57 research outputs found

    Detailed analysis of shake structures in the KLL Auger spectrum of H2S

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    Shake processes of different origin are identified in the KLL Auger spectrum of H2S with unprecedented detail. The KLL Auger spectrum is presented together with the S 1s−1 photoelectron spectrum including the S 1s−1V−1nλ and S 1s−12p−1nλ shake-up satellites with V−1 and nλ indicating a hole in the valence shell and an unoccupied molecular orbital, respectively. By using different photon energies between 2476 and 4150 eV to record the KLL Auger spectra two different shake-up processes responsible for the satellite lines are identified. The first process is a shake-up during the Auger decay of the S 1s−1 core hole and can be described by S 1s−1→2p−2V−1nλ. The second process is the Auger decay of the shake-up satellite in the ionization process leading to S 1s−1V−1nλ→2p−2V−1nλ transitions. By combining the results of photoelectron and Auger spectra the involved V−1nλ levels are assigned

    Postcollision interaction effects in KLL Auger spectra following argon 1s photoionization

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    Postcollision interaction effects on the Auger decay of a deep core hole are studied both experimentally and theoretically. KL2,3L2,3 decay spectra of the Ar 1s vacancy are measured with high-energy resolution with excess photon energies ranging from 0 to 200 eV above the ionization threshold. Interaction of the Auger electron with the photoelectron and the ion field manifests itself in the Auger spectra as a distortion of the energy distribution of the Auger electron close to threshold. Moreover, recapture of the photoelectron due to energy exchange is dominating in the low-photon-energy range above threshold. The experimental results are compared with calculations based on the semiclassical approach to the postcollision interaction. The energies of the discrete levels and individual recapture cross sections are computed in the Hartree-Fock approximation. Good agreement is found between the calculated and experimental spectra, validating the model used

    Auger resonant-Raman decay after Xe L-edge photoexcitation

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    We have investigated resonant Auger decay of xenon following photoexcitation of each of the three L edges under resonant-Raman conditions, which allowed us to characterize several higher Rydberg transitions. Relative intensities for spectator final states reached after L1−, L2−, and L3-edge excitations are studied in detail. Thanks to state-of-the-art experimental arrangements, our results not only reproduce the previously calculated 3d−25d and nd(n>5) state cross sections after L3 excitation, but also allow extracting the 3d−26d spectator state energy position and revealing its resonant behavior, blurred by the insufficient experimental resolution in previous data sets. The 3d−26p and 3d−27p states reached after L1 excitation as well as the 3d−25d and 3d−26d states reached after L2 excitation are also investigated and their relative intensities are reported and compared to ab initio Dirac-Hartree-Fock configuration-interaction calculations. We found the signature of electronic- state-lifetime interference effects between several coherently excited intermediate states, due to large lifetime broadening. Electron recapture processes are also identified above all three photoionization thresholds

    Selecting core-hole localization or delocalization in CS2 by photofragmentation dynamics.

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    Electronic core levels in molecules are highly localized around one atomic site. However, in single-photon ionization of symmetric molecules, the question of core-hole localization versus delocalization over two equivalent atoms has long been debated as the answer lies at the heart of quantum mechanics. Here, using a joint experimental and theoretical study of core-ionized carbon disulfide (CS2), we demonstrate that it is possible to experimentally select distinct molecular-fragmentation pathways in which the core hole can be considered as either localized on one sulfur atom or delocalized between two indistinguishable sulfur atoms. This feat is accomplished by measuring photoelectron angular distributions within the frame of the molecule, directly probing entanglement or disentanglement of quantum pathways as a function of how the molecule dissociates

    Argon as a showcase

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    Electronic-state–lifetime interference is a phenomenon specific for ionization of atoms and molecules in the hard-x-ray regime. Using resonant KL2,3L2,3 Auger decay in argon as a showcase, we present a model that allows extracting the interference terms directly from the cross sections of the final electronic states. The analysis provides fundamental information on the excitation and decay processes such as probabilities of various decay paths and the values of the dipole matrix elements for transitions to the excited states. Our results shed light on the interplay between spectator, shake-down, and shake-up processes in the relaxation of deep core-hole states

