26 research outputs found
Integrating Local Customs in Mini-Drama Project to Improve Speaking Confidence and Promote Contextual and Fun Learning for Multilingual and Multiethnic EFL Classes: What Do College Students Think?
This research is aimed to ascertain the integration of local customs (indigeneous languages, traditional costumes, local folklores) of Sasambo communities in mini-drama activities for multilingual and multiethnic EFL classes to improve student’s speaking confidence and promote contextual and fun learning based on the students’ perspectives. This study investigated the students' perceptions on: (a) forming groups with mixed ethnic and language background members; (b) using traditional costumes in mini-drama performance; (c) theming the mini drama based on local Sasambo folklores; and (d) the students’ overall perception on integrating local customs in mini-drama project. Data of this survey research were collected through a questionnaire, interview, and classroom observations. A total of 238 first-semester students from various study programs at the University of Mataram were involved. The results show that the majority of students expressed positive and very positive views towards the integration of local cultures in mini-drama project. They responded positively to setting the group in mixed ethnic and language backgrounds to perform the mini-drama (96.2%), wearing traditional costumes for mini-drama performances (92%), theming mini-drama based on the local Sasambo folklores that translated into English (94.5%), and showing positive impacts of integrating local Sasambo customs (indigeneous languages, traditional costumes, local folklores) in a mini-drama project on improving the students’ speaking skill, confidence, and happiness (92.8%)
Persepsi Mahasiswa BIPA Australia terhadap Kegiatan Ekskursi Berkonsep Edu-Tourism ke Laboratorium Sampah Pamansam
This study focuses on investigating the perceptions of Australian BIPA students concerning the concept of integrating edu-tourism within an IFL excursion program. Seven Level-3 IFL students of Australia enrolling in the BIPA RUILI In-Country Program in Lombok Indonesia were invited to join the survey. Data collection method was carried out through a questionnaire survey. The survey consisted of 11 perceptional questions that included 6 positive and 5 negative questions. The questions were divided into 2 types: (1) questions regarding the concept of education and (2) questions regarding the concept of tourism integrated in the excursion activities. While the former was related to the socialization on waste reuse and recycle process, the training on making by-products made of plastic waste, the speakers’ use of Bahasa Indonesia during the program, and the instructors’ supervising excellence according to the IFL students; the latter was related to the visit to bio-fuel tank and its by-products i.e. the organic fruits and vegetables, and the visit to the organic flower garden grown by the Pamansam members. Results showed that the majority of respondents had a very positive opinion about intergating both the educational and tourism concepts into the IFL excursion program, 90.5% and 95.7% respectively. On average, 93% respondents think that integrating the concepts of education and tourism into the context of IFL excursion program is very constructive. Thus, it is suggested that integrating education and tourism concepts within IFL context be actively promoted in order to increase foreign students’ motivation to study Bahasa Indonesia as well as to support the national vision of “Endorsing Bahasa Indonesia as International Language by 2045”
Sosialisasi Model Pembelajaran Reading Berbasis Question Generation pada Guru Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK/MA di Kecamatan Gunung Sari Kabupaten Lombok Barat
Guru mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting dalam meningkatkan SDM (Sumber Daya Manusia) dan menyiapkan para peserta didik untuk mampu menghadapi tantangan zaman. Salah satu sarana yang bisa dimanfaatkan oleh guru bahasa Inggris untuk kebutuhan tersebut adalah melalui kegiatan membaca yang dapat melatih kemampuan berfikir kritis, kreatif dan aktif. Question Generation merupakan kegiatan belajar dimana peserta didik dilatih untuk mengajukan atau membuat pertanyaan terhadap apa yang mereka sudah baca yang terdiri dari pertanyaan literal, inferential dan evaluative. Kegiatan Pengadian Pada Masyarakat (PPM) ini bertujuan untuk mensosialisasikan model pembelajaran membaca berbasis Question Generation yang dengannya para guru bhs Inggris dapat melatih para peserta didik mereka untuk aktif, kreatif dan berfikir kritis dalam kegiatan membaca. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di SMAN 1 Gunung Sari dan melibatkan 20 orang guru bahasa Inggris SMA, SMK dan MA di wilayah kecamatan Gunung Sari. Hasil kegiatan PPM yang meliputi penyampaian materi, diskusi, latihan dan evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa para peserta terlihat antusius dan aktif dalam mengikuti rangkaian kegiatan yang ada, tekun memperhatikan dan menyimak materi yang disampaikan oleh tim, aktif berdiskusi atau tanya jawab terkait materi sosialisasi dan masalah pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dan juga praktik dalam membuat pertanyaan untuk teks yang mereka baca. Selain itu, hasil isian angket evaluasi kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa para peserta menyambut baik kegiatan ini karana dapat menambah pengetahuan dan wawasan mereka, sehingga mereka berharap jika ada kegiatan serupa pada masa yang akan datang dengan melibatkan lebih banyak guru dan materi yang lebih fokus pada teacher needs dan problem solving
