117 research outputs found

    Direct seedling of pine and spruce : effects of seed properties and shelterwood/clear-cut on seedling emergence, survival and growth during the first two years after the seedling

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    Over the past few years the Swedish forestry industry has become increasing interested in direct seeding. Although, in practice, this interest has been restricted to pine seed, the knowledge and techniques that have been developed for pine seeding can readily be transferred to spruce. Direct seeding is a method that is of interest to the forestry industry since it can lead to lower regeneration costs, denser stands and better root development than the more conventional planting method. This study evaluated experiments that focused on direct seeding of spruce in the northern Sweden. Skogforsk set-up the experiments in Gideå and Sävar in 2003. They were inventoried in the spring and autumn of 2004. The collected data were compiled and comparisons of seedling emergence, survival and seedling height were made between: - Direct seeding on clear-cut and in shelterwood. - Different seed lots of pine and spruce. The results showed that: • Direct seeding of spruce can be as functional as pine seeding, in both shelterwood and on clear-cuts, during the first two years after the seeding. • Seedling emergence after one growing season was significantly highest on the clear-cut in Gideå for both tree species. In Sävar, seedling emergence was significantly higher in the shelterwood. • The survival rate of the seedlings was almost the same in shelterwood and the clear-cut areas with the exception of between the autumn 2003 and the spring 2004 when the survival rate was significantly higher in the shelterwood in Sävar. • Germination capacity, germination energy or seed weight did not have a significant association with the survival of the seedlings. • The mean height of the seedlings was significantly higher on the clear-cut than in the shelterwood in Gideå. No such difference was found in Sävar. • The survival rate was significantly higher for pine than spruce between the autumn 2003 and the spring 2004 in the shelterwood in Sävar (all seed lots). There was no such difference for the survival rates between the spring and the autumn 2004. • The mean height of the seedlings was significantly higher for pine than spruce in the shelterwood in Sävar (all seed lots). • Seed weight had a positive association with mean height for both pine and spruce in the shelterwood in Sävar (all seed lots). • The chance to succeed with direct seeding is generally higher for pine than spruce. This study showed that pine (the shelterwood in Sävar, all seed lots) had significantly higher seedling emergence, higher survival rates between autumn and spring, and higher seedling height.uteslutande tall- och contortafrö som används i de fall skogssådd tillämpas. Den teknik och kunskap som utvecklats för tallsådden skulle dock kunna överföras till gran. Sådd är intressant eftersom det till exempel kan leda till sänkta föryngringskostnader, tätare bestånd och bättre rotutveckling jämfört med den traditionella planteringen. Syftet med detta arbete var att utvärdera några pilotförsök med gran- och tallsådd under skärm och på hygge i Norrland. Försöken anlades våren 2003 i Gideå och i Sävar av Skogforsk, och arbetet gick ut på att inventera dessa under våren och hösten 2004. Data sammanställdes sedan och jämförelser av plantprocent, överlevnad och planthöjd gjordes mellan: – sådd på hygge och under skärm – olika fröpartier av tall och gran Resultaten visade bland annat att: • Gransådd kan ge samma resultat som tallsådd i fråga om plantbildning, plantöverlevnad och tillväxt under de två första åren efter sådd, både i skärm och på hygge. • Plantprocenten var för båda trädslagen signifikant högre på hygget än i skärmen i Gideå. I Sävar var plantprocenten signifikant högre i skärmen. • Plantornas överlevnad var i stort sett lika stor i skärm och på hygge, förutom mellan hösten 2003 och våren 2004, då överlevnaden i Gideå var signifikant högre på hygget. • Det fanns inget signifikant samband mellan plantornas överlevnad och fröpartiernas grobarhet, groningsenergi eller frövikt. • I Gideå var plantmedelhöjden signifikant högre på hygget än i skärmen. I Sävar fanns ingen sådan skillnad. • I Sävar skärm (alla fröpartier) var plantöverlevnaden mellan hösten 2003 och våren 2004 signifikant högre för tall än för gran för. För plantöverlevnaden mellan våren och hösten 2004 fanns ingen sådan skillnad. • Medelplanthöjden var signifikant högre för tall än för gran i Sävar skärm (alla fröpartier). • Det fanns ett signifikant positivt samband mellan frövikt och medelplanthöjd i Sävar skärm (alla fröpartier) för både tall och gran. • Generellt är chansen att lyckas med skogssådd högre för tall än för gran. I detta arbete uppvisade tallfrösorterna (Sävar skärm, alla fröpartier) signifikant högre plantprocent, högre överlevnad mellan höst och vår samt högre planthöjd

