3,484 research outputs found

    Optimization and enhancement of H&E stained microscopical images by applying bilinear interpolation method on lab color mode

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    Background: Hematoxylin & Eosin (H&E) is a widely employed technique in pathology and histology to distinguish nuclei and cytoplasm in tissues by staining them in different colors. This procedure helps to ease the diagnosis by enhancing contrast through digital microscopes. However, microscopic digital images obtained from this technique usually suffer from uneven lighting, i.e. poor Koehler illumination. Several off-the-shelf methods particularly established to correct this problem along with some popular general commercial tools have been examined to find out a robust solution. Methods: First, the characteristics of uneven lighting in pathological images obtained from the H&E technique are revealed, and then how the quality of these images can be improved by employing bilinear interpolation based approach applied on the channels of Lab color mode is explored without losing any essential detail, especially for the color information of nuclei (hematoxylin stained sections). Second, an approach to enhance the nuclei details that are a fundamental part of diagnosis and crucially needed by the pathologists who work with digital images is demonstrated. Results: Merits of the proposed methodology are substantiated on sample microscopic images. The results show that the proposed methodology not only remedies the deficiencies of H&E microscopical images, but also enhances delicate details. Conclusions: Non-uniform illumination problems in H&E microscopical images can be corrected without compromising crucial details that are essential for revealing the features of tissue samples

    Kirjolohen DNA-merkkien sekä koko- ja fileominaisuuksien väliset yhteydet

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    Kirjolohi (Oncorhynchus mykiss) on tärkein Suomessa viljeltävä ruokakalalaji, jonka taloudellisen merkityksen vuoksi Riista- ja kalatalouden tutkimuslaitos ja Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus ylläpitävät kirjolohen valintajalostusohjelmaa (JALO-valintaohjelma). Kirjolohen jalostusarvostelussa on mukana kasvua, sukukypsyysikää, lihanväriä ja ulkomuotoa kuvaavia ominaisuuksia. Lisäksi valintaohjelmassa tarkkaillaan muotovirheiden yleisyyttä sekä kaihin esiintymistä jalostuspopulaatiossa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää löytyykö kirjolohelta kvantitatiivisen ominaisuuden lokuksia (QTL:ia) fileen väri - ja kalan koko-ominaisuuksille. Tutkimuksessa käytetty F2-polven aineisto koostui neljästä risteytysperheestä, joissa P-polven isät olivat amerikkalaista kantaa ja emät JALO-kantaa. QTL-kartoitusta käyttämällä pyrittiin selvittämään löytyykö kirjolohen ruumiinkoko- ja fileen väriominaisuuksista suurivaikutteisia lokuksia, joihin kytkeytyneiden DNA-merkkien avulla kalamateriaalia pystyttäisiin tulevaisuudessa parantamaan merkkiavusteisella valinnalla. Geneettisinä merkkeinä käytettiin useilta eri lohilajeilta löydettyjä mikrosatelliitteja. F2-polven yksilöiden tutkimuksessa käytetyt ominaisuudet mitattiin kolmannen kasvukauden jälkeen Tervossa syksyllä 2006. Tutkimukseen valittiin kuusi ominaisuutta, jotka voitiin jaotella kalan kokoon ja fileen väriin liittyviin ominaisuuksiin. Koko-ominaisuuksia olivat kalan pituus (mm), paino (g) ja filepaino (kahden fileen paino grammoina) ja fileen väriin liittyviä ominaisuuksia roche, valoisuutta kuvaava lave ja värikylläisyys eli cave. Roche-arvo kuvaa visuaalisesti roche-värikortilla määritettyä fileen väriä. Fileenvärin valoisuus ja värikylläisyys mitattiin kolmesti fileen kyljestä spektrofotometrillä ja lopullinen arvo muodostui kolmen mittauksen keskiarvosta. Mittaustuloksista poistettiin ennen QTL-analyysia sukupuolen, sukukypsyyden ja kaihin vaikutus. Tilastolliseen testaukseen käytettiin varianssianalyysia, jolla analysoitiin onko tutkittavissa ominaisuuksissa tietyn DNA-merkin eri genotyyppien välillä tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja. Jokaisessa tutkittavassa ominaisuudessa löydettiin useita suurivaikutteisia lokuksia, jotka alittivat tutkimuskohtaisesti valitun riskitason. Kalan kokoon vaikuttavia QTL-alueita, jotka vaikuttivat sekä pituuteen, painoon että filepainoon löydettiin yhdeksästä eri kytkentäryhmästä. Yhtään pelkästään pituuteen liittyvää suurivaikutteista lokusta ei havaittu, kuten ei myöskään pituuteen ja painoon tai pituuteen ja filepainoon liittyvää QTL:sta. Painoon ja filepainoon liittyviä QTL-alueita löydettiin kymmenestä kytkentäryhmästä. Filepaino oli kalan koko-ominaisuuksista ainoa, jolle löytyi pelkästään kyseiseen ominaisuuteen vaikuttavat QTL:t kahdesta kytkentäryhmästä. Fileen väriin vaikuttavia QTL-alueita löytyi useita. Viidestä kytkentäryhmästä löydettiin QTL, joka vaikutti sekä rocheen, fileen valoisuuteen että värikylläisyyteen. Rocheen ja valoisuuteen vaikuttavia QTL-alueita löydettiin kahdesta kytkentäryhmästä. Valoisuuteen ja värikylläisyyteen vaikuttava suurivaikutteinen lokus löydettiin yhdestä kytkentäryhmästä. Jokaiselle fileen värin muuttujista löydettiin vain kyseiseen ominaisuuteen vaikuttava QTL. Rochelle ja valoisuudelle löydettiin kummallekin yksi QTL ja värikylläisyydelle kaksi vain kyseiseen ominaisuuteen vaikuttavaa QTL:sta. Tämän tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella merkkiavusteisella valinnalla on mahdollista parantaa tutkimuksessa mukana olleita kalan kokoon – ja fileen väriin liittyviä ominaisuuksia, sillä näihin ominaisuuksiin kytkeytyneitä DNA-merkkejä voitaisiin käyttää yhtenä valintakriteerinä parhaiden jalostusyksilöiden valinnassa


