212 research outputs found

    Cultural Variation in Language and Conversation

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    Across cultures variation in the ways of speaking reflects important differences in beliefs, practices, values, and norms. These differences enter into the organization and systematic use of language at many levels in every community. Cultures vary along many dimensions; their ways of organizing groups, their ways of growing and distributing food, their beliefs and practices with regard to health and illness and so forth. Another major area in which cultures differ is their ways of speaking. It follows then, that when children are acquiring their language they are being spoken to and are learning to talk to others according to ways of speaking that reflect the beliefs and values of their particular speech community

    Inquiry Based Learning on Teaching Speaking to Students Second Semester of English Language Education

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    Ghe aims of this study to determine the implementation of inquiry based learning strategy in learning speaking on the materials speaking for specific purpose and analyze students' responses to the implementation of inquiry based learning strategy. This research is a type of field research, and the approach used is qualitative approach. The researcher obtained data by using the technique of observation checklist, questionnaires, and documentation. Then the researchers’ classified the data according to the identified problem. In addition, the data were compiled and then analyzed by using descriptive analysis method. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of inquiry based learning strategy in learning speaking can be implemented well in accordance with the existing concept. Implementation was done through the activities of students looking for or digging information about learning materials, teacher provide stimulus and motivation to students followed by giving questions to students by teachers. The next step teacher provide opportunities to students in turns to provide responses or practice a conversation have discussed by students in pairwork, and at the end of the lesson teacher provide learning conclusions and reinforcement of learning materials that have been implemented. Students’ response to the implementation of strategy inquiry based learning positive about the strategy applied in learning. It make student learning outcomes become increased

    Role Play in English Teaching for Economics Students at Unirow Tuban

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    This article explores the impact of role-play as a method for teaching English for Economics students. This article applied a qualitative method, covering the collection, analysis, and interpretation of comprehensive narrative and visual data in order to gain insights into a particular phenomenon of interest. The participants of this article were the second year Economics students of 2021-2022 academic year at Unirow Tuban, consisting of 10 students chosen from two classes using purposive sampling. The data of this research were collected through observation with simple protocol. The data were analysed using the grounded theory technique. The result of this research reveals the impacts of the role play activities, that is because it is interesting to do, and also allows the students to experience the environment of the case instead of just using their cognitive skills to analys


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    Abstrak ___________________________________________________________________ Kerusakan pada daging dapat disebabkan karena adanya benturan fisik, perubahan kimia, dan aktivitas mikroba. Empat jam setelah pemotongan, tanpa pengawet daging ayam mulai rusak. Tanaman belimbing wuluh memiliki banyak manfaat dari daun, buah bahkan batangnya. Kandungan flavonoid pada belimbing wuluh bekerja dengan cara merusak membran sitoplasma sehingga bakteri akan rusak dan mati. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perasan belimbing wuluh  (Averrhoa bilimbi L) dalam menghambat pertumbuhan angka kuman pada ayam potong segar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen murni dengan rancangan pre and post test with control. Peneliti memberikan perlakuan atau intervensi terhadap suatu variabel. Dari perlakuan tersebut diharapkan terjadi perubahan atau pengaruh terhadap variabel yang lain. Hasil penelitian ini menghasilkan rata-rata angka kuman pada kontrol 0, 2, 4, dan 6 jam adalah 1,1 × 109 CFU/gr ; 1,65 × 108 CFU/gr ; 1,69 × 108 CFU/gr ; 5,7 × 108  CFU/gr. Sedangkan rerata angka kuman pada daging ayam yang direndam dengan menggunakan variasi lama perendaman dengan menggunakan perasan belimbing wuluh dengan berbagai variasi lama perendaman pada 0, 2, 4, dan 6 jam sebesar 1,1 × 109 CFU/gr ; 7,4 × 107 CFU/gr  ; 8,5 ×108  CFU/gr ; 1,4 × 109 CFU/gr. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa perasan belimbing wuluh berpengaruh terhadap penurunan jumlah angka kuman pada waktu 2 jam perlakuan. Kata Kunci:  angka kuman, belimbing wuluh, daging ayam, flavonoid  Abstract Damage to meat can be caused due to physical impacts, chemical changes, and microbial activity. Four hours after cutting, without preservatives chicken meat begins to spoil. Star fruit plants have many benefits from leaves, fruits and even stems. The flavonoid content in star fruit works by damaging the cytoplasmic membrane so that bacteria will be damaged and die. The purpose of this study was to determine the squeeze of star fruit (Averrhoa bilimbi L) in inhibiting the growth of germ numbers in fresh cut chicken. This type of research is a pure experiment with pre and post test design with control. Researchers provide treatment or intervention on a variable. From this treatment, changes or influences on other variables are expected. The results of this study resulted in the average number of germs in 0, 2, 4, and 6-hour controls was 1.1 × 109 CFU / gr; 1.65 × 108 CFU/gr ; 1.69 × 108 CFU/gr ; 5.7 × 108 CFU/gr. While the average germ number in marinated chicken meat using variations in soaking time using star fruit juice with various variations in soaking time at 0, 2, 4, and 6 hours is 1.1 × 109 CFU / gr; 7.4 × 107 CFU/gr ; 8.5 ×108 CFU/gr ; 1.4 × 109 CFU/gr. So it can be concluded that star fruit juice has an effect on reducing the number of germs within 2 hours of treatment. © 20xx Universitas Abdurra

