37 research outputs found

    Organic and conventional tomato cropping systems.

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    Among several alternative agricultural systems have been developed, organic agriculture has deserved increasing interest from. The objective of this paper was comparing both organic (OS) and conventional (CS) tomato cropping systems for varieties Débora and Santa Clara, through an interdisciplinary study. The experiment was set up in a randomized blocks design with six replicates, in a dystrophic Ultisol plots measuring 25 ´ 17 m. Cropping procedures followed by either local conventional or organic growers practices recommendations. Fertilization in the OS was done with organic compost, single superphosphate, dolomitic limes (5L, 60 g, and 60 g per pit), and sprayed twice a week with biofertilizer. Fertilization in the CS was done with 200 g 4-14-8 (NPK) per pit and, after planting, 30 g N, 33 g K and 10.5 g P per pit; from 52 days after planting forth, plants were sprayed once a week with foliar fertilizer. In the CS, a blend of insecticides, fungicides and miticides was sprayed twice a week, after planting. In the OS, extracts of black pepper, garlic, and Eucalyptus; Bordeaux mixture, and biofertilizer, were applied twice a week to control diseases and pests. Tomato spotted wilt was the most important disease in the OS, resulting in smaller plant development, number of flower clusters and yield. In the CS, the disease was kept under control, and the population of thrips, the virus vector, occurred at lower levels than in the OS. Variety Santa Clara presented greater incidence of the viral disease, and for this reason had a poorer performance than 'Débora', especially in the OS. Occurrence of Liriomyza spp. was significantly smaller in the OS, possibly because of the greater frequency of Chrysoperla. The CS had smaller incidence of leaf spots caused by Septoria lycopersici and Xanthomonas vesicatoria. However, early blight and fruit rot caused by Alternaria solani occurred in larger numbers. No differences were observed with regard to the communities of fungi and bacteria in the phylloplane, and to the occurrence of weeds

    Conservation Agriculture Practices Increase Potentially Mineralizable Nitrogen: A Meta-Analysis

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    Potentially mineralizable nitrogen (PMN) is considered an important indicator of soil health. Cropping systems management can affect PMN. However, the effect size and relationship with crop yield across specific management practices remain uncertain. We conducted a quantitative review to understand how conservation agriculture management practices affect PMN including N fertilizer application, cropping system diversity, and tillage system as well as the relationship of crop yield with PMN. Data were extracted from 43 studies published in peer-reviewed journals, providing 494 paired comparisons of PMN and 26 paired comparisons of PMN and yield across selected crop management practices. In our meta-analysis, the effect size for each management practice was expressed as a response ratio, calculated as PMN or yield for the fertilizer application, high crop diversity, and no-till system to the no-fertilizer, less diverse crop system, and tillage system. On average, N-fertilized cropping systems had greater PMN: compared to no N fertilizer, inorganic N fertilizer had 22%, and manure had 34% higher PMN. Diverse cropping systems also had greater PMN: three or more different crops in rotation had 44% greater PMN than continuous cropping systems; cropping systems with a leguminous cover crop had 211% greater PMN than systems without cover crops. Compared to till systems, no-till systems had 13% higher PMN. Overall, conservation practices consistently increased both PMN and yield; however, the increase in PMN and yield were not correlated. Consistent with the use of PMN as a soil health indicator, this synthesis demonstrates that practices benefiting PMN also benefit yield

    Indicadores de qualidade do solo em sistemas de cultivo orgânico e convencional no semi-árido Cearense.

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    A qualidade do solo pode mudar com o passar do tempo, em decorrência de eventos naturais ou ações antrópicas. A adoção de práticas de cultivo orgânico reduz o revolvimento do solo, favorecendo a recuperação de suas propriedades físicas e químicas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo comparar propriedades físicas,químicas e biológicas de solos cultivados com algodão em bases orgânicas e no sistema convencional, assim como identificar as que possam ser utilizadas como indicadores de qualidade do solo. Selecionaram-se seis áreas submetidas ao cultivo orgânico e três ao cultivo convencional para coleta de amostras de solo deformadas e indeformadas, nas camadas de 0–10, 10–20 e 20–30 cm. Técnicas de estatística univariada e multivariada foram utilizadas para análise dos dados. Os resultados mostraram que os indicadores físicos e químicos testados individualmente não foram sensíveis para diferenciar as áreas sob sistema de cultivo orgânico daquelas sob cultivo convencional. No entanto, a aplicação de técnicas de análise multivariada – no caso, componentes principais e a discriminante de Anderson – permitiu a distinção entre algumas áreas cultivadas sob cultivo orgânico comparativamente às convencionais, até mesmo as que estavam em transição.Dos indicadores biológicos, a fauna edáfica mostrou-se mais precisa na avaliação da qualidade do solo, distinguindo de forma satisfatória as áreas sob sistema de cultivo orgânico das que estavam sob sistema convencional


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    The Earth's global gravity field modelling is an important subject in Physical Geodesy. For this purpose different satellite gravimetry missions have been designed and launched. Satellite gravity gradiometry (SGG) is a technique to measure the second-order derivatives of the gravity field. The gravity field and steady state ocean circulation explorer (GOCE) is the first satellite mission which uses this technique and is dedicated to recover Earth's gravity models (EGMs) up to medium wavelengths. The existing terrestrial gravimetric data and EGM scan be used for validation of the GOCE data prior to their use. In this research, the tensor of gravitation in the local north-oriented frame is generated using deterministically-modified integral estimators involving terrestrial data and EGMs. The paper presents that the SGG data is assessable with an accuracy of 1-2 mE in Fennoscandia using a modified integral estimatorby the Molodensky method. A degree of modification of 100 and an integration cap size of for integrating terrestrial data are proper parameters for the estimator

    The metabolic status of diapause embryos of <i>Artemia franciscana</i> (SFB)

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    The brine shrimp Artemia franciscana is widely used in aquaculture and basic research in areas ranging from molecular biology to evolution and ecology. A key of its life history involves the production of encysted embryos whose development is halted (enters diapause) at the gastrula stage. These shelled embryos are released into the aqueous environment where diapause continues until terminated by suitable conditions that produce an "activated embryo", which then can resume development when conditions permit. Very little is known about the metabolism of diapause embryos, in contrast to activated embryos, which have been studied extensively. We have examined selected features of metabolism in diapause embryos produced in laboratory cultures and collected from the field. Although in a state of developmental arrest, newly released diapause embryos are shown to carry on a vigorous metabolism. However as diapause continues metabolism slows until its detection becomes an experimental problem; it is possible that metabolism comes to a reversible standstill. We also present results from studies on diapause termination and the resumption of metabolism. Finally, we will show that a major protein (p26), previously implicated as a potential molecular chaperone in activated embryos undergoing anoxia and thermal shock, behaves similarly in diapause embryos. Although direct evidence is lacking, that results suggests a role for p26 that may be common to the mechanisms involved with the control of diapause as well as the stress response in this system

    Green apples upset cart

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