    Digitala interaktioner

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    Sociala mediers enorma expansion de senaste åren har bidragit till att miljoner människor varje dag använder plattformar som Facebook för att interagera med andra människor. Företagens intågande på denna plattform har inte gått förbi obemärkt av människorna som befinner sig där. Konsumenter väljer idag att använda företagens sidor på Facebook som en plats där de kan dela med sig av sina erfarenheter från företagen eller deras produkter men även som en alternativ kontaktpunkt – istället för butik, telefon eller liknande. Företagens CRM-arbete – kundrelationshantering – kan få in mycket information via denna kontaktspunkt, dels från kunderna som skriver och ställer frågor till dem, men även genom konsumenternas diskussioner på företagens sidor. Det blir då viktigt att företagen förstår vikten av att besvara sina konsumenters frågor och funderingar. Detta med tanke på att flera företag får in ett fåtal konsumentinlägg per dag, trots att deras sidor följs av 100 000-tals människor. Det kan tyda på att det finns en stor mängd människor – konsumenter – som inte skriver eller kommenterar något, utan bara passivt lyssnar och kan bli påverkade av interaktionerna. Med frågor – eller läsandet av andras frågor – till företag, får konsumenter ut information som underlättar deras inköp och de får även information om hur företagens kundrelationer verkligen fungerar. Detta kan därmed bygga upp förtroendet som konsumenterna har för företagen genom att låta alla läsare se hur de verkligen bemöter sina konsumenter. Vi ser att företagen i vår studie verkligen tar sig tid att ge deras konsumenter bra svar på alla typer av frågor. Frågor och lovordanden från kunder kan vara positivt för företagen och även i förtroendeskapandet för företagen hos lågengagerade kunder. Klagomål däremot ville företagen gärna inte alltid diskutera öppet om på Facebook

    Analysis of Facebook content demand patterns

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    Data volumes in communication networks increase rapidly. Further, usage of social network applications is very wide spread among users, and among these applications, Facebook is the most popular. In this paper, we analyse user demands patterns and content popularity of Facebook generated traffic. The data comes from residential users in two metropolitan access networks in Sweden, and we analyse more than 17 million images downloaded by almost 16,000 Facebook users. We show that the distributions of image popularity and user activity may be described by Zipf distributions which is favourable for many types of caching. We also show that Facebook activity is more evenly spread over the day, compared to more defined peak hours of general Internet usage. Looking at content life time, we show that profile pictures have a relatively constant popularity while for other images there is an initial, short peak of demand, followed by a longer period of significantly lower and quite stable demand. These findings are useful for designing network and QoE optimisation solutions, such as predictive pre-fetching, proxy caching and delay tolerant networking

    Feasibility Study of FPGA-Based Equalizer for 112-Gbit/s Optical Fiber Receivers

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    With ever increasing demands on spectral efficiency, complex modulation schemes are being introduced in fiber communication. However, these schemes are challenging to implement as they drastically increase the computational burden at the fiber receiver’s end. We perform a feasibility study of implementing a 16-QAM 112-Gbit/s decision directed equalizer on a state-of-the-art FPGA platform. An FPGA offers the reconfigurability needed to allow for modulation scheme updates, however, its clock rate is limited. For this purpose, we introduce a new phase correction technique to significantly relax the delay requirement on the critical phase-recovery feedback loop

    Is conduct after capture training sufficiently stressful?

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    Conduct after capture (CAC) training is for personnel at risk of being captured. To be effective, it needs to be stressful. But how do we know if it is stressful enough? This study uses biomarkers and cognitive measures to evaluate CAC. Soldiers undergoing CAC were measured by the stress hormone cortisol from saliva samples at baseline and during training. The training consisted of being taken capture and put through a number of realistic and threatening scenarios, targeting survival strategies taught in the preceding week. Between scenarios, the trainees were held in a holding cell where they were monitored by a guard. The saliva samples were taken in conjunction with the scenarios. The whole training took place over a period of ~24 h. Cognitive performance was measured at baseline and after training. Three groups took part Group A (n = 20) was taken after 48 h of intense tasks leaving them in a poor resting state. Group B (n = 23) was well rested at CAC onset. Group C (n = 10) was part of a survival, evasion, resistance, and escape (SERE) instructor course. The CAC training was the same for all groups. Group A exhibited a high increase in cortisol during CAC, compared to baseline levels were multiple times as high as “expected” values. Group B exhibited elevated levels slightly lower than those of group A, they also “dropped” to “normal” levels during the latter part of the exercise. Group C displayed the least increase with only slightly elevated levels. CAC training is stressful and cortisol levels were elevated enough to satisfy the prerequisite for effective stress inoculation. No cognitive performance drop could be identified; however, several participants “froze” during the exercise due to intensive stress

