1,455 research outputs found

    Magneto Hydro Dynamic two fluid flow of blood through stenosed artery

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    When blood flow through artery, the two-phase nature of blood as a suspension becomes  important as the diameter of the red blood cell (RBC) becomes comparable to the tube diameter. The aim of the present study  is to analyzed the effect of magnetic field on the plug flow region, shear stress in the core and plasma layer in two-fluid flow of blood through stenosed artery. Besides magnetic field, the effect of Womersley parameter, thickness of stenosis and width of plasma layer are also discussed. Generated data are analyzed and discussed through graphs

    Dynamic Cross Interaction Effect Piles

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    Performance study of a machine foundation for 11,000 cpm, high speed, synthesis gas compressor has been carried out to verify the maximum amplitudes of vibrations determined from the dynamic analysis. The frame type concrete foundation rests on a group of concrete piles. The concrete piles are of 0.45 m dia, 17 m long, driven cast-in-situ. The paper reports the difference in the observed and computed amplitudes which may be due to the interaction of the neighbouring foundation on which the another compressor is running simultaneously

    Conceptual Service Level Agreement Mechanism to Minimize the SLA Violation with SLA Negotiation Process in Cloud Computing Environment

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    تُستخدم الخدمة عبر الإنترنت لتكون بمثابة الدفع لكل استخدام في الحوسبة السحابية. لا يحتاج مستخدم الخدمة إلى عقد طويل مع مزودي الخدمات السحابية. اتفاقية مستوى الخدمة (SLAs) هي تفاهمات تم تحديدها بين مزودي الخدمة السحابية وغيرهم ، على سبيل المثال ، مستخدم الخدمة أو المشغل الوسيط أو المشغلين المراقبين. نظرًا لأن الحوسبة السحابية هي تقنية مستمرة تقدم العديد من الخدمات لتطبيقات الأعمال الأساسية وأنظمة قابلة للتكيف لإدارة الاتفاقيات عبر الإنترنت تعتبر مهمة تحافظ على اتفاقية مستوى الخدمةو جودة الخدمة لمستخدم السحابة. إذا فشل مزود الخدمة في الحفاظ على الخدمة المطلوبة ، فإن اتفاقية مستوى الخدمة تعتبر انتهاكًا لاتفاقية مستوى الخدمة. الهدف الرئيسي هو تقليل انتهاكات اتفاقية مستوى الخدمة (SLA) للحفاظ على جودة الخدمة لمستخدمي السحابة. في هذه المقالة البحثية ، اقترحنا صندوق أدوات للمساعدة في إجراء تبادل اتفاقية مستوى الخدمة مع مزودي الخدمة والذي سيمكن العميل السحابي من الإشارة إلى متطلبات جودة الخدمة واقترح خوارزمية بالإضافة إلى نموذج التفاوض من اجل التفاوض على الطلب مع الخدمة لمقدمي الخدمة لإنتاج اتفاقية أفضل بين مقدم الخدمة ومستهلك الخدمة السحابية. وبالتالي ، يمكن للإطار الذي تمت مناقشته تقليل انتهاكات اتفاقية مستوى الخدمة وكذلك خيبات الأمل في المفاوضات وتوسيع نطاق كفاية التكلفة. علاوة على ذلك ، فإن مجموعة أدوات اتفاقية مستوى الخدمة المقترحة منتجة بشكل إضافي للعملاء حتى يتمكن العملاء من تأمين سداد قيمة معقولة مقابل تقليل جودة الخدمة أو وقت التنازل. يوضح هذا البحث أنه يمكن الحفاظ على مستوى الضمان في موفري الخدمات السحابية من خلال نقل الخدمات دون انقطاع من منظور العميل.Online service is used to be as Pay-Per-Use in Cloud computing. Service user need not be in a long time contract with cloud service providers. Service level agreements (SLAs) are understandings marked between a cloud service providers and others, for example, a service user, intermediary operator, or observing operators. Since cloud computing is an ongoing technology giving numerous services to basic business applications and adaptable systems to manage online agreements are significant. SLA maintains the quality-of-service to the cloud user. If service provider fails to maintain the required service SLA is considered to be SLA violated. The main aim is to minimize the SLA violations for maintain the QoS of their cloud users. In this research article, a toolbox is proposed to help the procedure of exchanging of a SLA with the service providers that will enable the cloud client in indicating service quality demands and an algorithm as well as Negotiation model is also proposed to negotiate the request with the service providers to produce a better agreement between service provider and cloud service consumer. Subsequently, the discussed framework can reduce SLA violations as well as negotiation disappointments and have expanded cost-adequacy. Moreover, the suggested SLA toolkit is additionally productive to clients so clients can secure a sensible value repayment for diminished QoS or conceding time. This research shows the assurance level in the cloud service providers can be kept up by as yet conveying the services with no interruption from the client's perspectiv