    Learning Strategy Used By The Efl Students In Learning Intermediate English Grammar At The Second Semester Of Unirow Tuban.

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    This research aims to find out the problems of learning English Grammar that confronted by the English department students, as well as the English grammar learning strategies of English department students. English grammar is the structure of expression in the English language, including the structure of words, phrases, clauses and sentence. Learning strategies are special ways of processing information that enhance comprehension, learning, or retention of the information. The method of this research was qualitative method. The data was taken from the field research in Ronggolawe University of Tuban, particularly in the 2nd semester of English department students of Teacher Training and Education Faculty. The subjects of this research were 23 students that purposively chosen by the researcher. The data collection technique that used was observation, questionnaire and interview techniques. The descriptive qualitative method used in presenting the result of data analysis. The 2nd semester of English department students confronted many problems in learning English grammar. Most of them had problems such as tenses and its application into sentences, also the other grammar rules (e.g. preposition, auxiliary, modal). Not only the materials in basic grammar, but the students also had problems in applying English grammar to the four language skills, listening, reading, speaking and writing. Most of students applied English grammar learning strategies both direct and indirect strategies to help them learn English grammar in effective and efficient ways, even it could be a way to minimize their learning problems. By using the English grammar learning strategies, the students could improve their English grammar competencies and applied it into the four language skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing) better than before. Thus, it would be better for the students to keep their English grammar learning strategies going on, even if they could find the other learning strategies which appropriate for the them and the materials. The lecturers must be aware of the students‟ problems in learning English grammar, they should evaluate and update their learning methods and collaborate with their students to living their English grammar class


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    Sastra merupakan hal yang menarik bagi sebagian orang dan banyak diminati oleh banyak orang. Sastra komparatif adalah perbandingan antara satu karya sastra dengan karya sastra lainnya yang bertujuan untuk menemukan perbedaan, persamaan, atau kesatuan antara satu karya sastra dengan karya sastra lainnya. Cerita rakyat merupakan cerita tradisional dari masyarakat terdahulu yang mengandung nilai-nilai moral, agama, sosial, dan lain-lain yang berkembang dari mulut ke mulut dari generasi ke generasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apa saja perbandingan perbedaan dan persamaan yang ada pada cerita rakyat Timun Mas dan Momotaro. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif karena data yang dikumpulkan berupa kata atau kalimat, kemudian menafsirkannya. Data kualitatif dengan deskripsi yang dapat diamati dan tidak terukur, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan kepada pembaca bahwa terdapat beberapa persamaan dan perbedaan fungsi, unsur budaya, dan struktur cerita Timun Mas dan Momotaro. Peneliti berharap penelitian ini dapat bermanfaat untuk pembaca dalam melakukan studi perbandingan selanjutnya. &nbsp


