70,824 research outputs found

    Detecting optimality and extracting solutions in polynomial optimization with the truncated GNS construction

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    A basic closed semialgebraic subset of Rn\mathbb{R}^{n} is defined by simultaneous polynomial inequalities p10,,pm0p_{1}\geq 0,\ldots,p_{m}\geq 0. We consider Lasserre's relaxation hierarchy to solve the problem of minimizing a polynomial over such a set. These relaxations give an increasing sequence of lower bounds of the infimum. In this paper we provide a new certificate for the optimal value of a Lasserre relaxation be the optimal value of the polynomial optimization problem. This certificate is that a modified version of an optimal solution of the Lasserre relaxation is a generalized Hankel matrix. This certificate is more general than the already known certificate of an optimal solution being flat. In case we have optimality we will extract the potencial minimizers with a truncated version of the Gelfand-Naimark-Segal construction on the optimal solution of the Lasserre relaxation. We prove also that the operators of this truncated construction commute if and only if the matrix of this modified optimal solution is a generalized Hankel matrix. This generalization of flatness will bring us to reprove a result of Curto and Fialkow on the existence of quadrature rule if the optimal solution is flat and a result of Xu and Mysovskikh on the existance of a Gaussian quadrature rule if the modified optimal solution is generalized Hankel matrix. At the end, we provide a numerical linear algebraic algorithm for dectecting optimality and extracting solutions of a polynomial optimization problem

    How to teach chemistry? Is Chemistry a new universal language

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    Chemistry has been developed greatly throughout the 20th century. Chemistry is included in the curriculum of elementary and secondary education. In general, students are not interested in science, and because of this ,students tend not to make an effort to learn and understand the meaning of concepts and the chemistry language that are being taught to them. If we consider that there is a little bit analogy between chemistry and foreign languages, we should learn the sym bols of the Periodic Table as symbols of an alphabet. The first knowledge that one needs to know when we are learning a second language is the new symbols of our new alphabet. It is necessary to learn more than 103 symbols, the chemical alphabet. After that, the students are ready to begin the formation of chemical words. In this case, learning the compounds names is easier when only two elements are involved, but when there are more than two, the chemical language is more complex. The proposal of this study is intended to design and implement a teaching strategy for teaching and learning the chemical language, first of all the chemical alphabet, the Periodic Table and then, the language which it is built the chemistry. For this proposal, we will use some m ultimedia application (Information and Communication Technologies (ITC)), which consists in an interactive periodic table. Students will be able to push one element and they will be able to see the properties of this element and which other element will be able to combine with it, and furthermore, if this element will be able to combine with itself. When they know properly the simple language, they will be able to continue studying more complex words, in this case, the reactions. With this multimedia application, the students will be able to watch how the atoms will change, one atom changes to a new atom during a whole reaction. And finally, they will be able to watch how these new atoms have new properties, and they combine each one. With this Periodic Table, the students learn chemical formulas and equations. 2. Experimental. This study was created as a descriptive study in which the survey technique was used. The study was carried out during the course 2013 /14. The sample consisted of 35 volunteer studen ts from two different classes, at the first course of Mechanical Engineer degree at University of Málaga. But the vast majority of them were there, they did not love chemistry. Each student made one questionnaire about the utility of our multimedia application. The scale of the test was a five point Likert type scale with a range of five options. The positive items range from 1= Certainly Agree to 5 = Certainly Disagree. 3. Results and Discussion. Mostly the average of these statements showed an overall positive response statements .The majority of the each student average of the response statements shown are positive, more than 2.5. After this study, we studied if there was some difference between the two groups studied and it can be seen that the mean an d the standard deviation for the different variables according to the two investigated groups demonstrated that there was no significant difference in the level of interest or utility that they give to the multimedia application. 4. Conclusions. The results of this study are based on a survey purpose after the use of an interactive application in order to improve the learning process of the chemistry language. This information is valuable since students could watch these animations on a computer. This is based on the cognitive theory of multimedia learning, which assumes that learners process information through a dual coding capability involving a auditory/verbal channel and a visual/pictorial channel. Nevertheless, the vast majority of students recognize that chemistry knowledge is useful to interpret aspect of their everyday life, but not many of them express their wish to continue chemistry studies.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Chemical language, a language that you need to know if you want to learn Chemistry

