575 research outputs found

    Rent indices for housing in West Germany 1985 to 1998

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    In several studies, hedonic methods have been used successfully for the ex post assessment of the accuracy of inflation measurement. Most of those studies relate to high-tech products, with respect to which traditional methods of compiling price indices often fail. We apply hedonic methods to rental housing services, which display less quality progress. However, as German households devote about 10 % of their total expenditure to rented housing services, even a small bias in this field might induce a substantial distortion in overall inflation measurement. On the basis of data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we perform a hedonic analysis of housing rents and compile different price indices. Overall, we conclude that there is some evidence of an understatement of rent inflation in the official rent index for West Germany at the beginning of the 1990s. -- Hedonische Methoden wurden in einer Reihe von Studien erfolgreich für die ex post Analyse der Genauigkeit der Inflationsmessung verwendet. Die meisten dieser Studien beziehen sich auf High-tech Produkte, bei denen traditionelle Methoden zur Berechnung von Preisindizes oftmals versagen. Wir wenden hedonische Methoden auf Mieten für Wohnungen an. Dort ist der Qualitätsfortschritt weniger stark. Da aber die privaten Haushalte in Deutschland rund 10 % ihres Budgets für Mieten ausgeben, könnte selbst eine kleine Verzerrung in diesem Bereich die Genauigkeit der Inflationsmessung insgesamt empfindlich stören. Auf Grundlage von Daten des Sozioökonomischen Panels schätzen wir hedonische Gleichungen für Wohnungsmieten und berechnen verschiedene Indizes. Insgesamt kommen wir zu dem Ergebnis, dass es in Westdeutschland Anfang der neunziger Jahre Hinweise auf eine Unterschätzung des Mietenanstiegs durch den offiziellen Mietenindex gab.Consumer Price Index,hedonics,housing,matched models

    Comparison of lip rounding in German and English Vowels

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    This paper describes an experiment which was designed and conducted to test three hypotheses: first, that German back vowels are more rounded than their English counterparts, second, that the degree or type of lip rounding of a given vowel or set of vowels varies with different consonantal contexts, and third, that German back vowels are more rounded than front rounded vowels. The results of the Analysis of Variance suggests strongly that the first claim is true. No contextual variation was detected. The results also give some indication that the third claim is true

    Rent indices for housing in West Germany 1985 to 1998

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    In several studies, hedonic methods have been used successfully for the ex post assessment of the accuracy of inflation measurement. Most of those studies relate to high-tech products, with respect to which traditional methods of compiling price indices often fail. We apply hedonic methods to rental housing services, which display less quality progress. However, as German households devote about 10 % of their total expenditure to rented housing services, even a small bias in this field might induce a substantial distortion in overall inflation measurement. On the basis of data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we perform a hedonic analysis of housing rents and compile different price indices. Overall, we conclude that there is some evidence of an understatement of rent inflation in the official rent index for West Germany at the beginning of the 1990s. JEL Classification: C21, C43, D12, E31

    Acute transverse myelitis and psoriasiform dermatitis associated with Sjoegren’s syndrome: a case report

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    BACKGROUND: Clinical complications of Sjoegren’s syndrome include myelitis and skin manifestations. There is scarce observational data and a lack of randomised controlled studies regarding the treatment of Sjoegren’s syndrome in the presence of such complications. CASE PRESENTATION: Here we report the case of a 41-year-old Caucasian female patient with biopsy-proven Sjoegren’s syndrome who initially presented with generalized exanthema and subsequently developed acute extensive transverse myelitis. In view of the rapid deterioration we opted for an intensive treatment using a combination of corticosteroid pulse therapy, plasmapheresis and cyclophosphamide, which we later changed to rituximab. Under that treatment the skin manifestations resolved entirely whereas transverse myelitis showed incomplete remission. CONCLUSION: Severe neurological and dermatological complications may occur in Sjoegren’s syndrome. This suggests a close yet currently unclear pathogenetic relationship. Intensive immunosuppressant treatment resulted in significant improvement of both symptom clusters. Skin manifestations may precede other severe complications in Sjoegren’s syndrome and therefore require particular attention