    Разработка гидропривода транспортёра и мотовила жатки самоходной косилки КС-100

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    We propose a novel method for iterative learning of point correspondences between image sequences. Points moving on surfaces in 3D space are projected into two images. Given a point in either view, the considered problem is to determine the corresponding location in the other view. The geometry and distortions of the projections are unknown as is the shape of the surface. Given several pairs of point-sets but no access to the 3D scene, correspondence mappings can be found by excessive global optimization or by the fundamental matrix if a perspective projective model is assumed. However, an iterative solution on sequences of point-set pairs with general imaging geometry is preferable. We derive such a method that optimizes the mapping based on Neyman's chi-square divergence between the densities representing the uncertainties of the estimated and the actual locations. The densities are represented as channel vectors computed with a basis function approach. The mapping between these vectors is updated with each new pair of images such that fast convergence and high accuracy are achieved. The resulting algorithm runs in real-time and is superior to state-of-the-art methods in terms of convergence and accuracy in a number of experiments.funding agencies|EC|215078247947|ELLIIT||Strategic Area for ICT research||CADICS||Swedish Government||Swedish Research Council||CUAS||FOCUS||Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research||DIPLECSGARNICSELLIITETTCUASFOCUSCADIC

    Skogliga grunddata

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    Skogliga grunddata är digitala raster-kartor som beskriver tillståndet i skog och mark. De skogliga variablerna är i huvudsak framtagna genom en sambearbetning av laserdata från Lantmäteriets nationella laserskanning och provytor från Riksskogstaxeringen. De digitala kartorna som beskriver skogsmarken är till stor hjälp för privata skogsägare, skogstjänstemän, myndigheter, m fl. Data är dels tillgängligt för gratis nedladdning, men det finns även möjligheter att titta på kartorna med hjälp av interaktiva webverktyg. Lantmäteriets laserskanning påbörjades 2009 och fortgår än idag. Endast delar av fjällkedjan återstår. Grundtanken med laserskanningen var att få en bra höjdmodell över landet. En bra höjdmodell ger stor nytta vid all samhällsplanering, men är även till hjälp vid klimatanpassning. Riksskogstaxeringen samlar årligen in data om Sveriges skogstillstånd med permanenta och tillfälliga provytor. Dessa provytor är koordinatsatta och är väl spridda över hela landet. I detta projekt har provytor från Riksskogstaxeringen kombinerats med laserdata för att ta fram rasterkartor med uppgifter om virkesvolym, grundyta, medelhöjd, medeldiameter och trädbiomassa

    Reinventing geopolitical codes in the post-Cold War world with special reference to international terrorism

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    Through a study of geopolitical codes, this thesis examines the condition of the Westphalian sovereign state in the post-Cold War world. Focusing primarily on the events of September 11th 2001 and their aftermath, the research questions the sustainability of the state as conceived by (neo)realists in the context of new regional and global actors and the processes underpinning these. From a critical realist perspective the study uses a comparison between Europe, where regionalization is particularly noticeable, and the hegemonic United States, in order to explore how the non-state global terrorist actor and the regional European actor impact upon responses, characterizations and therefore geopolitical codes relating to terrorism. In so doing the plausibility of emerging common European geopolitical codes is considered. The thesis is structured around the discussion of the codes of the United States, Britain and France, in addition to a more limited examination of the European Union. This (neo)realist component is complemented by the use of discourse analysis, a technique more common in critical geopolitics. The analysis is applied to government documents from each of the sample states (and the EU). From this analysis the research determines that each state retains unique geopolitical codes while sharing many components that contribute to their reproduction as sovereign states. Furthermore, although common European codes appear to be unlikely in these circumstances, the European context and imaginations apparent in Britain and France points to a regional dimension. The thesis concludes that the Westphalian sovereign state remains the dominant geopolitical actor, although other actors impinge upon it. This is more apparent in Europe where the regional dimension constitutes an added layer of governance and may signify a move away from the ‘modern’ character of the Westphalian state that continues to be more persistent in hegemonic America.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    The how of incarnation Christology and Eucharist of St. Cyril of Alexandria and Martin Luther