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    There is a little bit analogy between chemistry and foreign languages. One reason why people find Chemistry as a language is because of the orthography, the systematic way it is written. In order to learn a second language, one needs to know the new symbols, In chemical language, it is necessary to learn 103 symbols, the chemical alphabet, this is the periodic table. After knowing the alphabet, the students are ready to begin the formation of chemical words. In this case, learning the compounds names are easier when only two elements are involved, but when there are more than two, the chemical language is more complex. As a language, students can build a huge amount of chemical formulas and reactions from finite components. After a few classes of chemistry, the students are ready to attempt intelligent conversation by combining the chemical alphabet words into sentences, the reactions. They can translate between Spanish and Chemistry. Actually, every chemist in every language refer to the same concept using the same word. It is true that in a subject as Chemistry, the language is laden with a specific vocabulary. As a foreign language, chemistry demand hard work in the form of many hours of repetitions examples and problems, but why not easy the burden by beginning. Chemical education researches have recognized that students often have difficulty learning chemistry concepts, language and so on. Researchers have proposed several suggestions as to the reasons for this difficulty, including frequent overloading of student working memory [1-3]. One of the major goals in teaching chemical language with a contextual approach is that students will develop the ability to understand a make decision about issued they may face in their everyday lives outside of the classroom [4,5]. In this work, we report a study that employed computer simulations. The proposal of this study is intended to design and implement a teaching strategy for teaching and learning the chemical language, first of all the chemical alphabet,the Periodic Table and then, the language which it is built the chemistry. For this proposal we will use some multimedia application (Information and Communication Technologies (TIC)), which consists in a interactive periodic table. Student will be able to push one element and they will be able to see the properties of this element and which other element will be able to combine with it, and furthermore, if this element will be able to combine with itself. Whenn they know properly the simple language, they will be able to continue studying more complex words, in this case, the reactions. With this multimedia application, the students will be able to watch how the atoms will change, one atom changes to a new atom during a whole reaction. And finally, they will be able to watch how these new atoms have new properties, and they combine each one. [1] Carlson, R., Chandler, P., Sweller, J., J. Educ. Psych., 95, (2003) p. 629. [2]. Johnstone, A. H., Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 7, (2006) pp 49. [3]. Johnstone, A. H., J. Chem. Educ., 87, (2010) pp 22. [4] King, D. 2007. Teacher beliefs and constraints in implementing a context-based approach in chemistry. Teaching Science- the Journal of the austalian Scinece teacher association, 53 (1), 14.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The use of simulations and videos in order to improve the learning of REDOX reactions in Engineering Degrees

