44 research outputs found

    Access Routes of Internet Finance Dictionaries: Present Solutions and Future Opportunities

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    <p>ABSTRACT: Lexicographers working on finance dictionaries have not properly exploited the fast development of the Internet. This is revealed by the poor utilization of the access routes found in current Internet finance dictionaries. Consequently, users cannot effectively and efficiently find answers to their lexicographical problems. Firstly, there are Internet finance dictionaries which lack technological features and can simply be called meagre Internet dictionaries. Secondly, there are Internet finance dictionaries which utilize so many technological features that users incur high lexicographical information costs. In order to create better access routes, a sound theoretical foundation has to be established. This article shows that the implementation of the modern theory of lexicographical functions, which focuses on the users, results in a better design for future Internet finance dictionaries. With the proper theoretical basis, lexicographers will be able to create state-ofthe- art dictionaries that can provide effective and efficient solutions to lexicographical problems.</p><p>OPSOMMING: Toegangsroetes van Internet- finansiële woordeboeke: Huidige oplossings en toekomstige geleenthede. Leksikograwe wat aan finansiële woordeboeke werk, het nie die vinnige ontwikkeling van die Internet behoorlik benut nie. Dit blyk uit die gebrekkige aanwending van die toegangsroetes wat in huidige Internet- finansiële woordeboeke aangetref word. Gevolglik kan gebruikers nie doeltreffend en doelmatig antwoorde kry op hul leksikografiese probleme nie. Eerstens is daar Internet- finansiële woordeboeke waarin tegnologiese kenmerke ontbreek en wat gewoon karige Internetwoordeboeke genoem kan word. Tweedens is daar Internet- finansiële woordeboeke wat so baie tegnologiese kenmerke aanwend dat gebruikers hoë leksikografiese inligtingskoste oploop. Om beter toegangsroetes te skep, moet 'n deeglike teoretiese grondslag gevestig word. Hierdie artikel toon dat die toepassing van die moderne teorie van leksikografiese funksies wat op die gebruikers fokus, lei tot 'n beter ontwerp vir toekomstige Internet- finansiële woordeboeke. Met die gepaste teoretiese basis, sal leksikograwe in staat wees om woordeboeke te skep wat die jongste tegnologie gebruik om doeltreffende en doelmatige oplossings vir leksikografiese probleme te bied.</p><p>Sleutelwoorde: WOORDEBOEK, PAPIERWOORDEBOEK, INTERNETWOORDEBOEK, TSD-WOORDEBOEK, FINANSIËLE WOORDEBOEK, FINANSIËLE TERME, LEKSIKOGRAFIE, LEKSIKOGRAFIESE FUNKSIES, TEKSONTVANGS, GEBRUIKERSBEHOEFTES, GEBRUIKERSITUASIE, TOEGANGSROETES, SOEKKEUSES, LEKSIKOGRAFIESE INLIGTINGSKOSTE</p&gt


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    Implementing a Literary Text Extensive Reading Program through Learning Logs

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    This article reports the findings of action research on the implementation of extensive reading to literary text (henceforth ER) with learning logs (henceforth LL). The research question was: In what ways do the students engage in comprehending literary texts through ER with learning logs? And what are students’ reactions to these activities? The research was conducted in the English Language Education Study Program English Education Department of a state university in Indonesia in which twenty six students voluntarily participated in this study. The data of the research were collected from students’ reflective journals and semi-structured interviews. The empirical findings show that the students engaged actively and autonomously in the literary text identifying, word defining, class presentation, vocabulary enforcement and reflection through literary text extensive reading (ER) program with learning logs (LL). The findings also reveal that through the use of scaffolding by teachers and peer support, the students were engaged in the discovery of English literature vocabulary by documenting unfamiliar or interesting words from their English literature reading texts. The students also enjoyed exploring the different meanings of vocabulary using electronic dictionaries and corpus software. Furthermore, the findings show that they had enhanced awareness of word classes, word orders, and word meanings. The research suggests that the use of learning logs has managed to engage the students in reading literary texts as meaning making and learning autonomy that expand their reading ability and lexico-grammatical repertoires


