the educational trajectories of their offspring is well described, we point to the specificity of parental support as a reaction to disabling learning environments, facilitating the development of resilient strategies in disabled students.This work was supported by the European Science Foundation under Grant 09-ECRP-032; Austrian Science Fund (FWF) under Grant I343; Irish Research Council (IRC, formerly IRCHSS) under Grant IRCHSS 09-ECRP-032; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) under Grant EUI-2010-04213 and Czech Science Foundation under Grant P407/11/2009.Peer reviewe

    First observation of the neutron-rich nuclei42Si,45, 46P,48S, and51Cl from the interaction of 44 MeV/u48Ca +64Ni

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    Five new very neutron-rich isotopes, 42Si,45,46p, 48 S and 51CI, are identiled from the interaction of a 44 MeV/b 48Ca beam with a 64Ni target