17 research outputs found

    ML + FV = ♡\heartsuit? A Survey on the Application of Machine Learning to Formal Verification

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    Formal Verification (FV) and Machine Learning (ML) can seem incompatible due to their opposite mathematical foundations and their use in real-life problems: FV mostly relies on discrete mathematics and aims at ensuring correctness; ML often relies on probabilistic models and consists of learning patterns from training data. In this paper, we postulate that they are complementary in practice, and explore how ML helps FV in its classical approaches: static analysis, model-checking, theorem-proving, and SAT solving. We draw a landscape of the current practice and catalog some of the most prominent uses of ML inside FV tools, thus offering a new perspective on FV techniques that can help researchers and practitioners to better locate the possible synergies. We discuss lessons learned from our work, point to possible improvements and offer visions for the future of the domain in the light of the science of software and systems modeling.Comment: 13 pages, no figures, 3 table

    A comparative study of pelvic floor muscle training in women with multiple sclerosis: its impact on lower urinary tract symptoms and quality of life

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare pelvic floor muscle training and a sham procedure for the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms and quality of life in women with multiple sclerosis. METHODS: Thirty-five female patients with multiple sclerosis were randomized into two groups: a treatment group (n = 18) and a sham group (n = 17). The evaluation included use of the Overactive Bladder Questionnaire, Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 36, International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire Short Form, and Qualiveen questionnaire. The intervention was performed twice per week for 12 weeks in both groups. The treatment group underwent pelvic floor muscle training with assistance from a vaginal perineometer and instructions to practice the exercises daily at home. The sham group received a treatment consisting of introducing a perineometer inside the vagina with no exercises required. Pre- and post-intervention data were recorded. RESULTS: The evaluation results of the two groups were similar at baseline. At the end of the treatment, the treatment group reported fewer storage and voiding symptoms than the sham group. Furthermore, the differences found between the groups were significant improvements in the following scores in the treatment group: Overactive Bladder Questionnaire, International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire Short Form, and the General Quality of Life, and Specific Impact of Urinary Problems domains of the Qualiveen questionnaire. CONCLUSIONS: The improvement of lower urinary tract symptoms had a positive effect on the quality of life of women with multiple sclerosis who underwent pelvic floor muscle training, as the disease-specific of quality of life questionnaires demonstrated. This study reinforces the importance of assessing quality of life to judge the effectiveness of a treatment intervention

    Estudo comparativo, prospectivo e randomizado entre uroterapia e tratamento farmacolĂłgico em crianças com incontinĂȘncia urinĂĄria

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    OBJECTIVE: To verify and compare the results of behavioral modification plus pelvic floor muscle training and behavioral modifications plus oxybutynin chloride in children with nonmonosymptomatic enuresis. METHODS: A total of 47 children were randomized using opaque and sealed envelopes sequentially numbered. Group I was composed of 21 children who underwent antimuscarinic treatment (oxybutynin), and Group II was composed of 26 patients who underwent pelvic floor muscle training. Both groups were instructed as to behavioral modifications. RESULTS: The voiding diary results were compared each month between Groups I and II. In the first month of treatment, children in Group I presented 12.2 dry nights, 13.4 in the second month, and 15.9 in the last month. In Group II, the results were: 14.9 dry nights in the first month, 20.8 dry nights in the second and 24.0 dry nights in the last month. There was a significant difference between the groups in second and third months. CONCLUSION: Pelvic floor exercises associated with behavioral changes were more effective than pharmacological treatment in children with urinary incontinence.OBJETIVO: Verificar e comparar os resultados da modificação comportamental associado ao treinamento dos mĂșsculos do assoalho pĂ©lvico e modificação comportamental associado ao uso de cloridrato de oxibutinina em crianças com enurese nĂŁo monossintomĂĄtica. MÉTODOS: Foram randomizadas 47 crianças por meio de envelopes opacos e selados com numeração sequencial. O Grupo I foi composto por 21 crianças que receberam tratamento com antimuscarĂ­nico (oxibutinina) e o Grupo II por 26 pacientes que receberam treinamento dos mĂșsculos do assoalho pĂ©lvico. Ambos os grupos foram instruĂ­dos em relação Ă  modificação comportamental. RESULTADOS: Os resultados do diĂĄrio miccional foram comparados cada mĂȘs entre os Grupos I e II. No primeiro mĂȘs de tratamento, as crianças do Grupo I apresentaram 12,2 noites secas, 13,4 no segundo mĂȘs e 15,9 no Ășltimo mĂȘs. No Grupo II, os resultados foram: 14,9 noites secas no primeiro mĂȘs, 20,8 no segundo mĂȘs e 24,0 no Ășltimo mĂȘs. Houve diferença significativa entre os grupos no segundo e no terceiro mĂȘs. CONCLUSÃO: Os exercĂ­cios do assoalho pĂ©lvico associados a mudança comportamental foram mais efetivos do que o tratamento farmacolĂłgico em crianças com incontinĂȘncia urinĂĄria.20320

