534 research outputs found

    An Allometric Model for Bole Biomass Estimates of Spruce and Aspen in Southwestern Colorado

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    The GaAs solar cells with V-grooved emitters

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    Geometrically structured surfaces have become increasingly important to solar cell efficiency improvements and radiation tolerance. Gallium arsenide solar cells with a V-grooved front surface which demonstrate improved optical coupling and higher short-circuit current compared to planar cells were fabricated. GaAs homojunction cells were fabricated by organometallic chemical vapor deposition (OMCVD) on an n+ substrate. The V-grooves were formed on the surface with an anisotropic etch, and an n-type buffer and p-type emitter were grown by OMCVD, followed by ohmic contacts. Reflectivity measurements show significantly lower reflectance for the microgrooved cell compared to the planar structure. The short circuit current of the V-grooved solar cell is consistently higher than that of the planar controls

    A V-grooved GaAs solar cell

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    V-grooved GaAs solar cells promise the benefits of improved optical coupling, higher short-circuit current, and increased tolerance to particle radiation compared to planar cells. A GaAs homojunction cell was fabricated by etching a V-groove pattern into an n epilayer (2.1 x 10 to the 17th power per cu cm) grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on an n+ substrate (2.8 x 10 to the 18th power per cu cm) and then depositing and MOCVD p epilayer (4.2 x 10 to the 18th power per cu cm). Reflectivity measurements on cells with and without an antireflective coating confirm the expected decrease in reluctance of the microgrooved cell compared to the planar structure. The short circuit current of the V-grooved solar cell was 13 percent higher than that of the planar control

    Testing of the on-board attitude determination and control algorithms for SAMPEX

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    Algorithms for on-board attitude determination and control of the Solar, Anomalous, and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer (SAMPEX) have been expanded to include a constant gain Kalman filter for the spacecraft angular momentum, pulse width modulation for the reaction wheel command, an algorithm to avoid pointing the Heavy Ion Large Telescope (HILT) instrument boresight along the spacecraft velocity vector, and the addition of digital sun sensor (DSS) failure detection logic. These improved algorithms were tested in a closed-loop environment for three orbit geometries, one with the sun perpendicular to the orbit plane, and two with the sun near the orbit plane - at Autumnal Equinox and at Winter Solstice. The closed-loop simulator was enhanced and used as a truth model for the control systems' performance evaluation and sensor/actuator contingency analysis. The simulations were performed on a VAX 8830 using a prototype version of the on-board software

    Peeled film GaAs solar cells for space power

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    Gallium arsenide (GaAs) peeled film solar cells were fabricated, by Organo-Metallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (OMVPE), incorporating an aluminum arsenide (AlAs) parting layer between the device structure and the GaAs substrate. This layer was selectively removed by etching in dilute hydrofloric (HF) acid to release the epitaxial film. Test devices exhibit high series resistance due to insufficient back contact area. A new design is presented which uses a coverglass superstrate for structural support and incorporates a coplanar back contact design. Devices based on this design should have a specific power approaching 700 W/Kg

    The Future of Infill Housing in California: Opportunities, Potential, and Feasibility

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    This article presents a methodology for using county tax assessor records and other geographic information system and secondary source data to develop realistic estimates of community, county, and statewide infill housing potential in California. We first identify the number, acreage, average size, and spatial distribution of vacant and potentially redevelopable parcels within three types of infill counting areas. We then develop a schema for determining appropriate infill housing densities based on transit service availability, local land use mix and character, and initial neighborhood densities. We use this schema to generate local, county, and statewide estimates of infill housing potential. These are then carefully evaluated in terms of their parcel size and financial feasibility, the likelihood that construction will displace existing low-income renters, and the contribution to cumulative overdevelopment. We conclude with a brief discussion of state-level policy changes that would reduce barriers to market-led infill housing construction

    Meeting Forest Restoration Challenges: Using the Target Plant Concept

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    Meeting forest restoration challenges relies on successful establishment of plant materials (e.g., seeds, cuttings, rooted cuttings, or seedlings, etc.; hereafter simply “seedlingsâ€). The Target Plant Concept (TPC) provides a flexible framework that nursery managers and their clients can use to improve the survival and growth of these seedlings. The key tenets of the TPC are that (1) more emphasis is placed on how seedlings perform on the outplanting site rather than on nursery performance, (2) a partnership exists between the nursery manager and the client to determine the target plant based on site characteristics, and (3) that information gleaned from post-planting monitoring is used to improve subsequent plant materials. Through the nursery manager–client partnership, answers to a matrix of interrelated questions define a target plant to meet the reforestation or forest restoration objectives. These questions focus on project objectives; site characteristics, limiting factors, and possible mitigation efforts; species and genetic criteria; stocktype; outplanting tools and techniques; and outplanting window. We provide examples from the southeastern United States, Hawai‛i, and Lebanon on how the TPC process has improved performance of seedlings deployed for reforestation and forest restoration