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    In this study, it was analyzed whether teachers’ attitudes to education researches display any differences in terms of various variables. The purpose of this study is to identify attitudes of teachers to education researches which are the most important source of development in the area of education. In the study, the literature review design was used with the purpose of identifying the attitude of teachers to education researches. The study group of the study consists of 555 teachers selected through the convenience sampling method who work in schools affiliated with the Bitlis Provincial Directorate for National Education in 2021-2022 academic year. The Teacher Attitude Scale on Education Researches (TASER) developed by Yıldırım, İlhan, Şekerci and Sözbilir (2013) to collect data. The scale consists of 20 items in three sub-dimensions. The Cronbach Alpha value of the scale was found as .83. In the study, the SPSS 22 software was used in the analysis of numerical data. In line with the variables identified according to the results of the study, it was seen that teachers in general have a positive attitude to education researches

    Classroom Teachers’ Perception Levels On Flipped Learning

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    The process of education and training is one of the most affected and compelled fields to change by technology which changes and progresses every day. It cannot be expected for a uniform education that is stuck in certain patterns to meet the needs of the current age. In the recent years, the process of education has acquired a new format under the name flipped education with the influence of global factors and technological advancements. Flipped education has affected all its partakers and cause them to make changes. The aim of this study is to analyze the perception of classroom teachers, who are one of the most important partakers of education, of flipped learning in terms of various variables. With this purpose, a study group consisting of 306 classroom teachers who worked in primary schools affiliated with the Ministry of Education in the 2021- 2022 academic year were selected through the maximum variation sampling method. The data of the study were collected through the Flipped Learning Perception Scale developed by Erensayın (2019) which consists of four sub-dimensions as, teacher self-efficacy, technological competence, pedagogical competence, and technological-pedagogical competence. According to the results of the study, it was determined that there is a significant difference in favor of mostly male teachers in terms of gender; there is a significant difference in favor of teachers who have received flipped learning training in terms of training on flipped learning and that there is a significant difference between the teachers with the most seniority and teachers with medium level seniority in terms of professional seniority. No difference was found in terms of the grade level the teachers taught

    Access and utilization of agricultural knowledge and information by women dairy farmers: The case of Ada’a District, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia

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    Nevertheless, the significant role of women in dairy production, processing and marketing, so far no systematic study has been undertaken with regard to their access and utilization of knowledge and information and the factors influencing the same. Specifically the research attempts to answer four important questions: i).What is the sources of knowledge and information, inputs and services for women dairy farmers? ii) How far women dairy farmers are able to access and utilize the available knowledge and information? iii) What are the constraints and opportunities for creating enhanced knowledge and information flows amongst women dairy farmers? And iv) What are the factors influencing the access to and utilization of knowledge and information? Four stage sampling procedures were used in which both non-random and random sampling procedures were followed to stratify dairy production systems into peri-urban and rural systems, selection of two kebeles from each sub system and120 respondents. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected from primary and secondary source. The quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics like frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation, chi-square,t-test and F-test while persons’ correlation and multiple linear regression analysis, were used to test the magnitude of the relationship and influence between dependent and independent variables. The study has investigated that neighbors and friends, public institutions, NGOs, cooperative and private sector involved in the activities of knowledge and information dissemination, input supply and provision of services for smallholder dairy farmers. With regard to access and utilization of knowledge/information, variations were observe among the sub systems, where the majority or 92.31and 61.5% of rural producers belonged to low level of overall access and utilization, respectively. In the study area, opportunities like rapid urbanization and population increase, availability of services, strong linkage, favorable national policy, technological options and farmer’s willingness to pay exists for achieving productivity improvement and market-orientation in smallholder dairy systems. Furthermore, the research identified feed scarcity, poor breeding, veterinary and credit services and access to markets as supply-side constraints while high marketing costs, highly seasonal price fluctuations and safety and quality concerns are demand-side constraints. Extension participation, family education, Medias, innovation proneness and cosmpoliteness were also found to be significant in explaining dependent variables of access and utilization of dairy knowledge and information while livestock holding and distance from market had negative influence. In summary, in the context of Ada’a, provision of technical and advisory services on dairy production were not biased towards MHHs, rather the services are lacking for the livestock sub-sector in general and dairy in particular. Therefore, purposeful focus has to be given on knowledge and information sources by strengthening pluralistic advisory service delivery mechanism in a coordinated and networked way. In addition, by considering the significant explanatory variables, ensuring the transfer of knowledge and services towards smallholder dairy systems for improving access to and utilization of knowledge and information among women dairy farmers in the study area is important

