13 research outputs found


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    This study aimes to analyze the influence of islamic leadership style, Islamic work ethic and islamic organizations culture to conduct Islamic work behavior in Sultan Agung Islamic University of Semarang. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of organizational culture islamic to moderate the relationship between leadership style islamic and islamic work ethic in Islamic work behavior of the lecturer and staff at the Sultan Agung Islamic Univercity of Semarang. Data were obtained from 1 60 respondents to the questionnaire. Data analysis using SPSS 16 shows that the Islamic leadership style has a significant and positive influence on the islamic work behavior, the islamic work ethic have a significant and positive effect of the reactor islamic work behavior, islamic leadership style has a positive and significant impact on the islamic work ethic, and islamic organizational culture may moderate the relationship between islamic leadership style and islamic work ethic against the islamic work behavi or of the lecturer and staff at the Sultan Agung Islamic University of Semarang.  Keywords: islamic leadership style, islamic work ethic, islamic organizational culture, islamic work behavio


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    This study aimes to analyze the influence of islamic leadership style, Islamic work ethic and islamic organizations culture to conduct Islamic work behavior in Sultan Agung Islamic University of Semarang. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of organizational culture islamic to moderate the relationship between leadership style islamic and islamic work ethic in Islamic work behavior of the lecturer and staff at the Sultan Agung Islamic Univercity of Semarang. Data were obtained from 1 60 respondents to the questionnaire. Data analysis using SPSS 16 shows that the Islamic leadership style has a significant and positive influence on the islamic work behavior, the islamic work ethic have a significant and positive effect of the reactor islamic work behavior, islamic leadership style has a positive and significant impact on the islamic work ethic, and islamic organizational culture may moderate the relationship between islamic leadership style and islamic work ethic against the islamic work behavi or of the lecturer and staff at the Sultan Agung Islamic University of Semarang.  Keywords: islamic leadership style, islamic work ethic, islamic organizational culture, islamic work behavio

    Digital Transformation : Peran Digital Skill Dan E-Readiness Pada UMKM

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    Perkembangan ra digital di Indonesia menuntut berbagai sektor untuk menerapkan digitalisasi dalam setiap aktivitasnya. Tidak terkecuali dengan Usaha Kecil, Mikro dan Menengah (UMKM). Penerapan digitalisasi pada UMKM memiliki peran penting bagi keberlangsungan UMKM tersebut. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan faktor pendukung agar UMKM mampu menjaga keberlanjutannya, antara lain dengan bertransformasi digital, kemampuan digital, dan e-readiness. Perubahan digital ini sangat dibutuhkan UMKM dalam meningkatkan kesiapan menghadapi era digital saat ini akibat persaingan yang semakin ketat. Peningkatan transformasi digital pada UMKM perlu didukung oleh digital skill dan e-readiness dalam memanfaatkan teknologi informasi digital melalui internet. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada UMKM bidang makanan minuman dan mendapatkan 108 responden untuk diuji. Analisis dan pengolahan data penelitian didukung oleh software SPSS 22. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterampilan digital dan e-readiness berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap transformasi digital. Selanjutnya, keterampilan digital memiliki dampak positif dan signifikan terhadap transformasi digital melalui e-readiness. Penerapan digital skill dan e-readiness pada UMKM mampu menjadikan UMKM bertransformasi ke digitalisasi, sehingga kedepannya UMKM dapat mencapai keunggulan kompetitif dan menjaga keberlangsungannya

    Peningkatan Ekonomi Kreatif Digital Desa Betokan Kabupaten Demak melalui Manajemen Bisnis, Pemanfaatan Teknologi Digital, dan Sistem Informasi

