98 research outputs found

    Tuning syntactically enhanced word alignment for statistical machine translation

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    We introduce a syntactically enhanced word alignment model that is more flexible than state-of-the-art generative word alignment models and can be tuned according to different end tasks. First of all, this model takes the advantages of both unsupervised and supervised word alignment approaches by obtaining anchor alignments from unsupervised generative models and seeding the anchor alignments into a supervised discriminative model. Second, this model offers the flexibility of tuning the alignment according to different optimisation criteria. Our experiments show that using our word alignment in a Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation system yields a 5.38% relative increase on IWSLT 2007 task in terms of BLEU score

    Tracking relevant alignment characteristics for machine translation

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    In most statistical machine translation (SMT) systems, bilingual segments are extracted via word alignment. In this paper we compare alignments tuned directly according to alignment F-score and BLEU score in order to investigate the alignment characteristics that are helpful in translation. We report results for two different SMT systems (a phrase-based and an n-gram-based system) on Chinese to English IWSLT data, and Spanish to English European Parliament data. We give alignment hints to improve BLEU score, depending on the SMT system used and the type of corpus

    Introduction to the special issue on cross-language algorithms and applications

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    With the increasingly global nature of our everyday interactions, the need for multilingual technologies to support efficient and efective information access and communication cannot be overemphasized. Computational modeling of language has been the focus of Natural Language Processing, a subdiscipline of Artificial Intelligence. One of the current challenges for this discipline is to design methodologies and algorithms that are cross-language in order to create multilingual technologies rapidly. The goal of this JAIR special issue on Cross-Language Algorithms and Applications (CLAA) is to present leading research in this area, with emphasis on developing unifying themes that could lead to the development of the science of multi- and cross-lingualism. In this introduction, we provide the reader with the motivation for this special issue and summarize the contributions of the papers that have been included. The selected papers cover a broad range of cross-lingual technologies including machine translation, domain and language adaptation for sentiment analysis, cross-language lexical resources, dependency parsing, information retrieval and knowledge representation. We anticipate that this special issue will serve as an invaluable resource for researchers interested in topics of cross-lingual natural language processing.Postprint (published version

    Word association models and search strategies for discriminative word alignment

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    Abstract. This paper deals with core aspects of discriminative word alignment systems, namely basic word association models as well as search strategies. We compare various low-computational-cost word association models: χ 2 score, log-likelihood ratio and IBM model 1. We also compare three beam-search strategies. We show that it is more flexible and accurate to let links to the same word compete together, than introducing them sequentially in the alignment hypotheses, which is the strategy followed in several systems

    Automatic translation of scientific documents in the HAL archive

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    © 2012. Published by ELRA. This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher’s website: http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2012/pdf/703_Paper.pdfThis paper describes the development of a statistical machine translation system between French and English for scientific papers. This system will be closely integrated into the French HAL open archive, a collection of more than 100.000 scientific papers. We describe the creation of in-domain parallel and monolingual corpora, the development of a domain specific translation system with the created resources, and its adaptation using monolingual resources only. These techniques allowed us to improve a generic system by more than 10 BLEU points

    Collaborative machine translation service for scientific texts

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    © 2012 The Authors. Published by ACL. This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher’s website: https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/E12-2003French researchers are required to frequently translate into French the description of their work published in English. At the same time, the need for French people to access articles in English, or to international researchers to access theses or papers in French, is incorrectly resolved via the use of generic translation tools. We propose the demonstration of an end-to-end tool integrated in the HAL open archive for enabling efficient translation for scientific texts. This tool can give translation suggestions adapted to the scientific domain, improving by more than 10 points the BLEU score of a generic system. It also provides a post-edition service which captures user post-editing data that can be used to incrementally improve the translations engines. Thus it is helpful for users which need to translate or to access scientific texts

    Modelo estocástico de traducción basado en N-gramas de tuplas bilingües y combinación log-lineal de características

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    En esta comunicación se presenta un sistema de traducción estocástica basado en el modelado mediante N-gramas de la probabilidad conjunta de textos bilingües. La unidad básica del modelo es la tupla, par de cadenas de palabras del lenguaje fuente (a traducir) y el lenguaje destino (traducción). La traducción se lleva a cabo mediante la maximización de una combinación lineal de los logaritmos de la probabilidad asignada a la traducción por el modelo de traducción y otras características, siguiendo la aproximación de entropía máxima. Las prestaciones del sistema de traducción son evaluadas con una tarea de traducción del habla: la traducción entre inglés y español (y viceversa) de transcripciones de intervenciones de los miembros del Parlamento Europeo. Los resultados alcanzados se encuentran al nivel del estado del arte.This communication introduces a stochastic machine translation system based on Ngram modelling of the joint probability of bilingual texts. The basic unit of this model is called a tuple and consists of a pair of both source (to be translated) language and target language (translation) word-strings. Translation is driven by a log-linear combination of the N-gram model probability and other features, according to the maximum entropy language modelling approach. The translation performance is evaluated by means of a speech-to-speech translation tasks: translation from Spanish to English (and viceversa) of European Parliament speeches. The system reaches a state-of-art performance.Este trabajo ha sido financiado parcialmente por la CICYT a través del proyecto TIC2002-04447-C02 (ALIADO) y la Unión Europea mediante el proyecto FP6-506738 (TC-STAR)