    China’s SAARC Membership: The Debate

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    South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) has been in existence for 29 years, but has made slow progress. Despite this, many countries within and outside the region aspire to be part of this forum. As a result, SAARC is the only association in the world, which has more observer members (nine), than full-fledged members (eight). China is presently the observer member in SAARC, and working towards enhancing its roleto“dialogue partner” and later on obtaining the full membership. However,China’s SAARC membership is widely debated. In this context, the paper attempts to analyse the arguments in favour and against China’s membershipand examines India’s position and concerns vis-à-vis China’s elevated role in SAARC. Subsequently, it identifies and discusses the factors favouring China to become a full fledge member of SAARC. This paper concludes thatChina’s SAARC membership might become inevitable at some time in the future. However, the question is – can India intelligently and sophisticatedly play its cards to advance its own interests

    China’s Footprints in Maldives: Concern for India?

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    China has, in the recent decades, has consolidated its interests in the South Asian region. This change in China‟s foreign policy, from a focus on the North-East and South-East Asia, hints at an attempt to sustain China‟s own peaceful rise. India, on the other hand, has emphasised on a „Look East‟ foreign policy in the recent times. Both India and China share an important diplomatic relationship with Maldives. However, China‟s growing influence in Maldives might be a serious strategicconcern to India. This article is an exploratory study of the relationship that China shares with Maldives and its implications to India

    Development of Phenotypic Drug Discovery Models for Tropical Parasitic Diseases

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    Malaria and visceral leishmaniasis are major killer parasitic diseases. These diseases though occur primarily in tropical countries; economic burden and overall health impacts of malaria and leishmaniasis are global. The emergence of drug-resistant and more-virulent strains of the pathogens has further amplified the problems. New drug discovery approaches primarily rely on in vitro and in vivo models of the disease. The pathogens causing leishmaniasis and malaria are intracellular. Leishmania parasite grows as amastigotes in macrophages cells, and malaria parasite grows within the hepatocytes or erythrocytes. The intracellular forms of the pathogens are responsible for the pathophysiology of the diseases. New phenotypic cell-based models have been developed for leishmaniasis and malaria, those have been employed for in vitro/in vivo screening for new drug discovery. A parasite-rescue and transformation assay was developed for macrophage-internalized Leishmania donovani amastigotes. The assay has been applied for high-throughput screening of a library of plants’ fractions. Two fluorescent transgenic cell lines of L. donovani were developed with mCherry and Citrine reporter genes by stable transfection approach. The transgenic cell lines have shown stable and constitutive expression of the fluorescent reporter proteins. The in vitro screening methods were developed with the transgenic leishmania cells employing flow-cytometric and fluorescent microscopy analyses. Analysis of parasitemia and intra-erythrocytic growth of the parasite are hallmarks of malaria research. A flow-cytometric assay, based on staining of the malaria parasites with LDS-751, a fluorescent cell-permeant nucleic acid stain, was developed for parasitemia analysis. Staining of malaria-infected RBCs may be performed directly without additional processing. Selective staining of malaria-infected erythrocytes by LDS-751 was confirmed with fluorescent microscopy. The method has been applied for flow-cytometric analysis of parasitemia in mice blood infected with Plasmodium berghei and human blood infected with P. falciparum. The utility of this developed method was established for both in vitro and in vivo antimalarial drug screenings. Establishment of the new phenotypic assay will expedite the process of new drug discovery against the tropical parasitic diseases. These assays would also have utility for understanding biology, virulence, and pathogenesis of malaria and leishmania pathogens

