38 research outputs found

    Towards intelligent geo-database support for earth system observation: Improving the preparation and analysis of big spatio-temporal raster data

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    The European COPERNICUS program provides an unprecedented breakthrough in the broad use and application of satellite remote sensing data. Maintained on a sustainable basis, the COPERNICUS system is operated on a free-and-open data policy. Its guaranteed availability in the long term attracts a broader community to remote sensing applications. In general, the increasing amount of satellite remote sensing data opens the door to the diverse and advanced analysis of this data for earth system science. However, the preparation of the data for dedicated processing is still inefficient as it requires time-consuming operator interaction based on advanced technical skills. Thus, the involved scientists have to spend significant parts of the available project budget rather on data preparation than on science. In addition, the analysis of the rich content of the remote sensing data requires new concepts for better extraction of promising structures and signals as an effective basis for further analysis. In this paper we propose approaches to improve the preparation of satellite remote sensing data by a geo-database. Thus the time needed and the errors possibly introduced by human interaction are minimized. In addition, it is recommended to improve data quality and the analysis of the data by incorporating Artificial Intelligence methods. A use case for data preparation and analysis is presented for earth surface deformation analysis in the Upper Rhine Valley, Germany, based on Persistent Scatterer Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar data. Finally, we give an outlook on our future research

    Estimating GRACE terrestrial water storage anomaly using an improved point mass solution

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    The availability of terrestrial water storage anomaly (TWSA) data from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) supports many hydrological applications. Five TWSA products are operational and publicly available, including three based on mass concentration (mascon) solutions and two based on the synthesis of spherical harmonic coefficients (SHCs). The mascon solutions have advantages regarding the synthesis of SHCs since the basis functions are represented locally rather than globally, which allows geophysical data constraints. Alternative new solutions based on SHCs are, therefore, critical and warranted to enrich the portfolio of user-friendly TWSA data based on different algorithms. TWSA data based on novel processing protocols is presented with a spatial re-sampling of 0.25 arc-degrees covering 2002–2022. This approach parameterizes the improved point mass (IPM) and adopts the synthesized residual gravitational potential as observations. The assay indicates that the proposed Hohai University (HHU-) IPM TWSA data reliably agree with the mascon solutions. The presented HHU-IPM TWSA data set would be instrumental in regional hydrological applications, particularly enabling improved assessment of regional water budgets

    Characterisations of Europe's integrated water vapour and assessments of atmospheric reanalyses using more than 2 decades of ground-based GPS

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    The ground-based Global Positioning System (GPS) has been used extensively to retrieve integrated water vapour (IWV) and has been adopted as a unique tool for the assessments of atmospheric reanalyses. In this study, we investigated the multi-temporal-scale variabilities and trends of IWV over Europe by using IWV time series from 108 GPS stations for more than 2 decades (1994–2018). We then adopted the GPS IWV as a reference to assess six commonly used atmospheric reanalyses, namely the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR); ERA5; ERA-Interim; the Japanese 55-year Reanalysis (JRA-55); the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, version 2 (MERRA-2); and NCEP-DOE AMIP-II Reanalysis (NCEP-2). The GPS results show that the peaks of the diurnal harmonics are within 15:00–21:00 in local solar time at 90 % of the stations. The diurnal amplitudes are 0–1.2 kg m−2 (0 %–8 % of the daily mean IWV), and they are found to be related to seasons and locations with different mechanisms, such as solar heating, land–sea breeze, and orographic circulation. However, mismatches in the diurnal cycle of ERA5 IWV between 09:00 and 10:00 UTC as well as between 21:00 and 22:00 UTC were found and evaluated for the first time, and they can be attributed to the edge effect in each ERA5 assimilation cycle. The average ERA5 IWV shifts are −0.08 and 0.19 kg m−2 at the two epochs, and they were found to be more significant in summer and in the Alps and in Eastern and central Europe in some cases. Nevertheless, ERA5 outperforms the other reanalyses in reproducing diurnal IWV anomalies at all the 1-, 3-, and 6-hourly temporal resolutions. ERA5 is also superior to the others in modelling the annual cycle and linear trend of IWV. For instance, the IWV trend differences between ERA5 and GPS are quite small, with a mean value and a standard deviation of 0.01 % per decade and 0.97 % per decade, respectively. However, due to significant discrepancies with respect to GPS, CFSR and NCEP-2 are not recommended for the analysis of IWV trends over southern Europe and the whole of Europe, respectively.</p

    Application of median-equation approach for outlier detection in geodetic networks

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    In geodetic measurements some outliers may occur sometimes in data sets, depending on different reasons. There are two main approaches to detect outliers as Tests for outliers (Baarda's and Pope's Tests) and robust methods (Danish method, Huber method etc.). These methods use the Least Squares Estimation (LSE). The outliers affect the LSE results, especially it smears the effects of the outliers on the good observations and sometimes wrong results may be obtained. To avoid these effects, a method that does not use LSE should be preferred. The median is a high breakdown point estimator and if it is applied for the outlier detection, reliable results can be obtained. In this study, a robust method which uses median with or as a treshould value on median residuals that are obtained from median equations is proposed. If the a priori variance of the observations is known, the reliability of the new approch is greater than the one in the case where the a priori variance is unknown


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    The intention of the "Caneva network" is the detection of tectonic movements in the area. It consists of 11 points and has a dimension of about 700 7 2200 m. The point positions are chosen by topographical necessities. The first epoch was observed in 1985, the others followed in annual intervals-up to now there have been eight epochs. Observables are high precision distances, directions and levellings. The paper is restricted to the horizontal aspects of the deformation and strain analysis. After a short introduction to the tectonics of the Adriatic region and a review of geodetic activities in the Eastern Alps and in Friuli, the paper mainly treats the hypothesis of a significant block movement in the southern part of the network with respect to the congruence of the points in the northern part of the network. Some considerations concerning the improvement of the network design conclude the paper