    Direct Observation of Double-Core-Hole Shake-Up States in Photoemission

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    Direct measurements of Ar+ 1s−12p−1nl double-core-hole shake-up states are reported using conventional single-channel photoemission, offering a new and relatively easy means to study such species. The high-quality results yield accurate energies and lifetimes of the double-core-hole states. Their photoemission spectrum also can be likened to 1s absorption of an exotic argon ion with a 2p core vacancy, providing new information about the spectroscopy of both this unusual ionic state as well as the neutral atom

    Detailed assignment of normal and resonant Auger spectra of Xe near the L edges

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    We present a comprehensive experimental and theoretical investigation on the LMM, LMN, and LNN normal Auger spectra of xenon, which reveal excellent agreement with theory when core-hole lifetimes of the two-hole final states are taken into account. Generally, the spectra turned out to be highly complex due to a strong overlap of the Auger transitions subsequent to 2s−11/2, 2p−11/2, and 2p−13/2 ionization. This overlap is due to the splitting of the three initial L core holes and the different final M and N core holes being on the same order of magnitude of several hundred eV. The Auger transitions are assigned in detail based on the theoretical results. Most of the MM, MN, and NN final states are described well based on jj coupling. In addition, we present a detailed assignment of the resonant LM45M45 Auger transition subsequent to the 2s→6p, 7p and 2p→5d, 6d excitations

    Эффективность методов менеджмента

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    Материалы XIII Междунар. науч. конф. студентов, магистрантов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, Гомель, 21–22 мая 2020 г

    Therapeutic and immunomodulatory activities of short-course treatment of murine visceral leishmaniasis with KALSOME™10, a new liposomal amphotericin B

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    Visceral leishmaniasis (VL), a potentially fatal disease, is most prevalent in the Indian subcontinent, East Africa and South America. Since the conventional antileishmanial drugs have many limitations we evaluated a new ergosterol rich liposomal amphotericin B formulation, KALSOME™10 for its leishmanicidal efficacy, tolerability and immunomodulatory activity. Normal healthy mice were treated with 3.5 mg/kg single and 7.5 mg/kg single and double doses ofKALSOME™10. Liver and kidney function tests were performed fourteen days after treatment. Next, normal mice were infected with Leishmania donovani amastigotes. Two months post infection they were treated with the above mentioned doses of KALSOME™10 and sacrificed one month after treatment for estimation of parasite burden in the liver and spleen by Limiting Dilution Assay. Leishmanial antigen stimulated splenocyte culture supernatants were collected for cytokine detection through ELISA. Flow cytometric studies were performed on normal animals treated with KALSOME™10, Amphotericin B (AmB) and AmBiosome to compare their immunomodulatory activities. The drug was found to induce no hepato- or nephrotoxicities at the studied doses. Moreover, at all doses, it led to significant reduction in parasite burden in two month infected BALB/c mice, with 7.5 mg/kg double dose resulting in almost complete clearance of parasites from both liver and spleen. Interestingly, the drug at 7.5 mg/kg double dose could almost completely inhibit the secretion of disease promoting cytokines, IL-10 and TGFβ, and significantly elevate the levels of IFNγ and IL-12, cytokines required for control of the disease. Mice treated with KALSOME™10 showed elevated levels of IFNγ and suppressed IL-10 secretion from both CD4+ and CD8+ subsets of T cells, as well as from culture supernatants of splenocytes, compared to that of normal, AmB and AmBisome treated animal Treatment of infected mice with 7.5 mg/kg double dose of KALSOME™10 was safe and effective in clearing the parasites from the sites of infection. The drug maintains the inherent immunomodulatory activities of AmB by effectively suppressing disease promoting cytokines IL-10 and TGFβ, thereby boosting IL-12 and IFNγ levels. This emphasizes KALSOME™10 as a promising drug alternative for lifelong protection from VL