794 research outputs found

    Estudos dos frutos e da polpa da bocaiuva extraída mecanicamente para a produção de biodiesel.

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    Procurando obter parâmetros que norteiem o processo da extração do óleo da polpa da bocaiuva para a produção de biodiesel, frutos da bocaiuva foram coletados durante a safra de 2008 na região de Corumbá (MS) e destinados para análise do teor de óleo na Embrapa Instrumentação Agropecuária. Order to obtain data to guide the process of extracting oil from the pulp of bocaiuva for the production of biodiesel, bocaiuva fruits were collected in the 2008 harvest in Corumbá (MS) and sent for analysis of oil content in the Embrapa Instrumentação Agropecuária

    Avaliação da temperatura de dois secadores solares para produção de doces cristalizados na comunidade Antônio Maria Coelho, Corumbá-MS: resultados preliminares.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as temperaturas de secagem de dois secadores solares utilizados para produção de frutas cristalizadas, sendo um a mesa secadora utilizada pela comunidade e o outro uma adaptação de um projeto desenvolvido pelo IAPAR. Foram feitos doces de mamão verde e abóbora cristalizados, com o acompanhamento da temperatura de hora em hora. Ambos os secadores apresentaram temperatura internas superiores à temperatura ambiente sendo que as temperaturas do secador solar adaptado foram bem superiores e as frutas perderam umidade mais rapidamente que no secador da comunidade. The aim of this work was to evaluate the internal temperature of two sun dryer devices used for production of candied fruits, one the dryer table used by the community and a sun dryer device adapted from a project of IAPAR. It was made candied green papaya and pumpkin (squash) fruits, and the temperature was recorded hour to hour until the fruits were considered ready. The temperatures in both the devices were higher as the environment temperature and also higher in the adapted device, and the fruits lost humidity faster than in the community's

    End of life care for people with alcohol and other drug problems: scoping review of existing database evidence.

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    The purpose of this study was to establish the prevalence and incidence of people with problematic substance use receiving or in need of end of life and palliative care. A strategic search for available databases, datasets and reports based on datasets was carried out, supported by consultation with key informants for further sources of data. The sources of evidence found, however, do not directly identify this population group. The findings indicate that data is not routinely recorded that specifies whether a person receiving hospital, hospice or community end of life care has, or has had, problems with substance use. Neither does data from substance use treatment populations include any record of end of life care

    Quantitative and Qualitative tools for a physical education program that increases inclusion of children with disabilities

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    Aim: New technologies in PE provide children with the opportunity (a) to improve motor learning and self-efficacy, (b) model and stucture new prospective of the educational process (Clapham et al.,2015). The purpose of this study is to evalute and compare (a) the development of motor coordination of primary school\u2019s children in relation to BMI, (b) effects of strategies that utilize interactive video game technology (T0 vs T1), (c) enjoyment and physical selfefficacy between EG and CG. Methods: The study has been conducted in a primary school of Puglia, Italy. The sample includes 65 children, separated into two groups in relation to sex and BMI: EG (M: 22, age,10.09 \ub1 0.30; F:19, age 10.10 \ub1 0.31) and CG (M: 12, age, 10 \ub1 0.42; F: 12, age 10 \ub1 0.0). The experimental program consists of 10 lessons, using specialised interactive video game technology to point out unusual motor responses. For the CG has been used teaching styles of production. The following tests have been proposed before and after the intervention: MOBAK 5 (Hermann and Seelig 2016), PSP_C (physical self-efficacy) and PACES (enjoyment). Results: Besides the descriptive statistics (M \ub1 DS), T-test was used in order to highlights significative differences between T0-T1, indipendently from sex differences. The significance value was set at p\0.05. Data analysis revealed significative differences between EG for boys and girls about (a) Control Object and Self-Movement (p\0.05); (b) and physical self efficacy scale (p\0.05). Conclusions: The use of modern technologies and different teaching styles in PE promote motor learning and self-efficacy in children. The trail of new and different instruments are needed to enhance educational environments and develop intrinsic motivation to motor activities. References 1. Clapham, E.D. et al. (2015). The Physical Educator. 72,1, 102\u2013116. 2. Hermann, C. & Seelig, H. (2016). Sportwissenschaft

    Produção e composição físico-quimíco do leite de cabras Saanen alimentadas com pedúnculo de caju (Anacardium occidentale l.) e níveis crescentes de óleo de soja.

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da inclusão do pedúnculo de caju e óleo de soja na dieta de s da raça Saanen sobre a produção, densidade e teor de gordura do leite

    Aplicação localizada de herbicidas para controle de alecrim-do-campo (Vernonia nudiflora) em pastagem natural.

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    Resumo: Para avaliar o controle de alecrim-do-campo (Vernonia nudiflora) com aplicação de herbicidas de contato, foi conduzido durante 353 dias, um experimento com delineamento de parcelas subdivididas, dispostas em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições em um arranjo fatorial (5x3)+1, sendo cinco herbicidas em três doses mais a testemunha. As parcelas corresponderam aos herbicidas, com doses de 1,5; 3,0 e 4,5 L ha-1 de Tordon, Aminol 806, Garlon, Grazon e Plenum. A abundância de V. nudiflora foi avaliada antes da aplicação e 60 e 353 dias após. A aplicação foi feita com ?roçadeira química? tratorizada, consistindo em uma plataforma com bandejas com altura regulável, que entra em contato somente com as plantas alvo. Os herbicidas não diferiram quanto à redução na abundância do alecrim e todos reduziram significativamente mais que a testemunha. Os tratamentos não interferiram na frequência na composição de espécies desejáveis no campo nativo. O uso do aplicador químico é eficaz para o controle, mesmo com baixas concentrações de herbicidas, tendo eficácia na redução do alecrim-do-campo e preservando as espécies desejáveis para a produção animal. [Located herbicide application to control alecrim-do-campo (Vernonia nudiflora) in natural grassland]. Abstract: To evaluate the control of alecrim-do-campo (Vernonia nudiflora) with contact herbicides, an experiment was conducted during 353 days, following a split plot block design, with three replicates in a (5x3)+1 factorial arrangement, being five herbicides in three doses and the control. The plots corresponded to the herbicides, with doses of 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5 L ha-1 of Tordon, Aminol 806, Garlon, Grazon e Plenum. The presence of V. nudiflora was evaluated prior to application and 60 and 353 days after. The application was made using a chemical applicator, which consists of a platform of adjustable height that contacts only the target plant. The herbicides did not differ in reducing the abundance of V. nudiflora and all of them reduced significantly more than the control. The chemical applicator was effective to control alecrim-do-campo, even with low herbicide concentrations, reducing the Vernonia abundance and not being harmful to the native desirable species