774 research outputs found

    Sadyt: A Successful Business Case 1995–2019

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    This paper seeks to explain the internationalization process of Sadyt from 1995 (date of foundation) to the present day. This company, belonging to the Sacyr de Vallehermoso group, began its international expansion in markets such as Algeria, Tunisia, and Australia. Carrying out this case study focused on one of the companies is justified by its substantial improvement in the global ranking of desalination companies. The history of this case of business success is relevant because ten of the twenty companies that lead the global desalination market are Spanish and this fact is completely unknown outside of the sector. We will analyze in detail the main elements of the company such as its customers, strategies, suppliers, and the theories that explain the internationalization of Sadyt.This research was financed by the Office of the Vice President of Research and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Alicante, Spain (Marcos García-López has a scholarship for The Training of University Teachers from the University of Alicante, UAFPU2019-16), by the Water Chair of the University of Alicante-Alicante Provincial Council (2020), by the University Institute of Water and Environmental Sciences of the University of Alicante and by the Hábitat5U network of excellence

    Autoevaluación y evaluación por pares: participación del alumnado en la evaluación de su aprendizaje.

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    En esta comunicación se describe la aplicación de un sistema de evaluación en la asignatura Análisis de Datos en la Investigación Educativa (Licenciatura en Pedagogía), cuyo diseño se presenta en otra aportación a este congreso. El proceso diseñado pretende ofrecer pautas y recursos para conseguir que la evaluación oriente el aprendizaje promoviendo un mayor conocimiento de los criterios de evaluación y la participación de los/as alumnos/as en la valoración de sus aprendizajes. El sistema de evaluación consiste en desarrollar una evaluación inicial a través de un cuestionario de conocimientos iniciales y una escala de actitudes ante la materia; una evaluación formada por la autoevaluación y evaluación por pares y una evaluación final que consiste en un cuestionario para la reflexión sobre el proceso. Asimismo se recogen las valoraciones del profesorado que ha participado en la experiencia. Los resultados nos permiten identificar que la mayoría de los/as alumnos/as encuestados/as poseen únicamente conocimientos básicos sobre la estadística. Se detecta falta de competencias relacionadas con el uso de programas estadísticos y elaboración de informes. Haciendo referencia a la evaluación continua, son 31 los/as alumnos/as que han participado en las dos pruebas de autoevaluación y evaluación por pares de manera voluntaria. Una vez recogidos los datos, se ha realizado un análisis comparativo que pone de manifiesto que los/las participantes obtuvieron calificaciones finales más altas que los/las que no lo hicieron, datos que pueden estar sesgados por el hecho de que son estos/as alumnos/as los/las que asisten asiduamente a clase y a tutorías además de estar más motivados/as por la materia y trabajar a diario. Como aspecto positivo de la experiencia se puede resaltar el aumento del interés de los/las alumnos/as ante la materia al participar activamente en su evaluación. Como aspecto negativo, el bajo nivel de participación al ser una actividad voluntaria.This paper presents the new assessment project that has been introduced in Data Analysis in Educational Research (Pedagogy degree). The Guide to Assessment is presented in another contribution to this conference. The designed process provides guidelines and resources to ensure that assessment guide the learning by promoting a better understanding of the evaluation criteria and the participation of learners in the assessment of their learning. The evaluation system consists in an initial assessment through an initial knowledge questionnaire and a range of attitudes towards the subject. The continuous assessment is a self-assessment and a peer-assessment and the final assessment is a final questionnaire to opine about the process. We also analyse the experience and opinions of the teachers that participated in the experience. The results allow us to identify that the majority of the students have a basic knowledge about statistics but there is a lack of skills related to the use of statistical programs and reporting. Related to the continuous assessment, there were 31 students who participated in the voluntary tests. Once the data were collected, it has been made a comparative analysis that shows that the marks of the participants in the experience were higher than the other group. This information can be slanted by the fact that these students attend to class and tutoring regularly. In addition, they work in the subject daily and they are very motivated As a positive aspect of the experience, we can highlight the increase of the interest among the subject by actively participating in the assessment. A negative issue is the low level of participation because it has been a voluntary activity

    Competencias de seguridad clínica en la formación de los estudiantes de enfermería. Scoping revi