    Investigations on the effects of carbon sources and pH on exo-polygalacturonase productions by aspergillus sojae

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Biotechnology, Izmir, 2013Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 59-62)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish an Englishxii, 73 leavesPectinases are a group of enzymes that are responsible for degredation of pectic substances. Pectinases are produced by many organisms including plants, bacteria and fungi. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different carbon sources and pH on pectinase production by a group of flamentous fungi. For this purpose, Aspergillus niger, Rhizopus oryzae ATCC 4858, Aspergillus sojae ATCC 2035 (A. sojae WT) and its mutant type Aspegillus sojae MT (A. sojae MT) grown in orange peel containing media were evaluated in terms of exo-polygalacturonase (exo-PG), pectin lyase (PL), pectin methyl esterase (PME), and also xylanase and cellulase activities. A. sojae WT and A. sojae MT were found to be as exo-PG producers. Maximum exo-PG activities were 47.84 U/ml and 108.02 U/ml, respectively. Exo-PG production by A. sojae WT and A. sojae MT was evaluated using the medium containing glucose, pectin, pectin/glucose, pectin/fructose and pectin/sucrose as substrate. Additional supply of glucose to the pectin media was found to be more effective than fructose or sucrose. The fermentations in which pH was not maintained, the use of glucose, pectin and pectin/glucose resulted in superior enzyme activities compared to ones obtained with other media compositions

    Self in Relation to the Concept of God in Risale-i Nur

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    This thesis presents a critical analysis on the self in relation to the concept of God in writings and discourse of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. He has lived between 1876-1960 as not only a religious scholar but also as an activist in Turkey. Another particular importance of this study is that Nursi’s ideas about the self in relation to the concept of God have been discussed together with mainstream western and Islamic thoughts. For Bediuzzaman Said Nursi a true understanding of the concept of self is essential to fulfil the true potential as an individual. Dynamic and ever changing structure of the self can be understood by anā which is a subjective tool acting as a unit of measure. In other words it is just an image (anā) on the mirror (nafs), which reflects and shows the Divine Names and Attributes. However if anā and nafs are not guided by Divine Revelation and Sunnah, they can easily claim to be the source and owner of what is reflected on the mirror. Bediuzzaman Said Nursi has a completely different understanding of the universe and the concept of self, compared to many of the western philosophers and thinkers. For him it is important to grasp the reality of things which may ultimately lead to a better understanding of the Divine (m‘arifah). And grasping the reality of things is only possible if one can obtain a stand point to reach out to the meaning of things in a domain not limited to his benefit only. According to him this is possible through a proper understanding of the concepts like nafs and anā

    Communicating Public Opinion in Post-Fact Politics: Biased Processing of Public Opinion Reports and Potential Journalistic Correctives

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    People rely on polls and other representations of public opinion in the media to update their political cognitions and behaviors. However, individuals’ preexisting beliefs can color how they perceive opinion reports, and lead them to cherry-pick evidence that is congenial when presented with multiple options. Such biases result in distorted perceptions of public opinion, declining trust in journalism, and political polarization. Moreover, in today’s unprecedentedly polarized and contentious information environment, individuals often encounter contradictory messages from digital data-journalism and numerical evidence is regularly critiqued, fact-checked, or debunked on reasonable or unreasonable grounds. In such a cacophonous context, individuals’ biases in information processing might amplify. Through three large national survey experiments and one smaller study, this dissertation examines how news consumers’ attributes, the content of opinion reports and patterns of media coverage can trigger or mitigate biases in public perceptions. In the first part, I document that individuals process reports of public opinion in biased ways - when they evaluate issue polls, election polls in competitive contexts, and diverse metrics of public opinion. I also show that their levels of knowledge and education moderate the extent of these biases. In the second part, I find that the corrective potential of three journalistic remedies to reduce these biases are minimal and contingent upon individuals’ education levels. I discuss implications for political polarization, trust in the press and representatives, and democratic politics at large.PHDCommunicationUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143952/1/okuru_1.pd