18,744 research outputs found

    Formation of Topological Black holes from Gravitational Collapse

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    We consider the gravitational collapse of a dust cloud in an asymptotically anti de Sitter spacetime in which points connected by a discrete subgroup of an isometry subgroup of anti de Sitter spacetime are identified. We find that black holes with event horizons of any topology can form from the collapse of such a cloud. The quasilocal mass parameter of such black holes is proportional to the initial density, which can be arbitrarily small.Comment: latex, 16 pages, four postscript figure

    They are Small Worlds After All: Revised Properties of Kepler M Dwarf Stars and their Planets

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    We classified the reddest (r−J>2.2r-J>2.2) stars observed by the NASA KeplerKepler mission into main sequence dwarf or evolved giant stars and determined the properties of 4216 M dwarfs based on a comparison of available photometry with that of nearby calibrator stars, as well as available proper motions and spectra. We revised the properties of candidate transiting planets using the stellar parameters, high-resolution imaging to identify companion stars, and, in the case of binaries, fitting light curves to identify the likely planet host. In 49 of 54 systems we validated the primary as the host star. We inferred the intrinsic distribution of M dwarf planets using the method of iterative Monte Carlo simulation. We compared several models of planet orbital geometry and clustering and found that one where planets are exponentially distributed and almost precisely coplanar best describes the distribution of multi-planet systems. We determined that KeplerKepler M dwarfs host an average of 2.2±0.32.2 \pm 0.3 planets with radii of 1-4R⊕R_{\oplus} and orbital periods of 1.5-180 d. The radius distribution peaks at ∼1.2R⊕\sim 1.2R_{\oplus} and is essentially zero at 4R⊕4R_{\oplus}, although we identify three giant planet candidates other than the previously confirmed Kepler-45b. There is suggestive but not significant evidence that the radius distribution varies with orbital period. The distribution with logarithmic orbital period is flat except for a decline for orbits less than a few days. Twelve candidate planets, including two Jupiter-size objects, experience an irradiance below the threshold level for a runaway greenhouse on an Earth-like planet and are thus in a "habitable zone".Comment: MNRAS, in press. Tables 1, 3, and 4 are available in electronic form in the "anc" director

    A study of unmanned mission opportunities to comets and asteroids

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    Several unmanned multiple-target mission opportunities to comets and asteroids were studied. The targets investigated include Grigg-Skjellerup, Giacobini-Zinner, Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak, Borrelly, Halley, Schaumasse, Geographos, Eros, Icarus, and Toro, and the trajectories consist of purely ballistic flight, except that powered swingbys and deep space burns are employed when necessary. Optimum solar electric rendezvous trajectories to the comets Giacobini-Zinner/85, Borrelly/87, and Temple (2)/83 and /88 employing the 8.67 kw Sert III spacecraft modified for interplanetary flight were also investigated. The problem of optimizing electric propulsion heliocentric trajectories, including the effects of geocentric launch asymptote declination on launch vehicle performance capability, was formulated, and a solution developed using variational calculus techniques. Improvements were made to the HILTOP trajectory optimization computer program. An error analysis of high-thrust maneuvers involving spin-stabilized spacecraft was developed and applied to a synchronous meteorological satellite mission

    Generalized entropy and Noether charge

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    We find an expression for the generalized gravitational entropy of Hawking in terms of Noether charge. As an example, the entropy of the Taub-Bolt spacetime is calculated.Comment: 6 pages, revtex, reference correcte

