169 research outputs found


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    Increases in nitrogen (N) deposition have been shown to slow decomposition of organic material including lignin, particularly in forests with high lignin content. Since basidiomycete fungi are the primary decomposers of lignin, their response to increases in available N are of interest. The Chronic Nitrogen Amendment Study at the Harvard Forest Long-Term Ecological Research (CNAS HF-LTER) site is an experimental N gradient in Petersham, MA. Since 1988, three megaplots have received varying levels of NH4NO3: ambient-only deposition (control), 50 kg N ha-1 yr-1 (N50), or 150 kg N ha-1 yr-1 (N150). In order to examine how species of lignin-degrading basidiomycetes might evolve in response to increases in available N, isolates of Stereum complicatum, Irpex lacteus, and Panellus stipticus were reciprocally transplanted from the megaplots at CNAS HF-LTER onto a laboratory-simulated N gradient. These isolates were tested for their ability to decompose oak leaf litter, and were also subjected to an experimental evolution to test whether changes in litter decay capacity are inducible or reversible over shorter time periods. The short-term experimental evolution failed to change litter decay rates or enzyme activity profiles. However, for two of the three species, exposure to 25+ years of N addition significantly changed their decay capacities. S. complicatum isolated from the N150 plot exhibited increased decomposition capacity and N150 isolates of I. lacteus exhibited decreased decomposition capacity compared to control isolates of the same species. These finding suggest that N deposition may have long-lasting effects on the decay capacities of fungi that may help to explain suppression of decomposition which occurs with increases in N deposition

    Use of Treated Municipal Wastewater as Power Plant Cooling System Makeup Water: Tertiary Treatment versus Expanded Chemical Regimen for Recirculating Water Quality Management

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    Treated municipal wastewater is a common, widely available alternative source of cooling water for thermoelectric power plants across the U.S. However, the biodegradable organic matter, ammonia-nitrogen, carbonate and phosphates in the treated wastewater pose challenges with respect to enhanced biofouling, corrosion, and scaling, respectively. The overall objective of this study was to evaluate the benefits and life cycle costs of implementing tertiary treatment of secondary treated municipal wastewater prior to use in recirculating cooling systems. The study comprised bench- and pilot-scale experimental studies with three different tertiary treated municipal wastewaters, and life cycle costing and environmental analyses of various tertiary treatment schemes. Sustainability factors and metrics for reuse of treated wastewater in power plant cooling systems were also evaluated. The three tertiary treated wastewaters studied were: secondary treated municipal wastewater subjected to acid addition for pH control (MWW_pH); secondary treated municipal wastewater subjected to nitrification and sand filtration (MWW_NF); and secondary treated municipal wastewater subjected nitrification, sand filtration, and GAC adsorption (MWW_NFG). Tertiary treatment was determined to be essential to achieve appropriate corrosion, scaling, and biofouling control for use of secondary treated municipal wastewater in power plant cooling systems. The ability to control scaling, in particular, was found to be significantly enhanced with tertiary treated wastewater compared to secondary treated wastewater. MWW_pH treated water (adjustment to pH 7.8) was effective in reducing scale formation, but increased corrosion and the amount of biocide required to achieve appropriate biofouling control. Corrosion could be adequately controlled with tolytriazole addition (4-5 ppm TTA), however, which was the case for all of the tertiary treated waters. For MWW_NF treated water, the removal of ammonia by nitrification helped to reduce the corrosivity and biocide demand. Also, the lower pH and alkalinity resulting from nitrification reduced the scaling to an acceptable level, without the addition of anti-scalant chemicals. Additional GAC adsorption treatment, MWW_NFG, yielded no net benefit. Removal of organic matter resulted in pitting corrosion in copper and cupronickel alloys. Negligible improvement was observed in scaling control and biofouling control. For all of the tertiary treatments, biofouling control was achievable, and most effectively with pre-formed monochloramine (2-3 ppm) in comparison with NaOCl and ClO2. Life cycle cost (LCC) analyses were performed for the tertiary treatment systems studied experimentally and for several other treatment options. A public domain conceptual costing tool (LC3 model) was developed for this purpose. MWW_SF (lime softening and sand filtration) and MWW_NF were the most cost-effective treatment options among the tertiary treatment alternatives considered because of the higher effluent quality with moderate infrastructure costs and the relatively low doses of conditioning chemicals required. Life cycle inventory (LCI) analysis along with integration of external costs of emissions with direct costs was performed to evaluate relative emissions to the environment and external costs associated with construction and operation of tertiary treatment alternatives. Integrated LCI and LCC analysis indicated that three-tiered treatment alternatives such as MWW_NSF and MWW_NFG, with regular chemical addition for treatment and conditioning and/or regeneration, tend to increase the impact costs and in turn the overall costs of tertiary treatment. River water supply and MWW_F alternatives with a single step of tertiary treatment were associated with lower impact costs, but the contribution of impact costs to overall annual costs was higher than all other treatment alternatives. MWW_NF and MWW_SF alternatives exhibited moderate external impact costs with moderate infrastructure and chemical conditioner dosing, which makes them (especially MWW_NF) better treatment alternatives from the environmental sustainability perspective since they exhibited minimal contribution to environmental damage from emissions