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    In this essay, I have examined and discussed the similarities and differences between christology in the thought of Cyril of Alexandria and Martin Luther, and further, to what extent Luther may have been influenced by Cyril in his doctrines of christology and Christ’s presence in the Eucharist. By reading texts written by Cyril as well as by Luther, I have tried to describe the position of each of the theologian’s. In the next step, I compared the thoughts of Cyril and Luther, and tried to show on both similarities and differences. I have found that Luther, in his emphasis on the union of Christ and way of describing the precence of Christ in the Eucharist, shows great similarities with Cyril. But at the same time Luther deepens and develops the position of Cyril, and do so on several occasions. There is also differences in the way of describing the presence of Christ in the Eucharist. While Cyril is more interested to see the the necessary connecition of the incarnate Christ and the Christ who is present in the bread and the wine, Luther speaks of this as three different types of presence. One of these Luther speaks about as Christ’s real presence, a significant part of Luther’s Christology. The similarities between Cyril and Luther, in the way of speaking about the union of the divine and the human nature in Christ make it clear that both Cyril and Luther can talk about Virgin Mary as the Mother of God, more accurate; Virgin Mary is the Mother of God. This shows on an insight in the thought of Cyril as well as in the thought of Luther that Christ in becoming a man like us, but without knowing sin conquered death. This is communicated by Christ through his presence in the Eucharist. Because of this we can speak of the Eucharist as the medicine of immortality

    Voltage drop in 200 V 400 Hz systems

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    Målet med examensarbetet har varit att ta fram teoretiskt underlag och en beräkningsmodell. Detta ska beskriva hur kabeltyp, kabellängd, kabelarea samt effektfaktor påverkar spänningsfallet över ett 400 Hz ledningssystem. Mätningar har utförts på två olika kablar som används i det aktuella systemet. En av kablarna var symm­et­riskt uppbyggd med 7 ledare, där respektive fas bestod av två ledare förskjutna 180° från varandra runt nolledaren. För att åstadkomma 115/200V 400 Hz, användes en 90 kVA frekvensomformare. Belastningen som användes var en resistiv, induktiv samt en kapacitiv belastning. Med den resistiva belastningen justerades effekten för att ställa in den effektfaktor som önskades under mätningarna. Detta var inte möjligt med den induktiva eller den kapacitiva belastningen, då de inte kunde regleras steglöst.   Beräkningsmodellen jämfördes sedan med mätningarna av spänningsfallet. Den visade sig ge en bra uppskattning av de uppmätta värdena för att kunna användas i Saabs fortsatta arbete. Vidare ges förslag på hur de distorsioner som uppstår, i samband med komplexa laster, kan minskas. Detta för att klara de standardiserade mått på elkvaliteten som ställs i de gällande standarderna MIL-STD-704E och ISO 6858-1982 (E). Beräkningsmodellen och dess beräkningar presenteras dock inte i denna rapport, då det av Saab AB är sekretessbelagda.The goal with this bachelor thesis has been to present theoretical material and a calculation model. This is to be used to explain how cable type, cable length, cable area affects the voltage drop in a 400 Hz power system. Measurements have been made on two different cables that are being used in the current system. One of the cables was built symmetrically built with 7-conduktors, where each phase consisted of two conductors shifted 180° from each other around the neutral conductor. To establish the system voltage 115/200 V 400 Hz, a 90 kVA frequency converter was used. The load that was used under the measurements was a resistive, inductive and a capacitive load-equipment. With the resistive load active power is adjusted to obtain the proper power factor for different measurements. This was not an option with the inductive or the capacitive load-equipment since they could not be regulated with a rheostat as the resistive load. The calculation model was compared with the measured results of the voltage drop. It was proven that it approximated the voltage drop good enough to be used in Saabs future work. Furthermore, suggestions are made of how to minimize the distortions that are developed by complex loads, to clear the demands on power quality presented by the standards MIL-STD-704E and ISO 6858-1982 (E)