    Decision Table Formulation of The 1969 Aisc Specification

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    The American Institute of Steel Constructio

    Contradiction between the blasphemy laws in Islamic nations and the international human rights law

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    This thesis explores the contradiction between blasphemy laws and international human rights law. Blasphemy laws, which involve insulting or showing disrespect towards God, have gathered significant controversy due to their tendency to curtail freedom of speech in the interest of protecting religious beliefs. Among the 71 countries that recognize blasphemy laws in their legal systems, Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey were analyzed thoroughly in the thesis. The laws in Iran and Pakistan have severe punishments for blasphemy, while Turkey's laws were less harsh and later repealed due to the concern of violation of human rights. The research explores how freedom of opinion and freedom of expression are interconnected while observing their interaction between blasphemy laws. The findings suggest that freedom of expression is not an absolute right and may be restricted under certain circumstances. However, international law also protects the right to freedom of religion, which should not be subjected to insults or contempt. The thesis further scrutinizes the responsibility to prohibit incitement to discrimination, hostility, and violence under the ICCPR. Based on these considerations, the conclusion of the thesis is that blasphemy laws should not infringe international human rights standards specifically freedom of expression, except when they come under the ambit of Article 20(2) of the ICCPR. However, there is a possibility for blasphemy laws to be modified under Article 19(3) of the ICCPR, provided that they meet the requirements of necessity, proportionality, and prescription by law. This study contributes to a nuanced understanding of the tension between blasphemy laws and international human rights. It highlights the need for careful consideration of both rights in legal and policy decisions, and emphasizes the importance of respecting the rights of individuals to freely express themselves while also recognizing the significance of protecting religious beliefs. Moreover, this research shows that blasphemy laws are not only a legal issue but a social and cultural one. It is necessary to have open and respectful dialogue between different groups with varying beliefs to reduce the prevalence of blasphemy laws in the legal systems around the world. In conclusion, this thesis suggests that there needs to be a balance between protecting religious beliefs international human right law standards. A practical solution would be to amend blasphemy laws while meeting the necessary conditions under international human rights law

    Corporate Social Responsibility Practices by Paradeep Phosphates Limited (PPL): An Analysis

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    Purpose: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an integral part of a corporate sector. It means Commitment of the business undertaking for equitable growth and sustainable development of society. CSR is a business strategy act as driver for a corporate sector to contribute some things return to the society. This research paper is a careful attempt to analyse and evaluate the CSR practices of Paradeep phosphates limited (PPL) in Odisha. Design/Methodology: For the research purpose PPL is one of the largest private sector fertilizer companies in odisha is selected. It’s simple reason is that PPL is the friend of farmers. Farmers development would mean nations development. Doubling the farmer’s Income is the national goal of Country which is to be achieved with the support of PPL directly or indirectly. Data in this research has been Collected from annual Reports, SDGS reports, web site, director’s Reports, CSR reports of Paradeep phosphates limited. Appropriate Statistical tools & technique (mean, SD, Correlation Charts & Graphs etc) have been used. Findings: The outcomes of this research study Provides an insight about the CSR Practices and CSR fund allocation and CSR fund utilization as percentage of average profit of PPL. Research, practical and social implication: The study of CSR practice is a vibrant issue in India since many years back for Sustainable development of the society. The present research is of Value to the researcher and Practitioner of Corporate Social Responsibility. The research study I hope immensely helpful in guiding, regulating, and conducting in CSR Practices of all sectors of companies as well as researchers in national and international level. Research limitation: The Present research study is based on one Private sector manufacturing undertaking namely Paradeep Phosphates Limited (PPL) Originality/value: The research article is based on secondary data. Researcher tries to Collect all these information and analyse these observations with using appropriate tools to make its reality in mind of Practitioner, thinkers, policymakers and users of sustainable development of society

    A policy impact evaluation of the regional cooperation agreement on combating piracy and armed robbery against ships in Asia

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