70 research outputs found

    Análisis de inversión, financiación y viabilidad de una plantación agrícola

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    En el presente trabajo fin de grado se va a analizar la inversión, financiación y viabilidad de un proyecto de inversión, el cual consiste en convertir una finca de 41.479has situada en Alcañiz (Teruel) de secano a regadío para llevar a cabo una plantación de almendros. Para ello, se calcula la inversión inicial, en la que se incluye la adquisición de las fincas, maquinaria y el coste de plantación e instalación de riego. Por otro lado, se analizan los costes fijos y variables anuales necesarios para el funcionamiento del proyecto, así como los periodos de amortización y los diferentes métodos de financiación. Con el objetivo final de obtener los flujos de caja. El periodo estimado de duración del proyecto es de 25 años coincidiendo con la vida útil del árbol. Para conocer si el proyecto es viable, se analizarán los criterios de decisión VAN, TIR y Pay-Back. Por último, se estudiará si el proyecto es viable en secano para poder compararlo y tenerlo en cuenta en caso de que no se pudieran convertir las fincas a regadío. Finalmente se obtiene que la mejor alternativa es la plantación en regadío utilizando financiación ajena.<br /

    Fabrication and microstructure of self-supporting thin ceramic electrolytes prepared by laser machining

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    Self-supporting thin Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) ceramics electrolytes have been prepared by laser machining. They are carved from a sintered YSZ plate to shape a 20 µm thick and 8 mm in diameter central region, surrounded by an unprocessed 150 µm thick supporting zone. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Electron BackScattering Diffraction (EBSD) studies confirmed that the strains produced by the laser processing are small and limited to only one or two layers of YSZ grains (~5 µm). SEM and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) have been also used to characterize the surface of the membrane. It is corrugated and coated with YSZ nanoparticles as a result of the laser plasma deposition. Electrochemical characterization by Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) showed that this surface morphology improves the electrical performance of the membrane slightly but clearly, reducing the cathode polarization resistance by about 5% in the 650-850 ºC range.This study was funded by the MAT2012-30763 project, which is financed by the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) and the Feder program of the European Union.Peer Reviewe

    Femtosecond laser generation of bimetallic oxide nanoparticles with potential X-ray absorbing and magnetic functionalities for medical imaging applications

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    Bimetallic nanoparticles have gained vivid attention due to their unique and synergistic properties. They can be used in fields such as solar cells, optics, sensing, as well as medicine. The generation of bimetallic nanoparticles, containing oxide phases of both magnetic and X-ray attenuating metals for bioimaging applications has been challenging with traditional chemical synthesis methods. An alternative is the generation of nanoparticles from binary oxide ceramics by laser ablation in liquid. However, the applicability of this technique for production of hybrid nanoparticles consisting of magnetic and X-ray absorbing elements has not been demonstrated yet. In this work, novel ceramics composed of bimetallic oxide phases of iron-tantalum, iron-tungsten, and ironbismuth were produced by a reaction-sintering method. The bulk samples were characterized with scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and X-ray diffractometry. Nanoparticles were produced in aqueous and ethanol solutions by employing a femtosecond laser and characterized with transmission electron microscopy, selected area electron diffraction, and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The results demonstrated that the production of binary oxide bulk ceramics and their subsequent laser ablation in liquids leads to the successful generation of bimetallic oxide nanoparticles, without a core-shell morphology. In addition, it was found that the ablation threshold fluence of bulk samples as well as the crystallinity of the synthesized nanoparticles is governed by both the nature of the metallic oxide ceramics and the employed liquid. The results pave the way for a single step generation of well-defined bimetallic nanoparticles by laser ablation that could potentially exhibit X-ray and magnetic absorption properties suitable for multimodal imaging applications.This research has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion through the research project MAT2015-67354R (MINECO-FEDER). Funding through a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (MSCA-IF 2014, 656908-NIMBLIS-ESR) of the Horizon 2020 program, and the Project PI-0030-2017 of the Junta de Andalucia in the framework of the integrated territorial initiative 20142020 for research and innovation in biomedicine and health sciences in the province of Cadiz is also greatly appreciated. The authors acknowledge support for scanning electron microscopy by Dr. Stephan Puchegger and the faculty center for nanostructure research at the University of Vienna

