48 research outputs found

    La distribución de la Venta Online. Dark Stores

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    Los cambios en el comercio electrónico y su consiguiente impacto en el reparto de última milla están provocando en la logística formas de distribución poco sostenibles e ineficaces en el panorama internacional a medio y largo plazo. Ante estos inconvenientes, este Trabajo de Fin de Grado plantea la posibilidad de instaurar los Dark Stores o centros especialmente diseñados para recoger los productos de la venta online, como nuevos puntos de recogida. Se ha realizado un estudio de mercado para conocer la disposición de los potenciales clientes a acudir a estos centros, las dificultades que aprecian y se ha elaborado un análisis de viabilidad sobre la implantación de una de estas tiendas especializadas. Los resultados muestran que los Dark Stores tendrían buena acogida por parte de los usuarios y podrían ser una opción rentable para la empresa; no obstante, ciertos aspectos como situarlas en locales interiores, primar las devoluciones y la seguridad que ofrezcan serán cruciales para igualar la alternativa de las entregas a domicilio que, en la actualidad, es la opción mejor valorada.<br /

    Alteraciones en la función celular por la acción de fármacos

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    Alteraciones en la función celular por la acción de fármacos

    Sparse N-way partial least squares with R package sNPLS

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    [EN] We introduce the R package sNPLS that performs N-way partial least squares (N-PLS) regression and Sparse (L1-penalized) N-PLS regression in three-way arrays. N-PLS regression is superior to other methods for three-way data based in unfolding, thanks to a better stabilization of the decomposition. This provides better interpretability and improves predictions. The sparse version also adds variable selection through L1 penalization. The sparse version of N-PLS is able to provide lower prediction errors and to further improve interpretability and usability of the N-PLS results. After a short introduction to both methods, the different functions of the package are presented by displaying their use in simulated and a real dataset.Research in this study was partially supported by the Conselleria de Educacion, Investigacion, Cultura y Deporte de la Generalitat Valenciana under the project PROMETEO/2016/093.Hervás-Marín, D.; Prats-Montalbán, JM.; Lahoz Rodríguez, AG.; Ferrer, A. (2018). Sparse N-way partial least squares with R package sNPLS. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 179:54-63. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemolab.2018.06.005S546317

    Sparse N-way Partial Least Squares by L1-penalization

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    [EN] N-PLS, as the natural extension of PLS to N-way structures, tries to maximize the covariance between an X and a Y N-way data arrays. It provides a useful framework for fitting prediction models to N-way data. However, N-PLS by itself does not perform variable selection, which indeed can facilitate interpretation in different situations (e.g. the so-called ¿¿omics¿ data). In this work, we propose a method for variable selection within N-PLS by introducing sparsity in the weights matrices WJ and WK by means of L1-penalization. The sparse version of N-PLS is able to provide lower prediction errors by filtering all the noise variables and to further improve interpretability and usability of the N-PLS results. To test Sparse N-PLS performance two different simulated data sets were used, whereas to show its utility in a biological context a real time course metabolomics data set was used.Hervás-Marín, D.; Prats-Montalbán, JM.; Garcia-Cañaveras, J.; Lahoz Rodríguez, AG.; Ferrer, A. (2019). Sparse N-way Partial Least Squares by L1-penalization. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 185:85-91. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemolab.2019.01.004S859118

    Portable IR dye laser optofluidic microresonator as a temperature and chemical sensor

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    A compact and portable optofluidic microresonator has been fabricated and characterized. It is based on a Fabry-Perot microcavity consisting essentially of two tailored dichroic Bragg mirrors prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering deposition. The microresonator has been filled with an ethanol solution of Nile-Blue dye. Infrared laser emission has been measured with a pump threshold as low as 0.12 MW/cm2 and an external energy conversion efficiency of 41%. The application of the device as a temperature and a chemical sensor is demonstrated. Small temperature variations as well as small amount of water concentrations in the liquid laser medium are detected as a shift of the resonant laser modes.España Mineco MAT2013-40852-R MAT2013-46649-C4-4-PMALTA CSD2007-0045FUNCOAT MAT2015-69035-REDCEU-FEDER P12- FQM-2265 P10-FQM-690