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    Considering the specificities and the implications of the narratives of three teachers, as well as the particularities of their pedagogical action in the light of the school context, in order to investigate evidence from the area of Natural Sciences in the midst of pedagogical practice, we sought to analyze, to reflect and to discuss the possibilities triggered by them for access to scientific culture to students since the beginning of the schooling process. Data were collected by observation and subsequent transcription in a logbook, beyond the application of a questionnaire analyzed in the qualitative bias of phenomenological-hermeneutic research. In this sense, it is pointed out that although there is a consensus regarding the importance of teaching Natural Sciences at the beginning of the schooling process, there is limited evidence of science both in the teachers' narrative and during the observation period of the classes. Is necessary that this discussion permeates the processes of initial and continuing teacher education, and that it be contemplated in an articulated manner to the BNCC. Considerando as especificidades e as implicações das narrativas de três professoras, bem como as particularidades da ação pedagógica destas à luz do contexto escolar, no intuito de averiguar indícios da área das Ciências da Natureza em meio à prática pedagógica, buscou-se analisar, refletir e discutir sobre as possibilidades desencadeadas por estas para o acesso à cultura científica aos alunos desde o início do processo de escolarização. Os dados foram coletados por meio da observação e posterior transcrição em um diário de bordo, além da aplicação de um questionário analisado no viés qualitativo da pesquisa fenomenológico-hermenêutica. Nesse sentido, pontua-se que apesar de haver um consenso em relação a importância do ensino de Ciências da Natureza no início do processo de escolarização, evidencia-se limitados indícios de Ciências tanto na narrativa das professoras quanto durante o período de observação das aulas. É necessário que esta discussão permeie os processos de formação de professores, e que a mesma seja contemplada de forma articulada à BNCC

    Evaluation of the double-tracer gas single-breath washout test in a pediatric field study.

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    BACKGROUND The early-life origins of chronic pulmonary diseases are thought to arise in peripheral small airways. Predictors of ventilation inhomogeneity, a proxy of peripheral airway function, are understudied in schoolchildren. RESEARCH QUESTION Is the double-tracer gas single-breath washout (DTG-SBW) measurement feasible in a pediatric field study setting? What are the predictors of the DTG-SBW derived ventilation inhomogeneity estimate in unselected schoolchildren? STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS In this prospective cross-sectional field study, a mobile lung function-testing unit visited participating schools in Switzerland. We applied DTG-SBW, fraction of exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO), and spirometry measurements. The DTG-SBW is based on tidal inhalation of helium (He) and sulfur-hexafluoride (SF6) and the phase III slope (SIIIHe-SF6) is derived. We assessed feasibility, repeatability, and associations of SIIIHe-SF6 with the potential predictors anthropometrics, presence of wheeze (i.e. parental report of ≥ 1 episode of wheeze in the prior year), FeNO, forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1), and FEV1/forced vital capacity (FVC). RESULTS In 1782 children, 5223 DTG-SBW trials were obtained. The DTG-SBW was acceptable in 1449 (81.3%) children, coefficient of variation was 39.8%. SIIIHe-SF6 was independently but weakly positively associated with age and BMI. In 276 (21.2%) children, wheeze was reported. SIIIHe-SF6 was higher by 0.049 g.mol.L-1 in children with wheeze as compared to those without and remained associated with wheeze after adjusting for age and BMI in a multi-variable linear regression model. SIIIHe-SF6 was not associated with FeNO, FEV1, and FEV1/FVC. INTERPRETATION The DTG-SBW is feasible in a pediatric field study setting. On the population level, age, body composition and wheeze are independent predictors of peripheral airway function in unselected schoolchildren. The variation of the DTG-SBW possibly constrains its current applicability on the individual level

    LuftiBus in the school (LUIS): a population-based study on respiratory health in schoolchildren.

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    Respiratory disease is common in children and strongly associated with lifestyle and environmental exposures. Thus, it is important to study the epidemiology locally. The LuftiBus in the School (LUIS) study was set up to assess the respiratory health of schoolchildren in the canton of Zurich, Switzerland. LUIS is a cross-sectional population-based study that was carried out 2013 to 2016. Children aged 6–17 years living in the canton of Zurich were eligible to participate. All schools in the canton were approached and the school head decided whether the school would participate and with which classes. Consenting parents answered a standardised questionnaire at home and assenting children completed a shorter questionnaire by interview at school. Trained technicians measured children’s lung function, including spirometry, double tracer gas single-breath washout (DTG-SBW) and fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO). Address histories of participants were geocoded to be linked with area-based socioeconomic measures and environmental exposures such as spatiotemporal air pollution estimates for specific time periods and locations. A subgroup was seen again 12 months later using the same procedures to collect longitudinal data. The study included 3870 children at baseline and 655 at the 1-year follow-up. Median age was 12.7 years; 281 (8%) had wheezed in the past year. At baseline we collected 3457 (89%) parental and 3546 (92%) child questionnaires, and 3393 (88%) FeNO, 3446 (89%) spirometry, and 1795 (46%) DTG-SBW measurements. LUIS is a rich resource of health-related data, with information on lung function, environmental exposures and respiratory health on Swiss schoolchildren