    Laser cleaning of Cu-based artefacts: laser/corrosion products interaction

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    This study aims to develop a low invasive and selective laser cleaning procedure for the removal of reactive corrosion products on Cu-based artefacts without damage the substrate. In a preliminary step, laser cleaning was performed on two typologies of artificially corroded copper reference samples. The effect of the variation of laser parameters as pulse duration and output power, was thus evaluated on an oxide layer, simulating a protective patina, and a hydroxychloride layer, simulating a reactive corrosion products layer to be removed. The optimized cleaning procedure was validated on an archaeological artefact, a bronze coin. Morphological, microchemical and microstructural characterizations were performed by means of optical microscopy, confocal microscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy, X-Ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy, before and after laser cleaning. The experimental findings show that laser cleaning, in optimized conditions, can reduce the thickness of the hydroxychloride layers slightly affecting the oxide layers. The difference in the interaction with laser radiation of these two layers seems to be mainly related to the difference in grain size and porosity. Notwithstanding these encouraging results, in order to define the real feasibility of the laser cleaning procedure, a further validation on real artefacts is mandatory due to the variation in thickness and composition of the corrosion products formed during long-lasting uncontrolled degradation processes.</p

    Laser treatment of nanoparticulated metal thin films for ceramic tile decoration

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    This paper presents a new method for the fabrication of metal-like decorative layers on glazed ceramic tiles. It consists of the laser treatment of copper thin films prepared by electron beam evaporation at glancing angles. A thin film of discontinuous copper nanoparticles was electron beam evaporated in an oblique angle configuration onto ceramic tiles and an ample palette of colors obtained by laser treatment both in air and in vacuum. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM and FESEM) along with UV-vis-NIR spectroscopy and time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) analysis were used to characterize the differently colored layers. Based on these analyses, color development has been accounted for by a simple model considering surface melting phenomena and different microstructural and chemical transformations of the outmost surface layers of samples.Financial support from the EU (Grant LIFE11/ENV/ES560), Innovaragon (Grant ITA-DGA/ES 1368), DGA (Group T87), MINECO (Projects MAT2013-40852-R and MAT2013-42900-P), and Junta de Andalucia (Projects TEP 8067 and FQM 6900) is gratefully acknowledged. F.R.-G. acknowledges the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation for Grant SFRH/BPD/108581/2015.Peer reviewe

    Pursuit of optimal synthetic conditions for obtaining colloidal zero-valent iron nanoparticles by scanning pulsed laser ablation in liquids

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    Liquid-Assisted Pulsed Laser Ablation (LA-PLA) is a promising top-down method to directly synthesize colloidal dispersions of nanoparticles in a eco-friendly manner. However, the role of LA-PLA synthesis parameters is not yet fully agreed. This work seeks to optimize the production of nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) particles suitable for biomedical or environmental applications using nanosecond LA-PLA on iron targets with different ablation media, laser and target scanning parameters. The use of alcohols as solvents produces iron-iron oxide core-shell nanoparticles with amorphous cores, except for a small crystalline fraction corresponding to the biggest core sizes. Decreasing carbon chain length and complexity leads to a thinning of the carbonaceous material coatings and an increase of the colloidal stability and the nanoparticle productivity. Moreover, a decrease of solvent density and surface tension allows obtaining reduced sizes and polydispersity values. Among, laser and scanning parameters, the pulse accumulation per spot displayed a clear effect in boosting size and productivity. As main outcome, aqueous dispersions with suitable colloidal properties are obtained, either by transferring to water of optimized nZVI particles produced in ethanol, or by direct formation of nZVI particles and in situ coating with hydrophilic molecules in aqueous solutions of these moleculesThis research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and FEDER [research projects MAT2015-67354R, MAT2014-53961-R, and MAT2017- 86826-R] and by the Aragón government (DGA) [grant for consolidated group PLATON E31_17R]. OBM thanks the financial support from the “Ramón y Cajal Program” [research project RYC2010-07332] of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and the H2020 Action H2020-MSCA-IF-2014_ST [grant 656908-NIMBLIS] of the Executive Agency for Research Manages of EU Commissio