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    Many students from secondary schools to universities in many countries struggle to learn chemistry and many do not succeed. Many high school and university students experience difficulties with fundamental ideas in chemistry [1]. Despite the importance of the foundation of chemistry, most students emerge from introductory courses with very limited understanding of the subject [2]. Chemistry had been regarded as a difficult subject for students by many researchers, teachers and science educators [3-4] because of the abstract nature of many chemical concepts, teaching styles applied in class, lack of teaching aids and the difficulty of the language of chemistry. Information and communication technologies (ICT) have fundamentally changed the practices and procedures of teaching Chemistry at University Degrees. In general, the use of ICT in education lends itself to more student-centred learning settings. Furthermore, and due to the fact that the globalization is becoming more and more important, the role of ICT in education is becoming more and more essential. The presence of ICT in the interactive educational environment can help to develop thinking skills and make classrooms an environment for educational growth. ICT also helps students to develop new thinking skills which may transfer to different situations which may require analysis and comprehension skills, and consequently critical skill development. ICT has become an increasingly popular technological tool within an educational context. Even though, the potential of ITC use in increasing student interactivity and collaboration has been explored by many educators, the research conducted on the effectiveness of these tools use in an educational context is still quite limited. In this work a study to investigate the use of ICT in the teaching and learning of Chemistry at Malaga University was conducted between 2015/16. The study participants were two classrooms of the 1º level of Mechanical Engineering Degree. In the present work, a positive attitude towards learning has been accompanied by a motivated behaviour. This could be seen as the use of the simulation and some videos (ICT). The present study investigated whether computer assisted instruction, simulation and videos were more effective than face-to-face instruction in increasing student success in chemistry. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness ICT as an educational tool in an undergraduate course for students. The results of the Mechanical Engineering Degree study is based on surveys purpose after the use of an interactive application and videos in order to know, if they think the use of these ITC have improved their learning process. On average, the students find the use and application useful, overall because they are able to transfer from macroscopic level to microscopic or/ and symbolic level. Several concepts and conceptual relations covered in the chemistry or science courses were provided in a concrete way, the help of computer simulations improved the student success significantly. [1] Carson, J. , & Watson, E. M (2002). Undergraduate students’ understandings of entropy and gibbs free energy. University Chemistry Education, 4, 4-12. [2] Ochs, R.S. (1996) Thermodynamics and Spontaneity, Journal of Chemical Education, 73(10), pp 952-954. [3] Carter, C.S. and Brickhouse, M.W. (1989) What Makes Chemistry Difficult? Alternate Perceptions, Journal of Chemical Education, 66(3), 223-225 [4] Nakhleh, M.B. (1992) Why Some Students Don’t Learn Chemistry, Chemical Misconceptions, Journal of Chemical Education, 69(3), 191-196.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Motivation to learn Chemistry in massive open online courses

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    One of the key factors for any educational proposal to achieve success lies in the motivation of students. The disposition that the students have before the learning is fundamental to be able to obtain the objectives. MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) has emerged strongly in the context of university education. The use of MOOC offers time in the classroom that can be used to do active learning activities in which teachers' role is essential, and students can review learning materials at their own pace. The objective of this paper was to evaluate a course about concepts. The use of a MOOC named Introduction to Chemistry: Reactions. It is a course for students with limited background in chemistry; basic concepts involved in chemical reactions, stoichiometry, the periodic table, periodic trends, nomenclature. The evaluation of the proposal was made by students of Electrical Engineers at University of Malaga, with satisfactory results.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Repercusiones del tabaco en la consolidación ósea

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    [Resumen] Introducción: la consolidación ósea es el proceso por el cual los fragmentos óseos se unen y estabilizan. Existen distintos factores que afectan de forma negativa a la curación del hueso entre los cuales se encuentra el tabaco, adicción que afecta en gran medida a la población. Metodología: esta revisión bibliográfica tiene como objetivo conocer de qué manera afecta el tabaquismo a la consolidación ósea. Para ello, se realiza una búsqueda bibliográfica en diferentes bases de datos (Pubmed, Scopus y Web of Science) y libros. Resultados: en la búsqueda se encontraron 16 artículos siendo finalmente seleccionados 8, siguiendo los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Conclusiones: el tabaquismo afecta de forma negativa a la consolidación ósea influyendo en las tasas de pseudoartrosis y retrasando el tiempo de consolidación del hueso, por lo que ha de ser un factor a tener en cuenta a la hora de la realización de cirugías.[Resumo] Introducción: a consolidación ósea é o proceso polo cal os fragmentos óseos se unen e estabilizan. Existen distintos factores que afectan de forma negativa á curación do óso entre os cales se encontra o tabaco, adicción que afecta en boa medida á poboación. Metodoloxía: esta revisión bibliográfica ten como obxetivo coñecer de qué xeito afecta o tabaquismo á consolidación ósea. Para iso, realizase unha búsqueda bibliográfica en diferentes bases de datos (Pubmed, Scopus y Web of Science) e libros. Resultados: na busca encontraronse 16 artículos sendo finalmente seleccionados 8, seguindo os criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Conclusiones: o tabaquismo afecta de forma negativa á consolidación ósea influíndo nas taxas de pseudoartrose e atrasando o tempo de consolidación do óso, polo que ha de ser un factor a ter en conta á hora da realización de ciruxías.[Abstract] Introduction: bone healing is the process for which the bone fragments join and stabilize. There exist different factors that they affect of negative form to bone healing including the tobacco, addiction that affects to a great extent the population. Methodology: This literature review aims to determine how smoking affects the bone healing. For this, a literature search is realized in different databases (PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science) and books. Results: We found 16 results that were finally selected 8 of them, following the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Conclusions: smoking negatively affects to bone healing influencing the rates of non union and delaying bone healing, for what it has to be a factor to bearing in mind at the moment of the accomplishment of surgeries.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FEP). Podoloxía. Curso 2014/201

