319 research outputs found

    RAM-Efficient External Memory Sorting

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    In recent years a large number of problems have been considered in external memory models of computation, where the complexity measure is the number of blocks of data that are moved between slow external memory and fast internal memory (also called I/Os). In practice, however, internal memory time often dominates the total running time once I/O-efficiency has been obtained. In this paper we study algorithms for fundamental problems that are simultaneously I/O-efficient and internal memory efficient in the RAM model of computation.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of ISAAC 2013, getting the Best Paper Awar

    The radial evolution of solar wind speeds

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    The WSA-ENLIL model predicts significant evolution of the solar wind speed. Along a flux tube the solar wind speed at 1.0 AU and beyond is found to be significantly altered from the solar wind speed in the outer corona at 0.1 AU, with most of the change occurring within a few tenths of an AU from the Sun. The evolution of the solar wind speed is most pronounced during solar minimum for solar wind with observed speeds at 1.0 AU between 400 and 500 km/s, while the fastest and slowest solar wind experiences little acceleration or deceleration. Solar wind ionic charge state observations made near 1.0 AU during solar minimum are found to be consistent with a large fraction of the intermediate-speed solar wind having been accelerated or decelerated from slower or faster speeds. This paper sets the groundwork for understanding the evolution of wind speed with distance, which is critical for interpreting the solar wind composition observations near Earth and throughout the inner heliosphere. We show from composition observations that the intermediate-speed solar wind (400-500 km/s) represents a mix of what was originally fast and slow solar wind, which implies a more bimodal solar wind in the corona than observed at 1.0 AU

    Querying Probabilistic Neighborhoods in Spatial Data Sets Efficiently

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    \newcommand{\dist}{\operatorname{dist}} In this paper we define the notion of a probabilistic neighborhood in spatial data: Let a set PP of nn points in Rd\mathbb{R}^d, a query point qRdq \in \mathbb{R}^d, a distance metric \dist, and a monotonically decreasing function f:R+[0,1]f : \mathbb{R}^+ \rightarrow [0,1] be given. Then a point pPp \in P belongs to the probabilistic neighborhood N(q,f)N(q, f) of qq with respect to ff with probability f(\dist(p,q)). We envision applications in facility location, sensor networks, and other scenarios where a connection between two entities becomes less likely with increasing distance. A straightforward query algorithm would determine a probabilistic neighborhood in Θ(nd)\Theta(n\cdot d) time by probing each point in PP. To answer the query in sublinear time for the planar case, we augment a quadtree suitably and design a corresponding query algorithm. Our theoretical analysis shows that -- for certain distributions of planar PP -- our algorithm answers a query in O((N(q,f)+n)logn)O((|N(q,f)| + \sqrt{n})\log n) time with high probability (whp). This matches up to a logarithmic factor the cost induced by quadtree-based algorithms for deterministic queries and is asymptotically faster than the straightforward approach whenever N(q,f)o(n/logn)|N(q,f)| \in o(n / \log n). As practical proofs of concept we use two applications, one in the Euclidean and one in the hyperbolic plane. In particular, our results yield the first generator for random hyperbolic graphs with arbitrary temperatures in subquadratic time. Moreover, our experimental data show the usefulness of our algorithm even if the point distribution is unknown or not uniform: The running time savings over the pairwise probing approach constitute at least one order of magnitude already for a modest number of points and queries.Comment: The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-44543-4_3

    Guest Editors’ Foreword

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    A simple optimal randomized algorithm for sorting on the PDM

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    The Parallel Disks Model (PDM) has been proposed to alleviate the I/O bottleneck that arises in the processing of massive data sets. Sorting has been extensively studied on the PDM model due to the fundamental nature of the problem. Several randomized algorithms are known for sorting. Most of the prior algorithms suffer from undue complications in memory layouts, implementation, or lack of tight analysis. In this paper we present a simple randomized algorithm that sorts in optimal time with high probablity and has all the desirable features for practical implementation

    A Bulk-Parallel Priority Queue in External Memory with STXXL

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    We propose the design and an implementation of a bulk-parallel external memory priority queue to take advantage of both shared-memory parallelism and high external memory transfer speeds to parallel disks. To achieve higher performance by decoupling item insertions and extractions, we offer two parallelization interfaces: one using "bulk" sequences, the other by defining "limit" items. In the design, we discuss how to parallelize insertions using multiple heaps, and how to calculate a dynamic prediction sequence to prefetch blocks and apply parallel multiway merge for extraction. Our experimental results show that in the selected benchmarks the priority queue reaches 75% of the full parallel I/O bandwidth of rotational disks and and 65% of SSDs, or the speed of sorting in external memory when bounded by computation.Comment: extended version of SEA'15 conference pape

    I/O-Efficient Algorithms on Near-Planar Graphs

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    Obtaining I/O-efficient algorithms for basic graph problems on sparse directed graphs is a long-standing open problem. While the best known upper bounds for most basic problems on such graphs with V vertices still require O(V ) I/Os, optimal O(sort (V )) I/O algorithms are known for special classes of sparse graphs, like planar graphs and grid graphs. It is hard to accept that a problem becomes difficult as soon as the graph contains a few deviations from planarity. In this paper we extend the class of graphs on which basic graph problems can be solved I/O-efficiently. We give a characterization of near-planarity which covers a wide range of near-planar graphs, and obtain the first I/O-efficient algorithms for directed graphs that are near-planar

    Dynamic Range Majority Data Structures

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    Given a set PP of coloured points on the real line, we study the problem of answering range α\alpha-majority (or "heavy hitter") queries on PP. More specifically, for a query range QQ, we want to return each colour that is assigned to more than an α\alpha-fraction of the points contained in QQ. We present a new data structure for answering range α\alpha-majority queries on a dynamic set of points, where α(0,1)\alpha \in (0,1). Our data structure uses O(n) space, supports queries in O((lgn)/α)O((\lg n) / \alpha) time, and updates in O((lgn)/α)O((\lg n) / \alpha) amortized time. If the coordinates of the points are integers, then the query time can be improved to O(lgn/(αlglgn)+(lg(1/α))/α))O(\lg n / (\alpha \lg \lg n) + (\lg(1/\alpha))/\alpha)). For constant values of α\alpha, this improved query time matches an existing lower bound, for any data structure with polylogarithmic update time. We also generalize our data structure to handle sets of points in d-dimensions, for d2d \ge 2, as well as dynamic arrays, in which each entry is a colour.Comment: 16 pages, Preliminary version appeared in ISAAC 201