    Investing In Accounting: A Call For Professional Involvement In Higher Education

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    The current financial crisis has created serious repercussions for accounting education. Public universities have lost funding and initiated huge budget cuts. These drastic cutbacks have resulted in the losses of courses, enrollment, and faculty. These losses will translate into inaccessibility of education will reduce the future accounting work force. To recover from the recession, well trained accountants are critical to provide the financial fundamentals for businesses. While most of us understand that an investment in accounting education is an investment in successful business, effective practices for recruitment are needed in a time of scarce resources. In this paper, we would like to focus on the difficulties occurring in accounting education, which will negatively affect business. Furthermore, we would strongly encourage companies to continuously reach out to potential employees and support accounting education. Some suggestions are provided for cost saving avenues to reduce recruiting costs and develop high quality accounting professionals

    Characteristics Of Diligent Audit Committees

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    The mounting attention given to audit committees following a series of corporate financial reporting failures has resulted in numerous provisions within Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX hereafter) of 2002. The SOX addresses aspects of the audit committee, including its authority and composition characteristics, but the requirement for minimum meeting frequency for the audit committee member was absent from the final SOX provision despite the recommendations of regulators. Since audit committee activity, or degree of audit committee diligence, is determined by the audit committee itself, we investigate various firm-level and governance attributes that likely influence audit committees’ choice to meet more often than anticipated.   After analyzing a sample of 2,715 firm-year observations spanning fiscal years 1998-2003, we find that audit committee diligence is positively associated with audit committee attributes such as financial expertise, but negatively association with audit committee tenure, suggesting that efficiency gains are enjoyed by audit committees as they become more familiar with firm-specific reporting issues. We also document positive associations between audit committee diligence and both governance and agency cost variables.  Finally, we document a significant increase in audit committee diligence in the years following the implementation of the SOX 2002 provisions

    Life Cycle Assessment of Bioplastics and Food Waste Disposal Methods

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    The environmental impacts of five waste management scenarios for polylactic acid (PLA)-based bioplastics and food waste were quantified using life cycle assessment. Laboratory experiments have demonstrated the potential for a pretreatment process to accelerate the degradation of bioplastics and were modeled in two of the five scenarios assessed. The five scenarios analyzed in this study were: (1a) Anaerobic digestion (1b) Anaerobic digestion with pretreatment; (2a) Compost; (2a) Compost with pretreatment; (3) Landfill. Results suggested that food waste and pretreated bioplastics disposed of with an anaerobic digester offers life cycle and environmental net total benefits (environmental advantages/offsets) in several areas: ecotoxicity (−81.38 CTUe), eutrophication (0 kg N eq), cumulative energy demand (−1.79 MJ), global warming potential (0.19 kg CO2), and human health non-carcinogenic (−2.52 CTuh). Normalized results across all impact categories show that anaerobically digesting food waste and bioplastics offer the most offsets for ecotoxicity, eutrophication, cumulative energy demand and non-carcinogenic. Implications from this study can lead to nutrient and energy recovery from an anaerobic digester that can diversify the types of fertilizers and decrease landfill waste while decreasing dependency on non-renewable technologies. Thus, using anaerobic digestion to manage bioplastics and food waste should be further explored as a viable and sustainable solution for waste management

    Enhancing anaerobic digestion of food waste through Biochemical Methane Potential 1 Assays at different substrate: inoculum ratios

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    Food waste has a high energy potential that can be converted into useful energy in the form of methane via anaerobic digestion. Biochemical Methane Potential assays (BMPs) were conducted to quantify the impacts on methane production of different ratios of food waste. Anaerobic digester sludge (ADS) was used as the inoculum, and BMPs were performed at food waste:inoculum ratios of 0.42, 1.42, and 3.0 g chemical oxygen demand/g volatile solids (VS). The 1.42 ratio had the highest CH4-COD recovery: 90% of the initial total chemical oxygen demand (TCOD) was from food waste, followed by ratios 0.42 and 3.0 at 69% and 57%, respectively. Addition of food waste above 0.42 caused a lag time for CH4 production that increased with higher ratios, which highlighted the negative impacts of overloading with food waste. The Gompertz equation was able to represent the results well, and it gave lag times of 0, 3.6 and 30 days and maximum methane productions of 370, 910, and 1950 mL for ratios 0.42, 1.42 and 3.0, respectively. While ratio 3.0 endured a long lag phase and low VSS destruction, ratio 1.42 achieved satisfactory results for all performance criteria. These results provide practical guidance on food-waste-to-inoculum ratios that can lead to optimizing methanogenic yield

    Early aberrant angiogenesis due to elastic fiber fragmentation in aortic valve disease