    Robert Burns: The Ploughman Poet in No Man´s Land

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    Considered by some critics and scholars as one of the pioneers of the Romantic movement in Britain, others, however, have failed to acknowledge this writer's contribution as a romantic poet leaving him in no man's land. A quarter of a millennium after his birth, Scottish poet Robert Burns, 'the man of independent mind', is still struggling to find his space in the literary canon. Was Robert Burns born in the wrong place at the wrong time asto be eligible for the label of romantic poet within the British tradition? lf that was the case, did his work be long to a Scottish tradition whose distinctive aesthetic features would have discarded his poetry from fully fitting in the Romantic movement in Britain despite sorne conspicuous similarities? This dissertation will aim to find a plausible answer to these questions by looking into relevant socio-political aspects, personal experiences and literary influences that might have helped shape Burns's style, and which would ultimately allow to determine to what extent his poetic production complies with the Romantic canon. William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Romantic manifesto Preface to Lyrical Ballads (1800) as a major exponent of formal, aesthetic and ideological aspects pertaining to Romantic poetry will be the framework of my analysis in order to assess the romantic quality of Burns's selected poetic work, while The Bard (2009), professor Robert Crawford's comprehensive biography on Robert Burns, will serve as the starting point to comprehend the complexity of the ploughman poet and his time.Algúns críticos e estudosos considerados como un dos pioneiros do movemento romántico en Gran Bretaña, pero outros non lograron recoñecer a contribución deste escritor como poeta romántico deixándoo en terra de ninguén. Un cuarto de milenio despois do seu nacemento, o poeta escocés Robert Burns, "o home da mente independente", segue loitando por atopar o seu espazo no canon literario. ¿É que Robert Burns naceu no lugar incorrecto no momento incorrecto podía ser elixido para a etiqueta de poeta romántico dentro da tradición británica? Se fose así, o seu traballo foi longo cunha tradición escocesa cuxos trazos estéticos distintivos terían descartado que a súa poesía se encaixase plenamente no movemento romántico en Gran Bretaña a pesar das semellanzas? Esta disertación terá como finalidade atopar unha resposta plausible a estas preguntas mirando aspectos sociopolíticos relevantes, experiencias persoais e influencias literarias que puideron axudar a dar forma ao estilo de Burns e que finalmente permitiría determinar en que medida a súa produción poética cumpre co Canon romántico. O marco da miña análise será o marco romántico do manifesto romántico de William Wordsworth e Samuel Taylor Coleridge Prefacio ás Lyrical Ballads(1800) como expoñente principal dos aspectos formais, estéticos e ideolóxicos relacionados coa poesía romántica para valorar a calidade romántica da obra poética seleccionada de Burns, e The Bard (2009), a ampla biografía do profesor Robert Crawford sobre Robert Burns, servirá como punto de partida para comprender a complexidade do poeta arado e da súa época