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    Desa Betokan merupakan salah satu desa yang memiliki potensi besar, mengingat desa Betokan adalah desa penghasil buah jambu dan belimbing terbesar di Kabupaten Demak. Buah jambu dan belimbing sendiri merupakan buah khas kota Demak. Meskipun demikian, sebagian besar pelaku usaha penjual jambu dan belimbing yang ada di Desa Betokan tersebut masih terkendala dalam hal manajemen usaha terutama dalam hal pemasaran dan pengembangan produk. Sehingga kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan guna meningkatkan Ekonomi kreatif  berbasis Digital masyarakat di Desa Betokan dari usaha yang telah dimiliki sehingga dapat meningkatkan pendapatan dan kesejahteraan warga desa Betokan. Metode dalam pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini antara lain penyampaian materi penyuluhan, tanya jawab dan diskusi, dilanjutkan dengan praktik. Dari pelaksanaan pengabdian masysrakat dapat disimpulkan bahwa masyarakat antusias dalam pelaksanaan penyuluhan yang dilakukan, terlebih pada saat penyampaian materi dan praktik pembuatan akun media sosial dan juga akun E-commerce seperti akun facebook, instagram, dan juga shopee. Terlebih pada masa pandemi Covid-19 seperti sekarang ini, masyarakat selaku konsumen banyak yang beralih dari pembelian secara langsung (offline) ke pembelian online. Dari adanya akun media sosial dan e-commerce ini juga pelaku usaha dapat lebih mengembangkan pasar yang ada.Betokan is one of the villages that has great potential, considering that Betokan is the largest producer of guava and star fruit in Demak Regency. Guava and star fruit are the typical fruits of Demak city. Even so, most of the guava and starfruit selling business actors in Betokan are still constrained in terms of business management, especially in terms of marketing and product development. So that community service activities were carried out to improve the community-based digital creative economy in Betokan, Demak from the business that has been owned so that it can increase the income and welfare of Betokan villagers. Methods used in this community service included the delivery of extension materials, questions and answers and discussions, followed by practice. From the implementation of community service, it can be concluded that the public is enthusiastic about the implementation of the counseling carried out, especially when delivering material and practices for creating social media accounts and also e-commerce accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, and shopee accounts. Especially during the Covid-19 pandemic like now, many people as consumers have switched from direct (offline) purchases to online purchases. From the existence of social media and e-commerce accounts, business actors can further develop existing markets


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    Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have a strategic role in improving the National Economy. For this reason, it is necessary to contribute various parties in efforts to improve the performance of SMEs. This study aims to develop a model related to improving SME's performance through agile leadership and strategic agility planning. The sample of this study was 200 MSMEs in West Papua Province. Analysis of research data was carried out by testing structural equational modeling (SEM) and using a variance approach (partial least square). The results show that agile leadership is able to increase the readiness to change of SMEs in West Papua Province, but readiness to change itself has not been able to improve the performance of SMEs in West Papua Province. Agile leadership has not been able to improve or create workforce transformation for MSMEs in West Papua Province. The implementation of Strategic agility planning is able to increase readiness to change (readiness to change) and can also create workforce transformation (workforce transformation) in MSMEs in West Papua Province. Furthermore, workforce transformation is able to improve the performance of MSMEs in West Papua Province.Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) memiliki peran yang strategis dalam meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Untuk itu diperlukan kontribusi berbagai pihak dalam upaya peningkatan kinerja UKM. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan sebuah model terkait peningkatan kinerja SME’s melalui agile leadership dan juga strategic agility planning. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah 200 UMKM di Provinsi Papua Barat. Analisis data penelitian dilakukan dengan pengujian Structural Equational Modelling (SEM) dan menggunakan pendekatan varians (partial least square). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa agile leadership mampu meningkatkan readiness to change pada UMKM di Provinsi Papua Barat, akan tetapi readiness to change sendiri nyatanya belum mampu meningkatkan kinerja UMKM di Provinsi Papua Barat. Agile leadership belum mampu meningkatkan atau menciptakan workforce transformation pada UMKM di Provinsi Papua Barat. Penerapan strategic agility planning mampu meningkatkan kesiapan untuk berubah (readiness to change) dan juga dapat menciptakan transformasi tenaga kerja (workforce transformation) pada UMKM di Provinsi Papua Barat. Selanjutnya workforce transformation mampu meningkatkan kinerja UMKM di Provinsi Papua Barat

    Religious-Centric Product Strategy dan Sharia Product Knowledge dalam peningkatan Business Performance dengan Competitive Advantage Sebagai Variabel Mediasi

