403 research outputs found

    Dietary Intervention through Flipped Learning as a Techno Pedagogy for the Promotion of Healthy Eating in Secondary Education

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    We acknowledge the researchers of the research group AREA (HUM-672), which belongs to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Junta de Andalucía and is registered in the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Granada.Technological progress in the educational field has led to the application of active and innovative teaching methods, such as flipped learning, including in the field of dietary education. This is considered a mixed formative approach that combines face-to-face and outside the classroom education. The objective of this research was to analyze the effectiveness of flipped learning methodology on a traditional training practice in dietary training, both in the sixth grade of primary education and in the fourth level of secondary education. A quasi-experimental design was adopted with two experimental groups, two control groups and only posttest. The final sample was composed of 115 students divided into four groups, two of each educational stage mentioned. A didactic unit consisting of six sessions in all groups was applied. Two different training methodologies were followed according to the nature of the group (control-traditional; experimental-flipped learning). The results reveal that flipped learning is effective both in primary education and in secondary education, being more influential in student development in this last stage. It is concluded that the flipped learning approach has meant an improvement of the academic indicators evaluated after a diet education program.This research was funded by I+D+I OTRI-Universidad de Granada CNT-4315. Metodologías activas para el aprendizaje mediante recursos tecnológicos para el desarrollo de la sociedad

    Accomplishments in learning self-regulation in personal environments

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    This article aims to analyze the accomplishments in learning self-regulation from a student popu-lation in personal learning environments. A Likert scale-like questionnaire is applied to a random cluster sample of students from the Pedagogy, Social Education and Psychopedagogy degrees from the University of Granada, Spain. Descriptive or inferential analyses are carried out along the research in order to characterize the population. Additionally, Kendall's correlation coefficients are calculated and interpreted to define the relations among students' accomplishments. Finally, Kruskal-Wallis H tests are performed to ascertain through analysis of variance if the variable degree influences such accomplishments. The results show that the students from these three degrees set goals, perform tasks in an organized manner, accomplish extra work on time, meet the deadlines to hand in the class-work, and reflect on their learning. Pedagogy presents the highest relation between achieving an appropriate period of time to perform the tasks and carrying out their extra work on time. Social Education shows a smaller number of students and less intensity when meeting the deadlines to hand in the classwork. The students from Psychopedagogy have the highest accomplishments in reading the whole material suggested by the teacher. The research concludes that, although there are some variations among these three degrees, they are homo-geneous in the majority of the variables studied here. The students succeeded in learning self-regulation; however, it is necessary to reinforce the time planning, the reading of the material suggested by the teacher, enhancement of knowledge, and complementary research. One student subgroup is distinguished for its accomplishments in task organization and performance, while other groups excel for deepening their understanding of the units and metacognitio

    Twitch as a Techno-Pedagogical Resource to Complement the Flipped Learning Methodology in a Time of Academic Uncertainty

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    Flipped learning methodology has the potential to be combined with a multitude of didactic actions and techno-pedagogical resources that are adapted to the needs of the student. Access to resources and training outside the classroom can be carried out from various platforms. Following this line, Twitch is an interactive video transmission platform that is presented as an interesting digital resource to enhance the motivation of students in turning over learning moments. The objective of the study is to analyze the motivation of students in two different methodological approaches, one traditional and the other innovative through the Twitch application. A quasi-experimental pre-post design was carried out. A total of 52 Spanish students from the fourth level of secondary education participated in the research. Data collection was carried out by adapting the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) instrument to the Spanish context. The results reflect higher levels of motivation in the implementation of Twitch with respect to its materialization without using said techno-pedagogical complement. This difference is especially significant in intrinsic motivation, since in the case of extrinsic motivation, the difference between both pedagogical proposals is smaller. In short, the implementation of Twitch in the flipped learning supposes an optimization of this pedagogical methodology, increasing the extrinsic and intrinsic motivation of the students and modifying the centers of interest of students from quantitative aspects to other, qualitative ones.I+D+i OTRI-Universidad de Granada CNT-431

    Formative Transcendence of Flipped Learning in Mathematics Students of Secondary Education

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    Educational technology is achieving great potential in the formative processes of today’s society. Flipped learning is considered as a pedagogical innovation derived from the technological influence in learning spaces. The general objective of the research is to analyze the e ectiveness of flipped learning on a traditional teaching and learning approach in the subject of Mathematics. To achieve this objective, an experimental design of a descriptive and correlational type has been followed through a quantitative research method. Two study groups have been set up. In the control group, the contents have been imparted from a traditional perspective, and in the experimental group, innovation has been applied through the use of flipped learning. The sample of participants has been chosen by means of intentional sampling and reached the figure of 60 students in the 4th year of Secondary Education at an educational center in Ceuta (Spain). A questionnaire has been used for data collection. The results reflect that the application of flipped learning has obtained better assessment in established attitudinal and mathematical indicators. It is concluded that with the use of flipped learning, motivation and skills are increased in the analysis and representation of graphs

    Gamification as a Methodological Complement to Flipped Learning—An Incident Factor in Learning Improvement

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    Educational innovation is a reality that is present in learning spaces. The use of emerging methodologies such as gamification and flipped learning has shown great potential in improving the teaching and learning process. This study aims to analyze the e ectiveness of innovative mixed practices, combining gamification and flipped learning in the subject of Spanish Language and Literature against the isolated use of flipped learning. For this, a quasi-experimental design of descriptive and correlational type, based on a quantitative methodology has been carried out. For its development, two study groups (control-experimental) have been set up. The selected sample is of an intentional nature and was composed of 60 students of the fourth year of Secondary Education of an educational center in Southern Spain. The data has been collected through a validated questionnaire. The results determine that the complement of gamification in flipped learning has led to improvements in various academic indicators. It is concluded that the development of gamified actions in the face-to-face phase of flipped learning improves the motivation, interaction with teachers, and interactions of students

    Do Age and Educational Stage Influence No-Mobile-Phone Phobia?

