24 research outputs found

    Polarized optical transmittance spectra of nonlinear thiogallate crystals near "isotropic point"

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    The results of researches of the polarized optical transmittance spectra of nonlinear thiogallate crystals near the “isotropic point” are represented and discusse

    Enhаncement of the Performаnce of Bulk and Nаno-structured Crystаlline Mаterials for Control of Lаser Rаdiation

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    Іn thіs paper we focus on іmprovements of the effіcіency of optoelectronіc devіces for nonlіnear optіcal (NO) and electro-optіcal (EO) control of laser radіatіon. Thіs can be done whіle іmprovіng performance of actіve solіd-state crystallіne elements of the NO and EO cells, whіch are made of specіalіzed dіelectrіcs and III-V semіconductors that comprіse both bulk- and nano-structures. Enhancіng of the NO and EO іnteractіons іn the bulk and nano-structured materіals іs achіeved basing on novel technіques for 3D spatіal analysіs of the crucіal parameters of those optіcal effects. Moreover, further enhancement of the NO parameters of III-V semіconductors can be achіeved due to іmprovement іn the spatіal homogeneіty of quantum dots and quantіtatіve control of theіr characterіstіcs. The latter should enable comprehendіng the effects of size, shape and densіty of nanoscale crystals. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3548

    Comparative analysis of reflection symmetry detection methods in binary raster images with skeletal and contour representations

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    The study is a comparative analysis of two fast reflection symmetry axis detection methods: an algorithm to refine the symmetry axis found with a chain of skeletal primitives and a boundary method based on the Fourier descriptor. We tested the algorithms with binary raster images of plant leaves (FLAVIA database). The symmetry axis detection quality and performance indicate that both methods can be used to solve applied problems. Neither method demonstrated any significant advantage in terms of accuracy or performance. It is advisable to integrate both methods for solving real-life problems.This study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, Grant No. 22-21-00575, https://rscf.ru/project/22-21-00575/

    Traffic injury as a medical and sanitary consequence of an emergency of man-made nature in Ukraine. Report three: analysis and characterization of victims depending on the sign of participation in the traffic

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    Background. Road traffic injury remains a significant medical and social problem for all humanity at any time. The aim of the research: to determine the characteristics of the victims of traffic accidents depending on the sign of their participation in traffic and living conditions. Materials and methods. This article is a continuation of previous publications in the journal “Emergency medicine (Ukraine)”, that is, this component of the comprehensive study was conducted using a single factual material. The actual material of the study is 1,696 cases of traffic injuries, which were selected by the method of irreversible randomization. Model 1 of the real-life type was chosen to be a metropolis with a volume of actual material of 1,139 victims with traffic injuries, model 2 (rural area) — 315 cases, model 3 (regional city) — 242 cases. The study of the actual material was carried out using the methods of parametric and non-parametric statistics, the law of formal logic and fractal analysis. Results. The study found that the properties of the research models have a significant impact on the occurrence of injuries depending on the sign of participation in traffic. The largest specific weight of drivers was recorded in the metropolis (40.65 %), the smallest — in rural areas (16.19 %). The specific weight of passengers was the highest in the regional city (36.36 %), rural areas (23.49 %), and the lowest in the metropolis (22.43 %). The highest specific weight of pedestrians was observed in rural areas (60.32 %), in the metropolis this figure is 36.88 %, and the lowest specific weight is in the regional city (27.28 %). In addition, the influence of the characteristics of the models on the formation of the research array was found depending on the sign of participation in traffic and the victim’s gender. Attention is drawn to the very low share of female drivers (4.55 %) in rural areas, while in a regional city, this figure is 24.39 %. The influence of the properties of the models and signs of participation in traffic on the occurrence of a negative outcome of the traumatic process in the victims of traffic accidents has also been proven. As a result of the analysis, the impact of research models on the emergence and formation of the array of victims with a negative outcome of the traumatic process was determined, depending on their age and participation in the traffic. Conclusions. Probable and direct influence of living conditions and signs of participation in the traffic on the formation of an array of victims of traffic accidents has been found. Gender has a significant impact in all research models, and it is most pronounced in the conditions of a metropolis in male victims. The sign of participation in traffic has a significant effect on the outcome of the traumatic process in victims of traffic accidents. This effect is especially pronounced in those who were injured in rural areas. The highest fatality rate among all road users is observed among pedestrians in rural areas (37.37 %), and the lowest among drivers in metropolitan areas (3.02 %)

    The efficiency of meldonium in elderly patients with chronic heart failure and aortic stenosis

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    Aortic valve stenosis (AS) is the most common form of valvular heart disease in the elderly population and frequently occurs in conjunction with coronary artery disease and chronic heart failure (CHF). Meldonium had shown myocardial cytoprotection effect, however the role of meldonium in the elderly pts with CHF and AS disease remains debatable. Objectives: we aimed to evaluate the effects of meldonium in elderly patients with CHF with preserved ejection fraction and AS

    Топологія та фотоелектричні властивості гетероструктури p-GaTe – n-InSe

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    We investigated the photoelectrical properties of the heterojunctions p-GaTe – n-InSe fabricated by the method of mechanical contact of GaTe oxidized plate with van der Waals surface of InSe. The AFM-images revealed that there was formed thin oxide dielectric layer of Ga2O3 on the heterointerface p-GaTe – n-InSe. The energy band diagram was constructed. It was established that the p-GaTe – n-InSe heterojunction is photosensitive in the spectral range 0,74 - 1,0 µm.Досліджені фотоелектричні властивості гетеропереходів p-GaTe – n-InSe, що сформовані методом механічного контакту окисленої пластини GaTe з ван-дер-ваальсовою поверхнею InSe. За допомогою АСМ-зображень встановлено, що на гетерограниці p-GaTe – n-InSe присутній тонкий діелектричний шар власного оксиду Ga2O3. Побудована енергетична зонна діаграма гетеропереходу. Встановлено, що гетероперехід p-GaTe – n-InSe володіє фоточутливістю в діапазоні 0,74 - 1,0 мкм

