46 research outputs found

    Effect of a dummy on passerine behaviour in playback experiments

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    Playback experiment is a frequently used method for the scientific research of the bird song and its functions. A recording of vocalization is played in the territory of the tested male, and its responses are observed. Majority of the studies using playback recordings presents only the acoustic stimulus. Sometimes a dummy is also used to provide a visual stimulus. This review focuses on the effects of the dummy on the passerine behavior in the playback experiments. In the first part a comparison is made within the groups of experiments with the same field of interest. The main questions are: how often is a dummy used in these types of experiments, how do designs and results differ depending on its presence/absence and, if possible, how do researchers evaluate its use. Subsequently, I tried to compare experiments with and without dummy within same species, but because of the differences of the experimental designs and the differences in forms of presentation the results, which were often not comparable, it was difficult to make clear conclusions. Next part analyses the few available studies where both trials with and without a dummy were performed on the same individuals. The review shows that the dummy allows tested males to express additional behavioural patterns, which can be noted by the...Pro zkoumání ptačího zpěvu a jeho funkcí se hojně využívá playbackových experimentů, při kterých je testovanému jedinci přehrávána nahrávka vokalizace a sleduje se jeho reakce. Většina studií používajích playback prezentuje pouze akustický stimul. Někdy se však připojuje také atrapa představující stimul vizuální. Tato literární rešerše se zabývá otázkou, zda a případně jak může přítomnost atrapy ovlivnit chování pěvců. V první části je podle zaměření vybráno několik skupin experimentů. V nich je pak porovnáváno, jak často se v daném typu experimentu atrapa používá, jak se v závislosti na její přítomnosti liší design a zejména výsledky pokusů a co o jejím použití soudí sami autoři. Následuje pokus o porovnání v rámci druhů, avšak kvůli rozličnosti experimentálních přístupů a prezentování výsledků v odlišných, často neporovnatelných fromách, nebylo možné předložit ucelené výsledky. Dále jsou rozebírány spíše ojedinělé studie, kde byly pokusy s atrapou a bez atrapy provedeny na stejných jedincích. Z rešerše vyplývá, že atrapa samcům často umožňuje projevit další vzorce chování, které mohou výzkumníci sledovat, a může tak zpřesnit vyhodnocení síly reakce. Při výzkumu agresivních signálů je pro ověření jejich spolehlivosti přítomnost atrapy nezbytná. S atrapou jsou podmínky přirozenější, avšak zvyšuje...Katedra ekologieDepartment of EcologyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Phytotoxicological tests - applications of foils based on graphene (graphene oxide)

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    This paper discusses the problematics of phytotoxicity of chemicals. It mainly focuses on the phytotoxicity of nanomaterials made of graphene. It describes phytotoxicological tests performed with foils from materials belonging to the graphene family. It also describes testing the influence of plants on these films. Furthermore, the paper discusses the issues of mutual influence between plants and tested nanomaterials

    Nanotextiles - materials suitable for respiratory tract protection but a source of nano- and microplastic particles in the environment

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    The paper deals with the formation of nanomaterials (nanoparticles and nanofibers) in the manufacture and use of respiratory protective equipment. It focuses mainly on processes leading to the release of nanoplastics into the workplace and the environment. Based on selected properties of materials used for the manufacture of protective equipment, their stability in the environment is revealed. The paper demonstrates the impact on the environment considering semichronic phytotoxicity of nanoplastics.Web of Science151534

    Effect of a dummy on passerine behaviour in playback experiments

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    Playback experiment is a frequently used method for the scientific research of the bird song and its functions. A recording of vocalization is played in the territory of the tested male, and its responses are observed. Majority of the studies using playback recordings presents only the acoustic stimulus. Sometimes a dummy is also used to provide a visual stimulus. This review focuses on the effects of the dummy on the passerine behavior in the playback experiments. In the first part a comparison is made within the groups of experiments with the same field of interest. The main questions are: how often is a dummy used in these types of experiments, how do designs and results differ depending on its presence/absence and, if possible, how do researchers evaluate its use. Subsequently, I tried to compare experiments with and without dummy within same species, but because of the differences of the experimental designs and the differences in forms of presentation the results, which were often not comparable, it was difficult to make clear conclusions. Next part analyses the few available studies where both trials with and without a dummy were performed on the same individuals. The review shows that the dummy allows tested males to express additional behavioural patterns, which can be noted by the..

    Belief in Angels - reserch among students VOŠ Jabok a PSP ETF

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    JabokJabokProtestant Theological FacultyEvangelická teologická fakult

    Zneužití vybraných biologických agens ke kriminálnímu činu

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    Import 11/11/2010Prezenční030 - Katedra požární ochranyvyhově

    Effect of a dummy on behaviour of Yellowhammer and Chiffchaff males in playback experiments

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    A playback experiment in which a recording of vocalization is played to the tested subject and its response is observed, is a widely used tool for examining bird song and its functions. Most often only acoustic stimulus is used, but sometimes a visual stimulus is also provided in the form of a dummy. Taxidermic mounts or models made from different materials are used as the dummy. It is discussed among researchers, whether it is or is not necessary to use a dummy in experiments and how does its presence affect behavior of the tested individuals. However, only few studies directly focus on this issue and test the effect of dummies. The best way to test the effects of a dummy on passerines in playback experiments is to test the same individuals in both situations (with a dummy and without a dummy) and compare the reactions. The aim of this theses was to perform such experiments on Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita) and Yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella) males and to find out whether they would behave similarly in both variants of the experiment, or if their reaction would be enhanced in the presence of a dummy. Chiffchaffs reacted significantly more aggressively in the dummy experiment. The biggest difference was time spent by attacking the dummy and staying close to it. In Yellowhammers, the dummy..