10,258 research outputs found

    X-rays from Radio-Galaxies: BeppoSAX Observations

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    We briefly review BeppoSAX observations of X-ray bright radio-galaxies. Their X-ray spectra are quite varied, and perhaps surprisingly, any similarity between radio-loud AGN and Seyfert galaxies is the exception rather than the rule. When detected, reprocessing features (iron line and reflection) are generally weak, suggesting two possible scenarios: either: (1) non-thermal (jet?) radiation dilutes the X-ray emission from the disk in radio-loud objects, or (2) the solid angle subtended by the X-ray reprocessing material is smaller in radio-loud than in radio-quiet AGN due to different characteristics of the accretion disk itself.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in `Life Cycles of Radio Galaxies', ed. J. Biretta et al., New Astronomy Review

    A study into breaches of Youth Justice Orders and the young people who breach them

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    This study concerns the incidence and aetiology of breach of youth community sentences. A between-groups archival study compared those who breached with those who did not, on socio-demographic and criminogenic factors. Breachers were a minority, likely to breach repeatedly and were similar to those who re-offended. Whether they breach or reoffend may depend on something other than the characteristics of the Order and the young person’s situation. Youth Justice Professionals should be mindful of the identified areas of need and responsivity when considering compliance

    Radiative cooling, heating and thermal conduction in M87

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    The crisis of the standard cooling flow model brought about by Chandra and XMM-Newton observations of galaxy clusters, has led to the development of several models which explore different heating processes in order to assess if they can quench the cooling flow. Among the most appealing mechanisms are thermal conduction and heating through buoyant gas deposited in the ICM by AGNs. We combine Virgo/M87 observations of three satellites (Chandra, XMM-Newton and Beppo-SAX) to inspect the dynamics of the ICM in the center of the cluster. Using the spectral deprojection technique, we derive the physical quantities describing the ICM and determine the extra-heating needed to balance the cooling flow assuming that thermal conduction operates at a fixed fraction of the Spitzer value. We assume that the extra-heating is due to buoyant gas and we fit the data using the model developed by Ruszkowski and Begelman (2002). We derive a scale radius for the model of 5\sim 5 kpc, which is comparable with the M87 AGN jet extension, and a required luminosity of the AGN of a few×1042few \times 10^{42} erg s1^{-1}, which is comparable to the observed AGN luminosity. We discuss a scenario where the buoyant bubbles are filled of relativistic particles and magnetic field responsible for the radio emission in M87. The AGN is supposed to be intermittent and to inject populations of buoyant bubbles through a succession of outbursts. We also study the X-ray cool component detected in the radio lobes and suggest that it is structured in blobs which are tied to the radio buoyant bubbles.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures and 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Reflexões sobre as características de um trabalho de campo que estimule a argumentação e a enculturação científica dos alunos

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    A linguagem das ciências na sala de aula e no trabalho de campo muitas vezes é desprovida de sentido para os alunos. Refletindo sobre essas questões, pesquisadores investigaram como o discurso nesses ambientes favorecia o raciocínio lógico e a enculturação científica. Entretanto, pressupondo-se que a sala de aula e o trabalho de campo tenham funções de igual importância na educação em ciências, o objetivo desse trabalho é discutir como aliar as atividades de ambos os locais, propiciando aos alunos oportunidade de contactar a cultura da ciência através do estímulo da argumentação. A exemplo, uma pesquisa realizada na Espanha será analisada de forma a refletir sobre suas contribuições com relação à enculturação científica da class

    The emission line spectrum of the UV deficient quasar Ton 34: evidence of shock excitation?

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    Emission lines in quasars are believed to originate from a photoionized plasma. There are, however, some emission features which appear to be collisionally excited, such as the FeII multiplet bands. Shortward of Ly_alpha, there also are a few permitted lines of species from low to intermediate ionization. Ton 34 (z=1.928) exhibits the steepest far-UV continuum decline known (Fnu propto nu^{-5.3}) shortward of 1050A. This object also emits unusually strong low to intermediate excitation permitted lines shortward of the Lyman limit. Using archive spectra of Ton 34 from HST, IUE and Palomar, we measure the fluxes of all the lines present in the spectra and compare their relative intensities with those observed in composite quasar spectra. Our analysis reveals unusual strengths with respect to Ly_alpha of the following low to intermediate excitation permitted lines: OII+OIII (835A), NIII+OIII (686-703A) and NIII+NIV (765A). We compare the observed line spectrum with both photoionization and shock models. Photoionization cannot reproduce the strengths of these far-UV lines. Shocks with Vs ~ 100 km/s turn out to be extremely efficient emitters of these lines and are favored as excitation mechanism.Comment: 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&