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    AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi peran Religious-Centric Product Strategy, Competitive Advantage, dan Sharia Product Knowledge dalam meningkatkan kinerja bisnis di industri perbankan syariah, dengan menggunakan pendekatan metode kuantitatif dan alat Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Partial Least Squares (PLS). Sampel penelitian ini mencakup 200 karyawan dari berbagai bank syariah di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, yang dipilih menggunakan metode sensus jenuh. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner yang berfokus pada persepsi karyawan terhadap strategi produk berbasis nilai-nilai religius, keunggulan kompetitif perusahaan, pengetahuan produk syariah, dan kinerja bisnis perusahaan.Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik SEM PLS untuk menguji hubungan antara variabel-variabel yang diteliti. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Religious-Centric Product Strategy, Competitive Advantage, dan Sharia Product Knowledge memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Business Performance di industri perbankan syariah. Secara khusus, strategi produk yang berpusat pada nilai-nilai religius, ketika diimplementasikan dengan baik, dapat meningkatkan daya saing perusahaan dan memperluas pangsa pasar. Keunggulan kompetitif yang terbentuk dari strategi ini memainkan peran penting dalam meningkatkan profitabilitas dan pertumbuhan perusahaan. Sementara itu, pengetahuan yang kuat tentang produk syariah memberikan landasan yang kokoh bagi perusahaan untuk memenuhi harapan dan kebutuhan pelanggan, yang pada gilirannya meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan dan kinerja bisnis secara keseluruhan.Temuan ini memberikan kontribusi penting bagi pemahaman tentang pentingnya strategi produk yang berpusat pada nilai-nilai religius, keunggulan kompetitif, dan pengetahuan produk syariah dalam meningkatkan kinerja bisnis di industri perbankan syariah. Implikasi praktis dari penelitian ini adalah pentingnya perusahaan perbankan syariah untuk mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai agama dalam strategi produk mereka, meningkatkan pemahaman karyawan tentang produk syariah, dan terus berinovasi untuk mempertahankan keunggulan kompetitif di pasar yang semakin berkembang.Kata Kunci : Religious-Centric Product Strategy, Competitive Advantage, Sharia Product Knowledg

    Wife's Accountability in Islamic Household Accounting

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    This study was conducted to find the form of a wife's responsibility in Islamic household accounting, with a transcendental phenomenological approach. Transcendental phenomenological analysis techniques include 5 stages, namely: noema, noesis, epoche, intentional analysis and eidetic reduction. The results of the study indicate that the responsibility carried out by the wife in an Islamic household carried out in her household is accountability with the aim of maintaining self-esteem and maintaining self-image of her husband, for the expenses made, where there are 6 responsibilities, namely: income, maintenance, ZIS , consumption, investment, and saving into 4 responsibility centers, namely: revenue center, cost center, investment center and wealth center

    Pengaruh Earning Power, Pertumbuhan Perusahaan, Koneksi Politik Dan Perencanaan Pajak Terhadap Manajemen Laba (Studi Empiris Perusahaan Manufaktur di BEI Periode 2019-2021)

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    Profit management is an effort carried out by company management that aims to maximize or minimize company profits which can be done according to what management wants. This study aims to analyze the effect of earning power, company growth, political connections and tax planning on earnings management in manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the 2019-2021 period. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling. A total of 240 companies have met the criteria as a unit of observation. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study provide empirical evidence that company growth has an effect on earnings management. Meanwhile, earning power, political connections, and tax planning have no effect on earnings management


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    Business revival in the new normal era is currently the main focus for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) after nearly a year of experiencing a downturn during the pandemic. Maintaining stable performance in the new normal era is currently the main strategy for MSMEs which have a strategic role in improving the national economy. MSME actors face many problems including limited business capital, business licensing, lack of innovation, and not a few MSMEs are still stuttering about digital technology today. Therefore, the contribution of various parties is needed in an effort to improve its performance. This study aims to develop a model for improving the performance of MSMEs through digital skills, workforce transformation and digital transformation as interventions. This digital change is urgently needed for MSMEs in increasing their readiness to face the current pandemic due to the limited space for MSMEs to move. Increasing digital transformation in MSMEs needs support from digital skills and workforce transformation from MSME human resources so that it will trigger an increase in MSME performance. This research was conducted using a survey method by distributing questionnaires to 250 MSMEs in Central Java. Analysis of research data was carried out by testing structural equation modeling (SEM) and using the variance approach (partial least squares), then data processing was supported by the SmartPLS application. The results show that increasing the performance of MSMEs can be improved through digital transformation. And in improving digital transformation through digital skill readiness and carrying out HR workforce transformation, so that MSMEs are more able to compete and adapt during a pandemic


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    This study aimes to analyze the influence of islamic leadership style, Islamic work ethicand islamic organizations culture to conduct Islamic work behavior in Sultan Agung IslamicUniversity of Semarang. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of organizationalculture islamic to moderate the relationship between leadership style islamic and islamic workethic in Islamic work behavior of the lecturer and staff at the Sultan Agung Islamic Univercity ofSemarang. Data were obtained from 160 respondents to the questionnaire. Data analysis usingSPSS 16 shows that the Islamic leadership style has a significant and positive influence on theislamic work behavior, the islamic work ethic have a significant and positive effect of the reactorislamic work behavior, islamic leadership style has a positive and significant impact on theislamic work ethic, and islamic organizational culture may moderate the relationship betweenislamic leadership style and islamic work ethic against the islamic work behavior of the lecturerand staff at the Sultan Agung Islamic University of Semarang.Keywords: islamic leadership style, islamic work ethic, islamic organizational culture, islamicwork behavio