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    This study aims at showing the search for individual identity in August Rush movie by using psychological approach. The objectives of this study are analyzing the movie based on its structural elements and analyzing the movie based on the psychological approach. This research is qualitative research. The types of data of the study are text and image taken from two data sources: primary and secondary. The primary data source is the August Rush movie directed by Kristen Sheridan released in 2007. While the secondary data sources are other materials taken from books, journals, articles, and internet related to the study. Both data are collected through library research and analyzed by descriptive analysis. The study comes to the following conclusions. First, based on the structural analysis, it shows that the character and characterization, casting, plot, setting, point of view, theme, mise-en-scene, cinematography, sound, and editing are related to each other and form a good unity of movie. Second, based on the psychological analysis, it suggests that personal trait helps one find his or her individual identity

    Kerjasama Luar Negeri oleh Pemerintah Daerah di Era Otonomi Daerah (Studi pada Pemkab Malang)

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    In this era of globalization the implementation of regional autonomy can not be separatedfrom the context of Indonesias relationship with international actors both at the state level (state)and non-state (non-state). Currently local governments both at the provincial and district / city hasbeen carrying out foreign cooperation for the promotion of social development, economic, andcultural. Although foreign relations is a central government, local governments inevitably have toface the process of liberalization of flows of goods, services, capital, and labor with all its implicationsfor Indonesias foreign policy.Based on Law No.32/2004 on local government, the government was given the opportunity tocooperate with third parties in providing public services. Currently local governments are requiredto respond to the challenges and opportunities offered by the international community in variousfields. Their responses could affect the overall course of building foreign relations and diplomacyIndonesia in terms of positive and negative. In a positive foreign relations conducted by the localgovernment can support the policy of the central government in a negative relationship but it canalso bring harm to the people of Indonesia through the process of exploitation due to the position ofinequality and lack of coordination among government agencies. It is this that drives the researchersto investigate further on how development cooperation abroad undertaken by the government ofMalang regency in this era of regional autonomy, given that Malang Regency has the potential ofnatural resources are very abundant

    Pendekatan Intermestik Dalam Proses Perubahan Kebijakan: Sebuah Review Metodologis

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    PENDEKATAN INTERMESTIK DALAM PROSES PERUBAHAN KEBIJAKAN:SEBUAH REVIEW METODOLOGISDyah Estu Kurniawati11 Dosen Jurusan Ilmu Hubungan Internasional FISIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, sedang menempuhProgram Doktor di Program Studi Ilmu Politik Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.AbstractThere are three main approaches in the policy change process study; domestic approach, Internationalapproach, and transnational approach. The advantage of domestic approach is that it can map the domesticactors and their motivational interests to change policy. For International approach, the policy change is seenas the interests of International actors who want a change of policy, either by pressing or provide preferencesthat can be chosen voluntarily by the state. In contrast to both, they did not consider about the ideas,knowledge, or discourse which could involve cross-border (transnational) in the policy change process.This paper aims to review the methodology of the three approaches and tries to introduce a newapproach called intermestic. This approach is useful to analyze the process of policy change in the globalizationera that is "borderless", by combining logical thinking of the three previous approaches

    Intervensi Negara Dan Pendekatan Pro Pasar Dalam Pembangunan : Sebuah Analisis Kritis Terhadap Tesis Bank Dunia

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    This article explore about the lesson from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan experiences as the countries, based on the World Bank Thesis, going to be a successful development model but actually they are not neutral, state does not take pro-market approach for development. They do not practice a integration with the world economy on their fasting growth. State playing important roles and followed by effectiveindustrial policy. The government dose not replace the market fully like Soviet Union, but does not following the market. The weakness of World bank thesis of pro-market approach is less attention to the idea that government have the different capacity to make sure the market mechanism
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