87 research outputs found

    Discontinuity in RG Flows Across Dimensions: Entanglement, Anomaly Coefficients and Geometry

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    We study the entanglement entropy associated with a holographic RG flow from AdS7\textrm{AdS}_7 to AdS4×H3\textrm{AdS}_{4} \times \mathbb{H}_3, where H3\mathbb{H}_3 is a 33-dimensional hyperbolic manifold with curvature κ\kappa. The dual six-dimensional RG flow is disconnected from Lorentz-invariant flows. In this context we address various notions of central charges and identify a monotonic candidate cc-function that captures IR aspects of the flow. The UV behavior of the holographic entanglement entropy and, in particular its universal term, display an interesting dependence on the curvature, κ\kappa. We then contrast our holographic results with existing field theory computations in six dimensions and find a series of new corrections in curvature to the universal term in the entanglement entropy.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figure

    Chaos around Holographic Regge Trajectories

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    Using methods of Hamiltonian dynamical systems, we show analytically that a dynamical system connected to the classical spinning string solution holographically dual to the principal Regge trajectory is non-integrable. The Regge trajectories themselves form an integrable island in the total phase space of the dynamical system. Our argument applies to any gravity background dual to confining field theories and we verify it explicitly in various supergravity backgrounds: Klebanov-Strassler, Maldacena-Nunez, Witten QCD and the AdS soliton. Having established non-integrability for this general class of supergravity backgrounds, we show explicitly by direct computation of the Poincare sections and the largest Lyapunov exponent, that such strings have chaotic motion.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures. V3: Minor changes complying to referee's suggestions. Typos correcte

    On N = 2 Truncations of IIB on T^{1,1}

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    We study the N=4 gauged supergravity theory which arises from the consistent truncation of IIB supergravity on the coset T^{1,1}. We analyze three N=2 subsectors and in particular we clarify the relationship between true superpotentials for gauged supergravity and certain fake superpotentials which have been widely used in the literature. We derive a superpotential for the general reduction of type I supergravity on T^{1,1} and this together with a certain solution generating symmetry is tantamount to a superpotential for the baryonic branch of the Klebanov-Strassler solution.Comment: 32 pages, v2:references adde

    Holographic Approach to Regge Trajectory and Rotating D5 brane

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    We study the Regge trajectories of holographic mesons and baryons by considering rotating strings and D5 brane, which is introduced as the baryon vertex. Our model is based on the type IIB superstring theory with the background of asymptotic AdS5×S5AdS_5\times S^5. This background is dual to a confining supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory (SYM) with gauge condensate, , which determines the tension of the linear potential between the quark and anti-quark. Then the slope of the meson trajectory (αM′\alpha'_{M}) is given by this condensate as αM′=1/π\alpha'_{M}=1/\sqrt{\pi } at large spin JJ. This relation is compatible with the other theoretical results and experiments. For the baryon, we show the importance of spinning baryon vertex to obtain a Regge slope compatible with the one of NN and Δ\Delta series. In both cases, mesons and baryons, the trajectories are shifted to large mass side with the same slope for increasing current quark mass.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    BMN vacua, superstars and non-abelian T-duality

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    Acting with non-Abelian T-duality on the S3S^3 inside the AdS5AdS_5 subspace of AdS5×S5AdS_5\times S^5 with NN units of flux, we generate a new half-BPS solution with SU(2∣4)SU(2|4) symmetry that belongs to the Lin-Lunin-Maldacena class of geometries. The analysis of the asymptotics, quantised charges and probe branes in this geometry suggests an interpretation as the gravity dual to the Berenstein-Maldacena-Nastase Plane Wave Matrix Model, in a particular vacuum associated to a partition of NN, in which the multiplicity of each SU(2)SU(2) irreducible representation is equal to its dimension. This vacuum is interpreted in M-theory in terms of giant gravitons backreacting in the maximally supersymmetric pp-wave geometry. Consistently with this, we show that the non-Abelian T-dual solution exactly agrees with the Penrose limit of the superstar solution in AdS7×S4AdS_7\times S^4. This suggests an interesting global completion of the non-Abelian T-dual solution in terms of an M5-brane geometry.Comment: 28 pages, discussion in section 5.1 improved, results unchanged, reference added. Matches published versio

    Non-supersymmetric Conifold

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    We find a new family of non-supersymmetric numerical solutions of IIB supergravity which are dual to the N=1 cascading "conifold" theory perturbed by certain combinations of relevant single trace and marginal double trace operators with non infinitesimal couplings. The SUSY is broken but the resulting ground states, and their gravity duals, remain stable, at least perturbatively.Despite the complicated field theory dynamics the gravity solutions have a simple structure. They feature the Ricci-flat non-Kahler metric on the deformed conifold and the imaginary self-dual three-form flux accompanied by a constant dilaton.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures; v2: minor corrections; v3: comments adde

    Non-Equilibrium Field Dynamics of an Honest Holographic Superconductor

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    Most holographic models of superconducting systems neglect the effects of dynamical boundary gauge fields during the process of spontaneous symmetry-breaking. Usually a global symmetry gets broken. This yields a superfluid, which then is gauged "weakly" afterwards. In this work we build (and probe the dynamics of) a holographic model in which a local boundary symmetry is spontaneously broken instead. We compute two-point functions of dynamical non-Abelian gauge fields in the normal and in the broken phase, and find non-trivial gapless modes. Our AdS3 gravity dual realizes a p-wave superconductor in (1+1) dimensions. The ground state of this model also breaks (1+1)-dimensional parity spontaneously, while the Hamiltonian is parity-invariant. We discuss possible implications of our results for a wider class of holographic liquids.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figures; v3: string theory derivation of setup added (section 3.1), improved presentation, version accepted by JHEP; v2: paragraph added to discussion, figure added, references added, typos correcte

    The a-theorem and conformal symmetry breaking in holographic RG flows

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    We study holographic models describing an RG flow between two fixed points driven by a relevant scalar operator. We show how to introduce a spurion field to restore Weyl invariance and compute the anomalous contribution to the generating functional in even dimensional theories. We find that the coefficient of the anomalous term is proportional to the difference of the conformal anomalies of the UV and IR fixed points, as expected from anomaly matching arguments in field theory. For any even dimensions the coefficient is positive as implied by the holographic a-theorem. For flows corresponding to spontaneous breaking of conformal invariance, we also compute the two-point functions of the energy-momentum tensor and the scalar operator and identify the dilaton mode. Surprisingly we find that in the simplest models with just one scalar field there is no dilaton pole in the two-point function of the scalar operator but a stronger singularity. We discuss the possible implications.Comment: 50 pages. v2: minor changes, added references, extended discussion. v3: we have clarified some of the calculations and assumptions, results unchanged. v4: published version in JHE

    The unwarped, resolved, deformed conifold: fivebranes and the baryonic branch of the Klebanov-Strassler theory

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    We study a gravity solution corresponding to fivebranes wrapped on the S2S^2 of the resolved conifold. By changing a parameter the solution continuously interpolates between the deformed conifold with flux and the resolved conifold with branes. Therefore, it displays a geometric transition, purely in the supergravity context. The solution is a simple example of torsional geometry and may be thought of as a non-K\"ahler analog of the conifold. By U-duality transformations we can add D3 brane charge and recover the solution in the form originally derived by Butti et al. This describes the baryonic branch of the Klebanov-Strassler theory. Far along the baryonic branch the field theory gives rise to a fuzzy two-sphere. This corresponds to the D5 branes wrapping the two-sphere of the resolved conifold in the gravity solution.Comment: 41 pages, 7 figure
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