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    This study focuses on the use of lexical bundles (LBs), their structural forms, and their functional classifications in journal articles of four academic disciplines: Health sciences, Life sciences, Physical sciences, and Social sciences. The corpus comprises 2,937,431 words derived from 400 journal articles which were equally distributed in the four disciplines. The results show that Physical sciences feature the most number of lexical bundles, while Health sciences comprise the least. When we pair-up the disciplines, we found that Physical sciences and Social sciences shared the most number of LBs. We also found that there were no LBs shared between Health sciences and Physical sciences, and neither between Health sciences and Social sciences. For the distribution of the structural forms, we found that the prepositional-based and the verb-based bundles were the most frequent forms (each of them accounts for 37.1% of the LBs, making a total of 74.2%). Within the verb-based bundles, the passive form can be found in 12 out of 23 LB types. Finally, for the functional classifications, the number of referential expressions (40 LBs) is a lot higher than those of discourse organizers (12 LBs) and stance expressions (10 LBs). The high frequency of LBs in the referential expressions can be related to the needs to refer to theories, concepts, data and findings of the study

    Konstruksi Perempuan dan Gender dalam Gerakan TARBIYAH Di Kampus-Kampus Universitas Negeri Di Surabaya: Sebuah Modalitas Pembangunan Karakter Bangsa

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    Munculnya Gerakan Dakwah dan berbagai kelompok yang ada didalamnya sebagai bagian dari Islamic Youth Movements (gerakan anak muda Islami) ditahun 1990an menimbulkan banyak perhatian, baik dari masyarakat kampus maupun masyarakat umum. Salah satu dari bagian dari gerakan ini adalah gerakan Tarbiyah (dalam bahasa Arab tarbiyah berarti pendidikan) atau yang juga dikenal sebagai gerakan Dakwah Kampus. Banyaknya perempuan yang terlibat dalam gerakan ini ternyata tidak juga secara otomatis memberikan gambaran yang jelas tentang konstruksi perempuan dan gender dalam pengembangan Dakwah Kampus padahal konstruksi ini merupakan salah satu modalitas yang sangat berperan dalam pembangunan karakter bangsa. Dalam Gerakan Dakwah nilai-nilai budaya dan keyakinan (dalam hal ini nilai-nilai agama Islam) sarat diajarkan bahkan dengan cara yang militan

    Students’ achievement and opinions on the implementation of e-learning for phonetics and phonology lectures at Airlangga University

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    Abstract The demand of e-learning at higher education has increased significantly in the past several years. In Indonesia, the implementation of e-learning has been encouraged by the government since 2011. However, universities are still looking for the most appropriate e-learning system, and unsure of the effectiveness of e-learning program. This paper discusses the implementation of e-learning system at Airlangga University, one of the top five state-owned universities in Indonesia. The e-learning system implemented in this university follows the Seven Principles of Good Practice in Undergraduate Education, i.e. encourage contacts between student and faculty; develop reciprocity and cooperation among students; use active learning techniques; give prompt feedback; emphasize time on task; communicate high expectations; and respect diverse talents and ways of learning. The e-learning platform at this university is called AULA (Airlangga University e-Learning Application). The respondents of this study were the students who took the General Linguistics course, particularly for the lectures on Phonetics and Phonology. Based on the t-test calculation of the exam scores, we conclude that there is no significant difference between the results of the e-learning and those of the classroom learning. The results of questionnaires show that 85% of the students are satisfied with the implementation of e-learning as they think that the e-learning makes it easier for them to understand the materials, it is fun, and is convenient to access. For further implementation, the students suggested the additions of podcasts and games, more time for the quizzes, and improvement of the e-learning platform

    Towards a Typology of Definitions for LSP Dictionaries

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    Advertisement is the impersonal communication between an enterpreneur and the target audience. In this case, it needs language because language is a system of communication. An enterpreneur, as the speaker, tends to choose a language which suits the need of the target audienece as the person being spoken to. The right language choice of jeans advertisements will be usefull in establishing a good relationship between the enterpreneur and the target audience

    Introduction to Information Technology (Pengantar Teknologi Informasi)

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    1 jil, 730 hlm.; 26 c

    Sistem informasi akuntansi, Buku 1, Ed.9

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    Judul asli : Accounting information systems, 9th ed