38 research outputs found

    Producing Implicit Diversity in ANN Ensembles

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    Combining several ANNs into ensembles normally results in a very accurate and robust predictive models. Many ANN ensemble techniques are, however, quite complicated and often explicitly optimize some diversity metric. Unfortunately, the lack of solid validation of the explicit algorithms, at least for classification, makes the use of diversity measures as part of an optimization function questionable. The merits of implicit methods, most notably bagging, are on the other hand experimentally established and well-known. This paper evaluates a number of straightforward techniques for introducing implicit diversity in ANN ensembles, including a novel technique producing diversity by using ANNs with different and slightly randomized link structures. The experimental results, comparing altogether 54 setups and two different ensemble sizes on 30 UCI data sets, show that all methods succeeded in producing implicit diversity, but that the effect on ensemble accuracy varied. Still, most setups evaluated did result in more accurate ensembles, compared to the baseline setup, especially for the larger ensemble size. As a matter of fact, several setups even obtained significantly higher ensemble accuracy than bagging. The analysis also identified that diversity was, relatively speaking, more important for the larger ensembles. Looking specifically at the methods used to increase the implicit diversity, setups using the technique that utilizes the randomized link structures generally produced the most accurate ensembles

    On the Use of Accuracy and Diversity Measures for Evaluating and Selecting Ensembles of Classifiers

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    The test set accuracy for ensembles of classifiers selected based on single measures of accuracy and diversity as well as combinations of such measures is investigated. It is found that by combining measures, a higher test set accuracy may be obtained than by using any single accuracy or diversity measure. It is further investigated whether a multi-criteria search for an ensemble that maximizes both accuracy and diversity leads to more accurate ensembles than by optimizing a single criterion. The results indicate that it might be more beneficial to search for ensembles that are both accurate and diverse. Furthermore, the results show that diversity measures could compete with accuracy measures as selection criterion.Sponsorship:This work was supported by the Information Fusion Research Program (www.infofusion.se) at the University of Skövde, Sweden, in partnership with the Swedish Knowledge Foundation under grant 2003/0104.</p

    Venn predictors using lazy learners

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    Probabilistic classification requires well-calibrated probability estimates, i.e., the predicted class probabilities must correspond to the true probabilities. Venn predictors, which can be used on top of any classifier, are automatically valid multiprobability predictors, making them extremely suitable for probabilistic classification. A Venn predictor outputs multiple probabilities for each label, so the predicted label is associated with a probability interval. While all Venn predictors are valid, their accuracy and the size of the probability interval are dependent on both the underlying model and some interior design choices. Specifically, all Venn predictors use so called Venn taxonomies for dividing the instances into a number of categories, each such taxonomy defining a different Venn predictor. A frequently used, but very basic taxonomy, is to categorize the instances based on their predicted label. In this paper, we investigate some more finegrained taxonomies, that use not only the predicted label but also some measures related to the confidence in individual predictions. The empirical investigation, using 22 publicly available data sets and lazy learners (kNN) as the underlying models, showed that the probability estimates from the Venn predictors, as expected, were extremely well-calibrated. Most importantly, using the basic (i.e., label-based) taxonomy produced significantly more accurate and informative Venn predictors compared to the more complex alternatives. In addition, the results also showed that when using lazy learners as underlying models, a transductive approach significantly outperformed an inductive, with regard to accuracy and informativeness. This result is in contrast to previous studies, where other underlying models were used

    Effective Utilization of Data in Inductive Conformal Prediction

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    Conformal prediction is a new framework producingregion predictions with a guaranteed error rate. Inductiveconformal prediction (ICP) was designed to significantly reducethe computational cost associated with the original transductiveonline approach. The drawback of inductive conformal predictionis that it is not possible to use all data for training, since itsets aside some data as a separate calibration set. Recently,cross-conformal prediction (CCP) and bootstrap conformalprediction (BCP) were proposed to overcome that drawback ofinductive conformal prediction. Unfortunately, CCP and BCPboth need to build several models for the calibration, makingthem less attractive. In this study, focusing on bagged neuralnetwork ensembles as conformal predictors, ICP, CCP and BCPare compared to the very straightforward and cost-effectivemethod of using the out-of-bag estimates for the necessarycalibration. Experiments on 34 publicly available data setsconclusively show that the use of out-of-bag estimates producedthe most efficient conformal predictors, making it the obviouspreferred choice for ensembles in the conformal predictionframework.Sponsorship:Swedish Foundation for StrategicResearch through the project High-Performance Data Mining for Drug EffectDetection (IIS11-0053) and the Knowledge Foundation through the projectBig Data Analytics by Online Ensemble Learning (20120192)</p