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    Elastic fiber fragmentation (EFF) is a hallmark of aortic valve disease (AVD), and neovascularization has been identified as a late finding related to inflammation. We sought to characterize the relationship between early EFF and aberrant angiogenesis. To examine disease progression, regional anatomy and pathology of aortic valve tissue were assessed using histochemistry, immunohistochemistry, and electron microscopy from early-onset (\u3c40 yo) and late-onset (≥40 yo) non-syndromic AVD specimens. To assess the effects of EFF on early AVD processes, valve tissue from Williams and Marfan syndrome patients was also analyzed. Bicuspid aortic valve was more common in early-onset AVD, and cardiovascular comorbidities were more common in late-onset AVD. Early-onset AVD specimens demonstrated angiogenesis without inflammation or atherosclerosis. A distinct pattern of elastic fiber components surrounded early-onset AVD neovessels, including increased emilin-1 and decreased fibulin-5. Different types of EFF were present in Williams syndrome (WS) and Marfan syndrome (MFS) aortic valves; WS but not MFS aortic valves demonstrated angiogenesis. Aberrant angiogenesis occurs in early-onset AVD in the absence of inflammation, implicating EFF. Elucidation of underlying mechanisms may inform the development of new pharmacologic treatments

    Clinically relevant variants identified in thoracic aortic aneurysm patients by research exome sequencing

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    Thoracic aortic aneurysm (TAA) is a genetically heterogeneous disease involving subclinical and progressive dilation of the thoracic aorta, which can lead to life-threatening complications such as dissection or rupture. Genetic testing is important for risk stratification and identification of at risk family members, and clinically available genetic testing panels have been expanding rapidly. However, when past testing results are normal, there is little evidence to guide decision-making about the indications and timing to pursue additional clinical genetic testing. Results from research based genetic testing can help inform this process. Here we present 10 TAA patients who have a family history of disease and who enrolled in research-based exome testing. Nine of these ten patients had previous clinical genetic testing that did not identify the cause of disease. We sought to determine the number of rare variants in 23 known TAA associated genes identified by research-based exome testing. In total, we found 10 rare variants in six patients. Likely pathogenic variants included a TGFB2 variant in one patient and a SMAD3 variant in another. These variants have been reported previously in individuals with similar phenotypes. Variants of uncertain significance of particular interest included novel variants in MYLK and MFAP5, which were identified in a third patient. In total, clinically reportable rare variants were found in 6/10 (60%) patients, with at least 2/10 (20%) patients having likely pathogenic variants identified. These data indicate that consideration of re-testing is important in TAA patients with previous negative or inconclusive results

    Do single-use medical devices containing biopolymers reduce the environmental impacts of surgical procedures compared with their plastic equivalents?

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    Background: While petroleum-based plastics are extensively used in health care, recent developments in biopolymer manufacturing have created new opportunities for increased integration of biopolymers into medical products, devices and services. This study compared the environmental impacts of single-use disposable devices with increased biopolymer content versus typically manufactured devices in hysterectomy. Methods: A comparative life cycle assessment of single-use disposable medical products containing plastic(s) versus the same single-use medical devices with biopolymers substituted for plastic(s) at Magee-Women’s Hospital (Magee) in Pittsburgh, PA and the products used in four types of hysterectomies that contained plastics potentially suitable for biopolymer substitution. Magee is a 360-bed teaching hospital, which performs approximately 1400 hysterectomies annually. Results: There are life cycle environmental impact tradeoffs when substituting biopolymers for petroplastics in procedures such as hysterectomies. The substitution of biopolymers for petroleum-based plastics increased smog-related impacts by approximately 900% for laparoscopic and robotic hysterectomies, and increased ozone depletion-related impacts by approximately 125% for laparoscopic and robotic hysterectomies. Conversely, biopolymers reduced life cycle human health impacts, acidification and cumulative energy demand for the four hysterectomy procedures. The integration of biopolymers into medical products is correlated with reductions in carcinogenic impacts, non-carcinogenic impacts and respiratory effects. However, the significant agricultural inputs associated with manufacturing biopolymers exacerbate environmental impacts of products and devices made using biopolymers. Conclusions: The integration of biopolymers into medical products is correlated with reductions in carcinogenic impacts, non-carcinogenic impacts and respiratory effects; however, the significant agricultural inputs associated with manufacturing biopolymers exacerbate environmental impacts

    Exome Sequencing Identifies Candidate Genetic Modifiers of Syndromic and Familial Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Severity

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    Thoracic aortic aneurysm (TAA) is a genetic disease predisposing to aortic dissection. It is important to identify the genetic modifiers controlling penetrance and expressivity to improve clinical prognostication. Exome sequencing was performed in 27 subjects with syndromic or familial TAA presenting with extreme phenotypes (15 with severe TAA; 12 with mild or absent TAA). Family-based analysis of a subset of the cohort identified variants, genes, and pathways segregating with TAA severity among three families. A rare missense variant in ADCK4 (p.Arg63Trp) segregated with mild TAA in each family. Genes and pathways identified in families were further investigated in the entire cohort using the optimal unified sequence kernel association test, finding significance for the gene COL15A1 (p = 0.025) and the retina homeostasis pathway (p = 0.035). Thus, we identified candidate genetic modifiers of TAA severity by exome-based study of extreme phenotypes, which may lead to improved risk stratification and development of new medical therapies
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