    Neuroscience Networks: Data-sharing in an Information Age

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    To study the brain from molecules to behaviour, neuroscientists face the challenge of communicating an emerging wealth of information in coherent accessible form

    Contrasting sensitivity of lake sediment n-alkanoic acids and n-alkanes to basin-scale vegetation and regional-scale precipitation δ2H in the Adirondack Mountains, NY (USA)

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    The hydrogen isotope values of plant waxes (δ2Hwax) primarily reflect plant source water. δ2Hwax preserved in lake sediments has therefore been widely used to investigate past hydroclimate. The processes by which plant waxes are integrated at regional and catchment scales are poorly understood and may affect the δ2Hwax values recorded in sediments. Here, we assess the variability of sedimentary δ2Hwax for two plant wax compound classes (n-alkanes and n-alkanoic acids) across 12 lakes in the Adirondack Mountains that receive similar regional precipitation δ2H but vary at the catchment-scale in terms of vegetation structure and basin morphology. Total long-chain (n-C27 to n-C35) alkane concentrations were similar across all sites (191 ± 53 µg/g TOC) while total long-chain (n-C28 and n-C30) alkanoic acid concentrations were more variable (117 ± 116 µg/g TOC) and may reflect shoreline vegetation composition. Lakes with shorelines dominated by evergreen gymnosperm plants had significantly higher concentrations of long-chain n-alkanoic acids relative to n-alkanes, consistent with our observations that deciduous angiosperms produced more long-chain n-alkanes than evergreen gymnosperms (471 and 33 µg/g TOC, respectively). In sediments, the most abundant chain lengths in each compound class were n-C29 alkane and n-C28 alkanoic acid, which had mean δ2H values of −188 ± 6‰ and −164 ± 9‰, respectively. Across sites, the range in sedimentary n-C29 alkane (22‰) and n-C28 alkanoic acid δ2H (35‰) was larger than expected based on the total range in modeled mean annual precipitation δ2H (4‰). We observed larger mean εapp (based on absolute values) for n-alkanes (−123‰) than for n-alkanoic acids (−97‰). Across sites, the δ2H offset between n-C29 alkane and the biosynthetic precursor n-C30 alkanoic acid (εC29-C30) ranged from −8 to −58‰, which was more variable than expected based on observations in temperate trees (−20 to −30‰). Sediments with greater aquatic organic matter contributions (lower C/N ratios) had significantly larger (absolute) εC29-C30 values, which may reflect long-chain n-alkanoic acids from aquatic sources. Concentration and δ2Hwax data in Adirondack lakes suggest that long-chain n-alkanes are more sensitive to regional-scale precipitation signals, while n-alkanoic acids are more sensitive to basin-scale differences in catchment vegetation and wax sourcing

    Severity of pedestrian injuries due to traffic crashes at signalized intersections in Hong Kong: a Bayesian spatial logit model

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    The present study intended to (1) investigate the injury risk of pedestrian casualties involved in traffic crashes at signalized intersections in Hong Kong; (2) determine the effect of pedestrian volumes on the severity levels of pedestrian injuries; and (3) explore the role of spatial correlation in econometric crash-severity models. The data from 1889 pedestrian-related crashes at 318 signalized intersections between 2008 and 2012 were elaborately collected from the Traffic Accident Database System maintained by the Hong Kong Transport Department. To account for the cross-intersection heterogeneity, a Bayesian hierarchical logit model with uncorrelated and spatially correlated random effects was developed. An intrinsic conditional autoregressive prior was specified for the spatial correlation term. Results revealed that (1) signalized intersections with greater pedestrian volumes generally exhibited a lower injury risk; (2) ignoring the spatial correlation potentially results in reduced model goodness-of-fit, an underestimation of variability and standard error of parameter estimates, as well as inconsistent, biased, and erroneous inference; (3) special attention should be paid to the following factors, which led to a significantly higher probability of pedestrians being killed or sustaining severe injury: pedestrian age greater than 65 years, casualties with head injuries, crashes that occurred on footpaths that were not obstructed/overcrowded, heedless or inattentive crossing, crashes on the two-way carriageway, and those that occurred near tram or light-rail transit stops. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.postprin
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