79 research outputs found

    Malaria in Brazil: an overview

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    Malaria is still a major public health problem in Brazil, with approximately 306 000 registered cases in 2009, but it is estimated that in the early 1940s, around six million cases of malaria occurred each year. As a result of the fight against the disease, the number of malaria cases decreased over the years and the smallest numbers of cases to-date were recorded in the 1960s. From the mid-1960s onwards, Brazil underwent a rapid and disorganized settlement process in the Amazon and this migratory movement led to a progressive increase in the number of reported cases. Although the main mosquito vector (Anopheles darlingi) is present in about 80% of the country, currently the incidence of malaria in Brazil is almost exclusively (99,8% of the cases) restricted to the region of the Amazon Basin, where a number of combined factors favors disease transmission and impair the use of standard control procedures. Plasmodium vivax accounts for 83,7% of registered cases, while Plasmodium falciparum is responsible for 16,3% and Plasmodium malariae is seldom observed. Although vivax malaria is thought to cause little mortality, compared to falciparum malaria, it accounts for much of the morbidity and for huge burdens on the prosperity of endemic communities. However, in the last few years a pattern of unusual clinical complications with fatal cases associated with P. vivax have been reported in Brazil and this is a matter of concern for Brazilian malariologists. In addition, the emergence of P. vivax strains resistant to chloroquine in some reports needs to be further investigated. In contrast, asymptomatic infection by P. falciparum and P. vivax has been detected in epidemiological studies in the states of Rondonia and Amazonas, indicating probably a pattern of clinical immunity in both autochthonous and migrant populations. Seropidemiological studies investigating the type of immune responses elicited in naturally-exposed populations to several malaria vaccine candidates in Brazilian populations have also been providing important information on whether immune responses specific to these antigens are generated in natural infections and their immunogenic potential as vaccine candidates. The present difficulties in reducing economic and social risk factors that determine the incidence of malaria in the Amazon Region render impracticable its elimination in the region. As a result, a malaria-integrated control effort - as a joint action on the part of the government and the population - directed towards the elimination or reduction of the risks of death or illness, is the direction adopted by the Brazilian government in the fight against the disease

    A Recurrent Network in the Lateral Amygdala: A Mechanism for Coincidence Detection

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    Synaptic changes at sensory inputs to the dorsal nucleus of the lateral amygdala (LAd) play a key role in the acquisition and storage of associative fear memory. However, neither the temporal nor spatial architecture of the LAd network response to sensory signals is understood. We developed a method for the elucidation of network behavior. Using this approach, temporally patterned polysynaptic recurrent network responses were found in LAd (intra-LA), both in vitro and in vivo, in response to activation of thalamic sensory afferents. Potentiation of thalamic afferents resulted in a depression of intra-LA synaptic activity, indicating a homeostatic response to changes in synaptic strength within the LAd network. Additionally, the latencies of thalamic afferent triggered recurrent network activity within the LAd overlap with known later occurring cortical afferent latencies. Thus, this recurrent network may facilitate temporal coincidence of sensory afferents within LAd during associative learning

    O sistema financeiro atual trava o desenvolvimento econĂŽmico

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    A financeirização estĂĄ no centro dos debates econĂŽmicos, porque aprofunda a desigualdade e sobretudo porque trava o desenvolvimento. Este Ășltimo aspecto Ă© alvo de numerosos estudos internacionais, e aqui abordamos o mecanismo como se manifesta no Brasil. Basicamente, os crediĂĄrios, cartĂ”es de crĂ©dito e juros bancĂĄrios para pessoa fĂ­sica travam a demanda, pois tipicamente o comprador paga o dobro do valor do produto, endivida-se muito comprando pouco, o que esteriliza o impacto de dinamização da economia pela demanda. Os juros elevados para pessoa jurĂ­dica travam por sua vez o investimento, isto porque o empresĂĄrio efetivamente produtivo jĂĄ enfrenta a fragilidade da demanda. E a taxa Selic elevada, ao provocar a transferĂȘncia de centenas de bilhĂ”es dos nosso impostos para os bancos e outros aplicadores financeiros, trava a capacidade de o Estado expandir polĂ­ticas sociais e infraestruturas. Essa dinĂąmica no contexto de uma carga tributĂĄria que onera desproporcionalmente o consumo popular, e de um sistema de evasĂŁo dos impostos atravĂ©s em particular dos paraĂ­sos fiscais, gera um dreno insustentĂĄvel de recursos que explica que tenhamos uma alta taxa de emprego e um PIB que estagna. As recomendaçÔes vĂŁo no sentido de uma reforma financeira, e nĂŁo do ajuste fiscal atualmente proposto

    A Comparison Study of Eleven Static Heuristics for Mapping a Class of Independent Tasks onto Ileterogeneous Distributed Computing Systems