    Mild Muscle Mitochondrial Fusion Distress Extends Drosophila Lifespan through an Early and Systemic Metabolome Reorganization

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    [EN] In a global aging population, it is important to understand the factors affecting systemic aging and lifespan. Mitohormesis, an adaptive response caused by different insults affecting the mitochondrial network, triggers a response from the nuclear genome inducing several pathways that promote longevity and metabolic health. Understanding the role of mitochondrial function during the aging process could help biomarker identification and the development of novel strategies for healthy aging. Herein, we interfered the muscle expression of the Drosophila genes Marf and Opa1, two genes that encode for proteins promoting mitochondrial fusion, orthologues of human MFN2 and OPA1. Silencing of Marf and Opa1 in muscle increases lifespan, improves locomotor capacities in the long term, and maintains muscular integrity. A metabolomic analysis revealed that muscle down-regulation of Marf and Opa1 promotes a non-autonomous systemic metabolome reorganization, mainly affecting metabolites involved in the energetic homeostasis: carbohydrates, lipids and aminoacids. Interestingly, the differences are consistently more evident in younger flies, implying that there may exist an anticipative adaptation mediating the protective changes at the older age. We demonstrate that mild mitochondrial muscle disturbance plays an important role in Drosophila fitness and reveals metabolic connections between tissues. This study opens new avenues to explore the link of mitochondrial dynamics and inter-organ communication, as well as their relationship with muscle-related pathologies, or in which muscle aging is a risk factor for their appearance. Our results suggest that early intervention in muscle may prevent sarcopenia and promote healthy aging.Work in the laboratory of M.I.G. was funded by PROMETEU/2018/135 from "Conselleria, de Sanitat de la Generalitat Valenciana". Part of the equipment employed in this work has been funded by Generalitat Valenciana and co-financed with ERDF funds (OP ERDF of Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020).Tapia, A.; Palomino-Schätzlein, M.; Roca, M.; Lahoz, A.; Pineda-Lucena, A.; López Del Amo, V.; Galindo, MI. (2021). Mild Muscle Mitochondrial Fusion Distress Extends Drosophila Lifespan through an Early and Systemic Metabolome Reorganization. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22(22):1-20. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms222212133120222

    Laser treatment of nanoparticulated metal thin films for ceramic tile decoration

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    This paper presents a new method for the fabrication of metal-like decorative layers on glazed ceramic tiles. It consists of the laser treatment of copper thin films prepared by electron beam evaporation at glancing angles. A thin film of discontinuous copper nanoparticles was electron beam evaporated in an oblique angle configuration onto ceramic tiles and an ample palette of colors obtained by laser treatment both in air and in vacuum. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM and FESEM) along with UV-vis-NIR spectroscopy and time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) analysis were used to characterize the differently colored layers. Based on these analyses, color development has been accounted for by a simple model considering surface melting phenomena and different microstructural and chemical transformations of the outmost surface layers of samples.Financial support from the EU (Grant LIFE11/ENV/ES560), Innovaragon (Grant ITA-DGA/ES 1368), DGA (Group T87), MINECO (Projects MAT2013-40852-R and MAT2013-42900-P), and Junta de Andalucia (Projects TEP 8067 and FQM 6900) is gratefully acknowledged. F.R.-G. acknowledges the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation for Grant SFRH/BPD/108581/2015.Peer reviewe

    c‑MYC Triggers Lipid Remodelling During Early Somatic Cell Reprogramming to Pluripotency

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    Metabolic rewiring and mitochondrial dynamics remodelling are hallmarks of cell reprogramming, but the roles of the reprogramming factors in these changes are not fully understood. Here we show that c-MYC induces biosynthesis of fatty acids and increases the rate of pentose phosphate pathway. Time-course profiling of fatty acids and complex lipids during cell reprogramming using lipidomics revealed a profound remodelling of the lipid content, as well as the saturation and length of their acyl chains, in a c-MYC-dependent manner. Pluripotent cells displayed abundant cardiolipins and scarce phosphatidylcholines, with a prevalence of monounsaturated acyl chains. Cells undergoing cell reprogramming showed an increase in mitochondrial membrane potential that paralleled that of mitochondrial-specific cardiolipins. We conclude that c-MYC controls the rewiring of somatic cell metabolism early in cell reprogramming by orchestrating cell proliferation, synthesis of macromolecular components and lipid remodelling, all necessary processes for a successful phenotypic transition to pluripotency