Gender-Based Analysis of Students’ Ability in Answering Factual and Vocabulary-in-Context Questions of the TOEFL-Like Reading Comprehension Test
This study was aimed to find out whether or not there was a significant difference between male and female students’ ability in answering factual and vocabulary-in-context questions of the TOEFL-Like reading comprehension test. Secondary data analysis was utilized by taking reading comprehension test scores of twenty-one male and twenty-one female students of the English Education Program. Samples were selected using random sampling technique. Data were analyzed using independent sample t-test. Results showed that the t-values of sig. 2-tailed was higher than 0.05 in male and female students’ ability in answering both the factual questions (0.267 > 0.05) and the vocabulary-in-context questions (0.837 > 0.05). The results revealed that there was no significant difference between male and female students’ ability in answering factual and vocabulary-in-context questions of the TOEFL-Like reading comprehension test
Pelatihan Aplikasi Model Pembelajaran Membaca Teks Informasi Untuk Para Guru Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK/MA Swasta di Kabupaten Lombok Timur
In the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 which is characterized by the acceleration of information and technology where information is easily spread throughout the world, teachers have a very important role to prepare students so that they are able to process and understand information well and equipping the students with the skills to read is one of the ways out that teachers need to do. In teaching reading, teachers are required not only to train students' skill to understand texts, but also to train their skill to think actively, creatively and critically and thus, reading learning can provide adequate literacy skills to students. This community service activity aims to socialize the learning model of reading information texts to English teachers from private high schools in East Lombok district as well as train them in applying the model. This activity took place at Al-Badriyah Islamic High School and was attended by 27 teachers. The results of this activity showed that the participants looked enthusiastic and active in participating in the existing series of activities – paying attention and listening to the materials presented by the team, discussions or questions and answers related to presented materials and English learning problems and practicing learning models to read information texts. In addition, the results of the questionnaire for the evaluation of community service activities show that the participants welcomed this activity because they could increase their knowledge and insight, especially those related to teaching reading so that they hoped that there would be similar activities provided in the future
Persepsi Mahasiswa terhadap Kegiatan Bermain Mini Drama dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Kontekstualisasi Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Sasambo (Sasak, Samawa, Mbojo) di Ruang Kelas
This study aims to determine the students’ perceptions on performing mini-drama activities in English and contextualizing the Sasambo's (Sasak, Samawa, Mbojo) local wisdoms in English classrooms. The participants of this research were 238 1st semester students from various departments in Mataram University Academic Year 2018/2019 enrolling in English 1 course. The research data were obtained through interviews and questionnaires. The results showed that 219 students had very positive perceptions on performing mini-drama activities in Sasambo’s traditional costumes (92%); 229 students had very positive perceptions on performing mini-drama set and themed in the Sasambo’s local folklores (96.2%); and 229 students had very positive perceptions on playing mini-drama activities performed in groups of multiethnic members (96.2%). The results conclude that the students’ perceptions on performing mini-drama activities in English and contextualizing the Sasambo's local wisdoms in English classroom is very positive with the average score of 94.8%
Analysis of Turn-Taking Strategies Used in Jimmy Fallon’s the Tonight Show Interviews
This study was aimed at finding out the types of turn taking strategies, how those strategies were used, and what strategies were most frequently used by the guests and the host on Jimmy Fallon’s The Tonight Show interviews. Data were taken from five Youtube videos of Jimmy Fallon’s The Tonight Show and analyzed based on the Stenstrom’s theory of turn taking strategies. Findings show that all of the categories of turn taking strategies proposed by Stenstrom are productively used by the guests and the host in the interviews: taking the turn strategy, holding the turn strategy, and yielding the turn strategy. Purposes of using these strategies are to interrupt the speaker in order to arrange the time and content of the conversation, to explain or ask something important to the speaker, to hold the turn and keep talking, to incite the listener to give a respond, and to give signal to the listener to take turn and start to speak. This study also revealed that the most frequently used strategies in the data is the taking the turn strategies which is according to the theory proposed by Stenstrom (1994)