    Incidental finding of rare hemoglobin: hemoglobin Bari in northeast Spain

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    Hemoglobin BariHemoglobina BariHemoglobina BariObjectives Cation exchange high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is one of the techniques available for determining glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and also the method of choice for structural hemoglobinopathies screening. The objective of this case is to show how in a routine HbA1c test it is possible to incidentally find a hemoglobinopathy. Case presentation In a routine blood analysis, an abnormal value for the hemoglobin A2 (HbA2) was obtained during the study of HbA1c with HPLC on the ADAMS™ A1c HA-8180T. After suspecting it could be due to the presence of a hemoglobinopathy, the study of possible variants was expanded using electrophoresis and HPLC on the Hydrasys and Variant II analysers, respectively. Since it could not be identified by these conventional methods, a genetic study was also carried out using Sanger sequencing. The patient presented a low HbA2 (1.3 %) and a 24.9 % variant with a retention time of 1.95 min, compatible with alpha-globin chain variant. In the genetic study, the pathogenic variant c.138C>G was detected in the HbA 2 gene in heterozygosis, which resulted in the expression of the structural hemoglobinopathy known as hemoglobin Bari. Conclusions The initial screening for structural hemoglobinopathies allows its identification or suspicion especially when it was performed with HbA1c analysis, requiring subsequent confirmation and diagnosis by other techniques

    Ex situ and in situ functionalized Yb/Fe nanoparticles obtained by scanning pulsed laser ablation in liquids: A route to obtain biofunctionalized multiplatform contrast agents for MRI and CT imaging

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    Two distinct strategies were used to improve the colloidal properties of hybrid Yb/Fe oxide NPs previously prepared by the pulsed liquid laser ablation process for use as a contrast agent in medical imaging. First, an exhaustive optimization process of the laser ablation synthesis parameters was carried out to reduce the hydrodynamic diameters of the Yb/Fe NPs. The hydrodynamic size was successfully reduced to <200 nm, thereby decreasing the polydispertivity index. Second, ex situ and in situ functionalization processes using glutathione, cysteamine, or polyethylenimine as capping agents have been developed to increase their colloidal stability at physiological pH values. Transmission electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering, Z-potential measurements, and Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy were used to examine the structure, morphology, colloidal and surface properties of Yb/Fe NPs. Colloidal stability of the Yb/Fe NPs as well as the linkage mechanism of functionalization have been studied extensively. This last parameter provides a critical information for subsequently bioconjugations in biomedical applications. Additionally, the biocompatibility of the Yb/Fe NPs was evaluated by MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol- 2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) experiments. These results indicate more appropriate colloidal characteristics and higher biocompatibility for ex situ-functionalized Yb/Fe NPs, especially when the capping agent is glutathione. Additionally, these Yb/Fe NPs show good magnetic resonance imaging and X-ray computerized tomography imaging abilities, thereby indicating promising potential as dual contrast agents

    Hallazgo incidental de una hemoglobina rara: hemoglobina Bari en el noreste de España