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    ABSTRACT Il\u27lixed-machine heterogeneous computing (HC) environments utilize a distributed suite of different high-performance machines, interconnected with high-speed links to perform different computationally intensive applications that have diverse comput ational requirements. HC environments are well suited to meet thl: computational dell-tands of large, diverse groups of tasks. The problem of mapping (defined as matching and scheduling) these tasks onto the machines of a distributed HC environment has been shown, in general, to be NP-complete, requiring the development of heuristic techniques. Selecting the best heuristic to use in a given enviroi~menth, owever, remains a difficult problem, because comparisons are often clouded by different underlying assumptions in the original studies of each heuristic. There~fore; a collection of eleven heuristics from the literature has been selected: a,dapted, in~plementeda, nd anaiyzed under one set of common assumptions. It is assumed that the heuristics derive a, mapping statically (i.e., off-line). It is also assumed that a meta-task (i.e., a set of independent, non-communicating tasks) is being mapped, and that the goal is to minimize the total execution time of the metla-task. The eleven heuristics examined are Opportunistic Load Balancing, Minimum Execution Time, MininLlum Clompletion Time, Min-min, hllax-min, Duplex? Genetic i-Ilgorithm, Simulated Annealing, Genetic Simulat.ed .Annealing, Tabu, and Ax. This study provides one even basis for comparisor] and insights into circumstances where one technique will out perform another. The evaluation procedure is specified, the heuristics are defined, and then comparison results are discussed. It is shown that for the ca.ses studied here, the relat,ively simple Min-min heuristic performs well in comparison to the other techniques

    The influence of seasonalness on the structural characteristics of aquatic humic substances extracted from Negro River (Amazon state) waters: Interactions with Hg(II)

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    In this work, humic substances were extracted from water samples collected monthly from the Negro River basin in the Amazon state (Brazil) to study their properties in the Amazonian environment and interactions with the mercury ion considering the influence of seasonalness in this formation. The C/H, C/N and C/O atomic ratio parameters, functional groups, concentration of semiquinone-type free radicals, pH, pluviometric and fluviometric indices, and mercury concentrations were interpreted using hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA). The statistical analyses showed that when the pluviometric index was greater and the fluviometric index was smaller, the degree of humification of aquatic substances was greater. The following decreasing order of the degree of humification of the AHS collected monthly was established: Nov/02 to Feb/03 > Mar/02 to May/02 > Jun/02 to Oct/02. The greatest concentrations of mercury were detected in more humidified samples. These results suggest that due to inter and/or intra-molecular rearrangements, the degree of humification of aquatic humic substances is related to its affinity for Hg(II) ions. ©2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Química

    Spatial variability of vegetation index and soil properties in an integrated crop-livestock system

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    The knowledge of soil property spatial variability is useful for determining the rational use of inputs, such as the site-specific application of lime and fertilizer. The objective of this study was to evaluate the vegetation index and spatial variability of physical and chemical soil properties in an integrated crop-livestock system (ICLS). Soil samples were taken from a 6.9 ha area in a regular hexagon grid at 0-0.20 m depths. Soil P, K, Ca, Mg, and cation exchange capacity - CEC; base saturation; clay and sand were analyzed. Soil electrical conductivity (ECa) was measured with a contact sensor. The site was evaluated at the end of the corn season (April) and during forage production (October) using Landsat 5 images, remote sensing techniques and a geographic information system (GIS). Results showed that the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was associated with ECa and soil parameters, indicating crop and pasture variations in the ICLS. Geostatistics and GIS were effective tools for collecting data regarding the spatial variability of soil and crop indicators, identifying variation trends in the data, and assisting data interpretation to determine adequate management strategies.201

    Effect of artesunate-mefloquine fixed-dose combination in malaria transmission in amazon basin communities

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    Background: Studies in South-East Asia have suggested that early diagnosis and treatment with artesunate (AS) and mefloquine (MQ) combination therapy may reduce the transmission of Plasmodium falciparum malaria and the progression of MQ resistance. Methods: The effectiveness of a fixed-dose combination of AS and MQ (ASMQ) in reducing malaria transmission was tested in isolated communities of the Jurua valley in the Amazon region. Priority municipalities within the Brazilian Legal Amazon area were selected according to pre-specified criteria. Routine national malaria control programmatic procedures were followed. Existing health structures were reinforced and health care workers were trained to treat with ASMQ all confirmed falciparum malaria cases that match inclusion criteria. A local pharmacovigilance structure was implemented. Incidence of malaria and hospitalizations were recorded two years before, during, and after the fixed-dose ASMQ intervention. In total, between July 2006 and December 2008, 23,845 patients received ASMQ. Two statistical modelling approaches were applied to monthly time series of P. falciparum malaria incidence rates, P. falciparum/Plasmodium vivax infection ratio, and malaria hospital admissions rates. All the time series ranged from January 2004 to December 2008, whilst the intervention period span from July 2006 to December 2008. Results: The ASMQ intervention had a highly significant impact on the mean level of each time series, adjusted for trend and season, of 0.34 (95% CI 0.20 - 0.58) for the P. falciparum malaria incidence rates, 0.67 (95% CI 0.50 - 0.89) for the P. falciparum/P. vivax infection ratio, and 0.53 (95% CI 0.41 - 0.69) for the hospital admission rates. There was also a significant change in the seasonal (or monthly) pattern of the time series before and after intervention, with the elimination of the malaria seasonal peak in the rainy months of the years following the introduction of ASMQ. No serious adverse events relating to the use of fixed-dose ASMQ were reported. Conclusions: In the remote region of the Jurua valley, the early detection of malaria by health care workers and treatment with fixed-dose ASMQ was feasible and efficacious, and significantly reduced the incidence and morbidity of P. falciparum malaria.CNPq [309156/2007-6]PAHO/WHOBrazilian Ministry of HealthUSAI