    Parùmetros genéticos na seleção de feijão-caupi sob estresse hídrico em cultivo protegido

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    O feijĂŁo-caupi Ă© uma Fabacea amplamente distribuĂ­da no mundo. Foi objetivo deste trabalho, estimar parĂąmetros genĂ©ticos na seleção de cultivares de feijĂŁo-caupi, sob estresse hĂ­drico, no municĂ­pio de VitĂłria da Conquista, BA, em cultivo protegido. Os tratamentos consistiram em quatro cultivares (BRS Pujante, BRS Guariba, BRS MarataoĂŁ, BRS Xique-xique), submetidas a quatro nĂ­veis de irrigação (40, 60, 80 e 100%, que foi a testemunha) com delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetiçÔes. As variĂĄveis analisadas foram comprimento de vagem (CVag), nĂșmero de vagem por planta (NVP), nĂșmero de grĂŁos por vagem (NGV), massa de cem grĂŁos (MCG) e produtividade (PROD). Somente CVag e NGV diferiram entre as cultivares, sendo estimadas para estas, coeficientes de variação genotĂ­pica (CVg), fenotĂ­pica (CVf), ambiental (CVa), relação CVg/CVa, herdabilidade (h2) e ganho genĂ©tico (GA%). As estimativas de CVa foram baixas, CVf foi mĂ©dia e h2 e GA%, foram altas. Em relação Ă s correlaçÔes, CVag apresentou correlaçÔes fenotĂ­picas e genotĂ­picas positivas fracas e significativas entre NGV, MCG e PROD; observaram-se correlaçÔes significativas positivas entre PROD e NGV e negativas entre PROD e NV e entre NGV e NV. As correlaçÔes ambientais foram moderadas e fracas, independentes se positivas ou negativas. A MCG foi a variĂĄvel menos afetada, em relação aos nĂ­veis de irrigação. A cultivar BRS MarataoĂŁ foi a mais tolerante ao estresse hĂ­drico e BRS Xique-xique, a menos tolerante quando submetidas ao nĂ­vel de irrigação de 80%, intermediĂĄrias para 60 % e menores para 40%

    SATEL — A test intention language for object-oriented specifications of reactive systems

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    Cette thĂšse traite de la problĂ©matique de la gĂ©nĂ©ration de jeux de tests Ă  partir d'une spĂ©cification logicielle. En particulier nous nous intĂ©resserons au langage de spĂ©cification CO-OPN(Concurrent Object-Oriented Petri Nets) [1, 2], basĂ© sur les rĂ©seaux algĂ©briques Ă©tendus grĂące Ă  des mĂ©chanismes objets et de distribution. Pour traiter ce problĂšme nous avons dĂ» revoir le langage CO-OPN. En effet la sĂ©mantique du langage ayant Ă©tĂ© dĂ©finie par itĂ©rations successives, celle-ci s'est avĂ©rĂ©e inadaptĂ©e Ă  la gĂ©nĂ©ration de jeux de tests. Nous proposons Ă  travers notre travail une nouvelle version de CO-OPN oĂč la syntaxe et la sĂ©mantique ont Ă©tĂ© complĂštement revues et qui intĂšgrent les travaux prĂ©cĂ©dents oĂč des descriptions prĂ©cises et formelles ont Ă©tĂ© employĂ©s..

    Pelvic Floor Muscle Training In The Treatment Of Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction In Women With Multiple Sclerosis.

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    Evaluate the role of pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) on the treatment of lower urinary tract dysfunction (LUTD) in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. In this randomized controlled trial, twenty seven female patients with a diagnosis of MS and LUTD complaints were randomized, in two groups: Treatment group (GI) (N = 13) and Sham group (GII) (N = 14). Evaluation included urodynamic study, 24-hr Pad testing, three day voiding diary and pelvic floor evaluation according to PERFECT scheme. Intervention was performed twice a week for 12 weeks in both groups. GI intervention consisted of PFMT with assistance of a vaginal perineometer. GII received a sham treatment consisted on the introduction of a perineometer inside the vagina with no contraction required. At the end of the treatment GI was complaining less about storage and voiding symptoms than GII. Furthermore, differences found between groups were: reduction of pad weight (P = 0.00) (Mean: 87,51 grams initial and 6,03 grams final in GI. 69,46 grams initial and 75,88 grams final in GII), number of pads (P = 0.01) (Mean: 3,61 initial and 2,15 final in GI. 3,42 initial and 3,28 final in GII) and nocturia events (P < 0.00) (Mean: 2,38 initial and 0,46 final in GI. 2,55 initial and 2,47 final in GII) and improvements of muscle power (P = 0.00), endurance (P < 0.00), resistance (P < 0.00) and fast contractions (P < 0.00), domains of PERFECT scheme. PFMT is an effective approach to treat LUTD in female with MS.291410-