    Evaluation of the Double-Tracer Gas Single-Breath Washout Test in a Pediatric Field Study

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    BACKGROUND: The early life origins of chronic pulmonary diseases are thought to arise in peripheral small airways. Predictors of ventilation inhomogeneity, a proxy of peripheral airway function, are understudied in schoolchildren. RESEARCH QUESTION: Is the double-tracer gas single-breath washout (DTG-SBW) measurement feasible in a pediatric field study setting? What are the predictors of the DTG-SBWderived ventilation inhomogeneity estimate in unselected schoolchildren? STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: In this prospective cross-sectional field study, a mobile lung function testing unit visited participating schools in Switzerland. We applied DTG-SBW, fraction of exhaled nitric oxide (FENO), and spirometry measurements. The DTG-SBW is based on tidal inhalation of helium and sulfur-hexafluoride, and the phase III slope (SIIIHeSF6) is derived. We assessed feasibility, repeatability, and associations of SIIIHe-SF6 with the potential predictors of anthropometrics, presence of wheeze (ie, parental report of one or more episode of wheeze in the prior year), FENO, FEV1, and FEV1/FVC. RESULTS: In 1,782 children, 5,223 DTG-SBW trials were obtained. The DTG-SBW was acceptable in 1,449 children (81.3%); the coefficient of variation was 39.8%. SIIIHe-SF6 was independently but weakly positively associated with age and BMI. In 276 children (21.2%), wheeze was reported. SIIIHe-SF6 was higher by 0.049 g.mol.L-1 in children with wheeze compared with those without and remained associated with wheeze after adjusting for age and BMI in a multivariable linear regression model. SIIIHe-SF6 was not associated with FENO, FEV1, and FEV1/FVC. INTERPRETATION: The DTG-SBW is feasible in a pediatric field study setting. On the population level, age, body composition, and wheeze are independent predictors of peripheral airway function in unselected schoolchildren. The variation of the DTG-SBW possibly constrains its current applicability on the individual level

    Phenotypic covariance of longevity, immunity and stress resistance in the Caenorhabditis nematodes

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    Background \ud Ageing, immunity and stresstolerance are inherent characteristics of all organisms. In animals, these traits are regulated, at least in part, by forkhead transcription factors in response to upstream signals from the Insulin/Insulin– like growth factor signalling (IIS) pathway. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, these phenotypes are molecularly linked such that activation of the forkhead transcription factor DAF-16 both extends lifespan and simultaneously increases immunity and stress resistance. It is known that lifespan varies significantly among the Caenorhabditis species but, although DAF-16 signalling is highly conserved, it is unclear whether this phenotypic linkage occurs in other species. Here we investigate this phenotypic covariance by comparing longevity, stress resistance and immunity in four \ud Caenorhabditis species. \ud \ud Methodology/Principal Findings \ud We show using phenotypic analysis of DAF-16 influenced phenotypes that among four closely related Caenorhabditis nematodes, the gonochoristic species (Caenorhabditis remanei and Caenorhabditis brenneri) have diverged \ud significantly with a longer lifespan, improved stress resistance and higher immunity than the hermaphroditic species (C. elegans and Caenorhabditis briggsae). Interestingly, we also observe significant differences in expression levels between the daf-16 homologues in these species using Real-Time PCR, which positively correlate with the observed phenotypes. Finally, we provide additional evidence in support of a role for DAF-16 in regulating phenotypic coupling by using a combination of wildtype isolates, constitutively active daf-16 mutants and bioinformatic analysis. \ud \ud Conclusions \ud The gonochoristic species display a significantly longer lifespan (p < 0.0001)and more robust immune and stress response (p<0.0001, thermal stress; p<0.01, heavy metal stress; p<0.0001, pathogenic stress) than the hermaphroditic species. Our data suggests that divergence in DAF-16 mediated phenotypes may underlie many of the differences observed between these four species of Caenorhabditis nematodes. These findings are further supported by the correlative higher daf-16 expression levels among the gonochoristic species and significantly higher lifespan, immunity and stress tolerance in the constitutively active daf-16 hermaphroditic mutants
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