    Alternative experimental evidence for chiral restoration in excited baryons

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    Given existing empirical spectral patterns of excited hadrons it has been suggested that chiral symmetry is approximately restored in excited hadrons at zero temperature/density (effective symmetry restoration). If correct, this implies that mass generation mechanisms and physics in excited hadrons is very different as compared to the lowest states. One needs an alternative and independent experimental information to confirm this conjecture. Using very general chiral symmetry arguments it is shown that strict chiral restoration in a given excited nucleon forbids its decay into the N \pi channel. Hence those excited nucleons which are assumed from the spectroscopic patterns to be in approximate chiral multiplets must only "weakly" decay into the N \pi channel, (f_{N^*N\pi}/f_{NN\pi})^2 << 1. However, those baryons which have no chiral partner must decay strongly with a decay constant comparable with f_{NN\pi}. Decay constants can be extracted from the existing decay widths and branching ratios. It turnes out that for all those well established excited nucleons which can be classified into chiral doublets N_+(1440) - N_-(1535), N_+(1710) - N_-(1650), N_+(1720) - N_-(1700), N_+(1680) - N_-(1675), N_+(2220) - N_-(2250), N_+(?) - N_-(2190), N_+(?) - N_-(2600), the ratio is (f_{N^*N\pi}/f_{NN\pi})^2 ~ 0.1 or much smaller for the high-spin states. In contrast, the only well established excited nucleon for which the chiral partner cannot be identified from the spectroscopic data, N(1520), has a decay constant into the N\pi channel that is comparable with f_{NN\pi}. This gives an independent experimental verification of the chiral symmetry restoration scenario.Comment: 4 pp. A new footnote with an alternative proof of impossibility of parity doublet decay into pi + N is added. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Lexical-Semantic Organization in Bilingually Developing Deaf Children With ASL-Dominant Language Exposure: Evidence From a Repeated Meaning Association Task

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    This study compared the lexical-semantic organization skills of bilingually developing deaf children in American Sign Language (ASL) and English with those of a monolingual hearing group. A repeated meaning-association paradigm was used to assess retrieval of semantic relations in deaf 6–10-year-olds exposed to ASL from birth by their deaf parents, with responses coded as syntagmatic or paradigmatic. Deaf children's responses in ASL and English were compared at the within-group level, and their ASL was compared to the English responses of age-matched monolingual hearing children. Finally, the two groups were compared on their semantic performance in English. Results showed similar patterns for deaf children's responses in ASL and English to those of hearing monolinguals, but subtle language differences were also revealed. These findings suggest that sign bilinguals’ language development in ASL and English is driven by similar underlying learning mechanisms rooted in the development of semantic frameworks

    Resonant Leptogenesis and Verifiable Seesaw from Large Extra Dimensions

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    In the presence of large extra dimensions, the fundamental scale could be as low as a few TeV. This yields leptogenesis and seesaw at a TeV scale. Phenomenologically two TeV-scale Majorana fermions with a small mass split can realize a resonant leptogenesis whereas a TeV-scale Higgs triplet with a small trilinear coupling to the standard model Higgs doublet can give a verifiable seesaw. We propose an interesting scenario where the small parameters for the resonant leptogenesis and the type-II seesaw can be simultaneously generated by the propagation of lepton number violation from distant branes to our world.Comment: 5 pages. More discussions and references. Published in PR

    Quasiclassical Equations of Motion for Nonlinear Brownian Systems

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    Following the formalism of Gell-Mann and Hartle, phenomenological equations of motion are derived from the decoherence functional formalism of quantum mechanics, using a path-integral description. This is done explicitly for the case of a system interacting with a ``bath'' of harmonic oscillators whose individual motions are neglected. The results are compared to the equations derived from the purely classical theory. The case of linear interactions is treated exactly, and nonlinear interactions are compared using classical and quantum perturbation theory.Comment: 24 pages, CALT-68-1848 (RevTeX 2.0 macros

    See-Saw Energy Scale and the LSND Anomaly

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    The most general, renormalizable Lagrangian that includes massive neutrinos contains ``right-handed neutrino'' Majorana masses of order M. While there are prejudices in favor of M much larger than the weak scale, virtually nothing is known about the magnitude of M. I argue that the LSND anomaly provides, currently, the only experimental hint: M around 1 eV. If this is the case, the LSND mixing angles are functions of the active neutrino masses and mixing and, remarkably, adequate fits to all data can be naturally obtained. I also discuss consequences of this ``eV-seesaw'' for supernova neutrino oscillations, tritium beta-decay, neutrinoless double-beta decay, and cosmology.Comment: revtex, 4 pages, no figure
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