    Evaluating Algorithms for Concept Description

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    When performing concept description, models need to be evaluated both on accuracy and comprehensibility. A comprehensible concept description model should present the most important relationships in the data in an accurate and understandable way. Two natural representations for this are decision trees and decision lists. In this study, the two decision list algorithms RIPPER and Chipper, and the decision tree algorithm C4.5, are evaluated for concept description, using publicly available datasets. The experiments show that C4.5 performs very well regarding accuracy and brevity, i.e. the ability to classify instances with few tests, but also produces large models that are hard to survey and contain many extremely specific rules, thus not being good concept descriptions. The decision list algorithms perform reasonably well on accuracy, and are mostly able to produce small models with relatively good predictive performance. Regarding brevity, Chipper is better than RIPPER, using on average fewer conditions to classify an instance. RIPPER, on the other hand, excels in relevance, i.e. the ability to capture a large number of instances with every rule

    On the Use of Accuracy and Diversity Measures for Evaluating and Selecting Ensembles of Classifiers

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    The test set accuracy for ensembles of classifiers selected based on single measures of accuracy and diversity as well as combinations of such measures is investigated. It is found that by combining measures, a higher test set accuracy may be obtained than by using any single accuracy or diversity measure. It is further investigated whether a multi-criteria search for an ensemble that maximizes both accuracy and diversity leads to more accurate ensembles than by optimizing a single criterion. The results indicate that it might be more beneficial to search for ensembles that are both accurate and diverse. Furthermore, the results show that diversity measures could compete with accuracy measures as selection criterion.Sponsorship:This work was supported by the Information Fusion Research Program (www.infofusion.se) at the University of Skövde, Sweden, in partnership with the Swedish Knowledge Foundation under grant 2003/0104.</p

    Volatility, valuation ratios, and bubbles: an empirical measure of market sentiment

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    We define a sentiment indicator that exploits two contrasting views of return predictability, and study its properties. The indicator, which is based on option prices, valuation ratios and interest rates, was unusually high during the late 1990s, reflecting dividend growth expectations that in our view were unreasonably optimistic. We interpret it as helping to reveal irrational beliefs about fundamentals. We show that our measure is a leading indicator of detrended volume, and of various other measures associated with financial fragility. We also make two methodological contributions. First, we derive a new valuation-ratio decomposition that is related to the Campbell and Shiller (1988) loglinearization, but which resembles the traditional Gordon growth model more closely and has certain other advantages for our purposes. Second, we introduce a volatility index that provides a lower bound on the market's expected log return

    One Tree to Explain Them All

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    Random forest is an often used ensemble technique, renowned for its high predictive performance. Random forests models are, however, due to their sheer complexity inherently opaque, making human interpretation and analysis impossible. This paper presents a method of approximating the random forest with just one decision tree. The approach uses oracle coaching, a recently suggested technique where a weaker but transparent model is generated using combinations of regular training data and test data initially labeled by a strong classifier, called the oracle. In this study, the random forest plays the part of the oracle, while the transparent models are decision trees generated by either the standard tree inducer J48, or by evolving genetic programs. Evaluation on 30 data sets from the UCI repository shows that oracle coaching significantly improves both accuracy and area under ROC curve, compared to using training data only. As a matter of fact, resulting single tree models are as accurate as the random forest, on the specific test instances. Most importantly, this is not achieved by inducing or evolving huge trees having perfect fidelity; a large majority of all trees are instead rather compact and clearly comprehensible. The experiments also show that the evolution outperformed J48, with regard to accuracy, but that this came at the expense of slightly larger trees.Sponsorship:This work was supported by the INFUSIS project www.his.se/infusis at the University of Skövde, Sweden, in partnership with the Swedish Knowledge Foundation under grant 2008/0502.</p