    Magnetic system for cleaning the gamma beam at the LUE-40 electron linac output

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    The bremsstrahlung of accelerated electrons passing through a converter is used to study multiparticle photo-nuclear reactions. The results of calculations, numerical modeling, design, and testing of a special magnetic cleaning system to obtain a “pure” beam of bremsstrahlung quanta when studying the cross-sections of such reactions at the LUE-40 linac are presented. The system is based on commercially available permanent magnets of rectangular cross-sections. The maximum on-axis field is 0.9 T, which provides sufficient separation of the electron beam and gamma rays at a distance of more than 90 mm from the magnet.Гальмівне випромінювання прискорених електронів, що проходять через конвертер, використовується для дослідження багаточастинкових фотоядерних реакцій. Наведено результати розрахунків чисельного моделювання, проєктування та випробування спеціальної системи магнітного очищення для отримання «чистого» пучка квантів гальмівного випромінювання при дослідженні перерізів таких реакцій на прискорювачі ЛУЕ-40. Система базується на основі наявних у продажу постійних магнітів прямокутного перерізу. Максимальне поле на осі становить 0,9 Тл, що забезпечує достатнє розділення електронного пучка й гамма-променів на відстані більше 90 мм від магніту.Тормозное излучение ускоренных электронов, прошедших конвертер, используется для изучения многочастичных фотоядерных реакций. Представлены результаты расчетов численного моделирования, проектирования и испытаний специальной системы магнитной очистки для получения «чистого» пучка тормозных квантов при исследовании сечений таких реакций на линейном ускорителе ЛУЭ-40. Система базируется на основе серийно выпускаемых постоянных магнитов прямоугольного сечения. Максимальное осевое поле составляет 0,9 Тл, что обеспечивает достаточное разделение электронного пучка и гамма-квантов на расстоянии более 90 мм от магнита

    Analysis of clinical and anatomical characteristics of the pedestrian accident under conditions of the city

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    Мета дослідження – визначити та верифікувати обсяг ушкодження у постраждалих внаслідок дорожньо-транспортної травми (ДТП) в умовах обласного міста. Висновки: 1. У постраждалих внаслідок ДТП в умовах обласного міста переважає поєднана травма (політравма) – 72,72 %. 2. Найбільшу питому вагу в масиві тих, що померли, має поєднання трьох АФД (23,53 %), а у масиві тих, що вижили – двох АФД 30,22 %. 3. Ознака участі в русі має суттєвий вплив на обсяг ушкоджень у постраждалих внаслідок ДТП, особливо це стосується пішоходів.The purpose of the study – to determine and verify the extent of damage in victims of traffic accidents (TA) under conditions of a regional city. Conclusions. 1. Combined trauma (polytrauma) prevails in road accident victims in the conditions of a regional city – 72.72 %. 2. The largest specific weight in the array of those who died is the combination of three AFA (23.53 %), and in the array of those who survived – two AFA 30.22 %. 3. The sign of participation in traffic has a significant impact on the amount of damage in road accident victims, especially for pedestrians

    Post-COVID syndrome: status of carbohydrate metabolism in patients with hypertension and stable ischemic heart disease

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    Background. Post-COVID syndrome is associated with a wide range of chronic symptoms or conditions. Coronavirus di­sease 2019 (COVID-19) causes metabolic disorders such as hyperglycemia, insulin resistance. Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) is associated with an impaired glucose tolerance and a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Currently, the study of molecules regulating carbohydrate metabolism as potential biomarkers of post-COVID syndrome and targets for therapeutic influence is relevant. The purpose of the study was to assess the level of IGF-1 and its relationship with regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, as well as the dynamics of the evaluated indicators under the influence of drug treatment in patients with hypertension and stable coronary heart disease who suffered from COVID-19. Materials and methods. Fifty-five patients who had a mild and moderate COVID-19 were included in the study; their average age was 55.87 [40; 75] years. The results of routine laboratory tests were registered and analyzed. The content of insulin and IGF-1 was assessed by enzyme immunoassay. The HOMA-IR was calculated. Results. In patients with a mode­rate COVID-19 compared to those with a mild one, a significant decrease in the level of IGF-1 (р = 0.008) was found against the background of increased reference values of glucose, insulin, and HOMA-IR (р < 0.01). The influence of the degree of hypertension on the IGF-1 level was revealed (р = 0.004). An inverse relationship between IGF-1 and glucose level was noted (r = –0.28, p = 0.034). The use of meldonium contributed to a significant decrease in glucose and insulin content (p < 0.001), and an increase in IGF-1. Against the background of taking meldonium, the dynamics of the shift towards a decrease in the HOMA-IR was more significant. Conclusions. An inverse relationship was found between IGF-1 and blood glucose, regardless of the level of insulin and HOMA-IR, in patients with hypertension and stable ischemic heart disease in the post-COVID period. Meldonium has been shown to improve carbohydrate metabolism by normalizing insulin levels and redu­cing the phenomena of insulin resistance as a potential drug target. Meldonium improved the clinical course of ischemic heart disease and demonstrated good tolerability and safety