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    Technological progress not only brings with it resources that improve and facilitate the day-to-day life of the people who make up society but also entails health risks, with the emergence of terms, such as nomophobia, which is considered an anxiety disorder produced by the fear that not having a mobile phone generates in a person. This research aims to identify the relationship and influence between levels of nomophobia and the age or educational stage of students. The research method is based on a correlational and predictive design of quantitative methodology. The instrument used is the NMP-Q questionnaire. The study population is students from different educational stages (obligatory secondary education, baccalaureate, vocational training and university). The results show that students over 12 years old present an average level of “nomophobia” (no-mobile-phone phobia), namely, not being able to communicate with the family where the highest levels are presented. We conclude that students over 12 years of age and of any educational stage present an average level of nomophobia, and it cannot be determined that either the educational stage or the age are determining factors in the presentation of this problem. This can occur at any age and at any level of the different educational stages, although there are risk indicators that we should bear in mind to avoid the appearance of nomophobia.I+D+I Project Research of Results Transfer Office (OTRI) of the University of Granada (Reference: CNT 4439

    Analysis of Quality Models Applied in Non-Formal Education: Non-Governmental Organizations and Nonprofit Organizations

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    The article is part of the research project entitled “The Implementation of Educational Quality Standards for Non-Formal Education: Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), Partnerships dedicated to working with socially excluded groups”. The project was supported by the Research Plan of the University of Granada. It’s an initial study on the degree of implantation of quality models in Non-governmental organizations and Non Profit Organizations (NGOs and NPOs), and methodology of work developed in non-formal educational activities in the city of Granada (Andalusia, Spain). We have pursued a mixed methodology quasi-experimental descriptive for a random sample of 9 class organizations of the third sector of social action, using two questionnaires specifically created from already validated and a set of semi-structured interviews to complete the information. The obtained results offer us a poor implementation of the EFQM model of European Foundation for Quality Management in this kind of micro organizations and the need for optimization of internal work process face of accountability, improvement of services and the achievement of its objectives

    Acciones y logros en la autorregulación del aprendizaje en entornos personales. Un estudio en el Grado de Educación Infantil en la Universidad de Granada

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    This paper is intended to study the self-regulated learning (SRL) process in personal learning environments (PLEs) among students participating in the Graduate Program for Preschool Education at the University of Granada (Spain). The study is focused on self-regulatory actions carried out by students, and on their self-regulated learning achievements, during the phases of action and reflection of this process. A Likert scale questionnaire was applied to a random cluster sample of the population. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were performed based on the collected data, as were non-parametric correlation and analysis of variance tests. The results confirm the importance of individual learning in the self-regulated process, and highlight the importance of digital tools in all three phases of self-regulation. Furthermore, the results show that teachers’ suggestions are related to the use of digital tools and recording of reflections on the learning process, and establish relationships between learning management tools and cognitive and metacognitive processes. The results also permit classification of students into three subgroups, based on their achievements. Analyses are consistent with the theory that explains the cyclical nature of self-regulated learning and the influence of social relationships on individual self-regulatory processes.Este artículo estudia el proceso de autorregulación del aprendizaje en entornos personales de aprendizaje de los estudiantes del Grado en Educación Infantil de la Universidad de Granada (España). El estudio se enfoca en las acciones autorreguladoras realizadas por los estudiantes y en los logros de autorregulación del aprendizaje alcanzados durante las fases de actuación y de reflexión de este proceso. Se aplicó un cuestionario tipo escala Likert en una muestra aleatoria por conglomerados de la población. Sobre los datos recabados se efectuaron análisis de estadística descriptiva e inferencial así como pruebas no paramétricas de correlación y de varianzas. Los resultados confirman la importancia del sujeto aprendiente en el proceso de autorregulación y resaltan la importancia de las herramientas digitales en las tres fases de la autorregulación. Asimismo, los hallazgos muestran que las sugerencias del profesor están relacionadas con el uso de las herramientas digitales y con el registro de las reflexiones sobre el propio aprendizaje, relacionan las herramientas universitarias de gestión del aprendizaje con procesos cognitivos y metacognitivos. Los análisis son consistentes con la teoría que explica la naturaleza cíclica de la autorregulación del aprendizaje y la influencia de las relaciones sociales sobre los procesos autorregulatorios individuales

    STEAM in Primary Education. Impact on Linguistic and Mathematical Competences in a Disadvantaged Context

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    This research has studied the impact of the use of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) in education, specifically in the development of linguistic and mathematical skills. The instruments used to extract the learning results were the external evaluation tests carried out by the National Institute of Educational Evaluation INEE over a period of 4 years. The study included 242 third-level primary school students from an educational center in the city of Ceuta (Spain) located in a disadvantaged area. The objectives of the study were to describe the learning results obtained in the respective competencies according to the sex and the migratory history of the students’ parents, to compare the results obtained before and during the use of STEAM and to determine if there is a correlation between the understanding of writing and problem solving. The research method was quantitative descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational. The results of the study showed that the transversal and coordinated use of STEAM improves the learning outcomes of linguistic and mathematical competence of students of the third year of Primary Education, especially speaking, oral comprehension and calculation. The results were, in general, more positive in the case of girls and students whose parents were born in Spain. The study also revealed that there is a positive correlation between reading comprehension and problem solving


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    This study has been done to carry out a theoretical basis about the extracurricular activities that primary students do in Granada, looking at both: those activities related to sports and those related to school (cultural and artistic). It has been based on the variable of gender and we have made a desing of a descriptive research investigation based on both techniques: the interview and the questionnaire