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    Introducción: En el ámbito de la seguridad clínica, la mera transmisión de conocimientos no parece ser garantía suficiente, ya que, aunque los estudiantes manifiestan conocer las precauciones estándar dentro de sus prácticas clínicas, en la práctica, dicho conocimiento no garantiza su aplicación posterior Objetivo: conocer métodos empleados para el desarrollo de estas competencias en seguridad clínica en los estudiantes de grado de Enfermería. Diseño: scoping review. Metodología: Se ha realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica en Pubmed, CINAHL, WOS, MEDES, OMS, Institute of Medicine, y el Ministerio de sanidad, utilizando la metodología propuesta por el Joanna Briggs Institute. Resultados: En el proceso de adquisición de las competencias en seguridad clínica en los estudiantes de enfermería, destaca la división entre conocimientos adquiridos por el alumnado, y la actitud que muestran ante el aprendizaje, que algunos autores sitúan como esencial para la adquisición de conocimientos. También es reseñable cómo la formación en habilidades más prácticas, como el cálculo de medicación, así como la creación de un entorno adecuado, supervisado y con buena comunicación con el tutor, merman o anulan el miedo a fallar de los alumnos en las prácticas clínicas, así como la creación de un entorno adecuado, supervisado y con buena comunicación con el tutor. Conclusiones: Los métodos empleados para la formación en seguridad clínica en estudiantes de enfermería, no deberían estar únicamente centrados en la mera adquisición de conocimientos, sino que son necesarias estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje orientadas a la modificación de conductas que afiancen el uso sistemático de estas medidas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Perceived parenting styles and adjustment during emerging adulthood: a cross-national perspective

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    The aim of the present study is to determine whether the influence of parenting style on children’s wellbeing is sustained during emerging adulthood. This is a stage in which young people, despite feeling themselves to be adults, often remain in the family home and continue to be financially dependent on their parents. Moreover, since parents’ beliefs, attitudes and behaviors are constructed and interpreted within their cultural milieu, the study also aims to explore the situation in Spain (SP) and Portugal (PT). Those two Southern Europe countries are representative of what is known as the “family welfare regime”, in which the family acts as the main provider of care and security not only during childhood, but also during emerging adulthood. Thus, the present study examines, from a cross-cultural perspective, the relationship between perceived parenting styles and psychological adjustment among a sample of 1047 emerging adults from Spain and Portugal. The results reveal that the most beneficial styles during this stage are the authoritative and permissive ones, with the authoritarian style being more closely related to psychological distress. The study highlights intercultural similarities and the positive role played by more symmetrical relationships in the adjustment of emerging adults in both countries.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad EDU2013-45687-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad RTI2018-097405-B-I0

    Laser-based surface multistructuring using optical elements and the Talbot effect

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    We present a laser based technique combined with the Talbot effect for microstructuring surfaces. The use of the Talbot effect is introduced as a solution to avoid damage of the periodic object used for micropattering different surfaces during the ablation process. The fabrication of two periodic objects (a mask and a microlens array) for micropattering surfaces and the identification of their Talbot planes is presented. A metal foil is ablated at distances corresponding to selected Talbot planes of the periodic objects. The setup allows us to design the desired pattern and the result is a multistructured surface with a high number of identical microholes, achieving a minimum diameter around 4μm. The different aspect of the periodic object working in direct contact and working at these Talbot distances is shown. These pictures reveal the advantages of working of using Talbot effect for a rapid, repeatable and no-contaminant multistructuring. Some industrial applications are illustrated.This work has been supported by the Consellería de Cultura, Xunta de Galicia/FEDER, Spain under Contract EM2012/019S

    Procedures and Legal Instruments for Drought Declaration in the Segura River Basin (Spain)

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    The phenomenon of drought and its socioeconomic and environmental consequences have been addressed in many studies, which show that anticipating its diagnosis and activating specific management measures are fundamental for providing an efficient response. In the Segura River Basin, located in south-east Spain, many episodes have occurred throughout history, with devastating effects on production and supply systems. However, they have enabled us to learn and evolve towards developing a resilient system to address these situations, through the application of external resources, transfers from other basins and non-conventional resources derived from the reuse of treated water and desalinated seawater. This evolution has been possible thanks to the advances made in hydrological planning and, specifically, the Special Drought Plans, through the development of indicator systems associated with scenarios which enable the automatic activation of specific actions to reduce the impacts. Climate change is already a reality and has led to an increase in the frequency and intensity of droughts, testing the capacity to respond based on the current policies. Therefore, the objective of this research is to analyse the last drought occurring in the Segura River Basin in the period 2015–2019 by comparing the status indicators developed for detecting drought in the SDP 2007 with its subsequent review carried out in the year 2018, in which these indicators were updated and expanded so as to cover both drought and scarcity. Subsequently, an in-depth analysis has been made of the approved legislation and the measures adopted which consisted in the mobilisation of more than 600 hm³ of extraordinary resources, which have been able to maintain the supply to the population and minimise the economic losses of the productive systems, particularly in irrigated agriculture.This research was funded by the Water Chair of the University of Alicante-Alicante Provincial Council (2022) and by the Campus Hábitat5U network of excellence

    Glucosa oral y leche materna como estrategia para reducción del dolor durante el procedimiento de punción del talón en recién nacidos