    Blunted Expansion of Regulatory T Lymphocytes Is Associated With Increased Bacterial Translocation in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder

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    Background: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is associated with both proinflammatory and adaptive immune response abnormalities. Regulatory T lymphocytes (Tregs), a subtype of CD4+ T cells, are relevant for maintaining immune-inflammatory system homeostasis and control of inflammation such as the kind potentially induced by the interactions between the intestinal microbiome and gut mucosa. We investigated the Treg population and its distribution along their stages of differentiation/activation, as well as its function in MDD patients without concomitant diseases. We also studied the potential association between Treg alterations, intestinal barrier damage, and bacterial translocation. Methods: 30 MDD patients and 20 healthy controls were studied. The levels of circulating CD25FoxP3+ Tregs and their distribution on the naïve (TN), effector (TE), central (TCM), and effector memory(TEM) differentiation/activation stages were analyzed using polychromatic flow cytometry. Chemokine receptors (CCR) 2, 5, and 6, and the intracytoplasmic IL-10 expression by the Tregs were also analyzed. The serum IL-10 was measured using Luminex. The serum levels of zonulin and the intestinal fatty acid-binding protein (I-FABP), both markers of gut barrier function, and the LPS-binding protein (LBP), a marker of bacterial translocation, were measured using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: MDD patients had increased number of circulating Tregs cells with enhanced number of Tregs at the TN, TE, TCM, and TEM stages. The percentage of Tregs cells at TN stage was significantly higher in MDD patients. The percentage of Tregs that expressed CCR2 and CCR6 was increased as well as those expressing IL-10. MDD patients had significantly increased levels of circulating I-FABP and LBP. MDD patients with high LBP levels had a significant reduction in the number of circulating Tregs compared to normal-LBP MDD patients. Conclusions: MDD patients showed an expansion of circulating Tregs and their CD25highFoxP3+ and CD25lowFoxP3+ subsets throughout the different stages of CD4+ T lymphocyte differentiation/activation. Tregs also showed an increased frequency of cells expressing CCR6 and CCR2. IL-10 Treg production was also enhanced in MDD patients that concurrently had increased serum IL-10 levels. However, this Treg expansion was blunted in MDD patients with gut barrier damage and increased bacterial translocation.Instituto de Salud Carlos IIIComunidad de Madri

    The Spanish toxic oil syndrome 20 years after its onset: a multidisciplinary review of scientific knowledge.

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    In 1981, in Spain, the ingestion of an oil fraudulently sold as olive oil caused an outbreak of a previously unrecorded condition, later known as toxic oil syndrome (TOS), clinically characterized by intense incapacitating myalgias, marked peripheral eosinophilia, and pulmonary infiltrates. Of the 20,000 persons affected, approximately 300 died shortly after the onset of the disease and a larger number developed chronic disease. For more than 15 years, a scientific committee supported by the World Health Organization's Regional Office for Europe and by the Institute of Health Carlos III in Madrid has guided investigation intended to identify the causal agent(s), to assess toxicity and mode of action, to establish the pathogenesis of the disease, and to detect late consequences. This report summarizes advances in research on this front. No late mortality excess has been detected. Among survivors, the prevalence of some chronic conditions (e.g., sclerodermia, neurologic changes) is high. Attempts to reproduce the condition in laboratory animals have been unsuccessful, and no condition similar to TOS has been reported in the scientific literature. Laboratory findings suggest an autoimmune mechanism for TOS, such as high levels of seric soluble interleukin-2 receptor. Epidemiologic studies integrated with chemical analyses of case-related oils have shown that the disease is strongly associated with the consumption of oils containing fatty acid esters of 3-(N-phenylamino)-1,2-propanediol (PAP). These chemicals have also been found in oils synthesized under conditions simulating those hypothesized to have occurred when the toxic oil was produced in 1981. Whether PAP esters are simply markers of toxicity of oils or have the capability to induce the disease remains to be elucidated