139 research outputs found

    Spherical layout : Layout for 3D graph visualization

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    The goal of this work was centered in the graph visualization. The hope is that the extra dimension would give, literally, more space, and that this would ease the problem of displaying large structures. In spite of their apparent simplicity, the displaying of graphs in 3D can also introduce new problems that can be overcome with the appropriate interactions. So, we have developed a new visualization technique for 3D graph visualization; this includes the design of a new graph layout that we called spherical layout and the set of interactions that can be applied on this representation. This technique allows representing structures to different levels of detail and also can be used as a visualization technique that allows more information to be visualized; based on the universe metaphor, the visualization technique was extended keeping all the time the consistency between the visual representation and the metaphor.Facultad de Informátic

    Semantics-based visualization

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    Visualization is the process of mapping data into visual dimensions to create a visual representation to amplify cognition. Visual representations are essential aids to human cognitive tasks. They are valued to the extent that they provide stable and external reference points upon which dynamic activities and thought processes may be calibrated and upon which models and theories can be tested and confirmed. The active use and manipulation of visual representations makes many complex and intensive cognitive tasks feasible. A visual representation is able to convey relationships among many elements in parallel and provides an individual with directly observable memory. A successful visualization allows the user to gain insight into the data, i.e. to communicate different aspect of the data in an effective way. Even with today’s visualization systems that give the user a considerable control over the visualization process, it can be difficult to produce an effective visualization. To obtain useful results, a user had to know which questions to pose; problems had to be framed in very precise terms. A strategy to improve this situation is to guide the user in the selection of the parameters involved in the visualization. Our research goal is the design of a visualization system that assist the user in the construction of the visualization, by considering the semantic of the data, the semantic of the stages through all the visualization process and the semantic of the external elements affecting the visualization.Presentado en el Encuentro de Tesistas de PostgradoRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    AnArU, a virtual reality framework for physical human interactions

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    Virtual Reality has become, once again, a popular and interesting topic, both as a research and commercial field. This trend has its origin in the use of mobile devices as computational core and displays for Virtual Reality. Android is one of the most used platform in this context and Unity3d is a suitable game engine for such platform. In order to improve the immersive experience, some electronic devices, Arduino especially, are used to gather information, such as the movement of the user’s arms or legs. Although Android, Arduino and Unity3d are often used independently in Virtual Reality investigations, few studies use all of them together. Furthermore, each time these technologies are used in a new project, the developers have to think about a new way of communication between them. In this work we present AnArU, a framework for physical human interaction in Virtual Reality. The goal of AnArU is to allow an easy, efficient and extensible communication between the hardware and software involved in the Virtual Reality System.Facultad de Informátic

    AnArU, a virtual reality framework for physical human interactions

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    Virtual Reality has become, once again, a popular and interesting topic, both as a research and commercial field. This trend has its origin in the use of mobile devices as computational core and displays for Virtual Reality. Android is one of the most used platform in this context and Unity3d is a suitable graphic engine for such platform. In order to improve the immersive experience, some electronic devices, Arduino especially, are used to gather information, such as the movement of the user's arms or legs. Although these three elements are often used in Virtual Reality, few studies use all of them in combination. Those who do, do not develop a reusable framework for their implementations. In this work we present AnArU, a framework for physical human interaction in Virtual Reality. The goal of AnArU is to allow an easy, efficient and extensible communication between electronic devices and the Virtual Reality system.XIII Workshop Computación Gráfica, Imágenes y Visualización (WCGIV)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    AnArU, a virtual reality framework for physical human interactions

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    Virtual Reality has become, once again, a popular and interesting topic, both as a research and commercial field. This trend has its origin in the use of mobile devices as computational core and displays for Virtual Reality. Android is one of the most used platform in this context and Unity3d is a suitable game engine for such platform. In order to improve the immersive experience, some electronic devices, Arduino especially, are used to gather information, such as the movement of the user’s arms or legs. Although Android, Arduino and Unity3d are often used independently in Virtual Reality investigations, few studies use all of them together. Furthermore, each time these technologies are used in a new project, the developers have to think about a new way of communication between them. In this work we present AnArU, a framework for physical human interaction in Virtual Reality. The goal of AnArU is to allow an easy, efficient and extensible communication between the hardware and software involved in the Virtual Reality System.Facultad de Informátic

    Black-Box Testing Technique for Information Visualization. Sequencing Constraints with Low-Level Interactions