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    Hemoglobina BariHemoglobina Barihemoglobin BariObjetivos La cromatografía líquida de alta resolución (HPLC) es una de las técnicas empleadas para determinar la hemoglobina glicosilada (HbA1c) y el método de elección para el cribado de hemoglobinopatías estructurales. El objetivo de este caso es mostrar cómo en un análisis de rutina de HbA1c es posible encontrar incidentalmente una hemoglobinopatía. Caso clínico En un análisis clínico rutinario, se observó un valor anormal de hemoglobina A2 (HbA2) en el análisis de HbA1c mediante HPLC, realizado con el analizador ADAMS™ A1c HA-8180T. Ante la sospecha de la presencia de una hemoglobinopatía, se amplió el estudio a posibles variantes mediante electroforesis y HPLC, empleando los analizadores Hydrasys y Variant II, respectivamente. Dado que no se pudo identificar con ninguno de los métodos tradicionales, se realizó también un estudio genético mediante secuenciación Sanger. El paciente presentaba niveles bajos de HbA2 (1.3%) y una variante del 24,9% con un tiempo de retención de 1.95 minutos, compatible con una variante de la cadena de alfa-globina. En el estudio genético, se detectó la variante patogénica c.138C>G en el gen HBA2 en heterocigosis, causando la expresión de la hemoglobinopatía conocida como hemoglobina Bari. Conclusiones El cribado inicial de hemoglobinopatías estructurales permite su identificación o suscita sospecha de su presencia, especialmente cuando se realiza junto al análisis de HbA1c, requiriendo posterior confirmación y diagnóstico con otras técnicas

    Ex situ and in situ functionalized Yb/Fe nanoparticles obtained by scanning pulsed laser ablation in liquids: A route to obtain biofunctionalized multiplatform contrast agents for MRI and CT imaging

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    Two distinct strategies were used to improve the colloidal properties of hybrid Yb/Fe oxide NPs previously prepared by the pulsed liquid laser ablation process for use as a contrast agent in medical imaging. First, an exhaustive optimization process of the laser ablation synthesis parameters was carried out to reduce the hydrodynamic diameters of the Yb/Fe NPs. The hydrodynamic size was successfully reduced to <200 nm, thereby decreasing the polydispertivity index. Second, ex situ and in situ functionalization processes using glutathione, cysteamine, or polyethylenimine as capping agents have been developed to increase their colloidal stability at physiological pH values. Transmission electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering, Z-potential measurements, and Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy were used to examine the structure, morphology, colloidal and surface properties of Yb/Fe NPs. Colloidal stability of the Yb/Fe NPs as well as the linkage mechanism of functionalization have been studied extensively. This last parameter provides a critical information for subsequently bioconjugations in biomedical applications. Additionally, the biocompatibility of the Yb/Fe NPs was evaluated by MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) experiments. These results indicate more appropriate colloidal characteristics and higher biocompatibility for ex situ-functionalized Yb/Fe NPs, especially when the capping agent is glutathione. Additionally, these Yb/Fe NPs show good magnetic resonance imaging and X-ray computerized tomography imaging abilities, thereby indicating promising potential as dual contrast agents.This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and FEDER [research projects MAT2015-67354R], the H2020 Action H2020-MSCA-IF-2014_ST [grant 656908-NIMBLIS] of the Executive Agency for Research Manages of EU Commission, the Proyectos Integradores MdM-IMEYMAT 2020 call (research project ULST-NANO), and the projects PECART-0096-2020 (Consejería Salud y Familias. JA Spain) and P20_01293 (Consejería Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad. JA Spain). In addition, we acknowledge the received technical assistance from the SC-ICYT of the University of Cádiz. We also acknowledge to the Networking Research Centre on Bioengineering, Biomaterials, and Nanomedicine (CIBERBBN) (which is financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) with assistance from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)) and the ICTS “NANBIOSIS”, specifically the FVPR/U20 (http://www.nanbiosis.es/portfolio/u20-in-vivo-experimentalplatform/) for providing access to the micro-CT. M.L. was supported by a post-doctoral grant of the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología from Mexico (CONACYT, no 619639).Peer reviewe