Abstrak: Pelatihan Penulisan Kreatif Terstruktur di MA Raudhatusshibyan NW Belencong ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengakrabkan peserta didik dengan budaya literasi; 2) membelajarkan peserta didik agar memiliki keterampilan literasikhususnya keterampilan menulis terstruktur dalam bahasa Indonesia; 3) memotivasi peserta didik untuk menulis kreatif dan terstruktur dalam kehidupan sehari-hari; 4) membantu tugas para guru dalam membelajarkan keterampilan literasi. Mitra kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah pihak yayasan dan pengurus MA Raudhatusshibyan. Pelaksanaan pengabdian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan keterampilan peserta khususnya dalam teknik penulisan kreatif terstruktur Bahasa Indonesia dan meningkatkan pemahaman pelajar terhadap nilai-nilai budaya literasi.Kata Kunci: literasi, penulisan kreatif, MA RaudhatusshibyanAbstract: This community service themed structured-creative writing training at MA Raudhatusshibyan NW Belencong aims to: 1) raise awareness of the importance of the literate culture among students; 2) train students to become more literate and skillful especially in structured-creative writing in Indonesian language; 3) enthuse students to eagerly write structured-creative writing in their daily life; and 4) help teachers in improving the students’ literacy skill. Our partners in this community service are the foundation and the administrators of MA Raudhatusshibyan NW Belencong Gunung Sari. It is hoped that this community service can improve the students’ literacy skill especially in structured-creative writing in Indonesian language as well as increase the students’ understanding of the values of literacy. Keywords: literacy, creative writing, MA Raudhatusshibya
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan kesalahan penulisan konjungtor dalam novel Garis Waktu: Sebuah Perjalanan Menghapus Luka karya Fiersa Besari. Penelitian ini menginventarisasi beberapa kesalahan dengan data yang bersifat mewakili. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan mengumpulkan seluruh konjungtor dalam novel dan mengklasifikasikannya sesuai dengan bentuk kesalahan. Konjungtor dikumpukan bersama konteks kalimatnya agar dapat dijelaskan. Konteks kalimat yang diambil adalah kalimat yang memenuhi standar konstruksi kalimat majemuk. Hasil penelitian yakni terdapat tiga kesalahan penulisan konjungtor dalam novel tersebut. Kesalahan pertama adalah kesalahan penggunaan konjungtor yang berlebihan dalam sebuah konstruksi. Kesalahan kedua adalah kesalahan penempatan posisi konjungtor yang terbagi menjadi dua, yakni kesalahan penempatan konjungtor yang menyatakan hubungan koordinasi dalam kalimat majemuk setara dan kesalahan penempatan konjungtor yang mengawali sebuah paragraf. Kesalahan ketiga adalah tumpang-tindih antarkonjungtor dalam konstruksi kalimat majemuk bertingkat.Abstract: Â This study aims to describe errors in conjunction writing in the novel Garis Waktu; Sebuah Perjalanan Menghapus Luka by Fiersa Besari. This study inventoried some errors with data that are representative. The method used is to collect the entire conjunction and classify it according to the form of errors. The conjunction is collected with the context of the sentence to be explained. The context of the sentence is a sentence that meets the standard construction of compound sentences. The result of writing found there are three errors of conjunction writing in the novel. The first error is the excessive use of the conjunction in a construction. The second error is the misplacement of the conjunction positions that occur in two, namely the misplacement of the conjunction stating the coordination relation in equivalent compound sentence and the incorrect placement of the conjunction that starting a paragraph. The third error is the overlap between conjunction in the construction of multi-compound sentences
Writing is an important skill to be mastered by students. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to identify the challenges faced by students in writing descriptive texts about local places and to describe how they deal with these challenges. A descriptive-qualitative approach was used, with document analysis and questionnaires as the instruments. There were 30 students from 3E class in the EFL Essay Writing Course at the University of Mataram who participated in this study. The findings revealed that limited vocabulary and difficulty organizing the text were the main challenges students faced in writing descriptive texts about local places. In addition, in order to deal with the challenges, they employ a variety of strategies to navigate the complexities of writing about local places. The strategies include thorough observation and research, engaging in comprehensive pre-writing activities, meticulous revision before completion, seeking out examples and references, actively soliciting feedback from peers, harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI), utilizing visual aids, and recognizing the importance of regular practice