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    The software development process has matured significantly over the past decade. We are currently in a state where the need for the verification and validation of the product under development is unquestionable. Visualizations, as software products, must go through such verification and validation control. At the implementation level, a visualization software is no different from any other software, its source code can be verified and validated by using any available white-box technique. The usability studies and controlled experiments are helpful to understand how the user perceives and uses the visualization. However, at an interaction level, a visualization software is not like any other software. Most interactions on a traditional software, are based on buttons and text fields while on a visualization, the interactions are mostly based on zooming, selecting and filtering visual elements. The black-box techniques found in the literature, also known as functional tests, are not suitable for this context. This paper describes a black-box technique tailored for information visualization implementations. The technique is built on constraints imposed over the sequences of low-level interactions available in the visualization and the User Action Notation.Facultad de Informátic

    Spherical layout : Layout for 3D graph visualization

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    The goal of this work was centered in the graph visualization. The hope is that the extra dimension would give, literally, more space, and that this would ease the problem of displaying large structures. In spite of their apparent simplicity, the displaying of graphs in 3D can also introduce new problems that can be overcome with the appropriate interactions. So, we have developed a new visualization technique for 3D graph visualization; this includes the design of a new graph layout that we called spherical layout and the set of interactions that can be applied on this representation. This technique allows representing structures to different levels of detail and also can be used as a visualization technique that allows more information to be visualized; based on the universe metaphor, the visualization technique was extended keeping all the time the consistency between the visual representation and the metaphor.Facultad de Informátic

    El desarrollo de competencias en la formación del alumno de Informática mediante la vinculación tecnológica

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    En la sociedad actual la informática cumple un papel relevante y es transversal a casi todos los aspectos de nuestro día a día. La formación de profesionales en carreras de informática es fundamental para la actualidad y el futuro. Tal egresado debe ser un profesional global con compromiso y pertinencia local, con sólidas bases científicas, técnicas, tecnológicas, culturales, y con arraigados valores y principios. Consciente de la importancia y significado de sus nexos con la historia y el desarrollo regional, atento a la identificación de los problemas y oportunidades del entorno para actuar de manera responsable y competente en cualquier escenario nacional e internacional. Estos atributos deben considerarse plenamente articulados con las competencias en ciencias básicas, tecnológicas, sociales, políticas y actitudinales que el alumno desarrolla a lo largo de su formación profesional.La consideración de estas características debe promover cambios en la cultura académica necesaria para afianzar esas cualidades. La Vinculación Tecnológica ofrece un ámbito de trabajo donde se puede motivar, cultivar y desarrollar tales competencias. Este artículo ofrece una serie de reflexiones sobre el aporte que la Vinculación Tecnológica puede ofrecer al desarrollo de competencias en la formación del alumno de carreras de la familia de la informática.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    AnArU, a virtual reality framework for physical human interactions

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    Virtual Reality has become, once again, a popular and interesting topic, both as a research and commercial field. This trend has its origin in the use of mobile devices as computational core and displays for Virtual Reality. Android is one of the most used platform in this context and Unity3d is a suitable graphic engine for such platform. In order to improve the immersive experience, some electronic devices, Arduino especially, are used to gather information, such as the movement of the user's arms or legs. Although these three elements are often used in Virtual Reality, few studies use all of them in combination. Those who do, do not develop a reusable framework for their implementations. In this work we present AnArU, a framework for physical human interaction in Virtual Reality. The goal of AnArU is to allow an easy, efficient and extensible communication between electronic devices and the Virtual Reality system.XIII Workshop Computación Gráfica, Imágenes y Visualización (WCGIV)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    El análisis estático como herramienta de evaluación en cátedras con proyectos de programación

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    Desde el punto de vista de la enseñanza de la programación, resulta fundamental la elaboración de metodologías que permitan evaluar dicha programación. Una de las metodologías más usadas por los alumnos y docentes es la de testing dinámico, esto es ejecutar el código, darle una entrada y comparar la salida observada con la esperada. Sin embargo esta estrategia no está libre de restricciones y creemos que puede ser complementada por el testing estático. En este trabajo presentamos esta otra modalidad de testing, algunas herramientas que le dan soporte y mostramos cómo puede ser aplicado en cátedras que incluyen la evaluación de proyectos de programación. La implementación del testing estático da nuevas herramientas, tanto al alumno como al docente, para evaluar y mejorar la calidad del código producido.From the point of view of teaching software programming, the development of methodologies that allow evaluating such programming is essential. One of the methodologies most used by students and teachers is dynamic testing, this is executing the code, giving it an input and comparing the observed output with the expected one. However, this strategy is not free of restrictions and we believe that it can be complemented by static testing. In this work we present this other testing modality, some tools that support it and we show how it can be applied in courses that include the evaluation of programming projects. The implementation of static testing gives new tools, both to the student and the teacher, to evaluate and improve the quality of the code produced.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic
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