1,055 research outputs found

    De Moscovia a Rusia: caracteres nacionales y límites europeos en el imaginario español de los siglos XVII y XVIII

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    Aunque los contactos entre la Monarquía española y el ducado de Moscovia fueron tempranos y publicistas y literatos subrayaron las peculiaridades de sus territorios y su historia, solo a partir del reinado de Pedro I se la tuvo verdaderamente en cuenta, integrándola ya definitivamente dentro de lo que se consideraba Europa. Sin embargo, la imagen culturalmente diferenciada de Rusia como un territorio que desborda los límites de este continente se mantiene, estableciéndose una verdadera frontera interior que separa los grupos más occidentalizados de una población apegada a sus viejas costumbres. (A

    The Royal Sites in times of Charles III

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    Carlos III continuó practicando la costumbre de los desplazamientos a los reales sitios, que sus padres tomaron de los Austrias, pero introdujo cambios, tanto en la regularidad y duración de las estancias, como en quienes le acompañaban, ya que se desplazó siempre con el conjunto de su familia. Ni nacimientos, ni defunciones variaron su ritmo, pero si lo hizo un acontecimiento político: los motines contra Esquilache de 1766. Aunque los Reglamentos de 1749 y de 1761 contemplaban las Jornadas, la parte proporcional de las Reales Casas que debía trasladarse quedó a la discrecionalidad de las jefaturas y de las necesidades del monarca y su familia. También se trasladó el gobierno, los secretarios del despacho, y una parte del personal de sus oficinas, así como los representantes diplomáticos, ya que celebraban actos protocolarios, como la presentación de credenciales y se firmaban tratados. Todo lo cual aumentó el coste de las jornadas y obligó a abordar el problema de la escasez de alojamientos, lo que generó un negocio de alquileres. En definitiva, el aumento del gasto y la misma disfuncionalidad de las cortes estacionales suscitó voces críticas, ante la falta de medidas correctorasCharles III continued practicing the habit of traveling to the royal sites, which his parents took from the Austrias, but introduced changes, both in the regularity and duration of the stays, and in those who accompanied him, since he always moved with the group of his family. Neither births nor deaths varied its pace, but a political event did: the riots against Esquilache in 1766. Although the Regulations of 1749 and 1761 contemplated the royal journeys, the proportional part of the Royal Houses that had to be moved was left to the discretion of the chiefs and the needs of the monarch and his family. Also the government, the secretaries of the Office, and a part of the personnel of their offices, as well as the diplomatic representatives moved, since they celebrated ceremonial acts, like the presentation of credentials and treaties were signed. All of which increased the cost of the journeys and forced to address the problem of housing shortages, which generated a rental business. In short, the increase in spending and the same dysfunctionality of the seasonal courts raised critical voices in the absence of corrective measure

    Entre damas anda el juego: las camareras mayores de Palacio en la edad moderna

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    The «camareras mayores» played a major role in Spanish courtesan life. They were at the core of the female personnel at the Royal house. They were privileged witnesses of the Queen’s personal life and zealous of her privacy, acting as filter between her and the outside world. They also instructed the Queen on the traditions of the Spanish monarchy and gave her advice on the different courtesan factions. Their appointment was therefore a political issue and they were normally mature women, most of them widows, chosen among higher nobility. Their biography is especially interesting to know their peculiarities as a group and to understand the complex social environment in which they lived


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    Changes in adult rat liver mitochondrial populations at different energy states analyzed by flow cytometry

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    AbstractThe present work studies the changes in green fluorescence intensity after Rh-123 staining of the low (LFP) and the high fluorescence populations (HFP) in isolated mitochondria from rat liver. The results show that the HFP represents a mitochondrial compartment less sensitive to changes in energy states. In addition, it is concluded that the use of Rh-123 to monitor changes in mitochondrial membrane potential should be undertaken with caution because, under certain circumstances, there is no correlation between the Rh-123 intensity of fluorescence due to its uptake by mitochondria and previously reported changes in the mitochondrial membrane potential

    Can we infer the presence of Differential Privacy in Deep Learning models' weights? Towards more secure Deep Learning

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    Differential Privacy (DP) is a key property to protect data and models from integrity attacks. In the Deep Learning (DL) field, it is commonly implemented through the Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent (DP-SGD). However, when a model is shared or released, there is no way to check whether it is differentially private, that is, it required to trust the model provider. This situation poses a problem when data privacy is mandatory, specially with current data regulations, as the presence of DP can not be certificated consistently by any third party. Thus, we face the challenge of determining whether a DL model has been trained with DP, according to the title question: Can we infer the presence of Differential Privacy in Deep Learning models' weights? Since the DP-SGD significantly changes the training process of a DL model, we hypothesize that DP leaves an imprint in the weights of a DL model, which can be used to predict whether a model has been trained with DP regardless of its architecture and the training dataset. In this paper, we propose to employ the imprint in model weights of using DP to infer the presence of DP training in a DL model. To substantiate our hypothesis, we developed an experimental methodology based on two datasets of weights of DL models, each with models with and without DP training and a meta-classifier to infer whether DP was used in the training process of a DL model, by accessing its weights. We accomplish both, the removal of the requirement of a trusted model provider and a strong foundation for this interesting line of research. Thus, our contribution is an additional layer of security on top of the strict private requirements of DP training in DL models, towards to DL models