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    Introduction: This paper presents the results of a study on pain reduction in newborns that undergo painful medical procedures. This research analyzed the reactions of babies before and after the heel lance procedure, a diagnostic test performed to detect phenylketonuria. This test involved the extraction of a capillary blood sample with a heel lance, a medical procedure that is painful for neonates. Objective: The main objective of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of a 24% oral glucose solution and breastfeeding during heal lance. Method: An experimental study was thus conducted on a sample of 93 newborns in the San Cecilio University Hospital in Granada in 2010. The babies in the sample were divided into three groups, depending on what they ingested during the heal lance. Results: The results obtained showed that there was an association between the difference in HR and the time before the newborn’s HR returned to normal after the heel lance (r = 0.562; p = 0.000). Moreover, a positive relation was found between the absolute difference in HR and the difference in oxygen saturation (OS) (r = 0.538; p = 0.000). Conclusion: The OS was found to be greater in the group of newborns that received breast milk.Introducción: Para la detección de la fenilcetonuria, se realiza la prueba diagnóstica que consiste en la extracción de una muestra de sangre capilar, mediante la punción del talón al recién nacido. Este proceder es muy doloroso para el neonato. Objetivo: Valorar la efectividad de la administración de glucosa oral al 24 % y lactancia materna durante la punción del talón en el recién nacido. Método: Se realizó un estudio experimental en una muestra de 93 recién nacidos del Hospital Clínico “San Cecilio” de Granada durante el año 2010. La muestra se distribuyó en tres grupos en función del tipo de ingesta administrada en la realización de la prueba del talón. Resultados: El estudio pone de manifiesto que existe asociación en la diferencia de la FC con el tiempo transcurrido hasta alcanzar la normalidad después de la punción (r = 0,562; p = 0,000). También se halló una relación positiva entre la diferencia absoluta en la FC y la diferencia en la Saturación de Oxígeno (SO) (r = 0,538; p = 0,000). Conclusión: La SO es mayor en el grupo de lactancia materna que en el resto; así como en el de glucosa oral 24% que en el de control

    Digital Rights and Responsibility in Education: A Scoping Review

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    Studies on digital rights in education have both gained attention and provided a framework for research, policy and practice in educational research within the field of educational technology. The potential benefits we appreciate in Internet use are inseparable from the maximum risks involved. Faced with this responsibility, individuals demand that their rights and freedoms be guaranteed in the digital environment according to their various roles as students, teachers, families or staff. This scoping review selects and analyses 54 theoretical and empirical studies from the last decade (2013-2023), identifying the main topics investigated as privacy protection in online environments, right to digital security or cybersecurity, and right to digital education. The review underscores the need to guide efforts towards digital education for citizens because the legal regulation of rights and responsibilities is necessary but insufficient. The paper also makes arguments about acceptance, limitations and implications for teacher training.European Regional Development Fund’s 2014-2020 Operational Program, the Andalusian Government, and Spain’s Department of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities (Project A.SEJ.46.UGR 2020)

    Influence of tragacanth gum in egg white based bioplastics: Thermomechanical and water uptake properties

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    This study aims to extend the range of applications of tragacanth gum by studying its incorporation into bioplastics formulation, exploring the influence that different gum contents (0–20 wt.%) exert over the thermomechanical and water uptake properties of bioplastics based on egg white albumen protein (EW). The effect of plasticizer nature was also evaluated through the modification of the water/glycerol ratio within the plasticizer fraction (fixed at 40 wt.%). The addition of tragacanth gum generally yielded an enhancement of the water uptake capacity, being doubled at the highest content. Conversely, presence of tragacanth gum resulted in a considerable decrease in the bioplastic mechanical properties: both tensile strength and maximum elongation were reduced up to 75% approximately when compared to the gumfree system. Ageing of selected samples was also studied, revealing an important effect of storage time when tragacanth gum is present, possibly due to its hydrophilic character.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MAT2011-29275-C02-01

    Fermented Goat Milk Consumption Enhances Brain Molecular Functions during Iron Deficiency Anemia Recovery

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    Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is one of the most prevalent nutritional deficiencies worldwide. Iron plays critical roles in nervous system development and cognition. Despite the known detrimental consequences of IDA on cognition, available studies do not provide molecular mechanisms elucidating the role of iron in brain functions during iron deficiency and recovery with dairy components. In this study, 100 male Wistar rats were placed on a pre-experimental period of 40 days and randomly divided in two groups: a control group receiving a normal-Fe diet, (45 mg/kg), and an Fe-deficient group receiving a low-Fe diet (5 mg/kg). At day 40, 10 rats per group were sacrificed to anemia control, and 80 rats were divided into eight experimental groups fed with fermented goat or cow milk-based diets, with normal Fe content or Fe overload (450 mg/kg) for 30 days. IDA decreased most of the parameters related to brain molecular functions, namely dopamine, irisin, MAO-A, oxytocin, -endorphin, and alpha-MSH, while it increased synaptophysin. These alterations result in an impairment of brain molecular functions. In general, during anemia recovery, fermented goat milk diet consumption increased dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, synaptophysin, and alpha-MSH, and decreased MAO-A and MAO-B, suggesting a potential neuroprotective effect in brain functions, which could enhance brain molecular functions.This study was supported by the Excellence Research Project (P11-AGR-7648) from the Regional Government of Andalusi